// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build go1.21 package qlog import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "log/slog" "strconv" "sync" "time" ) // A jsonWriter writes JSON-SEQ (RFC 7464). // // A JSON-SEQ file consists of a series of JSON text records, // each beginning with an RS (0x1e) character and ending with LF (0x0a). type jsonWriter struct { mu sync.Mutex w io.WriteCloser buf bytes.Buffer } // writeRecordStart writes the start of a JSON-SEQ record. func (w *jsonWriter) writeRecordStart() { w.mu.Lock() w.buf.WriteByte(0x1e) w.buf.WriteByte('{') } // writeRecordEnd finishes writing a JSON-SEQ record. func (w *jsonWriter) writeRecordEnd() { w.buf.WriteByte('}') w.buf.WriteByte('\n') w.w.Write(w.buf.Bytes()) w.buf.Reset() w.mu.Unlock() } func (w *jsonWriter) writeAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) { w.buf.WriteByte('{') for _, a := range attrs { w.writeAttr(a) } w.buf.WriteByte('}') } func (w *jsonWriter) writeAttr(a slog.Attr) { if a.Key == "" { return } w.writeName(a.Key) w.writeValue(a.Value) } // writeAttr writes a []slog.Attr as an object field. func (w *jsonWriter) writeAttrsField(name string, attrs []slog.Attr) { w.writeName(name) w.writeAttrs(attrs) } func (w *jsonWriter) writeValue(v slog.Value) { v = v.Resolve() switch v.Kind() { case slog.KindAny: switch v := v.Any().(type) { case []slog.Value: w.writeArray(v) case interface{ AppendJSON([]byte) []byte }: w.buf.Write(v.AppendJSON(w.buf.AvailableBuffer())) default: w.writeString(fmt.Sprint(v)) } case slog.KindBool: w.writeBool(v.Bool()) case slog.KindDuration: w.writeDuration(v.Duration()) case slog.KindFloat64: w.writeFloat64(v.Float64()) case slog.KindInt64: w.writeInt64(v.Int64()) case slog.KindString: w.writeString(v.String()) case slog.KindTime: w.writeTime(v.Time()) case slog.KindUint64: w.writeUint64(v.Uint64()) case slog.KindGroup: w.writeAttrs(v.Group()) default: w.writeString("unhandled kind") } } // writeName writes an object field name followed by a colon. func (w *jsonWriter) writeName(name string) { if b := w.buf.Bytes(); len(b) > 0 && b[len(b)-1] != '{' { // Add the comma separating this from the previous field. w.buf.WriteByte(',') } w.writeString(name) w.buf.WriteByte(':') } func (w *jsonWriter) writeObject(f func()) { w.buf.WriteByte('{') f() w.buf.WriteByte('}') } // writeObject writes an object-valued object field. // The function f is called to write the contents. func (w *jsonWriter) writeObjectField(name string, f func()) { w.writeName(name) w.writeObject(f) } func (w *jsonWriter) writeArray(vals []slog.Value) { w.buf.WriteByte('[') for i, v := range vals { if i != 0 { w.buf.WriteByte(',') } w.writeValue(v) } w.buf.WriteByte(']') } func (w *jsonWriter) writeRaw(v string) { w.buf.WriteString(v) } // writeRawField writes a field with a raw JSON value. func (w *jsonWriter) writeRawField(name, v string) { w.writeName(name) w.writeRaw(v) } func (w *jsonWriter) writeBool(v bool) { if v { w.buf.WriteString("true") } else { w.buf.WriteString("false") } } // writeBoolField writes a bool-valued object field. func (w *jsonWriter) writeBoolField(name string, v bool) { w.writeName(name) w.writeBool(v) } // writeDuration writes a duration as milliseconds. func (w *jsonWriter) writeDuration(v time.Duration) { if v < 0 { w.buf.WriteByte('-') v = -v } fmt.Fprintf(&w.buf, "%d.%06d", v.Milliseconds(), v%time.Millisecond) } // writeDurationField writes a millisecond duration-valued object field. func (w *jsonWriter) writeDurationField(name string, v time.Duration) { w.writeName(name) w.writeDuration(v) } func (w *jsonWriter) writeFloat64(v float64) { w.buf.Write(strconv.AppendFloat(w.buf.AvailableBuffer(), v, 'f', -1, 64)) } // writeFloat64Field writes an float64-valued object field. func (w *jsonWriter) writeFloat64Field(name string, v float64) { w.writeName(name) w.writeFloat64(v) } func (w *jsonWriter) writeInt64(v int64) { w.buf.Write(strconv.AppendInt(w.buf.AvailableBuffer(), v, 10)) } // writeInt64Field writes an int64-valued object field. func (w *jsonWriter) writeInt64Field(name string, v int64) { w.writeName(name) w.writeInt64(v) } func (w *jsonWriter) writeUint64(v uint64) { w.buf.Write(strconv.AppendUint(w.buf.AvailableBuffer(), v, 10)) } // writeUint64Field writes a uint64-valued object field. func (w *jsonWriter) writeUint64Field(name string, v uint64) { w.writeName(name) w.writeUint64(v) } // writeTime writes a time as seconds since the Unix epoch. func (w *jsonWriter) writeTime(v time.Time) { fmt.Fprintf(&w.buf, "%d.%06d", v.UnixMilli(), v.Nanosecond()%int(time.Millisecond)) } // writeTimeField writes a time-valued object field. func (w *jsonWriter) writeTimeField(name string, v time.Time) { w.writeName(name) w.writeTime(v) } func jsonSafeSet(c byte) bool { // mask is a 128-bit bitmap with 1s for allowed bytes, // so that the byte c can be tested with a shift and an and. // If c > 128, then 1<>64)) != 0 } func jsonNeedsEscape(s string) bool { for i := range s { if !jsonSafeSet(s[i]) { return true } } return false } // writeString writes an ASCII string. // // qlog fields should never contain anything that isn't ASCII, // so we do the bare minimum to avoid producing invalid output if we // do write something unexpected. func (w *jsonWriter) writeString(v string) { w.buf.WriteByte('"') if !jsonNeedsEscape(v) { w.buf.WriteString(v) } else { for i := range v { if jsonSafeSet(v[i]) { w.buf.WriteByte(v[i]) } else { fmt.Fprintf(&w.buf, `\u%04x`, v[i]) } } } w.buf.WriteByte('"') } // writeStringField writes a string-valued object field. func (w *jsonWriter) writeStringField(name, v string) { w.writeName(name) w.writeString(v) }