
Source file src/gotest.tools/v3/assert/opt/opt.go

Documentation: gotest.tools/v3/assert/opt

     1  /*Package opt provides common go-cmp.Options for use with assert.DeepEqual.
     2   */
     3  package opt // import "gotest.tools/v3/assert/opt"
     5  import (
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"reflect"
     8  	"strings"
     9  	"time"
    11  	gocmp "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp"
    12  )
    14  // DurationWithThreshold returns a [gocmp.Comparer] for comparing [time.Duration]. The
    15  // Comparer returns true if the difference between the two Duration values is
    16  // within the threshold and neither value is zero.
    17  func DurationWithThreshold(threshold time.Duration) gocmp.Option {
    18  	return gocmp.Comparer(cmpDuration(threshold))
    19  }
    21  func cmpDuration(threshold time.Duration) func(x, y time.Duration) bool {
    22  	return func(x, y time.Duration) bool {
    23  		if x == 0 || y == 0 {
    24  			return false
    25  		}
    26  		delta := x - y
    27  		return delta <= threshold && delta >= -threshold
    28  	}
    29  }
    31  // TimeWithThreshold returns a [gocmp.Comparer] for comparing [time.Time]. The
    32  // Comparer returns true if the difference between the two Time values is
    33  // within the threshold and neither value is zero.
    34  func TimeWithThreshold(threshold time.Duration) gocmp.Option {
    35  	return gocmp.Comparer(cmpTime(threshold))
    36  }
    38  func cmpTime(threshold time.Duration) func(x, y time.Time) bool {
    39  	return func(x, y time.Time) bool {
    40  		if x.IsZero() || y.IsZero() {
    41  			return false
    42  		}
    43  		delta := x.Sub(y)
    44  		return delta <= threshold && delta >= -threshold
    45  	}
    46  }
    48  // PathString is a [gocmp.FilterPath] filter that returns true when path.String()
    49  // matches any of the specs.
    50  //
    51  // The path spec is a dot separated string where each segment is a field name.
    52  // Slices, Arrays, and Maps are always matched against every element in the
    53  // sequence. [gocmp.Indirect], [gocmp.Transform], and [gocmp.TypeAssertion] are always
    54  // ignored.
    55  //
    56  // Note: this path filter is not type safe. Incorrect paths will be silently
    57  // ignored. Consider using a type safe path filter for more complex paths.
    58  func PathString(specs ...string) func(path gocmp.Path) bool {
    59  	return func(path gocmp.Path) bool {
    60  		for _, spec := range specs {
    61  			if path.String() == spec {
    62  				return true
    63  			}
    64  		}
    65  		return false
    66  	}
    67  }
    69  // PathDebug is a [gocmp.FilterPath] filter that always returns false. It prints
    70  // each path it receives. It can be used to debug path matching problems.
    71  func PathDebug(path gocmp.Path) bool {
    72  	fmt.Printf("PATH string=%s gostring=%s\n", path, path.GoString())
    73  	for _, step := range path {
    74  		fmt.Printf("  STEP %s\ttype=%s\t%s\n",
    75  			formatStepType(step), step.Type(), stepTypeFields(step))
    76  	}
    77  	return false
    78  }
    80  func formatStepType(step gocmp.PathStep) string {
    81  	return strings.Title(strings.TrimPrefix(reflect.TypeOf(step).String(), "*cmp."))
    82  }
    84  func stepTypeFields(step gocmp.PathStep) string {
    85  	switch typed := step.(type) {
    86  	case gocmp.StructField:
    87  		return fmt.Sprintf("name=%s", typed.Name())
    88  	case gocmp.MapIndex:
    89  		return fmt.Sprintf("key=%s", typed.Key().Interface())
    90  	case gocmp.Transform:
    91  		return fmt.Sprintf("name=%s", typed.Name())
    92  	case gocmp.SliceIndex:
    93  		return fmt.Sprintf("name=%d", typed.Key())
    94  	}
    95  	return ""
    96  }
    98  // PathField is a [gocmp.FilterPath] filter that matches a struct field by name.
    99  // PathField will match every instance of the field in a recursive or nested
   100  // structure.
   101  func PathField(structType interface{}, field string) func(gocmp.Path) bool {
   102  	typ := reflect.TypeOf(structType)
   103  	if typ.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
   104  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("type %s is not a struct", typ))
   105  	}
   106  	if _, ok := typ.FieldByName(field); !ok {
   107  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("type %s does not have field %s", typ, field))
   108  	}
   110  	return func(path gocmp.Path) bool {
   111  		return path.Index(-2).Type() == typ && isStructField(path.Index(-1), field)
   112  	}
   113  }
   115  func isStructField(step gocmp.PathStep, name string) bool {
   116  	field, ok := step.(gocmp.StructField)
   117  	return ok && field.Name() == name
   118  }

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