17 package cel
19 import (
20 "fmt"
21 "math"
22 "strings"
23 "testing"
25 celgo "github.com/google/cel-go/cel"
26 "github.com/google/cel-go/common/types"
27 "github.com/google/cel-go/common/types/ref"
29 apiextensions "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1"
30 "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apiserver/schema"
31 "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apiserver/schema/cel/model"
32 apiextensionsfeatures "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/features"
33 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/version"
34 celconfig "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/apis/cel"
35 "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/cel"
36 "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/cel/environment"
37 utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
38 featuregatetesting "k8s.io/component-base/featuregate/testing"
39 "k8s.io/utils/ptr"
40 )
42 const (
43 costLimit = 100000000
44 )
46 type validationMatcher interface {
47 matches(cr CompilationResult) bool
48 String() string
49 }
51 type allMatcher []validationMatcher
53 func matchesAll(matchers ...validationMatcher) validationMatcher {
54 return allMatcher(matchers)
55 }
57 func (m allMatcher) matches(cr CompilationResult) bool {
58 for _, each := range m {
59 if !each.matches(cr) {
60 return false
61 }
62 }
63 return true
64 }
66 func (m allMatcher) String() string {
67 if len(m) == 0 {
68 return "any result"
69 }
70 var b strings.Builder
71 for i, each := range m {
72 b.WriteString(each.String())
73 if i < len(m)-1 {
74 b.WriteString(" and ")
75 }
76 }
77 return b.String()
78 }
80 type fnMatcher struct {
81 fn func(CompilationResult) bool
82 msg string
83 }
85 func (m fnMatcher) matches(cr CompilationResult) bool {
86 return m.fn(cr)
87 }
89 func (m fnMatcher) String() string {
90 return m.msg
91 }
93 type errorMatcher struct {
94 errorType cel.ErrorType
95 contains string
96 }
98 func invalidError(contains string) validationMatcher {
99 return errorMatcher{errorType: cel.ErrorTypeInvalid, contains: contains}
100 }
102 func (v errorMatcher) matches(cr CompilationResult) bool {
103 return cr.Error != nil && cr.Error.Type == v.errorType && strings.Contains(cr.Error.Error(), v.contains)
104 }
106 func (v errorMatcher) String() string {
107 return fmt.Sprintf("has error of type %q containing string %q", v.errorType, v.contains)
108 }
110 type messageExpressionErrorMatcher struct {
111 contains string
112 }
114 func messageExpressionError(contains string) validationMatcher {
115 return messageExpressionErrorMatcher{contains: contains}
116 }
118 func (m messageExpressionErrorMatcher) matches(cr CompilationResult) bool {
119 return cr.MessageExpressionError != nil && cr.MessageExpressionError.Type == cel.ErrorTypeInvalid && strings.Contains(cr.MessageExpressionError.Error(), m.contains)
120 }
122 func (m messageExpressionErrorMatcher) String() string {
123 return fmt.Sprintf("has messageExpression error containing string %q", m.contains)
124 }
126 type noErrorMatcher struct{}
128 func noError() validationMatcher {
129 return noErrorMatcher{}
130 }
132 func (noErrorMatcher) matches(cr CompilationResult) bool {
133 return cr.Error == nil
134 }
136 func (noErrorMatcher) String() string {
137 return "no error"
138 }
140 type transitionRuleMatcher bool
142 func transitionRule(t bool) validationMatcher {
143 return transitionRuleMatcher(t)
144 }
146 func (v transitionRuleMatcher) matches(cr CompilationResult) bool {
147 return cr.UsesOldSelf == bool(v)
148 }
150 func (v transitionRuleMatcher) String() string {
151 if v {
152 return "is a transition rule"
153 }
154 return "is not a transition rule"
155 }
157 func TestCelCompilation(t *testing.T) {
158 defer featuregatetesting.SetFeatureGateDuringTest(t, utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate, apiextensionsfeatures.CRDValidationRatcheting, true)()
159 cases := []struct {
160 name string
161 input schema.Structural
162 expectedResults []validationMatcher
163 unmodified bool
164 }{
165 {
166 name: "optional primitive transition rule type checking",
167 input: schema.Structural{
168 Generic: schema.Generic{
169 Type: "integer",
170 },
171 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
172 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
173 {Rule: "self >= oldSelf.value()", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
174 {Rule: "self >= oldSelf.orValue(1)", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
175 {Rule: "oldSelf.hasValue() ? self >= oldSelf.value() : true", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
176 {Rule: "self >= oldSelf", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
177 {Rule: "self >= oldSelf.orValue('')", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
178 },
179 },
180 },
181 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
182 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
183 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
184 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
185 matchesAll(invalidError("optional")),
186 matchesAll(invalidError("orValue")),
187 },
188 },
189 {
190 name: "optional complex transition rule type checking",
191 input: schema.Structural{
192 Generic: schema.Generic{
193 Type: "object",
194 },
195 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
196 "i": {Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "integer"}},
197 "b": {Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "boolean"}},
198 "s": {Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "string"}},
199 "a": {
200 Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "array"},
201 Items: &schema.Structural{Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "integer"}},
202 },
203 "o": {
204 Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "object"},
205 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
206 "i": {Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "integer"}},
207 "b": {Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "boolean"}},
208 "s": {Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "string"}},
209 "a": {
210 Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "array"},
211 Items: &schema.Structural{Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "integer"}},
212 },
213 "o": {
214 Generic: schema.Generic{Type: "object"},
215 },
216 },
217 },
218 },
219 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
220 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
221 {Rule: "self.i >= oldSelf.i.value()", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
222 {Rule: "self.s == oldSelf.s.value()", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
223 {Rule: "self.b == oldSelf.b.value()", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
224 {Rule: "self.o == oldSelf.o.value()", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
225 {Rule: "self.o.i >= oldSelf.o.i.value()", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
226 {Rule: "self.o.s == oldSelf.o.s.value()", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
227 {Rule: "self.o.b == oldSelf.o.b.value()", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
228 {Rule: "self.o.o == oldSelf.o.o.value()", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
229 {Rule: "self.o.i >= oldSelf.o.i.orValue(1)", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
230 {Rule: "oldSelf.hasValue() ? self.o.i >= oldSelf.o.i.value() : true", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
231 {Rule: "self.o.i >= oldSelf.o.i", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
232 {Rule: "self.o.i >= oldSelf.o.s.orValue(0)", OptionalOldSelf: ptr.To(true)},
233 },
234 },
235 },
236 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
237 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
238 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
239 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
240 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
241 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
242 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
243 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
244 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
245 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
246 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
247 matchesAll(invalidError("optional")),
248 matchesAll(invalidError("orValue")),
249 },
250 },
251 {
252 name: "valid object",
253 input: schema.Structural{
254 Generic: schema.Generic{
255 Type: "object",
256 },
257 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
258 "minReplicas": {
259 Generic: schema.Generic{
260 Type: "integer",
261 },
262 },
263 "maxReplicas": {
264 Generic: schema.Generic{
265 Type: "integer",
266 },
267 },
268 },
269 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
270 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
271 {
272 Rule: "self.minReplicas < self.maxReplicas",
273 Message: "minReplicas should be smaller than maxReplicas",
274 },
275 },
276 },
277 },
278 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
279 noError(),
280 },
281 },
282 {
283 name: "valid for string",
284 input: schema.Structural{
285 Generic: schema.Generic{
286 Type: "string",
287 },
288 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
289 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
290 {
291 Rule: "self.startsWith('s')",
292 Message: "scoped field should start with 's'",
293 },
294 },
295 },
296 },
297 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
298 noError(),
299 },
300 },
301 {
302 name: "valid for byte",
303 input: schema.Structural{
304 Generic: schema.Generic{
305 Type: "string",
306 },
307 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
308 Format: "byte",
309 },
310 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
311 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
312 {
313 Rule: "string(self).endsWith('s')",
314 Message: "scoped field should end with 's'",
315 },
316 },
317 },
318 },
319 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
320 noError(),
321 },
322 },
323 {
324 name: "valid for boolean",
325 input: schema.Structural{
326 Generic: schema.Generic{
327 Type: "boolean",
328 },
329 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
330 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
331 {
332 Rule: "self == true",
333 Message: "scoped field should be true",
334 },
335 },
336 },
337 },
338 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
339 noError(),
340 },
341 },
342 {
343 name: "valid for integer",
344 input: schema.Structural{
345 Generic: schema.Generic{
346 Type: "integer",
347 },
348 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
349 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
350 {
351 Rule: "self > 0",
352 Message: "scoped field should be greater than 0",
353 },
354 },
355 },
356 },
357 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
358 noError(),
359 },
360 },
361 {
362 name: "valid for number",
363 input: schema.Structural{
364 Generic: schema.Generic{
365 Type: "number",
366 },
367 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
368 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
369 {
370 Rule: "self > 1.0",
371 Message: "scoped field should be greater than 1.0",
372 },
373 },
374 },
375 },
376 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
377 noError(),
378 },
379 },
380 {
381 name: "valid nested object of object",
382 input: schema.Structural{
383 Generic: schema.Generic{
384 Type: "object",
385 },
386 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
387 "nestedObj": {
388 Generic: schema.Generic{
389 Type: "object",
390 },
391 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
392 "val": {
393 Generic: schema.Generic{
394 Type: "integer",
395 },
396 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
397 Format: "int64",
398 },
399 },
400 },
401 },
402 },
403 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
404 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
405 {
406 Rule: "self.nestedObj.val == 10",
407 Message: "val should be equal to 10",
408 },
409 },
410 },
411 },
412 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
413 noError(),
414 },
415 },
416 {
417 name: "valid nested object of array",
418 input: schema.Structural{
419 Generic: schema.Generic{
420 Type: "object",
421 },
422 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
423 "nestedObj": {
424 Generic: schema.Generic{
425 Type: "array",
426 },
427 Items: &schema.Structural{
428 Generic: schema.Generic{
429 Type: "array",
430 },
431 Items: &schema.Structural{
432 Generic: schema.Generic{
433 Type: "string",
434 },
435 },
436 },
437 },
438 },
439 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
440 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
441 {
442 Rule: "size(self.nestedObj[0]) == 10",
443 Message: "size of first element in nestedObj should be equal to 10",
444 },
445 },
446 },
447 },
448 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
449 noError(),
450 },
451 },
452 {
453 name: "valid nested array of array",
454 input: schema.Structural{
455 Generic: schema.Generic{
456 Type: "array",
457 },
458 Items: &schema.Structural{
459 Generic: schema.Generic{
460 Type: "array",
461 },
462 Items: &schema.Structural{
463 Generic: schema.Generic{
464 Type: "array",
465 },
466 Items: &schema.Structural{
467 Generic: schema.Generic{
468 Type: "string",
469 },
470 },
471 },
472 },
473 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
474 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
475 {
476 Rule: "size(self[0][0]) == 10",
477 Message: "size of items under items of scoped field should be equal to 10",
478 },
479 },
480 },
481 },
482 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
483 noError(),
484 },
485 },
486 {
487 name: "valid nested array of object",
488 input: schema.Structural{
489 Generic: schema.Generic{
490 Type: "array",
491 },
492 Items: &schema.Structural{
493 Generic: schema.Generic{
494 Type: "object",
495 },
496 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
497 "nestedObj": {
498 Generic: schema.Generic{
499 Type: "object",
500 },
501 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
502 "val": {
503 Generic: schema.Generic{
504 Type: "integer",
505 },
506 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
507 Format: "int64",
508 },
509 },
510 },
511 },
512 },
513 },
514 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
515 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
516 {
517 Rule: "self[0].nestedObj.val == 10",
518 Message: "val under nestedObj under properties under items should be equal to 10",
519 },
520 },
521 },
522 },
523 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
524 noError(),
525 },
526 },
527 {
528 name: "valid map",
529 input: schema.Structural{
530 Generic: schema.Generic{
531 Type: "object",
532 AdditionalProperties: &schema.StructuralOrBool{
533 Bool: true,
534 Structural: &schema.Structural{
535 Generic: schema.Generic{
536 Type: "boolean",
537 Nullable: false,
538 },
539 },
540 },
541 },
542 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
543 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
544 {
545 Rule: "size(self) > 0",
546 Message: "size of scoped field should be greater than 0",
547 },
548 },
549 },
550 },
551 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
552 noError(),
553 },
554 },
555 {
556 name: "invalid checking for number",
557 input: schema.Structural{
558 Generic: schema.Generic{
559 Type: "number",
560 },
561 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
562 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
563 {
564 Rule: "size(self) == 10",
565 Message: "size of scoped field should be equal to 10",
566 },
567 },
568 },
569 },
570 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
571 invalidError("compilation failed"),
572 },
573 },
574 {
575 name: "compilation failure",
576 input: schema.Structural{
577 Generic: schema.Generic{
578 Type: "integer",
579 },
580 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
581 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
582 {
583 Rule: "size(self) == 10",
584 Message: "size of scoped field should be equal to 10",
585 },
586 },
587 },
588 },
589 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
590 invalidError("compilation failed"),
591 },
592 },
593 {
594 name: "valid for escaping",
595 input: schema.Structural{
596 Generic: schema.Generic{
597 Type: "object",
598 },
599 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
600 "namespace": {
601 Generic: schema.Generic{
602 Type: "array",
603 },
604 Items: &schema.Structural{
605 Generic: schema.Generic{
606 Type: "array",
607 },
608 Items: &schema.Structural{
609 Generic: schema.Generic{
610 Type: "string",
611 },
612 },
613 },
614 },
615 "if": {
616 Generic: schema.Generic{
617 Type: "integer",
618 },
619 },
620 "self": {
621 Generic: schema.Generic{
622 Type: "integer",
623 },
624 },
625 },
626 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
627 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
628 {
629 Rule: "size(self.__namespace__[0]) == 10",
630 Message: "size of first element in nestedObj should be equal to 10",
631 },
632 {
633 Rule: "self.__if__ == 10",
634 },
635 {
636 Rule: "self.self == 10",
637 },
638 },
639 },
640 },
641 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
642 noError(),
643 noError(),
644 noError(),
645 },
646 },
647 {
648 name: "invalid for escaping",
649 input: schema.Structural{
650 Generic: schema.Generic{
651 Type: "object",
652 },
653 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
654 "namespace": {
655 Generic: schema.Generic{
656 Type: "array",
657 },
658 Items: &schema.Structural{
659 Generic: schema.Generic{
660 Type: "array",
661 },
662 Items: &schema.Structural{
663 Generic: schema.Generic{
664 Type: "string",
665 },
666 },
667 },
668 },
669 "if": {
670 Generic: schema.Generic{
671 Type: "integer",
672 },
673 },
674 "self": {
675 Generic: schema.Generic{
676 Type: "integer",
677 },
678 },
679 },
680 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
681 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
682 {
683 Rule: "size(self.namespace[0]) == 10",
684 Message: "size of first element in nestedObj should be equal to 10",
685 },
686 {
687 Rule: "self.if == 10",
688 },
689 {
690 Rule: "self == 10",
691 },
692 },
693 },
694 },
695 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
696 invalidError("undefined field 'namespace'"),
697 invalidError("undefined field 'if'"),
698 invalidError("found no matching overload"),
699 },
700 },
701 {
702 name: "transition rule identified",
703 input: schema.Structural{
704 Generic: schema.Generic{
705 Type: "integer",
706 },
707 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
708 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
709 {Rule: "self > 0"},
710 {Rule: "self >= oldSelf"},
711 },
712 },
713 },
714 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
715 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(false)),
716 matchesAll(noError(), transitionRule(true)),
717 },
718 },
719 {
720 name: "whitespace-only rule",
721 input: schema.Structural{
722 Generic: schema.Generic{
723 Type: "object",
724 },
725 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
726 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
727 {Rule: " \t"},
728 },
729 },
730 },
731 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
732 matchesAll(
733 noError(),
734 fnMatcher{
735 msg: "program is nil",
736 fn: func(cr CompilationResult) bool {
737 return cr.Program == nil
738 },
739 }),
740 },
741 },
742 {
743 name: "expression must evaluate to bool",
744 input: schema.Structural{
745 Generic: schema.Generic{
746 Type: "object",
747 },
748 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
749 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
750 {Rule: "42"},
751 },
752 },
753 },
754 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
755 invalidError("must evaluate to a bool"),
756 },
757 },
758 {
759 name: "messageExpression inclusion",
760 input: schema.Structural{
761 Generic: schema.Generic{
762 Type: "string",
763 },
764 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
765 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
766 {
767 Rule: "self.startsWith('s')",
768 MessageExpression: `"scoped field should start with 's'"`,
769 },
770 },
771 },
772 },
773 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
774 noError(),
775 },
776 },
777 {
778 name: "messageExpression must evaluate to a string",
779 input: schema.Structural{
780 Generic: schema.Generic{
781 Type: "integer",
782 },
783 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
784 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
785 {
786 Rule: "self == 5",
787 MessageExpression: `42`,
788 },
789 },
790 },
791 },
792 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
793 messageExpressionError("must evaluate to a string"),
794 },
795 },
796 {
797 name: "messageExpression syntax error",
798 input: schema.Structural{
799 Generic: schema.Generic{
800 Type: "number",
801 },
802 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
803 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
804 {
805 Rule: "self < 32.0",
806 MessageExpression: `"abc`,
807 },
808 },
809 },
810 },
811 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
812 messageExpressionError("messageExpression compilation failed"),
813 },
814 },
815 {
816 name: "unmodified expression may use CEL environment features planned to be added in future releases",
817 input: schema.Structural{
818 Generic: schema.Generic{
819 Type: "object",
820 },
821 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
822 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
823 {Rule: "fakeFunction('abc') == 'ABC'"},
824 },
825 },
826 },
827 unmodified: true,
828 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
829 noError(),
830 },
831 },
832 {
833 name: "modified expressions may not use CEL environment features planned to be added in future releases",
834 input: schema.Structural{
835 Generic: schema.Generic{
836 Type: "object",
837 },
838 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
839 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
840 {Rule: "fakeFunction('abc') == 'ABC'"},
841 },
842 },
843 },
844 unmodified: false,
845 expectedResults: []validationMatcher{
846 invalidError("undeclared reference to 'fakeFunction'"),
847 },
848 },
849 }
851 for _, tt := range cases {
852 t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
853 env, err := environment.MustBaseEnvSet(environment.DefaultCompatibilityVersion()).Extend(
854 environment.VersionedOptions{
855 IntroducedVersion: version.MajorMinor(1, 999),
856 EnvOptions: []celgo.EnvOption{celgo.Lib(&fakeLib{})},
857 })
858 if err != nil {
859 t.Fatal(err)
860 }
861 loader := NewExpressionsEnvLoader()
862 if tt.unmodified {
863 loader = StoredExpressionsEnvLoader()
864 }
865 compilationResults, err := Compile(&tt.input, model.SchemaDeclType(&tt.input, false), celconfig.PerCallLimit, env, loader)
866 if err != nil {
867 t.Fatalf("Expected no error, but got: %v", err)
868 }
870 if len(compilationResults) != len(tt.input.XValidations) {
871 t.Fatalf("compilation did not produce one result per rule")
872 }
874 if len(compilationResults) != len(tt.expectedResults) {
875 t.Fatalf("one test expectation per rule is required")
876 }
878 for i, expectedResult := range tt.expectedResults {
879 if !expectedResult.matches(compilationResults[i]) {
880 t.Errorf("result %d does not match expectation: %v", i+1, expectedResult)
881 }
882 }
883 })
884 }
885 }
889 func parseRuleType(ruleType string) (string, string, bool) {
890 if ruleType == "duration" || ruleType == "date" || ruleType == "date-time" {
891 return "string", ruleType, false
892 }
893 if ruleType == "int-or-string" {
894 return "", "", true
895 }
896 return ruleType, "", false
897 }
899 func genArrayWithRule(arrayType, rule string) func(maxItems *int64) *schema.Structural {
900 passedType, passedFormat, xIntString := parseRuleType(arrayType)
901 return func(maxItems *int64) *schema.Structural {
902 return &schema.Structural{
903 Generic: schema.Generic{
904 Type: "array",
905 },
906 Items: &schema.Structural{
907 Generic: schema.Generic{
908 Type: passedType,
909 },
910 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
911 Format: passedFormat,
912 },
913 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
914 XIntOrString: xIntString,
915 },
916 },
917 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
918 MaxItems: maxItems,
919 },
920 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
921 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
922 {
923 Rule: rule,
924 },
925 },
926 },
927 }
928 }
929 }
931 func genArrayOfArraysWithRule(arrayType, rule string) func(maxItems *int64) *schema.Structural {
932 return func(maxItems *int64) *schema.Structural {
933 return &schema.Structural{
934 Generic: schema.Generic{
935 Type: "array",
936 },
937 Items: &schema.Structural{
938 Generic: schema.Generic{
939 Type: "array",
940 },
941 Items: &schema.Structural{
942 Generic: schema.Generic{
943 Type: arrayType,
944 },
945 },
946 },
947 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
948 MaxItems: maxItems,
949 },
950 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
951 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
952 {
953 Rule: rule,
954 },
955 },
956 },
957 }
958 }
959 }
961 func genObjectArrayWithRule(rule string) func(maxItems *int64) *schema.Structural {
962 return func(maxItems *int64) *schema.Structural {
963 return &schema.Structural{
964 Generic: schema.Generic{
965 Type: "array",
966 },
967 Items: &schema.Structural{
968 Generic: schema.Generic{
969 Type: "object",
970 },
971 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
972 "required": {
973 Generic: schema.Generic{
974 Type: "string",
975 },
976 },
977 "optional": {
978 Generic: schema.Generic{
979 Type: "string",
980 },
981 },
982 },
983 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
984 Required: []string{"required"},
985 },
986 },
987 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
988 MaxItems: maxItems,
989 },
990 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
991 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
992 {
993 Rule: rule,
994 },
995 },
996 },
997 }
998 }
999 }
1001 func getMapArrayWithRule(mapType, rule string) func(maxItems *int64) *schema.Structural {
1002 return func(maxItems *int64) *schema.Structural {
1003 return &schema.Structural{
1004 Generic: schema.Generic{
1005 Type: "array",
1006 },
1007 Items: &schema.Structural{
1008 Generic: schema.Generic{
1009 Type: "object",
1010 AdditionalProperties: &schema.StructuralOrBool{Structural: &schema.Structural{
1011 Generic: schema.Generic{
1012 Type: mapType,
1013 },
1014 }},
1015 },
1016 },
1017 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1018 MaxItems: maxItems,
1019 },
1020 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
1021 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
1022 {
1023 Rule: rule,
1024 },
1025 },
1026 },
1027 }
1028 }
1029 }
1031 func genMapWithRule(mapType, rule string) func(maxProperties *int64) *schema.Structural {
1032 passedType, passedFormat, xIntString := parseRuleType(mapType)
1033 return func(maxProperties *int64) *schema.Structural {
1034 return &schema.Structural{
1035 Generic: schema.Generic{
1036 Type: "object",
1037 AdditionalProperties: &schema.StructuralOrBool{Structural: &schema.Structural{
1038 Generic: schema.Generic{
1039 Type: passedType,
1040 },
1041 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1042 Format: passedFormat,
1043 },
1044 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
1045 XIntOrString: xIntString,
1046 },
1047 }},
1048 },
1049 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1050 MaxProperties: maxProperties,
1051 },
1052 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
1053 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
1054 {
1055 Rule: rule,
1056 },
1057 },
1058 },
1059 }
1060 }
1061 }
1063 func genStringWithRule(rule string) func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1064 return func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1065 return &schema.Structural{
1066 Generic: schema.Generic{
1067 Type: "string",
1068 },
1069 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1070 MaxLength: maxLength,
1071 },
1072 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
1073 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
1074 {
1075 Rule: rule,
1076 },
1077 },
1078 },
1079 }
1080 }
1081 }
1087 func genEnumWithRuleAndValues(rule string, values ...string) func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1088 enums := make([]schema.JSON, 0, len(values))
1089 for _, v := range values {
1090 enums = append(enums, schema.JSON{Object: v})
1091 }
1092 return func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1093 return &schema.Structural{
1094 Generic: schema.Generic{
1095 Type: "string",
1096 },
1097 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1098 MaxLength: maxLength,
1099 Enum: enums,
1100 },
1101 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
1102 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
1103 {
1104 Rule: rule,
1105 },
1106 },
1107 },
1108 }
1109 }
1110 }
1112 func genBytesWithRule(rule string) func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1113 return func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1114 return &schema.Structural{
1115 Generic: schema.Generic{
1116 Type: "string",
1117 },
1118 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1119 MaxLength: maxLength,
1120 Format: "byte",
1121 },
1122 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
1123 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
1124 {
1125 Rule: rule,
1126 },
1127 },
1128 },
1129 }
1130 }
1131 }
1133 func genNestedSpecWithRule(rule string) func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1134 return func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1135 return &schema.Structural{
1136 Generic: schema.Generic{
1137 Type: "object",
1138 AdditionalProperties: &schema.StructuralOrBool{Structural: &schema.Structural{
1139 Generic: schema.Generic{
1140 Type: "string",
1141 },
1142 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1143 MaxLength: maxLength,
1144 },
1145 }},
1146 },
1147 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1148 MaxProperties: maxLength,
1149 },
1150 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
1151 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
1152 {
1153 Rule: rule,
1154 },
1155 },
1156 },
1157 }
1158 }
1159 }
1161 func genAllMaxNestedSpecWithRootRule(rule string) func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1162 return func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1163 return &schema.Structural{
1164 Generic: schema.Generic{
1165 Type: "array",
1166 },
1167 Items: &schema.Structural{
1168 Generic: schema.Generic{
1169 Type: "object",
1170 AdditionalProperties: &schema.StructuralOrBool{Structural: &schema.Structural{
1171 Generic: schema.Generic{
1172 Type: "object",
1173 },
1174 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1175 Required: []string{"required"},
1176 MaxProperties: maxLength,
1177 },
1178 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
1179 "required": {
1180 Generic: schema.Generic{
1181 Type: "string",
1182 },
1183 },
1184 "optional": {
1185 Generic: schema.Generic{
1186 Type: "string",
1187 },
1188 },
1189 },
1190 }},
1191 },
1192 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1193 MaxProperties: maxLength,
1194 },
1195 },
1196 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1197 MaxItems: maxLength,
1198 },
1199 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
1200 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
1201 {
1202 Rule: rule,
1203 },
1204 },
1205 },
1206 }
1207 }
1208 }
1210 func genOneMaxNestedSpecWithRootRule(rule string) func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1211 return func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural {
1212 return &schema.Structural{
1213 Generic: schema.Generic{
1214 Type: "array",
1215 },
1216 Items: &schema.Structural{
1217 Generic: schema.Generic{
1218 Type: "object",
1219 AdditionalProperties: &schema.StructuralOrBool{Structural: &schema.Structural{
1220 Generic: schema.Generic{
1221 Type: "object",
1222 },
1223 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1224 Required: []string{"required"},
1225 },
1226 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
1227 "required": {
1228 Generic: schema.Generic{
1229 Type: "string",
1230 },
1231 },
1232 "optional": {
1233 Generic: schema.Generic{
1234 Type: "string",
1235 },
1236 },
1237 },
1238 }},
1239 },
1240 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1241 MaxProperties: maxLength,
1242 },
1243 },
1244 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
1245 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
1246 {
1247 Rule: rule,
1248 },
1249 },
1250 },
1251 }
1252 }
1253 }
1255 func genObjectForMap() *schema.Structural {
1256 return &schema.Structural{
1257 Generic: schema.Generic{
1258 Type: "object",
1259 },
1260 Properties: map[string]schema.Structural{
1261 "required": {
1262 Generic: schema.Generic{
1263 Type: "string",
1264 },
1265 },
1266 "optional": {
1267 Generic: schema.Generic{
1268 Type: "string",
1269 },
1270 },
1271 },
1272 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1273 Required: []string{"required"},
1274 },
1275 }
1276 }
1278 func genArrayForMap() *schema.Structural {
1279 return &schema.Structural{
1280 Generic: schema.Generic{
1281 Type: "array",
1282 },
1283 Items: &schema.Structural{
1284 Generic: schema.Generic{
1285 Type: "number",
1286 },
1287 },
1288 }
1289 }
1291 func genMapForMap() *schema.Structural {
1292 return &schema.Structural{
1293 Generic: schema.Generic{
1294 Type: "object",
1295 AdditionalProperties: &schema.StructuralOrBool{Structural: &schema.Structural{
1296 Generic: schema.Generic{
1297 Type: "number",
1298 },
1299 }},
1300 },
1301 }
1302 }
1304 func genMapWithCustomItemRule(item *schema.Structural, rule string) func(maxProperties *int64) *schema.Structural {
1305 return func(maxProperties *int64) *schema.Structural {
1306 return &schema.Structural{
1307 Generic: schema.Generic{
1308 Type: "object",
1309 AdditionalProperties: &schema.StructuralOrBool{Structural: item},
1310 },
1311 ValueValidation: &schema.ValueValidation{
1312 MaxProperties: maxProperties,
1313 },
1314 Extensions: schema.Extensions{
1315 XValidations: apiextensions.ValidationRules{
1316 {
1317 Rule: rule,
1318 },
1319 },
1320 },
1321 }
1322 }
1323 }
1328 func schemaChecker(schema *schema.Structural, expectedCost uint64, expectedCostExceedsLimit uint64, t *testing.T) func(t *testing.T) {
1329 return func(t *testing.T) {
1330 compilationResults, err := Compile(schema, model.SchemaDeclType(schema, false), celconfig.PerCallLimit, environment.MustBaseEnvSet(environment.DefaultCompatibilityVersion()), NewExpressionsEnvLoader())
1331 if err != nil {
1332 t.Fatalf("Expected no error, got: %v", err)
1333 }
1334 if len(compilationResults) != 1 {
1335 t.Fatalf("Expected one rule, got: %d", len(compilationResults))
1336 }
1337 result := compilationResults[0]
1338 if result.Error != nil {
1339 t.Errorf("Expected no compile-time error, got: %v", result.Error)
1340 }
1341 if expectedCost > 0 {
1342 if result.MaxCost != expectedCost {
1343 t.Errorf("Wrong cost (expected %d, got %d)", expectedCost, result.MaxCost)
1344 }
1345 }
1346 if expectedCostExceedsLimit > 0 {
1347 if result.MaxCost < expectedCostExceedsLimit {
1348 t.Errorf("Cost did not exceed limit as expected (expected more than %d, got %d)", expectedCostExceedsLimit, result.MaxCost)
1349 }
1350 }
1351 }
1352 }
1354 func TestCostEstimation(t *testing.T) {
1355 cases := []struct {
1356 name string
1357 schemaGenerator func(maxLength *int64) *schema.Structural
1358 setMaxElements int64
1361 expectedCalcCost uint64
1362 expectCalcCostExceedsLimit uint64
1365 expectedSetCost uint64
1366 expectedSetCostExceedsLimit uint64
1367 }{
1368 {
1369 name: "number array with all",
1370 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("number", "self.all(x, true)"),
1371 expectedCalcCost: 4718591,
1372 setMaxElements: 10,
1373 expectedSetCost: 32,
1374 },
1375 {
1376 name: "string array with all",
1377 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("string", "self.all(x, true)"),
1378 expectedCalcCost: 3145727,
1379 setMaxElements: 20,
1380 expectedSetCost: 62,
1381 },
1382 {
1383 name: "boolean array with all",
1384 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("boolean", "self.all(x, true)"),
1385 expectedCalcCost: 1887437,
1386 setMaxElements: 5,
1387 expectedSetCost: 17,
1388 },
1392 {
1393 name: "array of number arrays with all",
1394 schemaGenerator: genArrayOfArraysWithRule("number", "self.all(x, true)"),
1395 expectedCalcCost: 3145727,
1396 setMaxElements: 100,
1397 expectedSetCost: 302,
1398 },
1399 {
1400 name: "array of objects with all",
1401 schemaGenerator: genObjectArrayWithRule("self.all(x, true)"),
1402 expectedCalcCost: 555128,
1403 setMaxElements: 50,
1404 expectedSetCost: 152,
1405 },
1406 {
1407 name: "map of numbers with all",
1408 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("number", "self.all(x, true)"),
1409 expectedCalcCost: 1348169,
1410 setMaxElements: 10,
1411 expectedSetCost: 32,
1412 },
1413 {
1414 name: "map of numbers with has",
1415 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("number", "has(self.x)"),
1416 expectedCalcCost: 0,
1417 setMaxElements: 100,
1418 expectedSetCost: 0,
1419 },
1420 {
1421 name: "map of strings with all",
1422 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("string", "self.all(x, true)"),
1423 expectedCalcCost: 1179647,
1424 setMaxElements: 3,
1425 expectedSetCost: 11,
1426 },
1427 {
1428 name: "map of strings with has",
1429 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("string", "has(self.x)"),
1430 expectedCalcCost: 0,
1431 setMaxElements: 550,
1432 expectedSetCost: 0,
1433 },
1434 {
1435 name: "map of booleans with all",
1436 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("boolean", "self.all(x, true)"),
1437 expectedCalcCost: 943718,
1438 setMaxElements: 100,
1439 expectedSetCost: 302,
1440 },
1441 {
1442 name: "map of booleans with has",
1443 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("boolean", "has(self.x)"),
1444 expectedCalcCost: 0,
1445 setMaxElements: 1024,
1446 expectedSetCost: 0,
1447 },
1448 {
1449 name: "string with contains",
1450 schemaGenerator: genStringWithRule("self.contains('test')"),
1451 expectedCalcCost: 314574,
1452 setMaxElements: 10,
1453 expectedSetCost: 5,
1454 },
1455 {
1456 name: "string with startsWith",
1457 schemaGenerator: genStringWithRule("self.startsWith('test')"),
1458 expectedCalcCost: 2,
1459 setMaxElements: 15,
1460 expectedSetCost: 2,
1461 },
1462 {
1463 name: "string with endsWith",
1464 schemaGenerator: genStringWithRule("self.endsWith('test')"),
1465 expectedCalcCost: 2,
1466 setMaxElements: 30,
1467 expectedSetCost: 2,
1468 },
1469 {
1470 name: "concat string",
1471 schemaGenerator: genStringWithRule(`size(self + "hello") > size("hello")`),
1472 expectedCalcCost: 314578,
1473 setMaxElements: 4,
1474 expectedSetCost: 7,
1475 },
1476 {
1477 name: "index of array with numbers",
1478 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("number", "self[1] == 0.0"),
1479 expectedCalcCost: 2,
1480 setMaxElements: 5000,
1481 expectedSetCost: 2,
1482 },
1483 {
1484 name: "index of array with strings",
1485 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("string", "self[1] == self[1]"),
1486 expectedCalcCost: 314577,
1487 setMaxElements: 8,
1488 expectedSetCost: 314577,
1489 },
1490 {
1491 name: "O(n^2) loop with numbers",
1492 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("number", "self.all(x, self.all(y, true))"),
1493 expectCalcCostExceedsLimit: costLimit,
1494 setMaxElements: 10,
1495 expectedSetCost: 352,
1496 },
1497 {
1498 name: "O(n^3) loop with numbers",
1499 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("number", "self.all(x, self.all(y, self.all(z, true)))"),
1500 expectCalcCostExceedsLimit: costLimit,
1501 setMaxElements: 10,
1502 expectedSetCost: 3552,
1503 },
1504 {
1505 name: "regex matches simple",
1506 schemaGenerator: genStringWithRule(`self.matches("x")`),
1507 expectedCalcCost: 314574,
1508 setMaxElements: 50,
1509 expectedSetCost: 22,
1510 },
1511 {
1512 name: "regex matches empty string",
1513 schemaGenerator: genStringWithRule(`"".matches("(((((((((())))))))))[0-9]")`),
1514 expectedCalcCost: 7,
1515 setMaxElements: 10,
1516 expectedSetCost: 7,
1517 },
1518 {
1519 name: "regex matches empty regex",
1520 schemaGenerator: genStringWithRule(`self.matches("")`),
1521 expectedCalcCost: 1,
1522 setMaxElements: 100,
1523 expectedSetCost: 1,
1524 },
1525 {
1526 name: "map of strings with value length",
1527 schemaGenerator: genNestedSpecWithRule("self.all(x, x.contains(self[x]))"),
1528 expectedCalcCost: 2752507,
1529 setMaxElements: 10,
1530 expectedSetCost: 72,
1531 },
1532 {
1533 name: "set array maxLength to zero",
1534 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("number", "self[3] == 0.0"),
1535 expectedCalcCost: 2,
1536 setMaxElements: 0,
1537 expectedSetCost: 2,
1538 },
1539 {
1540 name: "set map maxLength to zero",
1541 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("number", `self["x"] == 0.0`),
1542 expectedCalcCost: 2,
1543 setMaxElements: 0,
1544 expectedSetCost: 2,
1545 },
1546 {
1547 name: "set string maxLength to zero",
1548 schemaGenerator: genStringWithRule(`self == "x"`),
1549 expectedCalcCost: 2,
1550 setMaxElements: 0,
1551 expectedSetCost: 1,
1552 },
1553 {
1554 name: "set bytes maxLength to zero",
1555 schemaGenerator: genBytesWithRule(`self == b"x"`),
1556 expectedCalcCost: 2,
1557 setMaxElements: 0,
1558 expectedSetCost: 1,
1559 },
1560 {
1561 name: "set maxLength greater than estimated maxLength",
1562 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("number", "self.all(x, x == 0.0)"),
1563 expectedCalcCost: 6291454,
1564 setMaxElements: 3 * 1024 * 2048,
1565 expectedSetCost: 25165826,
1566 },
1567 {
1568 name: "nested types with root rule with all supporting maxLength",
1569 schemaGenerator: genAllMaxNestedSpecWithRootRule(`self.all(x, x["y"].required == "z")`),
1570 expectedCalcCost: 7340027,
1571 setMaxElements: 10,
1572 expectedSetCost: 72,
1573 },
1574 {
1575 name: "nested types with root rule with one supporting maxLength",
1576 schemaGenerator: genOneMaxNestedSpecWithRootRule(`self.all(x, x["y"].required == "z")`),
1577 expectedCalcCost: 7340027,
1578 setMaxElements: 10,
1579 expectedSetCost: 7340027,
1580 },
1581 {
1582 name: "int-or-string array with all",
1583 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("int-or-string", "self.all(x, true)"),
1584 expectedCalcCost: 4718591,
1585 setMaxElements: 10,
1586 expectedSetCost: 32,
1587 },
1588 {
1589 name: "index of array with int-or-strings",
1590 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("int-or-string", "self[0] == 5"),
1591 expectedCalcCost: 3,
1592 setMaxElements: 10,
1593 expectedSetCost: 3,
1594 },
1595 {
1596 name: "index of array with booleans",
1597 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("boolean", "self[0] == false"),
1598 expectedCalcCost: 2,
1599 setMaxElements: 25,
1600 expectedSetCost: 2,
1601 },
1602 {
1603 name: "index of array of objects",
1604 schemaGenerator: genObjectArrayWithRule("self[0] == null"),
1605 expectedCalcCost: 2,
1606 setMaxElements: 422,
1607 expectedSetCost: 2,
1608 },
1609 {
1610 name: "index of array of array of numnbers",
1611 schemaGenerator: genArrayOfArraysWithRule("number", "self[0][0] == -1.0"),
1612 expectedCalcCost: 3,
1613 setMaxElements: 51,
1614 expectedSetCost: 3,
1615 },
1616 {
1617 name: "array of number maps with all",
1618 schemaGenerator: getMapArrayWithRule("number", `self.all(x, x.y == 25.2)`),
1619 expectedCalcCost: 6291452,
1620 setMaxElements: 12,
1621 expectedSetCost: 74,
1622 },
1623 {
1624 name: "index of array of number maps",
1625 schemaGenerator: getMapArrayWithRule("number", `self[0].x > 2.0`),
1626 expectedCalcCost: 4,
1627 setMaxElements: 3000,
1628 expectedSetCost: 4,
1629 },
1630 {
1631 name: "duration array with all",
1632 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("duration", "self.all(x, true)"),
1633 expectedCalcCost: 2359295,
1634 setMaxElements: 5,
1635 expectedSetCost: 17,
1636 },
1637 {
1638 name: "index of duration array",
1639 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("duration", "self[0].getHours() == 2"),
1640 expectedCalcCost: 4,
1641 setMaxElements: 525,
1642 expectedSetCost: 4,
1643 },
1644 {
1645 name: "date array with all",
1646 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("date", "self.all(x, true)"),
1647 expectedCalcCost: 725936,
1648 setMaxElements: 15,
1649 expectedSetCost: 47,
1650 },
1651 {
1652 name: "index of date array",
1653 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("date", "self[2].getDayOfMonth() == 13"),
1654 expectedCalcCost: 4,
1655 setMaxElements: 42,
1656 expectedSetCost: 4,
1657 },
1658 {
1659 name: "date-time array with all",
1660 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("date-time", "self.all(x, true)"),
1661 expectedCalcCost: 428963,
1662 setMaxElements: 25,
1663 expectedSetCost: 77,
1664 },
1665 {
1666 name: "index of date-time array",
1667 schemaGenerator: genArrayWithRule("date-time", "self[2].getMinutes() == 45"),
1668 expectedCalcCost: 4,
1669 setMaxElements: 99,
1670 expectedSetCost: 4,
1671 },
1672 {
1673 name: "map of int-or-strings with all",
1674 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("int-or-string", "self.all(x, true)"),
1675 expectedCalcCost: 1348169,
1676 setMaxElements: 15,
1677 expectedSetCost: 47,
1678 },
1679 {
1680 name: "map of int-or-strings with has",
1681 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("int-or-string", "has(self.x)"),
1682 expectedCalcCost: 0,
1683 setMaxElements: 5000,
1684 expectedSetCost: 0,
1685 },
1686 {
1687 name: "map of objects with all",
1688 schemaGenerator: genMapWithCustomItemRule(genObjectForMap(), "self.all(x, true)"),
1689 expectedCalcCost: 428963,
1690 setMaxElements: 20,
1691 expectedSetCost: 62,
1692 },
1693 {
1694 name: "map of objects with has",
1695 schemaGenerator: genMapWithCustomItemRule(genObjectForMap(), "has(self.x)"),
1696 expectedCalcCost: 0,
1697 setMaxElements: 9001,
1698 expectedSetCost: 0,
1699 },
1700 {
1701 name: "map of number maps with all",
1702 schemaGenerator: genMapWithCustomItemRule(genMapForMap(), "self.all(x, true)"),
1703 expectedCalcCost: 1179647,
1704 setMaxElements: 10,
1705 expectedSetCost: 32,
1706 },
1707 {
1708 name: "map of number maps with has",
1709 schemaGenerator: genMapWithCustomItemRule(genMapForMap(), "has(self.x)"),
1710 expectedCalcCost: 0,
1711 setMaxElements: 101,
1712 expectedSetCost: 0,
1713 },
1714 {
1715 name: "map of number arrays with all",
1716 schemaGenerator: genMapWithCustomItemRule(genArrayForMap(), "self.all(x, true)"),
1717 expectedCalcCost: 1179647,
1718 setMaxElements: 25,
1719 expectedSetCost: 77,
1720 },
1721 {
1722 name: "map of number arrays with has",
1723 schemaGenerator: genMapWithCustomItemRule(genArrayForMap(), "has(self.x)"),
1724 expectedCalcCost: 0,
1725 setMaxElements: 40000,
1726 expectedSetCost: 0,
1727 },
1728 {
1729 name: "map of durations with all",
1730 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("duration", "self.all(x, true)"),
1731 expectedCalcCost: 1048577,
1732 setMaxElements: 5,
1733 expectedSetCost: 17,
1734 },
1735 {
1736 name: "map of durations with has",
1737 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("duration", "has(self.x)"),
1738 expectedCalcCost: 0,
1739 setMaxElements: 256,
1740 expectedSetCost: 0,
1741 },
1742 {
1743 name: "map of dates with all",
1744 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("date", "self.all(x, true)"),
1745 expectedCalcCost: 524288,
1746 setMaxElements: 10,
1747 expectedSetCost: 32,
1748 },
1749 {
1750 name: "map of dates with has",
1751 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("date", "has(self.x)"),
1752 expectedCalcCost: 0,
1753 setMaxElements: 65536,
1754 expectedSetCost: 0,
1755 },
1756 {
1757 name: "map of date-times with all",
1758 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("date-time", "self.all(x, true)"),
1759 expectedCalcCost: 349526,
1760 setMaxElements: 25,
1761 expectedSetCost: 77,
1762 },
1763 {
1764 name: "map of date-times with has",
1765 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("date-time", "has(self.x)"),
1766 expectedCalcCost: 0,
1767 setMaxElements: 490,
1768 expectedSetCost: 0,
1769 },
1771 {
1772 name: "extended library regex find",
1773 schemaGenerator: genStringWithRule("self.find('[0-9]+') == ''"),
1774 expectedCalcCost: 629147,
1775 setMaxElements: 10,
1776 expectedSetCost: 11,
1777 },
1778 {
1779 name: "extended library join",
1780 schemaGenerator: func(max *int64) *schema.Structural {
1781 strType := withMaxLength(primitiveType("string", ""), max)
1782 array := withMaxItems(arrayType("atomic", nil, &strType), max)
1783 array = withRule(array, "self.join(' ') == 'aa bb'")
1784 return &array
1785 },
1786 expectedCalcCost: 329853068905,
1787 setMaxElements: 10,
1788 expectedSetCost: 43,
1789 },
1790 {
1791 name: "extended library isSorted",
1792 schemaGenerator: func(max *int64) *schema.Structural {
1793 strType := withMaxLength(primitiveType("string", ""), max)
1794 array := withMaxItems(arrayType("atomic", nil, &strType), max)
1795 array = withRule(array, "self.isSorted() == true")
1796 return &array
1797 },
1798 expectedCalcCost: 329854432052,
1799 setMaxElements: 10,
1800 expectedSetCost: 52,
1801 },
1802 {
1803 name: "extended library replace",
1804 schemaGenerator: func(max *int64) *schema.Structural {
1805 strType := withMaxLength(primitiveType("string", ""), max)
1806 beforeLen := int64(2)
1807 afterLen := int64(4)
1808 objType := objectType(map[string]schema.Structural{
1809 "str": strType,
1810 "before": withMaxLength(primitiveType("string", ""), &beforeLen),
1811 "after": withMaxLength(primitiveType("string", ""), &afterLen),
1812 })
1813 objType = withRule(objType, "self.str.replace(self.before, self.after) == 'does not matter'")
1814 return &objType
1815 },
1816 expectedCalcCost: 629154,
1817 setMaxElements: 4,
1818 expectedSetCost: 12,
1819 },
1820 {
1821 name: "extended library split",
1822 schemaGenerator: func(max *int64) *schema.Structural {
1823 strType := withMaxLength(primitiveType("string", ""), max)
1824 objType := objectType(map[string]schema.Structural{
1825 "str": strType,
1826 "separator": strType,
1827 })
1828 objType = withRule(objType, "self.str.split(self.separator) == []")
1829 return &objType
1830 },
1831 expectedCalcCost: 629160,
1832 setMaxElements: 10,
1833 expectedSetCost: 22,
1834 },
1835 {
1836 name: "extended library lowerAscii",
1837 schemaGenerator: func(max *int64) *schema.Structural {
1838 strType := withMaxLength(primitiveType("string", ""), max)
1839 strType = withRule(strType, "self.lowerAscii() == 'lower!'")
1840 return &strType
1841 },
1842 expectedCalcCost: 314575,
1843 setMaxElements: 10,
1844 expectedSetCost: 6,
1845 },
1846 {
1847 name: "check cost of size call",
1848 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("integer", "oldSelf.size() == self.size()"),
1849 expectedCalcCost: 5,
1850 setMaxElements: 10,
1851 expectedSetCost: 5,
1852 },
1853 {
1854 name: "check cost of timestamp comparison",
1855 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("date-time", `self["a"] == self["b"]`),
1856 expectedCalcCost: 8,
1857 setMaxElements: 7,
1858 expectedSetCost: 8,
1859 },
1860 {
1861 name: "check cost of duration comparison",
1862 schemaGenerator: genMapWithRule("duration", `self["c"] == self["d"]`),
1863 expectedCalcCost: 8,
1864 setMaxElements: 42,
1865 expectedSetCost: 8,
1866 },
1867 {
1868 name: "enums with maxLength equals to the longest possible value",
1869 schemaGenerator: genEnumWithRuleAndValues("self.contains('A')", "A", "B", "C", "LongValue"),
1870 expectedCalcCost: 2,
1871 setMaxElements: 1000,
1872 expectedSetCost: 401,
1873 },
1874 }
1875 for _, testCase := range cases {
1876 t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
1878 schema := testCase.schemaGenerator(nil)
1879 t.Run("calc maxLength", schemaChecker(schema, testCase.expectedCalcCost, testCase.expectCalcCostExceedsLimit, t))
1881 setSchema := testCase.schemaGenerator(&testCase.setMaxElements)
1882 t.Run("set maxLength", schemaChecker(setSchema, testCase.expectedSetCost, testCase.expectedSetCostExceedsLimit, t))
1883 })
1884 }
1885 }
1887 func BenchmarkCompile(b *testing.B) {
1888 env := environment.MustBaseEnvSet(environment.DefaultCompatibilityVersion())
1889 s := genArrayWithRule("number", "true")(nil)
1890 b.ReportAllocs()
1891 b.ResetTimer()
1892 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
1893 _, err := Compile(s, model.SchemaDeclType(s, false), math.MaxInt64, env, NewExpressionsEnvLoader())
1894 if err != nil {
1895 b.Fatal(err)
1896 }
1897 }
1898 }
1900 type fakeLib struct{}
1902 var testLibraryDecls = map[string][]celgo.FunctionOpt{
1903 "fakeFunction": {
1904 celgo.Overload("fakeFunction", []*celgo.Type{celgo.StringType}, celgo.StringType,
1905 celgo.UnaryBinding(fakeFunction))},
1906 }
1908 func (*fakeLib) CompileOptions() []celgo.EnvOption {
1909 options := make([]celgo.EnvOption, 0, len(testLibraryDecls))
1910 for name, overloads := range testLibraryDecls {
1911 options = append(options, celgo.Function(name, overloads...))
1912 }
1913 return options
1914 }
1916 func (*fakeLib) ProgramOptions() []celgo.ProgramOption {
1917 return []celgo.ProgramOption{}
1918 }
1920 func fakeFunction(arg1 ref.Val) ref.Val {
1921 arg, ok := arg1.Value().(string)
1922 if !ok {
1923 return types.MaybeNoSuchOverloadErr(arg1)
1924 }
1926 return types.String(strings.ToUpper(arg))
1927 }
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