name: Testing # Trigger on pushes, PRs (excluding documentation changes), and nightly. on: push: pull_request: schedule: - cron: 0 0 * * * # daily at 00:00 permissions: contents: read # Always force the use of Go modules env: GO111MODULE: on jobs: # Check generated protos match their source repos (optional for PRs). vet-proto: runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 20 steps: # Setup the environment. - name: Setup Go uses: actions/setup-go@v5 with: go-version: '1.22' - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 # Run the vet-proto checks. - name: vet-proto run: ./scripts/ -install && ./scripts/ # Run the main gRPC-Go tests. tests: runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 20 strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - type: vet goversion: '1.22' - type: extras goversion: '1.22' - type: tests goversion: '1.22' - type: tests goversion: '1.22' testflags: -race - type: tests goversion: '1.22' goarch: 386 - type: tests goversion: '1.22' goarch: arm64 - type: tests goversion: '1.21' - type: tests goversion: '1.20' steps: # Setup the environment. - name: Setup GOARCH if: matrix.goarch != '' run: echo "GOARCH=${{ matrix.goarch }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Setup qemu emulator if: matrix.goarch == 'arm64' # setup qemu-user-static emulator and register it with binfmt_misc so that aarch64 binaries # are automatically executed using qemu. run: docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:5.2.0-2 --reset --credential yes --persistent yes - name: Setup GRPC environment if: matrix.grpcenv != '' run: echo "${{ matrix.grpcenv }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Setup Go uses: actions/setup-go@v5 with: go-version: ${{ matrix.goversion }} - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 # Only run vet for 'vet' runs. - name: Run if: matrix.type == 'vet' run: ./scripts/ -install && ./scripts/ # Main tests run for everything except when testing "extras" # (where we run a reduced set of tests). - name: Run tests if: matrix.type == 'tests' run: | go version go test ${{ matrix.testflags }} -cpu 1,4 -timeout 7m cd "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}" for MOD_FILE in $(find . -name 'go.mod' | grep -Ev '^\./go\.mod'); do pushd "$(dirname ${MOD_FILE})" go test ${{ matrix.testflags }} -cpu 1,4 -timeout 2m ./... popd done # Non-core gRPC tests (examples, interop, etc) - name: Run extras tests if: matrix.type == 'extras' run: | export TERM=${TERM:-xterm} go version echo -e "\n-- Running Examples --" examples/ echo -e "\n-- Running AdvancedTLS Examples --" security/advancedtls/examples/ echo -e "\n-- Running Interop Test --" interop/ echo -e "\n-- Running xDS E2E Test --" xds/internal/test/e2e/ echo -e "\n-- Running protoc-gen-go-grpc test --" ./scripts/ -install cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc/