
Source file src/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/clouderrorreporting/v1beta1/alias.go

Documentation: google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/devtools/clouderrorreporting/v1beta1

     1  // Copyright 2022 Google LLC
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  // Code generated by aliasgen. DO NOT EDIT.
    17  // Package errorreporting aliases all exported identifiers in package
    18  // "cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb".
    19  //
    20  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb.
    21  // Please read https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/blob/main/migration.md
    22  // for more details.
    23  package errorreporting
    25  import (
    26  	src "cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb"
    27  	grpc "google.golang.org/grpc"
    28  )
    30  // Deprecated: Please use consts in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
    31  const (
    32  	ErrorGroupOrder_AFFECTED_USERS_DESC                   = src.ErrorGroupOrder_AFFECTED_USERS_DESC
    33  	ErrorGroupOrder_COUNT_DESC                            = src.ErrorGroupOrder_COUNT_DESC
    34  	ErrorGroupOrder_CREATED_DESC                          = src.ErrorGroupOrder_CREATED_DESC
    35  	ErrorGroupOrder_GROUP_ORDER_UNSPECIFIED               = src.ErrorGroupOrder_GROUP_ORDER_UNSPECIFIED
    36  	ErrorGroupOrder_LAST_SEEN_DESC                        = src.ErrorGroupOrder_LAST_SEEN_DESC
    37  	QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_1_DAY                           = src.QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_1_DAY
    38  	QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_1_HOUR                          = src.QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_1_HOUR
    39  	QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_1_WEEK                          = src.QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_1_WEEK
    40  	QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_30_DAYS                         = src.QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_30_DAYS
    41  	QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_6_HOURS                         = src.QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_6_HOURS
    42  	QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_UNSPECIFIED                     = src.QueryTimeRange_PERIOD_UNSPECIFIED
    43  	ResolutionStatus_ACKNOWLEDGED                         = src.ResolutionStatus_ACKNOWLEDGED
    44  	ResolutionStatus_MUTED                                = src.ResolutionStatus_MUTED
    45  	ResolutionStatus_OPEN                                 = src.ResolutionStatus_OPEN
    47  	ResolutionStatus_RESOLVED                             = src.ResolutionStatus_RESOLVED
    48  	TimedCountAlignment_ALIGNMENT_EQUAL_AT_END            = src.TimedCountAlignment_ALIGNMENT_EQUAL_AT_END
    49  	TimedCountAlignment_ALIGNMENT_EQUAL_ROUNDED           = src.TimedCountAlignment_ALIGNMENT_EQUAL_ROUNDED
    51  )
    53  // Deprecated: Please use vars in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
    54  var (
    55  	ErrorGroupOrder_name                                                         = src.ErrorGroupOrder_name
    56  	ErrorGroupOrder_value                                                        = src.ErrorGroupOrder_value
    57  	File_google_devtools_clouderrorreporting_v1beta1_common_proto                = src.File_google_devtools_clouderrorreporting_v1beta1_common_proto
    58  	File_google_devtools_clouderrorreporting_v1beta1_error_group_service_proto   = src.File_google_devtools_clouderrorreporting_v1beta1_error_group_service_proto
    59  	File_google_devtools_clouderrorreporting_v1beta1_error_stats_service_proto   = src.File_google_devtools_clouderrorreporting_v1beta1_error_stats_service_proto
    60  	File_google_devtools_clouderrorreporting_v1beta1_report_errors_service_proto = src.File_google_devtools_clouderrorreporting_v1beta1_report_errors_service_proto
    61  	QueryTimeRange_Period_name                                                   = src.QueryTimeRange_Period_name
    62  	QueryTimeRange_Period_value                                                  = src.QueryTimeRange_Period_value
    63  	ResolutionStatus_name                                                        = src.ResolutionStatus_name
    64  	ResolutionStatus_value                                                       = src.ResolutionStatus_value
    65  	TimedCountAlignment_name                                                     = src.TimedCountAlignment_name
    66  	TimedCountAlignment_value                                                    = src.TimedCountAlignment_value
    67  )
    69  // Deletes all events in the project.
    70  //
    71  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
    72  type DeleteEventsRequest = src.DeleteEventsRequest
    74  // Response message for deleting error events.
    75  //
    76  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
    77  type DeleteEventsResponse = src.DeleteEventsResponse
    79  // A description of the context in which an error occurred. This data should
    80  // be provided by the application when reporting an error, unless the error
    81  // report has been generated automatically from Google App Engine logs.
    82  //
    83  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
    84  type ErrorContext = src.ErrorContext
    86  // An error event which is returned by the Error Reporting system.
    87  //
    88  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
    89  type ErrorEvent = src.ErrorEvent
    91  // Description of a group of similar error events.
    92  //
    93  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
    94  type ErrorGroup = src.ErrorGroup
    96  // A sorting order of error groups.
    97  //
    98  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
    99  type ErrorGroupOrder = src.ErrorGroupOrder
   101  // ErrorGroupServiceClient is the client API for ErrorGroupService service.
   102  // For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer
   103  // to https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#ClientConn.NewStream.
   104  //
   105  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   106  type ErrorGroupServiceClient = src.ErrorGroupServiceClient
   108  // ErrorGroupServiceServer is the server API for ErrorGroupService service.
   109  //
   110  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   111  type ErrorGroupServiceServer = src.ErrorGroupServiceServer
   113  // Data extracted for a specific group based on certain filter criteria, such
   114  // as a given time period and/or service filter.
   115  //
   116  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   117  type ErrorGroupStats = src.ErrorGroupStats
   119  // ErrorStatsServiceClient is the client API for ErrorStatsService service.
   120  // For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer
   121  // to https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#ClientConn.NewStream.
   122  //
   123  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   124  type ErrorStatsServiceClient = src.ErrorStatsServiceClient
   126  // ErrorStatsServiceServer is the server API for ErrorStatsService service.
   127  //
   128  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   129  type ErrorStatsServiceServer = src.ErrorStatsServiceServer
   131  // A request to return an individual group.
   132  //
   133  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   134  type GetGroupRequest = src.GetGroupRequest
   136  // HTTP request data that is related to a reported error. This data should be
   137  // provided by the application when reporting an error, unless the error report
   138  // has been generated automatically from Google App Engine logs.
   139  //
   140  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   141  type HttpRequestContext = src.HttpRequestContext
   143  // Specifies a set of error events to return.
   144  //
   145  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   146  type ListEventsRequest = src.ListEventsRequest
   148  // Contains a set of requested error events.
   149  //
   150  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   151  type ListEventsResponse = src.ListEventsResponse
   153  // Specifies a set of `ErrorGroupStats` to return.
   154  //
   155  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   156  type ListGroupStatsRequest = src.ListGroupStatsRequest
   158  // Contains a set of requested error group stats.
   159  //
   160  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   161  type ListGroupStatsResponse = src.ListGroupStatsResponse
   163  // Requests might be rejected or the resulting timed count durations might be
   164  // adjusted for lower durations.
   165  //
   166  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   167  type QueryTimeRange = src.QueryTimeRange
   169  // The supported time ranges.
   170  //
   171  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   172  type QueryTimeRange_Period = src.QueryTimeRange_Period
   174  // A request for reporting an individual error event.
   175  //
   176  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   177  type ReportErrorEventRequest = src.ReportErrorEventRequest
   179  // Response for reporting an individual error event. Data may be added to this
   180  // message in the future.
   181  //
   182  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   183  type ReportErrorEventResponse = src.ReportErrorEventResponse
   185  // ReportErrorsServiceClient is the client API for ReportErrorsService
   186  // service. For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs,
   187  // please refer to
   188  // https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#ClientConn.NewStream.
   189  //
   190  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   191  type ReportErrorsServiceClient = src.ReportErrorsServiceClient
   193  // ReportErrorsServiceServer is the server API for ReportErrorsService
   194  // service.
   195  //
   196  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   197  type ReportErrorsServiceServer = src.ReportErrorsServiceServer
   199  // An error event which is reported to the Error Reporting system.
   200  //
   201  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   202  type ReportedErrorEvent = src.ReportedErrorEvent
   204  // Resolution status of an error group.
   205  //
   206  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   207  type ResolutionStatus = src.ResolutionStatus
   209  // Describes a running service that sends errors. Its version changes over
   210  // time and multiple versions can run in parallel.
   211  //
   212  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   213  type ServiceContext = src.ServiceContext
   215  // Specifies criteria for filtering a subset of service contexts. The fields
   216  // in the filter correspond to the fields in `ServiceContext`. Only exact,
   217  // case-sensitive matches are supported. If a field is unset or empty, it
   218  // matches arbitrary values.
   219  //
   220  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   221  type ServiceContextFilter = src.ServiceContextFilter
   223  // Indicates a location in the source code of the service for which errors are
   224  // reported. `functionName` must be provided by the application when reporting
   225  // an error, unless the error report contains a `message` with a supported
   226  // exception stack trace. All fields are optional for the later case.
   227  //
   228  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   229  type SourceLocation = src.SourceLocation
   231  // The number of errors in a given time period. All numbers are approximate
   232  // since the error events are sampled before counting them.
   233  //
   234  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   235  type TimedCount = src.TimedCount
   237  // Specifies how the time periods of error group counts are aligned.
   238  //
   239  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   240  type TimedCountAlignment = src.TimedCountAlignment
   242  // Information related to tracking the progress on resolving the error.
   243  //
   244  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   245  type TrackingIssue = src.TrackingIssue
   247  // UnimplementedErrorGroupServiceServer can be embedded to have forward
   248  // compatible implementations.
   249  //
   250  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   251  type UnimplementedErrorGroupServiceServer = src.UnimplementedErrorGroupServiceServer
   253  // UnimplementedErrorStatsServiceServer can be embedded to have forward
   254  // compatible implementations.
   255  //
   256  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   257  type UnimplementedErrorStatsServiceServer = src.UnimplementedErrorStatsServiceServer
   259  // UnimplementedReportErrorsServiceServer can be embedded to have forward
   260  // compatible implementations.
   261  //
   262  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   263  type UnimplementedReportErrorsServiceServer = src.UnimplementedReportErrorsServiceServer
   265  // A request to replace the existing data for the given group.
   266  //
   267  // Deprecated: Please use types in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   268  type UpdateGroupRequest = src.UpdateGroupRequest
   270  // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   271  func NewErrorGroupServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ErrorGroupServiceClient {
   272  	return src.NewErrorGroupServiceClient(cc)
   273  }
   275  // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   276  func NewErrorStatsServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ErrorStatsServiceClient {
   277  	return src.NewErrorStatsServiceClient(cc)
   278  }
   280  // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   281  func NewReportErrorsServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) ReportErrorsServiceClient {
   282  	return src.NewReportErrorsServiceClient(cc)
   283  }
   285  // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   286  func RegisterErrorGroupServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ErrorGroupServiceServer) {
   287  	src.RegisterErrorGroupServiceServer(s, srv)
   288  }
   290  // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   291  func RegisterErrorStatsServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ErrorStatsServiceServer) {
   292  	src.RegisterErrorStatsServiceServer(s, srv)
   293  }
   295  // Deprecated: Please use funcs in: cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting/apiv1beta1/errorreportingpb
   296  func RegisterReportErrorsServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv ReportErrorsServiceServer) {
   297  	src.RegisterReportErrorsServiceServer(s, srv)
   298  }

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