This directory contains test inputs for the bisect command. Each text file is a txtar archive (see or `go doc txtar`). The comment at the top of the archive is a JSON object describing a target behavior. Specifically, the Fail key gives a boolean expression that should provoke a failure. Bisect's job is to discover this condition. The Bisect key describes settings in the Bisect struct that we want to change, to simulate the use of various command-line options. The txtar archive files should be "stdout" and "stderr", giving the expected standard output and standard error. If the bisect command should exit with a non-zero status, the stderr in the archive will end with the line "". Running `go test -update` will rewrite the stdout and stderr files in each testdata archive to match the current state of the tool. This is a useful command when the logging prints from bisect change or when writing a new test. To use `go test -update` to write a new test: - Create a new .txt file with just a JSON object at the top, specifying what you want to test. - Run `go test -update`. - Reload the .txt file and read the stdout and stderr to see if you agree.