17 package intstr
19 import (
20 "encoding/json"
21 "reflect"
22 "testing"
24 "sigs.k8s.io/yaml"
25 )
27 func TestFromInt(t *testing.T) {
28 i := FromInt(93)
29 if i.Type != Int || i.IntVal != 93 {
30 t.Errorf("Expected IntVal=93, got %+v", i)
31 }
32 }
34 func TestFromInt32(t *testing.T) {
35 i := FromInt32(93)
36 if i.Type != Int || i.IntVal != 93 {
37 t.Errorf("Expected IntVal=93, got %+v", i)
38 }
39 }
41 func TestFromString(t *testing.T) {
42 i := FromString("76")
43 if i.Type != String || i.StrVal != "76" {
44 t.Errorf("Expected StrVal=\"76\", got %+v", i)
45 }
46 }
48 type IntOrStringHolder struct {
49 IOrS IntOrString `json:"val"`
50 }
52 func TestIntOrStringUnmarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
53 cases := []struct {
54 input string
55 result IntOrString
56 }{
57 {"{\"val\": 123}", FromInt32(123)},
58 {"{\"val\": \"123\"}", FromString("123")},
59 }
61 for _, c := range cases {
62 var result IntOrStringHolder
63 if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(c.input), &result); err != nil {
64 t.Errorf("Failed to unmarshal input '%v': %v", c.input, err)
65 }
66 if result.IOrS != c.result {
67 t.Errorf("Failed to unmarshal input '%v': expected %+v, got %+v", c.input, c.result, result)
68 }
69 }
70 }
72 func TestIntOrStringMarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
73 cases := []struct {
74 input IntOrString
75 result string
76 }{
77 {FromInt32(123), "{\"val\":123}"},
78 {FromString("123"), "{\"val\":\"123\"}"},
79 }
81 for _, c := range cases {
82 input := IntOrStringHolder{c.input}
83 result, err := json.Marshal(&input)
84 if err != nil {
85 t.Errorf("Failed to marshal input '%v': %v", input, err)
86 }
87 if string(result) != c.result {
88 t.Errorf("Failed to marshal input '%v': expected: %+v, got %q", input, c.result, string(result))
89 }
90 }
91 }
93 func TestIntOrStringMarshalJSONUnmarshalYAML(t *testing.T) {
94 cases := []struct {
95 input IntOrString
96 }{
97 {FromInt32(123)},
98 {FromString("123")},
99 }
101 for _, c := range cases {
102 input := IntOrStringHolder{c.input}
103 jsonMarshalled, err := json.Marshal(&input)
104 if err != nil {
105 t.Errorf("1: Failed to marshal input: '%v': %v", input, err)
106 }
108 var result IntOrStringHolder
109 err = yaml.Unmarshal(jsonMarshalled, &result)
110 if err != nil {
111 t.Errorf("2: Failed to unmarshal '%+v': %v", string(jsonMarshalled), err)
112 }
114 if !reflect.DeepEqual(input, result) {
115 t.Errorf("3: Failed to marshal input '%+v': got %+v", input, result)
116 }
117 }
118 }
120 func TestGetIntFromIntOrString(t *testing.T) {
121 tests := []struct {
122 input IntOrString
123 expectErr bool
124 expectVal int
125 expectPerc bool
126 }{
127 {
128 input: FromInt32(200),
129 expectErr: false,
130 expectVal: 200,
131 expectPerc: false,
132 },
133 {
134 input: FromString("200"),
135 expectErr: true,
136 expectPerc: false,
137 },
138 {
139 input: FromString("30%0"),
140 expectErr: true,
141 expectPerc: false,
142 },
143 {
144 input: FromString("40%"),
145 expectErr: false,
146 expectVal: 40,
147 expectPerc: true,
148 },
149 {
150 input: FromString("%"),
151 expectErr: true,
152 expectPerc: false,
153 },
154 {
155 input: FromString("a%"),
156 expectErr: true,
157 expectPerc: false,
158 },
159 {
160 input: FromString("a"),
161 expectErr: true,
162 expectPerc: false,
163 },
164 {
165 input: FromString("40#"),
166 expectErr: true,
167 expectPerc: false,
168 },
169 {
170 input: FromString("40%%"),
171 expectErr: true,
172 expectPerc: false,
173 },
174 }
175 for _, test := range tests {
176 t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
177 value, isPercent, err := getIntOrPercentValueSafely(&test.input)
178 if test.expectVal != value {
179 t.Fatalf("expected value does not match, expected: %d, got: %d", test.expectVal, value)
180 }
181 if test.expectPerc != isPercent {
182 t.Fatalf("expected percent does not match, expected: %t, got: %t", test.expectPerc, isPercent)
183 }
184 if test.expectErr != (err != nil) {
185 t.Fatalf("expected error does not match, expected error: %v, got: %v", test.expectErr, err)
186 }
187 })
188 }
190 }
192 func TestGetIntFromIntOrPercent(t *testing.T) {
193 tests := []struct {
194 input IntOrString
195 total int
196 roundUp bool
197 expectErr bool
198 expectVal int
199 }{
200 {
201 input: FromInt32(123),
202 expectErr: false,
203 expectVal: 123,
204 },
205 {
206 input: FromString("90%"),
207 total: 100,
208 roundUp: true,
209 expectErr: false,
210 expectVal: 90,
211 },
212 {
213 input: FromString("90%"),
214 total: 95,
215 roundUp: true,
216 expectErr: false,
217 expectVal: 86,
218 },
219 {
220 input: FromString("90%"),
221 total: 95,
222 roundUp: false,
223 expectErr: false,
224 expectVal: 85,
225 },
226 {
227 input: FromString("%"),
228 expectErr: true,
229 },
230 {
231 input: FromString("90#"),
232 expectErr: true,
233 },
234 {
235 input: FromString("#%"),
236 expectErr: true,
237 },
238 {
239 input: FromString("90"),
240 expectErr: true,
241 },
242 }
244 for i, test := range tests {
245 t.Logf("test case %d", i)
246 value, err := GetScaledValueFromIntOrPercent(&test.input, test.total, test.roundUp)
247 if test.expectErr && err == nil {
248 t.Errorf("expected error, but got none")
249 continue
250 }
251 if !test.expectErr && err != nil {
252 t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err)
253 continue
254 }
255 if test.expectVal != value {
256 t.Errorf("expected %v, but got %v", test.expectVal, value)
257 }
258 }
259 }
261 func TestGetValueFromIntOrPercentNil(t *testing.T) {
262 _, err := GetScaledValueFromIntOrPercent(nil, 0, false)
263 if err == nil {
264 t.Errorf("expected error got none")
265 }
266 }
268 func TestParse(t *testing.T) {
269 tests := []struct {
270 input string
271 output IntOrString
272 }{
273 {
274 input: "0",
275 output: IntOrString{Type: Int, IntVal: 0},
276 },
277 {
278 input: "2147483647",
279 output: IntOrString{Type: Int, IntVal: 2147483647},
280 },
281 {
282 input: "-2147483648",
283 output: IntOrString{Type: Int, IntVal: -2147483648},
284 },
285 {
286 input: "2147483648",
287 output: IntOrString{Type: String, StrVal: "2147483648"},
288 },
289 {
290 input: "-2147483649",
291 output: IntOrString{Type: String, StrVal: "-2147483649"},
292 },
293 {
294 input: "9223372036854775807",
295 output: IntOrString{Type: String, StrVal: "9223372036854775807"},
296 },
297 {
298 input: "-9223372036854775808",
299 output: IntOrString{Type: String, StrVal: "-9223372036854775808"},
300 },
301 {
302 input: "9223372036854775808",
303 output: IntOrString{Type: String, StrVal: "9223372036854775808"},
304 },
305 {
306 input: "-9223372036854775809",
307 output: IntOrString{Type: String, StrVal: "-9223372036854775809"},
308 },
309 }
311 for i, test := range tests {
312 t.Logf("test case %d", i)
313 value := Parse(test.input)
314 if test.output.Type != value.Type {
315 t.Errorf("expected type %d (%v), but got %d (%v)", test.output.Type, test.output, value.Type, value)
316 continue
317 }
318 if value.Type == Int && test.output.IntVal != value.IntVal {
319 t.Errorf("expected int value %d (%v), but got %d (%v)", test.output.IntVal, test.output, value.IntVal, value)
320 continue
321 }
322 if value.Type == String && test.output.StrVal != value.StrVal {
323 t.Errorf("expected string value %q (%v), but got %q (%v)", test.output.StrVal, test.output, value.StrVal, value)
324 }
325 }
326 }
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