5 package plotter_test
7 import (
8 "fmt"
9 "image/color"
10 "log"
11 "os"
13 "gonum.org/v1/plot"
14 "gonum.org/v1/plot/plotter"
15 "gonum.org/v1/plot/text"
16 "gonum.org/v1/plot/vg"
17 "gonum.org/v1/plot/vg/draw"
18 "gonum.org/v1/plot/vg/vgimg"
19 )
23 func ExampleSankey_simple() {
24 p := plot.New()
27 const (
28 treeType int = iota
29 consumer
30 fate
31 )
32 categoryLabels := []string{"Tree type", "Consumer", "Fate"}
34 flows := []plotter.Flow{
35 {
36 SourceCategory: treeType,
37 SourceLabel: "Large",
38 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
39 ReceptorLabel: "Mohamed",
40 Value: 5,
41 },
42 {
43 SourceCategory: treeType,
44 SourceLabel: "Small",
45 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
46 ReceptorLabel: "Mohamed",
47 Value: 2,
48 },
49 {
50 SourceCategory: treeType,
51 SourceLabel: "Large",
52 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
53 ReceptorLabel: "Sofia",
54 Value: 3,
55 },
56 {
57 SourceCategory: treeType,
58 SourceLabel: "Small",
59 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
60 ReceptorLabel: "Sofia",
61 Value: 1,
62 },
63 {
64 SourceCategory: treeType,
65 SourceLabel: "Large",
66 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
67 ReceptorLabel: "Wei",
68 Value: 6,
69 },
70 {
71 SourceCategory: consumer,
72 SourceLabel: "Mohamed",
73 ReceptorCategory: fate,
74 ReceptorLabel: "Eaten",
75 Value: 6,
76 },
77 {
78 SourceCategory: consumer,
79 SourceLabel: "Mohamed",
80 ReceptorCategory: fate,
81 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
82 Value: 1,
83 },
84 {
85 SourceCategory: consumer,
86 SourceLabel: "Sofia",
87 ReceptorCategory: fate,
88 ReceptorLabel: "Eaten",
89 Value: 3,
90 },
91 {
92 SourceCategory: consumer,
93 SourceLabel: "Sofia",
94 ReceptorCategory: fate,
95 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
96 Value: 0.5,
97 },
98 {
99 SourceCategory: consumer,
100 SourceLabel: "Wei",
101 ReceptorCategory: fate,
102 ReceptorLabel: "Eaten",
103 Value: 5,
104 },
105 {
106 SourceCategory: consumer,
107 SourceLabel: "Wei",
108 ReceptorCategory: fate,
109 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
110 Value: 1,
111 },
112 {
113 SourceCategory: treeType,
114 SourceLabel: "Large",
115 ReceptorCategory: fate,
116 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
117 Value: 1,
118 },
119 {
120 SourceCategory: treeType,
121 SourceLabel: "Small",
122 ReceptorCategory: fate,
123 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
124 Value: 0.3,
125 },
126 }
128 sankey, err := plotter.NewSankey(flows...)
129 if err != nil {
130 log.Panic(err)
131 }
132 p.Add(sankey)
133 p.Y.Label.Text = "Number of apples"
134 p.NominalX(categoryLabels...)
135 err = p.Save(vg.Points(300), vg.Points(180), "testdata/sankeySimple.png")
136 if err != nil {
137 log.Panic(err)
138 }
139 }
143 func ExampleSankey_grouped() {
144 p := plot.New()
145 c := vgimg.New(vg.Points(300), vg.Points(180))
146 dc := draw.New(c)
149 const (
150 treeType int = iota
151 consumer
152 fate
153 )
154 categoryLabels := []string{"Tree type", "Consumer", "Fate"}
156 flows := []plotter.Flow{
157 {
158 SourceCategory: treeType,
159 SourceLabel: "LargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLarge",
160 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
161 ReceptorLabel: "Mohamed",
162 Group: "Apples",
163 Value: 5,
164 },
165 {
166 SourceCategory: treeType,
167 SourceLabel: "LargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLarge",
168 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
169 ReceptorLabel: "Mohamed",
170 Group: "Dates",
171 Value: 3,
172 },
173 {
174 SourceCategory: treeType,
175 SourceLabel: "Small",
176 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
177 ReceptorLabel: "Mohamed",
178 Group: "Lychees",
179 Value: 2,
180 },
181 {
182 SourceCategory: treeType,
183 SourceLabel: "LargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLarge",
184 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
185 ReceptorLabel: "Sofia",
186 Group: "Apples",
187 Value: 3,
188 },
189 {
190 SourceCategory: treeType,
191 SourceLabel: "LargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLarge",
192 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
193 ReceptorLabel: "Sofia",
194 Group: "Dates",
195 Value: 4,
196 },
197 {
198 SourceCategory: treeType,
199 SourceLabel: "Small",
200 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
201 ReceptorLabel: "Sofia",
202 Group: "Apples",
203 Value: 1,
204 },
205 {
206 SourceCategory: treeType,
207 SourceLabel: "LargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLarge",
208 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
209 ReceptorLabel: "Wei",
210 Group: "Lychees",
211 Value: 6,
212 },
213 {
214 SourceCategory: treeType,
215 SourceLabel: "Small",
216 ReceptorCategory: consumer,
217 ReceptorLabel: "Wei",
218 Group: "Apples",
219 Value: 3,
220 },
221 {
222 SourceCategory: consumer,
223 SourceLabel: "Mohamed",
224 ReceptorCategory: fate,
225 ReceptorLabel: "Eaten",
226 Group: "Apples",
227 Value: 4,
228 },
229 {
230 SourceCategory: consumer,
231 SourceLabel: "Mohamed",
232 ReceptorCategory: fate,
233 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
234 Group: "Apples",
235 Value: 1,
236 },
237 {
238 SourceCategory: consumer,
239 SourceLabel: "Mohamed",
240 ReceptorCategory: fate,
241 ReceptorLabel: "Eaten",
242 Group: "Dates",
243 Value: 3,
244 },
245 {
246 SourceCategory: consumer,
247 SourceLabel: "Mohamed",
248 ReceptorCategory: fate,
249 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
250 Group: "Lychees",
251 Value: 2,
252 },
253 {
254 SourceCategory: consumer,
255 SourceLabel: "Sofia",
256 ReceptorCategory: fate,
257 ReceptorLabel: "Eaten",
258 Group: "Apples",
259 Value: 4,
260 },
261 {
262 SourceCategory: consumer,
263 SourceLabel: "Sofia",
264 ReceptorCategory: fate,
265 ReceptorLabel: "Eaten",
266 Group: "Dates",
267 Value: 3,
268 },
269 {
270 SourceCategory: consumer,
271 SourceLabel: "Sofia",
272 ReceptorCategory: fate,
273 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
274 Group: "Dates",
275 Value: 1,
276 },
277 {
278 SourceCategory: consumer,
279 SourceLabel: "Wei",
280 ReceptorCategory: fate,
281 ReceptorLabel: "Eaten",
282 Group: "Lychees",
283 Value: 6,
284 },
285 {
286 SourceCategory: consumer,
287 SourceLabel: "Wei",
288 ReceptorCategory: fate,
289 ReceptorLabel: "Eaten",
290 Group: "Apples",
291 Value: 2,
292 },
293 {
294 SourceCategory: consumer,
295 SourceLabel: "Wei",
296 ReceptorCategory: fate,
297 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
298 Group: "Apples",
299 Value: 1,
300 },
301 {
302 SourceCategory: treeType,
303 SourceLabel: "LargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLarge",
304 ReceptorCategory: fate,
305 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
306 Group: "Apples",
307 Value: 1,
308 },
309 {
310 SourceCategory: treeType,
311 SourceLabel: "LargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLarge",
312 ReceptorCategory: fate,
313 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
314 Group: "Dates",
315 Value: 1,
316 },
317 {
318 SourceCategory: treeType,
319 SourceLabel: "Small",
320 ReceptorCategory: fate,
321 ReceptorLabel: "Waste",
322 Group: "Lychees",
323 Value: 0.3,
324 },
325 }
327 sankey, err := plotter.NewSankey(flows...)
328 if err != nil {
329 log.Panic(err)
330 }
334 sankey.FlowStyle = func(group string) (color.Color, draw.LineStyle) {
335 switch group {
336 case "Lychees":
337 return color.NRGBA{R: 242, G: 169, B: 178, A: 100}, sankey.LineStyle
338 case "Apples":
339 return color.NRGBA{R: 91, G: 194, B: 54, A: 100}, sankey.LineStyle
340 case "Dates":
341 return color.NRGBA{R: 112, G: 22, B: 0, A: 100}, sankey.LineStyle
342 default:
343 panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid group %s", group))
344 }
345 }
349 sankey.StockStyle = func(label string, category int) (string, text.Style, vg.Length, vg.Length, color.Color, draw.LineStyle) {
350 if label == "Small" && category == treeType {
353 ts := sankey.TextStyle
354 ts.Rotation = 0.0
355 ts.XAlign = draw.XRight
356 ls := sankey.LineStyle
357 ls.Color = color.White
358 xOff := -sankey.StockBarWidth / 2
359 yOff := vg.Length(0)
360 return "small", ts, xOff, yOff, color.Black, ls
361 }
362 if label == "LargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLargeLarge" && category == treeType {
369 min, max, err := sankey.StockRange(label, category)
370 if err != nil {
371 log.Panic(err)
372 }
373 _, yTr := p.Transforms(&dc)
374 barHeight := yTr(max) - yTr(min)
375 if sankey.TextStyle.Width(label) > barHeight {
376 return "large", sankey.TextStyle, 0, 0, color.White, sankey.LineStyle
377 }
378 }
379 return label, sankey.TextStyle, 0, 0, color.White, sankey.LineStyle
380 }
382 p.Add(sankey)
383 p.Y.Label.Text = "Number of fruit pieces"
384 p.NominalX(categoryLabels...)
386 legendLabels, thumbs := sankey.Thumbnailers()
387 for i, l := range legendLabels {
388 t := thumbs[i]
389 p.Legend.Add(l, t)
390 }
391 p.Legend.Top = true
392 p.X.Max = 3.05
395 p.Add(plotter.NewGlyphBoxes())
397 p.Draw(dc)
398 pngimg := vgimg.PngCanvas{Canvas: c}
399 f, err := os.Create("testdata/sankeyGrouped.png")
400 if err != nil {
401 log.Panic(err)
402 }
403 if _, err = pngimg.WriteTo(f); err != nil {
404 log.Panic(err)
405 }
406 }
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