
Source file src/gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2/json/encode.go

Documentation: gopkg.in/square/go-jose.v2/json

     1  // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // Package json implements encoding and decoding of JSON objects as defined in
     6  // RFC 4627. The mapping between JSON objects and Go values is described
     7  // in the documentation for the Marshal and Unmarshal functions.
     8  //
     9  // See "JSON and Go" for an introduction to this package:
    10  // https://golang.org/doc/articles/json_and_go.html
    11  package json
    13  import (
    14  	"bytes"
    15  	"encoding"
    16  	"encoding/base64"
    17  	"fmt"
    18  	"math"
    19  	"reflect"
    20  	"runtime"
    21  	"sort"
    22  	"strconv"
    23  	"strings"
    24  	"sync"
    25  	"unicode"
    26  	"unicode/utf8"
    27  )
    29  // Marshal returns the JSON encoding of v.
    30  //
    31  // Marshal traverses the value v recursively.
    32  // If an encountered value implements the Marshaler interface
    33  // and is not a nil pointer, Marshal calls its MarshalJSON method
    34  // to produce JSON. If no MarshalJSON method is present but the
    35  // value implements encoding.TextMarshaler instead, Marshal calls
    36  // its MarshalText method.
    37  // The nil pointer exception is not strictly necessary
    38  // but mimics a similar, necessary exception in the behavior of
    39  // UnmarshalJSON.
    40  //
    41  // Otherwise, Marshal uses the following type-dependent default encodings:
    42  //
    43  // Boolean values encode as JSON booleans.
    44  //
    45  // Floating point, integer, and Number values encode as JSON numbers.
    46  //
    47  // String values encode as JSON strings coerced to valid UTF-8,
    48  // replacing invalid bytes with the Unicode replacement rune.
    49  // The angle brackets "<" and ">" are escaped to "\u003c" and "\u003e"
    50  // to keep some browsers from misinterpreting JSON output as HTML.
    51  // Ampersand "&" is also escaped to "\u0026" for the same reason.
    52  //
    53  // Array and slice values encode as JSON arrays, except that
    54  // []byte encodes as a base64-encoded string, and a nil slice
    55  // encodes as the null JSON object.
    56  //
    57  // Struct values encode as JSON objects. Each exported struct field
    58  // becomes a member of the object unless
    59  //   - the field's tag is "-", or
    60  //   - the field is empty and its tag specifies the "omitempty" option.
    61  // The empty values are false, 0, any
    62  // nil pointer or interface value, and any array, slice, map, or string of
    63  // length zero. The object's default key string is the struct field name
    64  // but can be specified in the struct field's tag value. The "json" key in
    65  // the struct field's tag value is the key name, followed by an optional comma
    66  // and options. Examples:
    67  //
    68  //   // Field is ignored by this package.
    69  //   Field int `json:"-"`
    70  //
    71  //   // Field appears in JSON as key "myName".
    72  //   Field int `json:"myName"`
    73  //
    74  //   // Field appears in JSON as key "myName" and
    75  //   // the field is omitted from the object if its value is empty,
    76  //   // as defined above.
    77  //   Field int `json:"myName,omitempty"`
    78  //
    79  //   // Field appears in JSON as key "Field" (the default), but
    80  //   // the field is skipped if empty.
    81  //   // Note the leading comma.
    82  //   Field int `json:",omitempty"`
    83  //
    84  // The "string" option signals that a field is stored as JSON inside a
    85  // JSON-encoded string. It applies only to fields of string, floating point,
    86  // integer, or boolean types. This extra level of encoding is sometimes used
    87  // when communicating with JavaScript programs:
    88  //
    89  //    Int64String int64 `json:",string"`
    90  //
    91  // The key name will be used if it's a non-empty string consisting of
    92  // only Unicode letters, digits, dollar signs, percent signs, hyphens,
    93  // underscores and slashes.
    94  //
    95  // Anonymous struct fields are usually marshaled as if their inner exported fields
    96  // were fields in the outer struct, subject to the usual Go visibility rules amended
    97  // as described in the next paragraph.
    98  // An anonymous struct field with a name given in its JSON tag is treated as
    99  // having that name, rather than being anonymous.
   100  // An anonymous struct field of interface type is treated the same as having
   101  // that type as its name, rather than being anonymous.
   102  //
   103  // The Go visibility rules for struct fields are amended for JSON when
   104  // deciding which field to marshal or unmarshal. If there are
   105  // multiple fields at the same level, and that level is the least
   106  // nested (and would therefore be the nesting level selected by the
   107  // usual Go rules), the following extra rules apply:
   108  //
   109  // 1) Of those fields, if any are JSON-tagged, only tagged fields are considered,
   110  // even if there are multiple untagged fields that would otherwise conflict.
   111  // 2) If there is exactly one field (tagged or not according to the first rule), that is selected.
   112  // 3) Otherwise there are multiple fields, and all are ignored; no error occurs.
   113  //
   114  // Handling of anonymous struct fields is new in Go 1.1.
   115  // Prior to Go 1.1, anonymous struct fields were ignored. To force ignoring of
   116  // an anonymous struct field in both current and earlier versions, give the field
   117  // a JSON tag of "-".
   118  //
   119  // Map values encode as JSON objects.
   120  // The map's key type must be string; the map keys are used as JSON object
   121  // keys, subject to the UTF-8 coercion described for string values above.
   122  //
   123  // Pointer values encode as the value pointed to.
   124  // A nil pointer encodes as the null JSON object.
   125  //
   126  // Interface values encode as the value contained in the interface.
   127  // A nil interface value encodes as the null JSON object.
   128  //
   129  // Channel, complex, and function values cannot be encoded in JSON.
   130  // Attempting to encode such a value causes Marshal to return
   131  // an UnsupportedTypeError.
   132  //
   133  // JSON cannot represent cyclic data structures and Marshal does not
   134  // handle them.  Passing cyclic structures to Marshal will result in
   135  // an infinite recursion.
   136  //
   137  func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
   138  	e := &encodeState{}
   139  	err := e.marshal(v)
   140  	if err != nil {
   141  		return nil, err
   142  	}
   143  	return e.Bytes(), nil
   144  }
   146  // MarshalIndent is like Marshal but applies Indent to format the output.
   147  func MarshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {
   148  	b, err := Marshal(v)
   149  	if err != nil {
   150  		return nil, err
   151  	}
   152  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   153  	err = Indent(&buf, b, prefix, indent)
   154  	if err != nil {
   155  		return nil, err
   156  	}
   157  	return buf.Bytes(), nil
   158  }
   160  // HTMLEscape appends to dst the JSON-encoded src with <, >, &, U+2028 and U+2029
   161  // characters inside string literals changed to \u003c, \u003e, \u0026, \u2028, \u2029
   162  // so that the JSON will be safe to embed inside HTML <script> tags.
   163  // For historical reasons, web browsers don't honor standard HTML
   164  // escaping within <script> tags, so an alternative JSON encoding must
   165  // be used.
   166  func HTMLEscape(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte) {
   167  	// The characters can only appear in string literals,
   168  	// so just scan the string one byte at a time.
   169  	start := 0
   170  	for i, c := range src {
   171  		if c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '&' {
   172  			if start < i {
   173  				dst.Write(src[start:i])
   174  			}
   175  			dst.WriteString(`\u00`)
   176  			dst.WriteByte(hex[c>>4])
   177  			dst.WriteByte(hex[c&0xF])
   178  			start = i + 1
   179  		}
   180  		// Convert U+2028 and U+2029 (E2 80 A8 and E2 80 A9).
   181  		if c == 0xE2 && i+2 < len(src) && src[i+1] == 0x80 && src[i+2]&^1 == 0xA8 {
   182  			if start < i {
   183  				dst.Write(src[start:i])
   184  			}
   185  			dst.WriteString(`\u202`)
   186  			dst.WriteByte(hex[src[i+2]&0xF])
   187  			start = i + 3
   188  		}
   189  	}
   190  	if start < len(src) {
   191  		dst.Write(src[start:])
   192  	}
   193  }
   195  // Marshaler is the interface implemented by objects that
   196  // can marshal themselves into valid JSON.
   197  type Marshaler interface {
   198  	MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
   199  }
   201  // An UnsupportedTypeError is returned by Marshal when attempting
   202  // to encode an unsupported value type.
   203  type UnsupportedTypeError struct {
   204  	Type reflect.Type
   205  }
   207  func (e *UnsupportedTypeError) Error() string {
   208  	return "json: unsupported type: " + e.Type.String()
   209  }
   211  type UnsupportedValueError struct {
   212  	Value reflect.Value
   213  	Str   string
   214  }
   216  func (e *UnsupportedValueError) Error() string {
   217  	return "json: unsupported value: " + e.Str
   218  }
   220  // Before Go 1.2, an InvalidUTF8Error was returned by Marshal when
   221  // attempting to encode a string value with invalid UTF-8 sequences.
   222  // As of Go 1.2, Marshal instead coerces the string to valid UTF-8 by
   223  // replacing invalid bytes with the Unicode replacement rune U+FFFD.
   224  // This error is no longer generated but is kept for backwards compatibility
   225  // with programs that might mention it.
   226  type InvalidUTF8Error struct {
   227  	S string // the whole string value that caused the error
   228  }
   230  func (e *InvalidUTF8Error) Error() string {
   231  	return "json: invalid UTF-8 in string: " + strconv.Quote(e.S)
   232  }
   234  type MarshalerError struct {
   235  	Type reflect.Type
   236  	Err  error
   237  }
   239  func (e *MarshalerError) Error() string {
   240  	return "json: error calling MarshalJSON for type " + e.Type.String() + ": " + e.Err.Error()
   241  }
   243  var hex = "0123456789abcdef"
   245  // An encodeState encodes JSON into a bytes.Buffer.
   246  type encodeState struct {
   247  	bytes.Buffer // accumulated output
   248  	scratch      [64]byte
   249  }
   251  var encodeStatePool sync.Pool
   253  func newEncodeState() *encodeState {
   254  	if v := encodeStatePool.Get(); v != nil {
   255  		e := v.(*encodeState)
   256  		e.Reset()
   257  		return e
   258  	}
   259  	return new(encodeState)
   260  }
   262  func (e *encodeState) marshal(v interface{}) (err error) {
   263  	defer func() {
   264  		if r := recover(); r != nil {
   265  			if _, ok := r.(runtime.Error); ok {
   266  				panic(r)
   267  			}
   268  			if s, ok := r.(string); ok {
   269  				panic(s)
   270  			}
   271  			err = r.(error)
   272  		}
   273  	}()
   274  	e.reflectValue(reflect.ValueOf(v))
   275  	return nil
   276  }
   278  func (e *encodeState) error(err error) {
   279  	panic(err)
   280  }
   282  func isEmptyValue(v reflect.Value) bool {
   283  	switch v.Kind() {
   284  	case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
   285  		return v.Len() == 0
   286  	case reflect.Bool:
   287  		return !v.Bool()
   288  	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
   289  		return v.Int() == 0
   290  	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
   291  		return v.Uint() == 0
   292  	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
   293  		return v.Float() == 0
   294  	case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
   295  		return v.IsNil()
   296  	}
   297  	return false
   298  }
   300  func (e *encodeState) reflectValue(v reflect.Value) {
   301  	valueEncoder(v)(e, v, false)
   302  }
   304  type encoderFunc func(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool)
   306  var encoderCache struct {
   307  	sync.RWMutex
   308  	m map[reflect.Type]encoderFunc
   309  }
   311  func valueEncoder(v reflect.Value) encoderFunc {
   312  	if !v.IsValid() {
   313  		return invalidValueEncoder
   314  	}
   315  	return typeEncoder(v.Type())
   316  }
   318  func typeEncoder(t reflect.Type) encoderFunc {
   319  	encoderCache.RLock()
   320  	f := encoderCache.m[t]
   321  	encoderCache.RUnlock()
   322  	if f != nil {
   323  		return f
   324  	}
   326  	// To deal with recursive types, populate the map with an
   327  	// indirect func before we build it. This type waits on the
   328  	// real func (f) to be ready and then calls it.  This indirect
   329  	// func is only used for recursive types.
   330  	encoderCache.Lock()
   331  	if encoderCache.m == nil {
   332  		encoderCache.m = make(map[reflect.Type]encoderFunc)
   333  	}
   334  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   335  	wg.Add(1)
   336  	encoderCache.m[t] = func(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   337  		wg.Wait()
   338  		f(e, v, quoted)
   339  	}
   340  	encoderCache.Unlock()
   342  	// Compute fields without lock.
   343  	// Might duplicate effort but won't hold other computations back.
   344  	f = newTypeEncoder(t, true)
   345  	wg.Done()
   346  	encoderCache.Lock()
   347  	encoderCache.m[t] = f
   348  	encoderCache.Unlock()
   349  	return f
   350  }
   352  var (
   353  	marshalerType     = reflect.TypeOf(new(Marshaler)).Elem()
   354  	textMarshalerType = reflect.TypeOf(new(encoding.TextMarshaler)).Elem()
   355  )
   357  // newTypeEncoder constructs an encoderFunc for a type.
   358  // The returned encoder only checks CanAddr when allowAddr is true.
   359  func newTypeEncoder(t reflect.Type, allowAddr bool) encoderFunc {
   360  	if t.Implements(marshalerType) {
   361  		return marshalerEncoder
   362  	}
   363  	if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && allowAddr {
   364  		if reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(marshalerType) {
   365  			return newCondAddrEncoder(addrMarshalerEncoder, newTypeEncoder(t, false))
   366  		}
   367  	}
   369  	if t.Implements(textMarshalerType) {
   370  		return textMarshalerEncoder
   371  	}
   372  	if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && allowAddr {
   373  		if reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(textMarshalerType) {
   374  			return newCondAddrEncoder(addrTextMarshalerEncoder, newTypeEncoder(t, false))
   375  		}
   376  	}
   378  	switch t.Kind() {
   379  	case reflect.Bool:
   380  		return boolEncoder
   381  	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
   382  		return intEncoder
   383  	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
   384  		return uintEncoder
   385  	case reflect.Float32:
   386  		return float32Encoder
   387  	case reflect.Float64:
   388  		return float64Encoder
   389  	case reflect.String:
   390  		return stringEncoder
   391  	case reflect.Interface:
   392  		return interfaceEncoder
   393  	case reflect.Struct:
   394  		return newStructEncoder(t)
   395  	case reflect.Map:
   396  		return newMapEncoder(t)
   397  	case reflect.Slice:
   398  		return newSliceEncoder(t)
   399  	case reflect.Array:
   400  		return newArrayEncoder(t)
   401  	case reflect.Ptr:
   402  		return newPtrEncoder(t)
   403  	default:
   404  		return unsupportedTypeEncoder
   405  	}
   406  }
   408  func invalidValueEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   409  	e.WriteString("null")
   410  }
   412  func marshalerEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   413  	if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil() {
   414  		e.WriteString("null")
   415  		return
   416  	}
   417  	m := v.Interface().(Marshaler)
   418  	b, err := m.MarshalJSON()
   419  	if err == nil {
   420  		// copy JSON into buffer, checking validity.
   421  		err = compact(&e.Buffer, b, true)
   422  	}
   423  	if err != nil {
   424  		e.error(&MarshalerError{v.Type(), err})
   425  	}
   426  }
   428  func addrMarshalerEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   429  	va := v.Addr()
   430  	if va.IsNil() {
   431  		e.WriteString("null")
   432  		return
   433  	}
   434  	m := va.Interface().(Marshaler)
   435  	b, err := m.MarshalJSON()
   436  	if err == nil {
   437  		// copy JSON into buffer, checking validity.
   438  		err = compact(&e.Buffer, b, true)
   439  	}
   440  	if err != nil {
   441  		e.error(&MarshalerError{v.Type(), err})
   442  	}
   443  }
   445  func textMarshalerEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   446  	if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil() {
   447  		e.WriteString("null")
   448  		return
   449  	}
   450  	m := v.Interface().(encoding.TextMarshaler)
   451  	b, err := m.MarshalText()
   452  	if err != nil {
   453  		e.error(&MarshalerError{v.Type(), err})
   454  	}
   455  	e.stringBytes(b)
   456  }
   458  func addrTextMarshalerEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   459  	va := v.Addr()
   460  	if va.IsNil() {
   461  		e.WriteString("null")
   462  		return
   463  	}
   464  	m := va.Interface().(encoding.TextMarshaler)
   465  	b, err := m.MarshalText()
   466  	if err != nil {
   467  		e.error(&MarshalerError{v.Type(), err})
   468  	}
   469  	e.stringBytes(b)
   470  }
   472  func boolEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   473  	if quoted {
   474  		e.WriteByte('"')
   475  	}
   476  	if v.Bool() {
   477  		e.WriteString("true")
   478  	} else {
   479  		e.WriteString("false")
   480  	}
   481  	if quoted {
   482  		e.WriteByte('"')
   483  	}
   484  }
   486  func intEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   487  	b := strconv.AppendInt(e.scratch[:0], v.Int(), 10)
   488  	if quoted {
   489  		e.WriteByte('"')
   490  	}
   491  	e.Write(b)
   492  	if quoted {
   493  		e.WriteByte('"')
   494  	}
   495  }
   497  func uintEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   498  	b := strconv.AppendUint(e.scratch[:0], v.Uint(), 10)
   499  	if quoted {
   500  		e.WriteByte('"')
   501  	}
   502  	e.Write(b)
   503  	if quoted {
   504  		e.WriteByte('"')
   505  	}
   506  }
   508  type floatEncoder int // number of bits
   510  func (bits floatEncoder) encode(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   511  	f := v.Float()
   512  	if math.IsInf(f, 0) || math.IsNaN(f) {
   513  		e.error(&UnsupportedValueError{v, strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'g', -1, int(bits))})
   514  	}
   515  	b := strconv.AppendFloat(e.scratch[:0], f, 'g', -1, int(bits))
   516  	if quoted {
   517  		e.WriteByte('"')
   518  	}
   519  	e.Write(b)
   520  	if quoted {
   521  		e.WriteByte('"')
   522  	}
   523  }
   525  var (
   526  	float32Encoder = (floatEncoder(32)).encode
   527  	float64Encoder = (floatEncoder(64)).encode
   528  )
   530  func stringEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   531  	if v.Type() == numberType {
   532  		numStr := v.String()
   533  		// In Go1.5 the empty string encodes to "0", while this is not a valid number literal
   534  		// we keep compatibility so check validity after this.
   535  		if numStr == "" {
   536  			numStr = "0" // Number's zero-val
   537  		}
   538  		if !isValidNumber(numStr) {
   539  			e.error(fmt.Errorf("json: invalid number literal %q", numStr))
   540  		}
   541  		e.WriteString(numStr)
   542  		return
   543  	}
   544  	if quoted {
   545  		sb, err := Marshal(v.String())
   546  		if err != nil {
   547  			e.error(err)
   548  		}
   549  		e.string(string(sb))
   550  	} else {
   551  		e.string(v.String())
   552  	}
   553  }
   555  func interfaceEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   556  	if v.IsNil() {
   557  		e.WriteString("null")
   558  		return
   559  	}
   560  	e.reflectValue(v.Elem())
   561  }
   563  func unsupportedTypeEncoder(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   564  	e.error(&UnsupportedTypeError{v.Type()})
   565  }
   567  type structEncoder struct {
   568  	fields    []field
   569  	fieldEncs []encoderFunc
   570  }
   572  func (se *structEncoder) encode(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   573  	e.WriteByte('{')
   574  	first := true
   575  	for i, f := range se.fields {
   576  		fv := fieldByIndex(v, f.index)
   577  		if !fv.IsValid() || f.omitEmpty && isEmptyValue(fv) {
   578  			continue
   579  		}
   580  		if first {
   581  			first = false
   582  		} else {
   583  			e.WriteByte(',')
   584  		}
   585  		e.string(f.name)
   586  		e.WriteByte(':')
   587  		se.fieldEncs[i](e, fv, f.quoted)
   588  	}
   589  	e.WriteByte('}')
   590  }
   592  func newStructEncoder(t reflect.Type) encoderFunc {
   593  	fields := cachedTypeFields(t)
   594  	se := &structEncoder{
   595  		fields:    fields,
   596  		fieldEncs: make([]encoderFunc, len(fields)),
   597  	}
   598  	for i, f := range fields {
   599  		se.fieldEncs[i] = typeEncoder(typeByIndex(t, f.index))
   600  	}
   601  	return se.encode
   602  }
   604  type mapEncoder struct {
   605  	elemEnc encoderFunc
   606  }
   608  func (me *mapEncoder) encode(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, _ bool) {
   609  	if v.IsNil() {
   610  		e.WriteString("null")
   611  		return
   612  	}
   613  	e.WriteByte('{')
   614  	var sv stringValues = v.MapKeys()
   615  	sort.Sort(sv)
   616  	for i, k := range sv {
   617  		if i > 0 {
   618  			e.WriteByte(',')
   619  		}
   620  		e.string(k.String())
   621  		e.WriteByte(':')
   622  		me.elemEnc(e, v.MapIndex(k), false)
   623  	}
   624  	e.WriteByte('}')
   625  }
   627  func newMapEncoder(t reflect.Type) encoderFunc {
   628  	if t.Key().Kind() != reflect.String {
   629  		return unsupportedTypeEncoder
   630  	}
   631  	me := &mapEncoder{typeEncoder(t.Elem())}
   632  	return me.encode
   633  }
   635  func encodeByteSlice(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, _ bool) {
   636  	if v.IsNil() {
   637  		e.WriteString("null")
   638  		return
   639  	}
   640  	s := v.Bytes()
   641  	e.WriteByte('"')
   642  	if len(s) < 1024 {
   643  		// for small buffers, using Encode directly is much faster.
   644  		dst := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(s)))
   645  		base64.StdEncoding.Encode(dst, s)
   646  		e.Write(dst)
   647  	} else {
   648  		// for large buffers, avoid unnecessary extra temporary
   649  		// buffer space.
   650  		enc := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, e)
   651  		enc.Write(s)
   652  		enc.Close()
   653  	}
   654  	e.WriteByte('"')
   655  }
   657  // sliceEncoder just wraps an arrayEncoder, checking to make sure the value isn't nil.
   658  type sliceEncoder struct {
   659  	arrayEnc encoderFunc
   660  }
   662  func (se *sliceEncoder) encode(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, _ bool) {
   663  	if v.IsNil() {
   664  		e.WriteString("null")
   665  		return
   666  	}
   667  	se.arrayEnc(e, v, false)
   668  }
   670  func newSliceEncoder(t reflect.Type) encoderFunc {
   671  	// Byte slices get special treatment; arrays don't.
   672  	if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
   673  		return encodeByteSlice
   674  	}
   675  	enc := &sliceEncoder{newArrayEncoder(t)}
   676  	return enc.encode
   677  }
   679  type arrayEncoder struct {
   680  	elemEnc encoderFunc
   681  }
   683  func (ae *arrayEncoder) encode(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, _ bool) {
   684  	e.WriteByte('[')
   685  	n := v.Len()
   686  	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
   687  		if i > 0 {
   688  			e.WriteByte(',')
   689  		}
   690  		ae.elemEnc(e, v.Index(i), false)
   691  	}
   692  	e.WriteByte(']')
   693  }
   695  func newArrayEncoder(t reflect.Type) encoderFunc {
   696  	enc := &arrayEncoder{typeEncoder(t.Elem())}
   697  	return enc.encode
   698  }
   700  type ptrEncoder struct {
   701  	elemEnc encoderFunc
   702  }
   704  func (pe *ptrEncoder) encode(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   705  	if v.IsNil() {
   706  		e.WriteString("null")
   707  		return
   708  	}
   709  	pe.elemEnc(e, v.Elem(), quoted)
   710  }
   712  func newPtrEncoder(t reflect.Type) encoderFunc {
   713  	enc := &ptrEncoder{typeEncoder(t.Elem())}
   714  	return enc.encode
   715  }
   717  type condAddrEncoder struct {
   718  	canAddrEnc, elseEnc encoderFunc
   719  }
   721  func (ce *condAddrEncoder) encode(e *encodeState, v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
   722  	if v.CanAddr() {
   723  		ce.canAddrEnc(e, v, quoted)
   724  	} else {
   725  		ce.elseEnc(e, v, quoted)
   726  	}
   727  }
   729  // newCondAddrEncoder returns an encoder that checks whether its value
   730  // CanAddr and delegates to canAddrEnc if so, else to elseEnc.
   731  func newCondAddrEncoder(canAddrEnc, elseEnc encoderFunc) encoderFunc {
   732  	enc := &condAddrEncoder{canAddrEnc: canAddrEnc, elseEnc: elseEnc}
   733  	return enc.encode
   734  }
   736  func isValidTag(s string) bool {
   737  	if s == "" {
   738  		return false
   739  	}
   740  	for _, c := range s {
   741  		switch {
   742  		case strings.ContainsRune("!#$%&()*+-./:<=>?@[]^_{|}~ ", c):
   743  			// Backslash and quote chars are reserved, but
   744  			// otherwise any punctuation chars are allowed
   745  			// in a tag name.
   746  		default:
   747  			if !unicode.IsLetter(c) && !unicode.IsDigit(c) {
   748  				return false
   749  			}
   750  		}
   751  	}
   752  	return true
   753  }
   755  func fieldByIndex(v reflect.Value, index []int) reflect.Value {
   756  	for _, i := range index {
   757  		if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
   758  			if v.IsNil() {
   759  				return reflect.Value{}
   760  			}
   761  			v = v.Elem()
   762  		}
   763  		v = v.Field(i)
   764  	}
   765  	return v
   766  }
   768  func typeByIndex(t reflect.Type, index []int) reflect.Type {
   769  	for _, i := range index {
   770  		if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
   771  			t = t.Elem()
   772  		}
   773  		t = t.Field(i).Type
   774  	}
   775  	return t
   776  }
   778  // stringValues is a slice of reflect.Value holding *reflect.StringValue.
   779  // It implements the methods to sort by string.
   780  type stringValues []reflect.Value
   782  func (sv stringValues) Len() int           { return len(sv) }
   783  func (sv stringValues) Swap(i, j int)      { sv[i], sv[j] = sv[j], sv[i] }
   784  func (sv stringValues) Less(i, j int) bool { return sv.get(i) < sv.get(j) }
   785  func (sv stringValues) get(i int) string   { return sv[i].String() }
   787  // NOTE: keep in sync with stringBytes below.
   788  func (e *encodeState) string(s string) int {
   789  	len0 := e.Len()
   790  	e.WriteByte('"')
   791  	start := 0
   792  	for i := 0; i < len(s); {
   793  		if b := s[i]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {
   794  			if 0x20 <= b && b != '\\' && b != '"' && b != '<' && b != '>' && b != '&' {
   795  				i++
   796  				continue
   797  			}
   798  			if start < i {
   799  				e.WriteString(s[start:i])
   800  			}
   801  			switch b {
   802  			case '\\', '"':
   803  				e.WriteByte('\\')
   804  				e.WriteByte(b)
   805  			case '\n':
   806  				e.WriteByte('\\')
   807  				e.WriteByte('n')
   808  			case '\r':
   809  				e.WriteByte('\\')
   810  				e.WriteByte('r')
   811  			case '\t':
   812  				e.WriteByte('\\')
   813  				e.WriteByte('t')
   814  			default:
   815  				// This encodes bytes < 0x20 except for \n and \r,
   816  				// as well as <, > and &. The latter are escaped because they
   817  				// can lead to security holes when user-controlled strings
   818  				// are rendered into JSON and served to some browsers.
   819  				e.WriteString(`\u00`)
   820  				e.WriteByte(hex[b>>4])
   821  				e.WriteByte(hex[b&0xF])
   822  			}
   823  			i++
   824  			start = i
   825  			continue
   826  		}
   827  		c, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
   828  		if c == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
   829  			if start < i {
   830  				e.WriteString(s[start:i])
   831  			}
   832  			e.WriteString(`\ufffd`)
   833  			i += size
   834  			start = i
   835  			continue
   836  		}
   837  		// U+2028 is LINE SEPARATOR.
   838  		// U+2029 is PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR.
   839  		// They are both technically valid characters in JSON strings,
   840  		// but don't work in JSONP, which has to be evaluated as JavaScript,
   841  		// and can lead to security holes there. It is valid JSON to
   842  		// escape them, so we do so unconditionally.
   843  		// See http://timelessrepo.com/json-isnt-a-javascript-subset for discussion.
   844  		if c == '\u2028' || c == '\u2029' {
   845  			if start < i {
   846  				e.WriteString(s[start:i])
   847  			}
   848  			e.WriteString(`\u202`)
   849  			e.WriteByte(hex[c&0xF])
   850  			i += size
   851  			start = i
   852  			continue
   853  		}
   854  		i += size
   855  	}
   856  	if start < len(s) {
   857  		e.WriteString(s[start:])
   858  	}
   859  	e.WriteByte('"')
   860  	return e.Len() - len0
   861  }
   863  // NOTE: keep in sync with string above.
   864  func (e *encodeState) stringBytes(s []byte) int {
   865  	len0 := e.Len()
   866  	e.WriteByte('"')
   867  	start := 0
   868  	for i := 0; i < len(s); {
   869  		if b := s[i]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {
   870  			if 0x20 <= b && b != '\\' && b != '"' && b != '<' && b != '>' && b != '&' {
   871  				i++
   872  				continue
   873  			}
   874  			if start < i {
   875  				e.Write(s[start:i])
   876  			}
   877  			switch b {
   878  			case '\\', '"':
   879  				e.WriteByte('\\')
   880  				e.WriteByte(b)
   881  			case '\n':
   882  				e.WriteByte('\\')
   883  				e.WriteByte('n')
   884  			case '\r':
   885  				e.WriteByte('\\')
   886  				e.WriteByte('r')
   887  			case '\t':
   888  				e.WriteByte('\\')
   889  				e.WriteByte('t')
   890  			default:
   891  				// This encodes bytes < 0x20 except for \n and \r,
   892  				// as well as <, >, and &. The latter are escaped because they
   893  				// can lead to security holes when user-controlled strings
   894  				// are rendered into JSON and served to some browsers.
   895  				e.WriteString(`\u00`)
   896  				e.WriteByte(hex[b>>4])
   897  				e.WriteByte(hex[b&0xF])
   898  			}
   899  			i++
   900  			start = i
   901  			continue
   902  		}
   903  		c, size := utf8.DecodeRune(s[i:])
   904  		if c == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
   905  			if start < i {
   906  				e.Write(s[start:i])
   907  			}
   908  			e.WriteString(`\ufffd`)
   909  			i += size
   910  			start = i
   911  			continue
   912  		}
   913  		// U+2028 is LINE SEPARATOR.
   914  		// U+2029 is PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR.
   915  		// They are both technically valid characters in JSON strings,
   916  		// but don't work in JSONP, which has to be evaluated as JavaScript,
   917  		// and can lead to security holes there. It is valid JSON to
   918  		// escape them, so we do so unconditionally.
   919  		// See http://timelessrepo.com/json-isnt-a-javascript-subset for discussion.
   920  		if c == '\u2028' || c == '\u2029' {
   921  			if start < i {
   922  				e.Write(s[start:i])
   923  			}
   924  			e.WriteString(`\u202`)
   925  			e.WriteByte(hex[c&0xF])
   926  			i += size
   927  			start = i
   928  			continue
   929  		}
   930  		i += size
   931  	}
   932  	if start < len(s) {
   933  		e.Write(s[start:])
   934  	}
   935  	e.WriteByte('"')
   936  	return e.Len() - len0
   937  }
   939  // A field represents a single field found in a struct.
   940  type field struct {
   941  	name      string
   942  	nameBytes []byte // []byte(name)
   944  	tag       bool
   945  	index     []int
   946  	typ       reflect.Type
   947  	omitEmpty bool
   948  	quoted    bool
   949  }
   951  func fillField(f field) field {
   952  	f.nameBytes = []byte(f.name)
   953  	return f
   954  }
   956  // byName sorts field by name, breaking ties with depth,
   957  // then breaking ties with "name came from json tag", then
   958  // breaking ties with index sequence.
   959  type byName []field
   961  func (x byName) Len() int { return len(x) }
   963  func (x byName) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
   965  func (x byName) Less(i, j int) bool {
   966  	if x[i].name != x[j].name {
   967  		return x[i].name < x[j].name
   968  	}
   969  	if len(x[i].index) != len(x[j].index) {
   970  		return len(x[i].index) < len(x[j].index)
   971  	}
   972  	if x[i].tag != x[j].tag {
   973  		return x[i].tag
   974  	}
   975  	return byIndex(x).Less(i, j)
   976  }
   978  // byIndex sorts field by index sequence.
   979  type byIndex []field
   981  func (x byIndex) Len() int { return len(x) }
   983  func (x byIndex) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
   985  func (x byIndex) Less(i, j int) bool {
   986  	for k, xik := range x[i].index {
   987  		if k >= len(x[j].index) {
   988  			return false
   989  		}
   990  		if xik != x[j].index[k] {
   991  			return xik < x[j].index[k]
   992  		}
   993  	}
   994  	return len(x[i].index) < len(x[j].index)
   995  }
   997  // typeFields returns a list of fields that JSON should recognize for the given type.
   998  // The algorithm is breadth-first search over the set of structs to include - the top struct
   999  // and then any reachable anonymous structs.
  1000  func typeFields(t reflect.Type) []field {
  1001  	// Anonymous fields to explore at the current level and the next.
  1002  	current := []field{}
  1003  	next := []field{{typ: t}}
  1005  	// Count of queued names for current level and the next.
  1006  	count := map[reflect.Type]int{}
  1007  	nextCount := map[reflect.Type]int{}
  1009  	// Types already visited at an earlier level.
  1010  	visited := map[reflect.Type]bool{}
  1012  	// Fields found.
  1013  	var fields []field
  1015  	for len(next) > 0 {
  1016  		current, next = next, current[:0]
  1017  		count, nextCount = nextCount, map[reflect.Type]int{}
  1019  		for _, f := range current {
  1020  			if visited[f.typ] {
  1021  				continue
  1022  			}
  1023  			visited[f.typ] = true
  1025  			// Scan f.typ for fields to include.
  1026  			for i := 0; i < f.typ.NumField(); i++ {
  1027  				sf := f.typ.Field(i)
  1028  				if sf.PkgPath != "" && !sf.Anonymous { // unexported
  1029  					continue
  1030  				}
  1031  				tag := sf.Tag.Get("json")
  1032  				if tag == "-" {
  1033  					continue
  1034  				}
  1035  				name, opts := parseTag(tag)
  1036  				if !isValidTag(name) {
  1037  					name = ""
  1038  				}
  1039  				index := make([]int, len(f.index)+1)
  1040  				copy(index, f.index)
  1041  				index[len(f.index)] = i
  1043  				ft := sf.Type
  1044  				if ft.Name() == "" && ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
  1045  					// Follow pointer.
  1046  					ft = ft.Elem()
  1047  				}
  1049  				// Only strings, floats, integers, and booleans can be quoted.
  1050  				quoted := false
  1051  				if opts.Contains("string") {
  1052  					switch ft.Kind() {
  1053  					case reflect.Bool,
  1054  						reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
  1055  						reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64,
  1056  						reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64,
  1057  						reflect.String:
  1058  						quoted = true
  1059  					}
  1060  				}
  1062  				// Record found field and index sequence.
  1063  				if name != "" || !sf.Anonymous || ft.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
  1064  					tagged := name != ""
  1065  					if name == "" {
  1066  						name = sf.Name
  1067  					}
  1068  					fields = append(fields, fillField(field{
  1069  						name:      name,
  1070  						tag:       tagged,
  1071  						index:     index,
  1072  						typ:       ft,
  1073  						omitEmpty: opts.Contains("omitempty"),
  1074  						quoted:    quoted,
  1075  					}))
  1076  					if count[f.typ] > 1 {
  1077  						// If there were multiple instances, add a second,
  1078  						// so that the annihilation code will see a duplicate.
  1079  						// It only cares about the distinction between 1 or 2,
  1080  						// so don't bother generating any more copies.
  1081  						fields = append(fields, fields[len(fields)-1])
  1082  					}
  1083  					continue
  1084  				}
  1086  				// Record new anonymous struct to explore in next round.
  1087  				nextCount[ft]++
  1088  				if nextCount[ft] == 1 {
  1089  					next = append(next, fillField(field{name: ft.Name(), index: index, typ: ft}))
  1090  				}
  1091  			}
  1092  		}
  1093  	}
  1095  	sort.Sort(byName(fields))
  1097  	// Delete all fields that are hidden by the Go rules for embedded fields,
  1098  	// except that fields with JSON tags are promoted.
  1100  	// The fields are sorted in primary order of name, secondary order
  1101  	// of field index length. Loop over names; for each name, delete
  1102  	// hidden fields by choosing the one dominant field that survives.
  1103  	out := fields[:0]
  1104  	for advance, i := 0, 0; i < len(fields); i += advance {
  1105  		// One iteration per name.
  1106  		// Find the sequence of fields with the name of this first field.
  1107  		fi := fields[i]
  1108  		name := fi.name
  1109  		for advance = 1; i+advance < len(fields); advance++ {
  1110  			fj := fields[i+advance]
  1111  			if fj.name != name {
  1112  				break
  1113  			}
  1114  		}
  1115  		if advance == 1 { // Only one field with this name
  1116  			out = append(out, fi)
  1117  			continue
  1118  		}
  1119  		dominant, ok := dominantField(fields[i : i+advance])
  1120  		if ok {
  1121  			out = append(out, dominant)
  1122  		}
  1123  	}
  1125  	fields = out
  1126  	sort.Sort(byIndex(fields))
  1128  	return fields
  1129  }
  1131  // dominantField looks through the fields, all of which are known to
  1132  // have the same name, to find the single field that dominates the
  1133  // others using Go's embedding rules, modified by the presence of
  1134  // JSON tags. If there are multiple top-level fields, the boolean
  1135  // will be false: This condition is an error in Go and we skip all
  1136  // the fields.
  1137  func dominantField(fields []field) (field, bool) {
  1138  	// The fields are sorted in increasing index-length order. The winner
  1139  	// must therefore be one with the shortest index length. Drop all
  1140  	// longer entries, which is easy: just truncate the slice.
  1141  	length := len(fields[0].index)
  1142  	tagged := -1 // Index of first tagged field.
  1143  	for i, f := range fields {
  1144  		if len(f.index) > length {
  1145  			fields = fields[:i]
  1146  			break
  1147  		}
  1148  		if f.tag {
  1149  			if tagged >= 0 {
  1150  				// Multiple tagged fields at the same level: conflict.
  1151  				// Return no field.
  1152  				return field{}, false
  1153  			}
  1154  			tagged = i
  1155  		}
  1156  	}
  1157  	if tagged >= 0 {
  1158  		return fields[tagged], true
  1159  	}
  1160  	// All remaining fields have the same length. If there's more than one,
  1161  	// we have a conflict (two fields named "X" at the same level) and we
  1162  	// return no field.
  1163  	if len(fields) > 1 {
  1164  		return field{}, false
  1165  	}
  1166  	return fields[0], true
  1167  }
  1169  var fieldCache struct {
  1170  	sync.RWMutex
  1171  	m map[reflect.Type][]field
  1172  }
  1174  // cachedTypeFields is like typeFields but uses a cache to avoid repeated work.
  1175  func cachedTypeFields(t reflect.Type) []field {
  1176  	fieldCache.RLock()
  1177  	f := fieldCache.m[t]
  1178  	fieldCache.RUnlock()
  1179  	if f != nil {
  1180  		return f
  1181  	}
  1183  	// Compute fields without lock.
  1184  	// Might duplicate effort but won't hold other computations back.
  1185  	f = typeFields(t)
  1186  	if f == nil {
  1187  		f = []field{}
  1188  	}
  1190  	fieldCache.Lock()
  1191  	if fieldCache.m == nil {
  1192  		fieldCache.m = map[reflect.Type][]field{}
  1193  	}
  1194  	fieldCache.m[t] = f
  1195  	fieldCache.Unlock()
  1196  	return f
  1197  }

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