
Text file src/google.golang.org/api/google-api-go-generator/testdata/arrayofenum.json

Documentation: google.golang.org/api/google-api-go-generator/testdata

     2 "kind": "discovery#restDescription",
     3 "etag": "\"kEk3sFj6Ef5_yR1-H3bAO6qw9mI/3m5rB86FE5KuW1K3jAl88AxCreg\"",
     4 "discoveryVersion": "v1",
     5 "id": "arrayofenum:v1",
     6 "name": "arrayofenum",
     7 "version": "v1",
     8 "title": "Example API",
     9 "description": "The Example API demonstrates an array of enums.",
    10 "ownerDomain": "google.com",
    11 "ownerName": "Google",
    12 "protocol": "rest",
    13 "schemas": {
    14  "Container": {
    15   "id": "Container",
    16   "type": "object",
    17   "description": "Represents a Google Tag Manager Container.",
    18   "properties": {
    19    "accountId": {
    20     "type": "string",
    21     "description": "GTM Account ID."
    22    },
    23    "containerId": {
    24     "type": "string",
    25     "description": "This is a long description that has URLs in it that shouldn't break. https://sites.google.com/a/google.com/adx-integration/Home/engineering/binary-releases/rtb-api-release https://cs.corp.google.com/#piper///depot/google3/contentads/adx/tools/rtb_api/adxrtb.py"
    26    },
    27    "domainName": {
    28     "type": "array",
    29     "description": "Optional list of domain names associated with the Container.",
    30     "items": {
    31      "type": "string"
    32     }
    33    },
    34    "enabledBuiltInVariable": {
    35     "type": "array",
    36     "description": "List of enabled built-in variables. Valid values include: pageUrl, pageHostname, pagePath, referrer, event, clickElement, clickClasses, clickId, clickTarget, clickUrl, clickText, formElement, formClasses, formId, formTarget, formUrl, formText, errorMessage, errorUrl, errorLine, newHistoryFragment, oldHistoryFragment, newHistoryState, oldHistoryState, historySource, containerVersion, debugMode, randomNumber, containerId.",
    37     "items": {
    38      "type": "string",
    39      "enum": [
    40       "advertiserId",
    41       "advertisingTrackingEnabled",
    42       "appId",
    43       "appName",
    44       "appVersionCode",
    45       "appVersionName",
    46       "clickClasses",
    47       "clickElement",
    48       "clickId",
    49       "clickTarget",
    50       "clickText",
    51       "clickUrl",
    52       "containerId",
    53       "containerVersion",
    54       "debugMode",
    55       "deviceName",
    56       "errorLine",
    57       "errorMessage",
    58       "errorUrl",
    59       "event",
    60       "formClasses",
    61       "formElement",
    62       "formId",
    63       "formTarget",
    64       "formText",
    65       "formUrl",
    66       "historySource",
    67       "language",
    68       "newHistoryFragment",
    69       "newHistoryState",
    70       "oldHistoryFragment",
    71       "oldHistoryState",
    72       "osVersion",
    73       "pageHostname",
    74       "pagePath",
    75       "pageUrl",
    76       "platform",
    77       "randomNumber",
    78       "referrer",
    79       "resolution",
    80       "sdkVersion"
    81      ],
    82      "enumDescriptions": [
    83       "",
    84       "",
    85       "",
    86       "",
    87       "",
    88       "",
    89       "",
    90       "",
    91       "",
    92       "",
    93       "",
    94       "",
    95       "",
    96       "",
    97       "",
    98       "",
    99       "",
   100       "",
   101       "",
   102       "",
   103       "",
   104       "",
   105       "",
   106       "",
   107       "",
   108       "",
   109       "",
   110       "",
   111       "",
   112       "",
   113       "",
   114       "",
   115       "",
   116       "",
   117       "",
   118       "",
   119       "",
   120       "",
   121       "",
   122       "",
   123       ""
   124      ]
   125     }
   126    },
   127    "fingerprint": {
   128     "type": "string",
   129     "description": "The fingerprint of the GTM Container as computed at storage time. This value is recomputed whenever the account is modified."
   130    },
   131    "name": {
   132     "type": "string",
   133     "description": "Container display name.",
   134     "annotations": {
   135      "required": [
   136       "tagmanager.accounts.containers.create"
   137      ]
   138     }
   139    },
   140    "notes": {
   141     "type": "string",
   142     "description": "Container Notes."
   143    },
   144    "publicId": {
   145     "type": "string",
   146     "description": "Container Public ID."
   147    },
   148    "timeZoneCountryId": {
   149     "type": "string",
   150     "description": "Container Country ID.",
   151     "annotations": {
   152      "required": [
   153       "tagmanager.accounts.containers.create"
   154      ]
   155     }
   156    },
   157    "timeZoneId": {
   158     "type": "string",
   159     "description": "Container Time Zone ID.",
   160     "annotations": {
   161      "required": [
   162       "tagmanager.accounts.containers.create"
   163      ]
   164     }
   165    },
   166    "usageContext": {
   167     "type": "array",
   168     "description": "List of Usage Contexts for the Container. Valid values include: web, android, ios.",
   169     "items": {
   170      "type": "string",
   171      "enum": [
   172       "android",
   173       "ios",
   174       "web"
   175      ],
   176      "enumDescriptions": [
   177       "",
   178       "",
   179       ""
   180      ]
   181     },
   182     "annotations": {
   183      "required": [
   184       "tagmanager.accounts.containers.create"
   185      ]
   186     }
   187    }
   188   }
   189  }
   190 }

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