
Source file src/google.golang.org/grpc/benchmark/stats/stats.go

Documentation: google.golang.org/grpc/benchmark/stats

     1  /*
     2   *
     3   * Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
     4   *
     5   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     6   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8   *
     9   *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10   *
    11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15   * limitations under the License.
    16   *
    17   */
    19  // Package stats tracks the statistics associated with benchmark runs.
    20  package stats
    22  import (
    23  	"bytes"
    24  	"fmt"
    25  	"log"
    26  	"math"
    27  	"runtime"
    28  	"sort"
    29  	"strconv"
    30  	"sync"
    31  	"time"
    33  	"google.golang.org/grpc"
    34  )
    36  // FeatureIndex is an enum for features that usually differ across individual
    37  // benchmark runs in a single execution. These are usually configured by the
    38  // user through command line flags.
    39  type FeatureIndex int
    41  // FeatureIndex enum values corresponding to individually settable features.
    42  const (
    43  	EnableTraceIndex FeatureIndex = iota
    44  	ReadLatenciesIndex
    45  	ReadKbpsIndex
    46  	ReadMTUIndex
    47  	MaxConcurrentCallsIndex
    48  	ReqSizeBytesIndex
    49  	RespSizeBytesIndex
    50  	ReqPayloadCurveIndex
    51  	RespPayloadCurveIndex
    52  	CompModesIndex
    53  	EnableChannelzIndex
    54  	EnablePreloaderIndex
    55  	ClientReadBufferSize
    56  	ClientWriteBufferSize
    57  	ServerReadBufferSize
    58  	ServerWriteBufferSize
    59  	SleepBetweenRPCs
    60  	RecvBufferPool
    61  	SharedWriteBuffer
    63  	// MaxFeatureIndex is a place holder to indicate the total number of feature
    64  	// indices we have. Any new feature indices should be added above this.
    65  	MaxFeatureIndex
    66  )
    68  // Features represent configured options for a specific benchmark run. This is
    69  // usually constructed from command line arguments passed by the caller. See
    70  // benchmark/benchmain/main.go for defined command line flags. This is also
    71  // part of the BenchResults struct which is serialized and written to a file.
    72  type Features struct {
    73  	// Network mode used for this benchmark run. Could be one of Local, LAN, WAN
    74  	// or Longhaul.
    75  	NetworkMode string
    76  	// UseBufCon indicates whether an in-memory connection was used for this
    77  	// benchmark run instead of system network I/O.
    78  	UseBufConn bool
    79  	// EnableKeepalive indicates if keepalives were enabled on the connections
    80  	// used in this benchmark run.
    81  	EnableKeepalive bool
    82  	// BenchTime indicates the duration of the benchmark run.
    83  	BenchTime time.Duration
    84  	// Connections configures the number of grpc connections between client and server.
    85  	Connections int
    87  	// Features defined above are usually the same for all benchmark runs in a
    88  	// particular invocation, while the features defined below could vary from
    89  	// run to run based on the configured command line. These features have a
    90  	// corresponding featureIndex value which is used for a variety of reasons.
    92  	// EnableTrace indicates if tracing was enabled.
    93  	EnableTrace bool
    94  	// Latency is the simulated one-way network latency used.
    95  	Latency time.Duration
    96  	// Kbps is the simulated network throughput used.
    97  	Kbps int
    98  	// MTU is the simulated network MTU used.
    99  	MTU int
   100  	// MaxConcurrentCalls is the number of concurrent RPCs made during this
   101  	// benchmark run.
   102  	MaxConcurrentCalls int
   103  	// ReqSizeBytes is the request size in bytes used in this benchmark run.
   104  	// Unused if ReqPayloadCurve is non-nil.
   105  	ReqSizeBytes int
   106  	// RespSizeBytes is the response size in bytes used in this benchmark run.
   107  	// Unused if RespPayloadCurve is non-nil.
   108  	RespSizeBytes int
   109  	// ReqPayloadCurve is a histogram representing the shape a random
   110  	// distribution request payloads should take.
   111  	ReqPayloadCurve *PayloadCurve
   112  	// RespPayloadCurve is a histogram representing the shape a random
   113  	// distribution request payloads should take.
   114  	RespPayloadCurve *PayloadCurve
   115  	// ModeCompressor represents the compressor mode used.
   116  	ModeCompressor string
   117  	// EnableChannelz indicates if channelz was turned on.
   118  	EnableChannelz bool
   119  	// EnablePreloader indicates if preloading was turned on.
   120  	EnablePreloader bool
   121  	// ClientReadBufferSize is the size of the client read buffer in bytes. If negative, use the default buffer size.
   122  	ClientReadBufferSize int
   123  	// ClientWriteBufferSize is the size of the client write buffer in bytes. If negative, use the default buffer size.
   124  	ClientWriteBufferSize int
   125  	// ServerReadBufferSize is the size of the server read buffer in bytes. If negative, use the default buffer size.
   126  	ServerReadBufferSize int
   127  	// ServerWriteBufferSize is the size of the server write buffer in bytes. If negative, use the default buffer size.
   128  	ServerWriteBufferSize int
   129  	// SleepBetweenRPCs configures optional delay between RPCs.
   130  	SleepBetweenRPCs time.Duration
   131  	// RecvBufferPool represents the shared recv buffer pool used.
   132  	RecvBufferPool string
   133  	// SharedWriteBuffer configures whether both client and server share per-connection write buffer
   134  	SharedWriteBuffer bool
   135  }
   137  // String returns all the feature values as a string.
   138  func (f Features) String() string {
   139  	var reqPayloadString, respPayloadString string
   140  	if f.ReqPayloadCurve != nil {
   141  		reqPayloadString = fmt.Sprintf("reqPayloadCurve_%s", f.ReqPayloadCurve.ShortHash())
   142  	} else {
   143  		reqPayloadString = fmt.Sprintf("reqSize_%vB", f.ReqSizeBytes)
   144  	}
   145  	if f.RespPayloadCurve != nil {
   146  		respPayloadString = fmt.Sprintf("respPayloadCurve_%s", f.RespPayloadCurve.ShortHash())
   147  	} else {
   148  		respPayloadString = fmt.Sprintf("respSize_%vB", f.RespSizeBytes)
   149  	}
   150  	return fmt.Sprintf("networkMode_%v-bufConn_%v-keepalive_%v-benchTime_%v-"+
   151  		"trace_%v-latency_%v-kbps_%v-MTU_%v-maxConcurrentCalls_%v-%s-%s-"+
   152  		"compressor_%v-channelz_%v-preloader_%v-clientReadBufferSize_%v-"+
   153  		"clientWriteBufferSize_%v-serverReadBufferSize_%v-serverWriteBufferSize_%v-"+
   154  		"sleepBetweenRPCs_%v-connections_%v-recvBufferPool_%v-sharedWriteBuffer_%v",
   155  		f.NetworkMode, f.UseBufConn, f.EnableKeepalive, f.BenchTime, f.EnableTrace,
   156  		f.Latency, f.Kbps, f.MTU, f.MaxConcurrentCalls, reqPayloadString,
   157  		respPayloadString, f.ModeCompressor, f.EnableChannelz, f.EnablePreloader,
   158  		f.ClientReadBufferSize, f.ClientWriteBufferSize, f.ServerReadBufferSize,
   159  		f.ServerWriteBufferSize, f.SleepBetweenRPCs, f.Connections,
   160  		f.RecvBufferPool, f.SharedWriteBuffer)
   161  }
   163  // SharedFeatures returns the shared features as a pretty printable string.
   164  // 'wantFeatures' is a bitmask of wanted features, indexed by FeaturesIndex.
   165  func (f Features) SharedFeatures(wantFeatures []bool) string {
   166  	var b bytes.Buffer
   167  	if f.NetworkMode != "" {
   168  		b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Network: %v\n", f.NetworkMode))
   169  	}
   170  	if f.UseBufConn {
   171  		b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("UseBufConn: %v\n", f.UseBufConn))
   172  	}
   173  	if f.EnableKeepalive {
   174  		b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("EnableKeepalive: %v\n", f.EnableKeepalive))
   175  	}
   176  	b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("BenchTime: %v\n", f.BenchTime))
   177  	f.partialString(&b, wantFeatures, ": ", "\n")
   178  	return b.String()
   179  }
   181  // PrintableName returns a one line name which includes the features specified
   182  // by 'wantFeatures' which is a bitmask of wanted features, indexed by
   183  // FeaturesIndex.
   184  func (f Features) PrintableName(wantFeatures []bool) string {
   185  	var b bytes.Buffer
   186  	f.partialString(&b, wantFeatures, "_", "-")
   187  	return b.String()
   188  }
   190  // partialString writes features specified by 'wantFeatures' to the provided
   191  // bytes.Buffer.
   192  func (f Features) partialString(b *bytes.Buffer, wantFeatures []bool, sep, delim string) {
   193  	for i, sf := range wantFeatures {
   194  		if sf {
   195  			switch FeatureIndex(i) {
   196  			case EnableTraceIndex:
   197  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Trace%v%v%v", sep, f.EnableTrace, delim))
   198  			case ReadLatenciesIndex:
   199  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Latency%v%v%v", sep, f.Latency, delim))
   200  			case ReadKbpsIndex:
   201  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Kbps%v%v%v", sep, f.Kbps, delim))
   202  			case ReadMTUIndex:
   203  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("MTU%v%v%v", sep, f.MTU, delim))
   204  			case MaxConcurrentCallsIndex:
   205  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Callers%v%v%v", sep, f.MaxConcurrentCalls, delim))
   206  			case ReqSizeBytesIndex:
   207  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("ReqSize%v%vB%v", sep, f.ReqSizeBytes, delim))
   208  			case RespSizeBytesIndex:
   209  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("RespSize%v%vB%v", sep, f.RespSizeBytes, delim))
   210  			case ReqPayloadCurveIndex:
   211  				if f.ReqPayloadCurve != nil {
   212  					b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("ReqPayloadCurve%vSHA-256:%v%v", sep, f.ReqPayloadCurve.Hash(), delim))
   213  				}
   214  			case RespPayloadCurveIndex:
   215  				if f.RespPayloadCurve != nil {
   216  					b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("RespPayloadCurve%vSHA-256:%v%v", sep, f.RespPayloadCurve.Hash(), delim))
   217  				}
   218  			case CompModesIndex:
   219  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Compressor%v%v%v", sep, f.ModeCompressor, delim))
   220  			case EnableChannelzIndex:
   221  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Channelz%v%v%v", sep, f.EnableChannelz, delim))
   222  			case EnablePreloaderIndex:
   223  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Preloader%v%v%v", sep, f.EnablePreloader, delim))
   224  			case ClientReadBufferSize:
   225  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("ClientReadBufferSize%v%v%v", sep, f.ClientReadBufferSize, delim))
   226  			case ClientWriteBufferSize:
   227  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("ClientWriteBufferSize%v%v%v", sep, f.ClientWriteBufferSize, delim))
   228  			case ServerReadBufferSize:
   229  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("ServerReadBufferSize%v%v%v", sep, f.ServerReadBufferSize, delim))
   230  			case ServerWriteBufferSize:
   231  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("ServerWriteBufferSize%v%v%v", sep, f.ServerWriteBufferSize, delim))
   232  			case SleepBetweenRPCs:
   233  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("SleepBetweenRPCs%v%v%v", sep, f.SleepBetweenRPCs, delim))
   234  			case RecvBufferPool:
   235  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("RecvBufferPool%v%v%v", sep, f.RecvBufferPool, delim))
   236  			case SharedWriteBuffer:
   237  				b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("SharedWriteBuffer%v%v%v", sep, f.SharedWriteBuffer, delim))
   238  			default:
   239  				log.Fatalf("Unknown feature index %v. maxFeatureIndex is %v", i, MaxFeatureIndex)
   240  			}
   241  		}
   242  	}
   243  }
   245  // BenchResults records features and results of a benchmark run. A collection
   246  // of these structs is usually serialized and written to a file after a
   247  // benchmark execution, and could later be read for pretty-printing or
   248  // comparison with other benchmark results.
   249  type BenchResults struct {
   250  	// GoVersion is the version of the compiler the benchmark was compiled with.
   251  	GoVersion string
   252  	// GrpcVersion is the gRPC version being benchmarked.
   253  	GrpcVersion string
   254  	// RunMode is the workload mode for this benchmark run. This could be unary,
   255  	// stream or unconstrained.
   256  	RunMode string
   257  	// Features represents the configured feature options for this run.
   258  	Features Features
   259  	// SharedFeatures represents the features which were shared across all
   260  	// benchmark runs during one execution. It is a slice indexed by
   261  	// 'FeaturesIndex' and a value of true indicates that the associated
   262  	// feature is shared across all runs.
   263  	SharedFeatures []bool
   264  	// Data contains the statistical data of interest from the benchmark run.
   265  	Data RunData
   266  }
   268  // RunData contains statistical data of interest from a benchmark run.
   269  type RunData struct {
   270  	// TotalOps is the number of operations executed during this benchmark run.
   271  	// Only makes sense for unary and streaming workloads.
   272  	TotalOps uint64
   273  	// SendOps is the number of send operations executed during this benchmark
   274  	// run. Only makes sense for unconstrained workloads.
   275  	SendOps uint64
   276  	// RecvOps is the number of receive operations executed during this benchmark
   277  	// run. Only makes sense for unconstrained workloads.
   278  	RecvOps uint64
   279  	// AllocedBytes is the average memory allocation in bytes per operation.
   280  	AllocedBytes float64
   281  	// Allocs is the average number of memory allocations per operation.
   282  	Allocs float64
   283  	// ReqT is the average request throughput associated with this run.
   284  	ReqT float64
   285  	// RespT is the average response throughput associated with this run.
   286  	RespT float64
   288  	// We store different latencies associated with each run. These latencies are
   289  	// only computed for unary and stream workloads as they are not very useful
   290  	// for unconstrained workloads.
   292  	// Fiftieth is the 50th percentile latency.
   293  	Fiftieth time.Duration
   294  	// Ninetieth is the 90th percentile latency.
   295  	Ninetieth time.Duration
   296  	// Ninetyninth is the 99th percentile latency.
   297  	NinetyNinth time.Duration
   298  	// Average is the average latency.
   299  	Average time.Duration
   300  }
   302  type durationSlice []time.Duration
   304  func (a durationSlice) Len() int           { return len(a) }
   305  func (a durationSlice) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
   306  func (a durationSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i] < a[j] }
   308  // Stats is a helper for gathering statistics about individual benchmark runs.
   309  type Stats struct {
   310  	mu         sync.Mutex
   311  	numBuckets int
   312  	hw         *histWrapper
   313  	results    []BenchResults
   314  	startMS    runtime.MemStats
   315  	stopMS     runtime.MemStats
   316  }
   318  type histWrapper struct {
   319  	unit      time.Duration
   320  	histogram *Histogram
   321  	durations durationSlice
   322  }
   324  // NewStats creates a new Stats instance. If numBuckets is not positive, the
   325  // default value (16) will be used.
   326  func NewStats(numBuckets int) *Stats {
   327  	if numBuckets <= 0 {
   328  		numBuckets = 16
   329  	}
   330  	// Use one more bucket for the last unbounded bucket.
   331  	s := &Stats{numBuckets: numBuckets + 1}
   332  	s.hw = &histWrapper{}
   333  	return s
   334  }
   336  // StartRun is to be invoked to indicate the start of a new benchmark run.
   337  func (s *Stats) StartRun(mode string, f Features, sf []bool) {
   338  	s.mu.Lock()
   339  	defer s.mu.Unlock()
   341  	runtime.ReadMemStats(&s.startMS)
   342  	s.results = append(s.results, BenchResults{
   343  		GoVersion:      runtime.Version(),
   344  		GrpcVersion:    grpc.Version,
   345  		RunMode:        mode,
   346  		Features:       f,
   347  		SharedFeatures: sf,
   348  	})
   349  }
   351  // EndRun is to be invoked to indicate the end of the ongoing benchmark run. It
   352  // computes a bunch of stats and dumps them to stdout.
   353  func (s *Stats) EndRun(count uint64) {
   354  	s.mu.Lock()
   355  	defer s.mu.Unlock()
   357  	runtime.ReadMemStats(&s.stopMS)
   358  	r := &s.results[len(s.results)-1]
   359  	r.Data = RunData{
   360  		TotalOps:     count,
   361  		AllocedBytes: float64(s.stopMS.TotalAlloc-s.startMS.TotalAlloc) / float64(count),
   362  		Allocs:       float64(s.stopMS.Mallocs-s.startMS.Mallocs) / float64(count),
   363  		ReqT:         float64(count) * float64(r.Features.ReqSizeBytes) * 8 / r.Features.BenchTime.Seconds(),
   364  		RespT:        float64(count) * float64(r.Features.RespSizeBytes) * 8 / r.Features.BenchTime.Seconds(),
   365  	}
   366  	s.computeLatencies(r)
   367  	s.dump(r)
   368  	s.hw = &histWrapper{}
   369  }
   371  // EndUnconstrainedRun is similar to EndRun, but is to be used for
   372  // unconstrained workloads.
   373  func (s *Stats) EndUnconstrainedRun(req uint64, resp uint64) {
   374  	s.mu.Lock()
   375  	defer s.mu.Unlock()
   377  	runtime.ReadMemStats(&s.stopMS)
   378  	r := &s.results[len(s.results)-1]
   379  	r.Data = RunData{
   380  		SendOps:      req,
   381  		RecvOps:      resp,
   382  		AllocedBytes: float64(s.stopMS.TotalAlloc-s.startMS.TotalAlloc) / float64((req+resp)/2),
   383  		Allocs:       float64(s.stopMS.Mallocs-s.startMS.Mallocs) / float64((req+resp)/2),
   384  		ReqT:         float64(req) * float64(r.Features.ReqSizeBytes) * 8 / r.Features.BenchTime.Seconds(),
   385  		RespT:        float64(resp) * float64(r.Features.RespSizeBytes) * 8 / r.Features.BenchTime.Seconds(),
   386  	}
   387  	s.computeLatencies(r)
   388  	s.dump(r)
   389  	s.hw = &histWrapper{}
   390  }
   392  // AddDuration adds an elapsed duration per operation to the stats. This is
   393  // used by unary and stream modes where request and response stats are equal.
   394  func (s *Stats) AddDuration(d time.Duration) {
   395  	s.mu.Lock()
   396  	defer s.mu.Unlock()
   398  	s.hw.durations = append(s.hw.durations, d)
   399  }
   401  // GetResults returns the results from all benchmark runs.
   402  func (s *Stats) GetResults() []BenchResults {
   403  	s.mu.Lock()
   404  	defer s.mu.Unlock()
   406  	return s.results
   407  }
   409  // computeLatencies computes percentile latencies based on durations stored in
   410  // the stats object and updates the corresponding fields in the result object.
   411  func (s *Stats) computeLatencies(result *BenchResults) {
   412  	if len(s.hw.durations) == 0 {
   413  		return
   414  	}
   415  	sort.Sort(s.hw.durations)
   416  	minDuration := int64(s.hw.durations[0])
   417  	maxDuration := int64(s.hw.durations[len(s.hw.durations)-1])
   419  	// Use the largest unit that can represent the minimum time duration.
   420  	s.hw.unit = time.Nanosecond
   421  	for _, u := range []time.Duration{time.Microsecond, time.Millisecond, time.Second} {
   422  		if minDuration <= int64(u) {
   423  			break
   424  		}
   425  		s.hw.unit = u
   426  	}
   428  	numBuckets := s.numBuckets
   429  	if n := int(maxDuration - minDuration + 1); n < numBuckets {
   430  		numBuckets = n
   431  	}
   432  	s.hw.histogram = NewHistogram(HistogramOptions{
   433  		NumBuckets: numBuckets,
   434  		// max-min(lower bound of last bucket) = (1 + growthFactor)^(numBuckets-2) * baseBucketSize.
   435  		GrowthFactor:   math.Pow(float64(maxDuration-minDuration), 1/float64(numBuckets-2)) - 1,
   436  		BaseBucketSize: 1.0,
   437  		MinValue:       minDuration,
   438  	})
   439  	for _, d := range s.hw.durations {
   440  		s.hw.histogram.Add(int64(d))
   441  	}
   442  	result.Data.Fiftieth = s.hw.durations[max(s.hw.histogram.Count*int64(50)/100-1, 0)]
   443  	result.Data.Ninetieth = s.hw.durations[max(s.hw.histogram.Count*int64(90)/100-1, 0)]
   444  	result.Data.NinetyNinth = s.hw.durations[max(s.hw.histogram.Count*int64(99)/100-1, 0)]
   445  	result.Data.Average = time.Duration(float64(s.hw.histogram.Sum) / float64(s.hw.histogram.Count))
   446  }
   448  // dump returns a printable version.
   449  func (s *Stats) dump(result *BenchResults) {
   450  	var b bytes.Buffer
   452  	// Go and gRPC version information.
   453  	b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s/grpc%s\n", result.GoVersion, result.GrpcVersion))
   455  	// This prints the run mode and all features of the bench on a line.
   456  	b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s:\n", result.RunMode, result.Features.String()))
   458  	unit := s.hw.unit
   459  	tUnit := fmt.Sprintf("%v", unit)[1:] // stores one of s, ms, μs, ns
   461  	if l := result.Data.Fiftieth; l != 0 {
   462  		b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("50_Latency: %s%s\t", strconv.FormatFloat(float64(l)/float64(unit), 'f', 4, 64), tUnit))
   463  	}
   464  	if l := result.Data.Ninetieth; l != 0 {
   465  		b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("90_Latency: %s%s\t", strconv.FormatFloat(float64(l)/float64(unit), 'f', 4, 64), tUnit))
   466  	}
   467  	if l := result.Data.NinetyNinth; l != 0 {
   468  		b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("99_Latency: %s%s\t", strconv.FormatFloat(float64(l)/float64(unit), 'f', 4, 64), tUnit))
   469  	}
   470  	if l := result.Data.Average; l != 0 {
   471  		b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Avg_Latency: %s%s\t", strconv.FormatFloat(float64(l)/float64(unit), 'f', 4, 64), tUnit))
   472  	}
   473  	b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Bytes/op: %v\t", result.Data.AllocedBytes))
   474  	b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Allocs/op: %v\t\n", result.Data.Allocs))
   476  	// This prints the histogram stats for the latency.
   477  	if s.hw.histogram == nil {
   478  		b.WriteString("Histogram (empty)\n")
   479  	} else {
   480  		b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Histogram (unit: %s)\n", tUnit))
   481  		s.hw.histogram.PrintWithUnit(&b, float64(unit))
   482  	}
   484  	// Print throughput data.
   485  	req := result.Data.SendOps
   486  	if req == 0 {
   487  		req = result.Data.TotalOps
   488  	}
   489  	resp := result.Data.RecvOps
   490  	if resp == 0 {
   491  		resp = result.Data.TotalOps
   492  	}
   493  	b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Number of requests:  %v\tRequest throughput:  %v bit/s\n", req, result.Data.ReqT))
   494  	b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Number of responses: %v\tResponse throughput: %v bit/s\n", resp, result.Data.RespT))
   495  	fmt.Println(b.String())
   496  }
   498  func max(a, b int64) int64 {
   499  	if a > b {
   500  		return a
   501  	}
   502  	return b
   503  }

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