# Go Text [![Go Reference](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/golang.org/x/text.svg)](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/text) This repository holds supplementary Go packages for text processing, many involving Unicode. ## CLDR Versioning It is important that the Unicode version used in `x/text` matches the one used by your Go compiler. The `x/text` repository supports multiple versions of Unicode and will match the version of Unicode to that of the Go compiler. At the moment this is supported for Go compilers from version 1.7. ## Contribute To submit changes to this repository, see http://go.dev/doc/contribute. The git repository is https://go.googlesource.com/text. To generate the tables in this repository (except for the encoding tables), run go generate from this directory. By default tables are generated for the Unicode version in core and the CLDR version defined in golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr. Running go generate will as a side effect create a DATA subdirectory in this directory, which holds all files that are used as a source for generating the tables. This directory will also serve as a cache. ## Testing Run go test ./... from this directory to run all tests. Add the "-tags icu" flag to also run ICU conformance tests (if available). This requires that you have the correct ICU version installed on your system. TODO: - updating unversioned source files. ## Generating Tables To generate the tables in this repository (except for the encoding tables), run `go generate` from this directory. By default tables are generated for the Unicode version in core and the CLDR version defined in golang.org/x/text/unicode/cldr. Running go generate will as a side effect create a DATA subdirectory in this directory which holds all files that are used as a source for generating the tables. This directory will also serve as a cache. ## Versions To update a Unicode version run UNICODE_VERSION=x.x.x go generate where `x.x.x` must correspond to a directory in https://www.unicode.org/Public/. If this version is newer than the version in core it will also update the relevant packages there. The idna package in x/net will always be updated. To update a CLDR version run CLDR_VERSION=version go generate where `version` must correspond to a directory in https://www.unicode.org/Public/cldr/. Note that the code gets adapted over time to changes in the data and that backwards compatibility is not maintained. So updating to a different version may not work. The files in DATA/{iana|icu|w3|whatwg} are currently not versioned. ## Report Issues The main issue tracker for the text repository is located at https://go.dev/issues. Prefix your issue with "x/text:" in the subject line, so it is easy to find.