
Source file src/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/type.go

Documentation: google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect

     1  // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package protoreflect
     7  // Descriptor provides a set of accessors that are common to every descriptor.
     8  // Each descriptor type wraps the equivalent google.protobuf.XXXDescriptorProto,
     9  // but provides efficient lookup and immutability.
    10  //
    11  // Each descriptor is comparable. Equality implies that the two types are
    12  // exactly identical. However, it is possible for the same semantically
    13  // identical proto type to be represented by multiple type descriptors.
    14  //
    15  // For example, suppose we have t1 and t2 which are both an [MessageDescriptor].
    16  // If t1 == t2, then the types are definitely equal and all accessors return
    17  // the same information. However, if t1 != t2, then it is still possible that
    18  // they still represent the same proto type (e.g., t1.FullName == t2.FullName).
    19  // This can occur if a descriptor type is created dynamically, or multiple
    20  // versions of the same proto type are accidentally linked into the Go binary.
    21  type Descriptor interface {
    22  	// ParentFile returns the parent file descriptor that this descriptor
    23  	// is declared within. The parent file for the file descriptor is itself.
    24  	//
    25  	// Support for this functionality is optional and may return nil.
    26  	ParentFile() FileDescriptor
    28  	// Parent returns the parent containing this descriptor declaration.
    29  	// The following shows the mapping from child type to possible parent types:
    30  	//
    31  	//	╔═════════════════════╤═══════════════════════════════════╗
    32  	//	║ Child type          │ Possible parent types             ║
    33  	//	╠═════════════════════╪═══════════════════════════════════╣
    34  	//	║ FileDescriptor      │ nil                               ║
    35  	//	║ MessageDescriptor   │ FileDescriptor, MessageDescriptor ║
    36  	//	║ FieldDescriptor     │ FileDescriptor, MessageDescriptor ║
    37  	//	║ OneofDescriptor     │ MessageDescriptor                 ║
    38  	//	║ EnumDescriptor      │ FileDescriptor, MessageDescriptor ║
    39  	//	║ EnumValueDescriptor │ EnumDescriptor                    ║
    40  	//	║ ServiceDescriptor   │ FileDescriptor                    ║
    41  	//	║ MethodDescriptor    │ ServiceDescriptor                 ║
    42  	//	╚═════════════════════╧═══════════════════════════════════╝
    43  	//
    44  	// Support for this functionality is optional and may return nil.
    45  	Parent() Descriptor
    47  	// Index returns the index of this descriptor within its parent.
    48  	// It returns 0 if the descriptor does not have a parent or if the parent
    49  	// is unknown.
    50  	Index() int
    52  	// Syntax is the protobuf syntax.
    53  	Syntax() Syntax // e.g., Proto2 or Proto3
    55  	// Name is the short name of the declaration (i.e., FullName.Name).
    56  	Name() Name // e.g., "Any"
    58  	// FullName is the fully-qualified name of the declaration.
    59  	//
    60  	// The FullName is a concatenation of the full name of the type that this
    61  	// type is declared within and the declaration name. For example,
    62  	// field "foo_field" in message "proto.package.MyMessage" is
    63  	// uniquely identified as "proto.package.MyMessage.foo_field".
    64  	// Enum values are an exception to the rule (see EnumValueDescriptor).
    65  	FullName() FullName // e.g., "google.protobuf.Any"
    67  	// IsPlaceholder reports whether type information is missing since a
    68  	// dependency is not resolved, in which case only name information is known.
    69  	//
    70  	// Placeholder types may only be returned by the following accessors
    71  	// as a result of unresolved dependencies or weak imports:
    72  	//
    73  	//	╔═══════════════════════════════════╤═════════════════════╗
    74  	//	║ Accessor                          │ Descriptor          ║
    75  	//	╠═══════════════════════════════════╪═════════════════════╣
    76  	//	║ FileImports.FileDescriptor        │ FileDescriptor      ║
    77  	//	║ FieldDescriptor.Enum              │ EnumDescriptor      ║
    78  	//	║ FieldDescriptor.Message           │ MessageDescriptor   ║
    79  	//	║ FieldDescriptor.DefaultEnumValue  │ EnumValueDescriptor ║
    80  	//	║ FieldDescriptor.ContainingMessage │ MessageDescriptor   ║
    81  	//	║ MethodDescriptor.Input            │ MessageDescriptor   ║
    82  	//	║ MethodDescriptor.Output           │ MessageDescriptor   ║
    83  	//	╚═══════════════════════════════════╧═════════════════════╝
    84  	//
    85  	// If true, only Name and FullName are valid.
    86  	// For FileDescriptor, the Path is also valid.
    87  	IsPlaceholder() bool
    89  	// Options returns the descriptor options. The caller must not modify
    90  	// the returned value.
    91  	//
    92  	// To avoid a dependency cycle, this function returns a proto.Message value.
    93  	// The proto message type returned for each descriptor type is as follows:
    94  	//	╔═════════════════════╤══════════════════════════════════════════╗
    95  	//	║ Go type             │ Protobuf message type                    ║
    96  	//	╠═════════════════════╪══════════════════════════════════════════╣
    97  	//	║ FileDescriptor      │ google.protobuf.FileOptions              ║
    98  	//	║ EnumDescriptor      │ google.protobuf.EnumOptions              ║
    99  	//	║ EnumValueDescriptor │ google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions         ║
   100  	//	║ MessageDescriptor   │ google.protobuf.MessageOptions           ║
   101  	//	║ FieldDescriptor     │ google.protobuf.FieldOptions             ║
   102  	//	║ OneofDescriptor     │ google.protobuf.OneofOptions             ║
   103  	//	║ ServiceDescriptor   │ google.protobuf.ServiceOptions           ║
   104  	//	║ MethodDescriptor    │ google.protobuf.MethodOptions            ║
   105  	//	╚═════════════════════╧══════════════════════════════════════════╝
   106  	//
   107  	// This method returns a typed nil-pointer if no options are present.
   108  	// The caller must import the descriptorpb package to use this.
   109  	Options() ProtoMessage
   111  	doNotImplement
   112  }
   114  // FileDescriptor describes the types in a complete proto file and
   115  // corresponds with the google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto message.
   116  //
   117  // Top-level declarations:
   118  // [EnumDescriptor], [MessageDescriptor], [FieldDescriptor], and/or [ServiceDescriptor].
   119  type FileDescriptor interface {
   120  	Descriptor // Descriptor.FullName is identical to Package
   122  	// Path returns the file name, relative to the source tree root.
   123  	Path() string // e.g., "path/to/file.proto"
   124  	// Package returns the protobuf package namespace.
   125  	Package() FullName // e.g., "google.protobuf"
   127  	// Imports is a list of imported proto files.
   128  	Imports() FileImports
   130  	// Enums is a list of the top-level enum declarations.
   131  	Enums() EnumDescriptors
   132  	// Messages is a list of the top-level message declarations.
   133  	Messages() MessageDescriptors
   134  	// Extensions is a list of the top-level extension declarations.
   135  	Extensions() ExtensionDescriptors
   136  	// Services is a list of the top-level service declarations.
   137  	Services() ServiceDescriptors
   139  	// SourceLocations is a list of source locations.
   140  	SourceLocations() SourceLocations
   142  	isFileDescriptor
   143  }
   144  type isFileDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(FileDescriptor) }
   146  // FileImports is a list of file imports.
   147  type FileImports interface {
   148  	// Len reports the number of files imported by this proto file.
   149  	Len() int
   150  	// Get returns the ith FileImport. It panics if out of bounds.
   151  	Get(i int) FileImport
   153  	doNotImplement
   154  }
   156  // FileImport is the declaration for a proto file import.
   157  type FileImport struct {
   158  	// FileDescriptor is the file type for the given import.
   159  	// It is a placeholder descriptor if IsWeak is set or if a dependency has
   160  	// not been regenerated to implement the new reflection APIs.
   161  	FileDescriptor
   163  	// IsPublic reports whether this is a public import, which causes this file
   164  	// to alias declarations within the imported file. The intended use cases
   165  	// for this feature is the ability to move proto files without breaking
   166  	// existing dependencies.
   167  	//
   168  	// The current file and the imported file must be within proto package.
   169  	IsPublic bool
   171  	// IsWeak reports whether this is a weak import, which does not impose
   172  	// a direct dependency on the target file.
   173  	//
   174  	// Weak imports are a legacy proto1 feature. Equivalent behavior is
   175  	// achieved using proto2 extension fields or proto3 Any messages.
   176  	IsWeak bool
   177  }
   179  // MessageDescriptor describes a message and
   180  // corresponds with the google.protobuf.DescriptorProto message.
   181  //
   182  // Nested declarations:
   183  // [FieldDescriptor], [OneofDescriptor], [FieldDescriptor], [EnumDescriptor],
   184  // and/or [MessageDescriptor].
   185  type MessageDescriptor interface {
   186  	Descriptor
   188  	// IsMapEntry indicates that this is an auto-generated message type to
   189  	// represent the entry type for a map field.
   190  	//
   191  	// Map entry messages have only two fields:
   192  	//	• a "key" field with a field number of 1
   193  	//	• a "value" field with a field number of 2
   194  	// The key and value types are determined by these two fields.
   195  	//
   196  	// If IsMapEntry is true, it implies that FieldDescriptor.IsMap is true
   197  	// for some field with this message type.
   198  	IsMapEntry() bool
   200  	// Fields is a list of nested field declarations.
   201  	Fields() FieldDescriptors
   202  	// Oneofs is a list of nested oneof declarations.
   203  	Oneofs() OneofDescriptors
   205  	// ReservedNames is a list of reserved field names.
   206  	ReservedNames() Names
   207  	// ReservedRanges is a list of reserved ranges of field numbers.
   208  	ReservedRanges() FieldRanges
   209  	// RequiredNumbers is a list of required field numbers.
   210  	// In Proto3, it is always an empty list.
   211  	RequiredNumbers() FieldNumbers
   212  	// ExtensionRanges is the field ranges used for extension fields.
   213  	// In Proto3, it is always an empty ranges.
   214  	ExtensionRanges() FieldRanges
   215  	// ExtensionRangeOptions returns the ith extension range options.
   216  	//
   217  	// To avoid a dependency cycle, this method returns a proto.Message] value,
   218  	// which always contains a google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions message.
   219  	// This method returns a typed nil-pointer if no options are present.
   220  	// The caller must import the descriptorpb package to use this.
   221  	ExtensionRangeOptions(i int) ProtoMessage
   223  	// Enums is a list of nested enum declarations.
   224  	Enums() EnumDescriptors
   225  	// Messages is a list of nested message declarations.
   226  	Messages() MessageDescriptors
   227  	// Extensions is a list of nested extension declarations.
   228  	Extensions() ExtensionDescriptors
   230  	isMessageDescriptor
   231  }
   232  type isMessageDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(MessageDescriptor) }
   234  // MessageType encapsulates a [MessageDescriptor] with a concrete Go implementation.
   235  // It is recommended that implementations of this interface also implement the
   236  // [MessageFieldTypes] interface.
   237  type MessageType interface {
   238  	// New returns a newly allocated empty message.
   239  	// It may return nil for synthetic messages representing a map entry.
   240  	New() Message
   242  	// Zero returns an empty, read-only message.
   243  	// It may return nil for synthetic messages representing a map entry.
   244  	Zero() Message
   246  	// Descriptor returns the message descriptor.
   247  	//
   248  	// Invariant: t.Descriptor() == t.New().Descriptor()
   249  	Descriptor() MessageDescriptor
   250  }
   252  // MessageFieldTypes extends a [MessageType] by providing type information
   253  // regarding enums and messages referenced by the message fields.
   254  type MessageFieldTypes interface {
   255  	MessageType
   257  	// Enum returns the EnumType for the ith field in MessageDescriptor.Fields.
   258  	// It returns nil if the ith field is not an enum kind.
   259  	// It panics if out of bounds.
   260  	//
   261  	// Invariant: mt.Enum(i).Descriptor() == mt.Descriptor().Fields(i).Enum()
   262  	Enum(i int) EnumType
   264  	// Message returns the MessageType for the ith field in MessageDescriptor.Fields.
   265  	// It returns nil if the ith field is not a message or group kind.
   266  	// It panics if out of bounds.
   267  	//
   268  	// Invariant: mt.Message(i).Descriptor() == mt.Descriptor().Fields(i).Message()
   269  	Message(i int) MessageType
   270  }
   272  // MessageDescriptors is a list of message declarations.
   273  type MessageDescriptors interface {
   274  	// Len reports the number of messages.
   275  	Len() int
   276  	// Get returns the ith MessageDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds.
   277  	Get(i int) MessageDescriptor
   278  	// ByName returns the MessageDescriptor for a message named s.
   279  	// It returns nil if not found.
   280  	ByName(s Name) MessageDescriptor
   282  	doNotImplement
   283  }
   285  // FieldDescriptor describes a field within a message and
   286  // corresponds with the google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto message.
   287  //
   288  // It is used for both normal fields defined within the parent message
   289  // (e.g., [MessageDescriptor.Fields]) and fields that extend some remote message
   290  // (e.g., [FileDescriptor.Extensions] or [MessageDescriptor.Extensions]).
   291  type FieldDescriptor interface {
   292  	Descriptor
   294  	// Number reports the unique number for this field.
   295  	Number() FieldNumber
   296  	// Cardinality reports the cardinality for this field.
   297  	Cardinality() Cardinality
   298  	// Kind reports the basic kind for this field.
   299  	Kind() Kind
   301  	// HasJSONName reports whether this field has an explicitly set JSON name.
   302  	HasJSONName() bool
   304  	// JSONName reports the name used for JSON serialization.
   305  	// It is usually the camel-cased form of the field name.
   306  	// Extension fields are represented by the full name surrounded by brackets.
   307  	JSONName() string
   309  	// TextName reports the name used for text serialization.
   310  	// It is usually the name of the field, except that groups use the name
   311  	// of the inlined message, and extension fields are represented by the
   312  	// full name surrounded by brackets.
   313  	TextName() string
   315  	// HasPresence reports whether the field distinguishes between unpopulated
   316  	// and default values.
   317  	HasPresence() bool
   319  	// IsExtension reports whether this is an extension field. If false,
   320  	// then Parent and ContainingMessage refer to the same message.
   321  	// Otherwise, ContainingMessage and Parent likely differ.
   322  	IsExtension() bool
   324  	// HasOptionalKeyword reports whether the "optional" keyword was explicitly
   325  	// specified in the source .proto file.
   326  	HasOptionalKeyword() bool
   328  	// IsWeak reports whether this is a weak field, which does not impose a
   329  	// direct dependency on the target type.
   330  	// If true, then Message returns a placeholder type.
   331  	IsWeak() bool
   333  	// IsPacked reports whether repeated primitive numeric kinds should be
   334  	// serialized using a packed encoding.
   335  	// If true, then it implies Cardinality is Repeated.
   336  	IsPacked() bool
   338  	// IsList reports whether this field represents a list,
   339  	// where the value type for the associated field is a List.
   340  	// It is equivalent to checking whether Cardinality is Repeated and
   341  	// that IsMap reports false.
   342  	IsList() bool
   344  	// IsMap reports whether this field represents a map,
   345  	// where the value type for the associated field is a Map.
   346  	// It is equivalent to checking whether Cardinality is Repeated,
   347  	// that the Kind is MessageKind, and that MessageDescriptor.IsMapEntry reports true.
   348  	IsMap() bool
   350  	// MapKey returns the field descriptor for the key in the map entry.
   351  	// It returns nil if IsMap reports false.
   352  	MapKey() FieldDescriptor
   354  	// MapValue returns the field descriptor for the value in the map entry.
   355  	// It returns nil if IsMap reports false.
   356  	MapValue() FieldDescriptor
   358  	// HasDefault reports whether this field has a default value.
   359  	HasDefault() bool
   361  	// Default returns the default value for scalar fields.
   362  	// For proto2, it is the default value as specified in the proto file,
   363  	// or the zero value if unspecified.
   364  	// For proto3, it is always the zero value of the scalar.
   365  	// The Value type is determined by the Kind.
   366  	Default() Value
   368  	// DefaultEnumValue returns the enum value descriptor for the default value
   369  	// of an enum field, and is nil for any other kind of field.
   370  	DefaultEnumValue() EnumValueDescriptor
   372  	// ContainingOneof is the containing oneof that this field belongs to,
   373  	// and is nil if this field is not part of a oneof.
   374  	ContainingOneof() OneofDescriptor
   376  	// ContainingMessage is the containing message that this field belongs to.
   377  	// For extension fields, this may not necessarily be the parent message
   378  	// that the field is declared within.
   379  	ContainingMessage() MessageDescriptor
   381  	// Enum is the enum descriptor if Kind is EnumKind.
   382  	// It returns nil for any other Kind.
   383  	Enum() EnumDescriptor
   385  	// Message is the message descriptor if Kind is
   386  	// MessageKind or GroupKind. It returns nil for any other Kind.
   387  	Message() MessageDescriptor
   389  	isFieldDescriptor
   390  }
   391  type isFieldDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(FieldDescriptor) }
   393  // FieldDescriptors is a list of field declarations.
   394  type FieldDescriptors interface {
   395  	// Len reports the number of fields.
   396  	Len() int
   397  	// Get returns the ith FieldDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds.
   398  	Get(i int) FieldDescriptor
   399  	// ByName returns the FieldDescriptor for a field named s.
   400  	// It returns nil if not found.
   401  	ByName(s Name) FieldDescriptor
   402  	// ByJSONName returns the FieldDescriptor for a field with s as the JSON name.
   403  	// It returns nil if not found.
   404  	ByJSONName(s string) FieldDescriptor
   405  	// ByTextName returns the FieldDescriptor for a field with s as the text name.
   406  	// It returns nil if not found.
   407  	ByTextName(s string) FieldDescriptor
   408  	// ByNumber returns the FieldDescriptor for a field numbered n.
   409  	// It returns nil if not found.
   410  	ByNumber(n FieldNumber) FieldDescriptor
   412  	doNotImplement
   413  }
   415  // OneofDescriptor describes a oneof field set within a given message and
   416  // corresponds with the google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto message.
   417  type OneofDescriptor interface {
   418  	Descriptor
   420  	// IsSynthetic reports whether this is a synthetic oneof created to support
   421  	// proto3 optional semantics. If true, Fields contains exactly one field
   422  	// with FieldDescriptor.HasOptionalKeyword specified.
   423  	IsSynthetic() bool
   425  	// Fields is a list of fields belonging to this oneof.
   426  	Fields() FieldDescriptors
   428  	isOneofDescriptor
   429  }
   430  type isOneofDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(OneofDescriptor) }
   432  // OneofDescriptors is a list of oneof declarations.
   433  type OneofDescriptors interface {
   434  	// Len reports the number of oneof fields.
   435  	Len() int
   436  	// Get returns the ith OneofDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds.
   437  	Get(i int) OneofDescriptor
   438  	// ByName returns the OneofDescriptor for a oneof named s.
   439  	// It returns nil if not found.
   440  	ByName(s Name) OneofDescriptor
   442  	doNotImplement
   443  }
   445  // ExtensionDescriptor is an alias of [FieldDescriptor] for documentation.
   446  type ExtensionDescriptor = FieldDescriptor
   448  // ExtensionTypeDescriptor is an [ExtensionDescriptor] with an associated [ExtensionType].
   449  type ExtensionTypeDescriptor interface {
   450  	ExtensionDescriptor
   452  	// Type returns the associated ExtensionType.
   453  	Type() ExtensionType
   455  	// Descriptor returns the plain ExtensionDescriptor without the
   456  	// associated ExtensionType.
   457  	Descriptor() ExtensionDescriptor
   458  }
   460  // ExtensionDescriptors is a list of field declarations.
   461  type ExtensionDescriptors interface {
   462  	// Len reports the number of fields.
   463  	Len() int
   464  	// Get returns the ith ExtensionDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds.
   465  	Get(i int) ExtensionDescriptor
   466  	// ByName returns the ExtensionDescriptor for a field named s.
   467  	// It returns nil if not found.
   468  	ByName(s Name) ExtensionDescriptor
   470  	doNotImplement
   471  }
   473  // ExtensionType encapsulates an [ExtensionDescriptor] with a concrete
   474  // Go implementation. The nested field descriptor must be for a extension field.
   475  //
   476  // While a normal field is a member of the parent message that it is declared
   477  // within (see [Descriptor.Parent]), an extension field is a member of some other
   478  // target message (see [FieldDescriptor.ContainingMessage]) and may have no
   479  // relationship with the parent. However, the full name of an extension field is
   480  // relative to the parent that it is declared within.
   481  //
   482  // For example:
   483  //
   484  //	syntax = "proto2";
   485  //	package example;
   486  //	message FooMessage {
   487  //		extensions 100 to max;
   488  //	}
   489  //	message BarMessage {
   490  //		extends FooMessage { optional BarMessage bar_field = 100; }
   491  //	}
   492  //
   493  // Field "bar_field" is an extension of FooMessage, but its full name is
   494  // "example.BarMessage.bar_field" instead of "example.FooMessage.bar_field".
   495  type ExtensionType interface {
   496  	// New returns a new value for the field.
   497  	// For scalars, this returns the default value in native Go form.
   498  	New() Value
   500  	// Zero returns a new value for the field.
   501  	// For scalars, this returns the default value in native Go form.
   502  	// For composite types, this returns an empty, read-only message, list, or map.
   503  	Zero() Value
   505  	// TypeDescriptor returns the extension type descriptor.
   506  	TypeDescriptor() ExtensionTypeDescriptor
   508  	// ValueOf wraps the input and returns it as a Value.
   509  	// ValueOf panics if the input value is invalid or not the appropriate type.
   510  	//
   511  	// ValueOf is more extensive than protoreflect.ValueOf for a given field's
   512  	// value as it has more type information available.
   513  	ValueOf(interface{}) Value
   515  	// InterfaceOf completely unwraps the Value to the underlying Go type.
   516  	// InterfaceOf panics if the input is nil or does not represent the
   517  	// appropriate underlying Go type. For composite types, it panics if the
   518  	// value is not mutable.
   519  	//
   520  	// InterfaceOf is able to unwrap the Value further than Value.Interface
   521  	// as it has more type information available.
   522  	InterfaceOf(Value) interface{}
   524  	// IsValidValue reports whether the Value is valid to assign to the field.
   525  	IsValidValue(Value) bool
   527  	// IsValidInterface reports whether the input is valid to assign to the field.
   528  	IsValidInterface(interface{}) bool
   529  }
   531  // EnumDescriptor describes an enum and
   532  // corresponds with the google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto message.
   533  //
   534  // Nested declarations:
   535  // [EnumValueDescriptor].
   536  type EnumDescriptor interface {
   537  	Descriptor
   539  	// Values is a list of nested enum value declarations.
   540  	Values() EnumValueDescriptors
   542  	// ReservedNames is a list of reserved enum names.
   543  	ReservedNames() Names
   544  	// ReservedRanges is a list of reserved ranges of enum numbers.
   545  	ReservedRanges() EnumRanges
   547  	// IsClosed reports whether this enum uses closed semantics.
   548  	// See https://protobuf.dev/programming-guides/enum/#definitions.
   549  	// Note: the Go protobuf implementation is not spec compliant and treats
   550  	// all enums as open enums.
   551  	IsClosed() bool
   553  	isEnumDescriptor
   554  }
   555  type isEnumDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(EnumDescriptor) }
   557  // EnumType encapsulates an [EnumDescriptor] with a concrete Go implementation.
   558  type EnumType interface {
   559  	// New returns an instance of this enum type with its value set to n.
   560  	New(n EnumNumber) Enum
   562  	// Descriptor returns the enum descriptor.
   563  	//
   564  	// Invariant: t.Descriptor() == t.New(0).Descriptor()
   565  	Descriptor() EnumDescriptor
   566  }
   568  // EnumDescriptors is a list of enum declarations.
   569  type EnumDescriptors interface {
   570  	// Len reports the number of enum types.
   571  	Len() int
   572  	// Get returns the ith EnumDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds.
   573  	Get(i int) EnumDescriptor
   574  	// ByName returns the EnumDescriptor for an enum named s.
   575  	// It returns nil if not found.
   576  	ByName(s Name) EnumDescriptor
   578  	doNotImplement
   579  }
   581  // EnumValueDescriptor describes an enum value and
   582  // corresponds with the google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto message.
   583  //
   584  // All other proto declarations are in the namespace of the parent.
   585  // However, enum values do not follow this rule and are within the namespace
   586  // of the parent's parent (i.e., they are a sibling of the containing enum).
   587  // Thus, a value named "FOO_VALUE" declared within an enum uniquely identified
   588  // as "proto.package.MyEnum" has a full name of "proto.package.FOO_VALUE".
   589  type EnumValueDescriptor interface {
   590  	Descriptor
   592  	// Number returns the enum value as an integer.
   593  	Number() EnumNumber
   595  	isEnumValueDescriptor
   596  }
   597  type isEnumValueDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(EnumValueDescriptor) }
   599  // EnumValueDescriptors is a list of enum value declarations.
   600  type EnumValueDescriptors interface {
   601  	// Len reports the number of enum values.
   602  	Len() int
   603  	// Get returns the ith EnumValueDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds.
   604  	Get(i int) EnumValueDescriptor
   605  	// ByName returns the EnumValueDescriptor for the enum value named s.
   606  	// It returns nil if not found.
   607  	ByName(s Name) EnumValueDescriptor
   608  	// ByNumber returns the EnumValueDescriptor for the enum value numbered n.
   609  	// If multiple have the same number, the first one defined is returned
   610  	// It returns nil if not found.
   611  	ByNumber(n EnumNumber) EnumValueDescriptor
   613  	doNotImplement
   614  }
   616  // ServiceDescriptor describes a service and
   617  // corresponds with the google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto message.
   618  //
   619  // Nested declarations: [MethodDescriptor].
   620  type ServiceDescriptor interface {
   621  	Descriptor
   623  	// Methods is a list of nested message declarations.
   624  	Methods() MethodDescriptors
   626  	isServiceDescriptor
   627  }
   628  type isServiceDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(ServiceDescriptor) }
   630  // ServiceDescriptors is a list of service declarations.
   631  type ServiceDescriptors interface {
   632  	// Len reports the number of services.
   633  	Len() int
   634  	// Get returns the ith ServiceDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds.
   635  	Get(i int) ServiceDescriptor
   636  	// ByName returns the ServiceDescriptor for a service named s.
   637  	// It returns nil if not found.
   638  	ByName(s Name) ServiceDescriptor
   640  	doNotImplement
   641  }
   643  // MethodDescriptor describes a method and
   644  // corresponds with the google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto message.
   645  type MethodDescriptor interface {
   646  	Descriptor
   648  	// Input is the input message descriptor.
   649  	Input() MessageDescriptor
   650  	// Output is the output message descriptor.
   651  	Output() MessageDescriptor
   652  	// IsStreamingClient reports whether the client streams multiple messages.
   653  	IsStreamingClient() bool
   654  	// IsStreamingServer reports whether the server streams multiple messages.
   655  	IsStreamingServer() bool
   657  	isMethodDescriptor
   658  }
   659  type isMethodDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(MethodDescriptor) }
   661  // MethodDescriptors is a list of method declarations.
   662  type MethodDescriptors interface {
   663  	// Len reports the number of methods.
   664  	Len() int
   665  	// Get returns the ith MethodDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds.
   666  	Get(i int) MethodDescriptor
   667  	// ByName returns the MethodDescriptor for a service method named s.
   668  	// It returns nil if not found.
   669  	ByName(s Name) MethodDescriptor
   671  	doNotImplement
   672  }

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