
Source file src/golang.org/x/net/internal/iana/const.go

Documentation: golang.org/x/net/internal/iana

     1  // go generate gen.go
     2  // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT.
     4  // Package iana provides protocol number resources managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
     5  package iana // import "golang.org/x/net/internal/iana"
     7  // Differentiated Services Field Codepoints (DSCP), Updated: 2018-05-04
     8  const (
     9  	DiffServCS0           = 0x00 // CS0
    10  	DiffServCS1           = 0x20 // CS1
    11  	DiffServCS2           = 0x40 // CS2
    12  	DiffServCS3           = 0x60 // CS3
    13  	DiffServCS4           = 0x80 // CS4
    14  	DiffServCS5           = 0xa0 // CS5
    15  	DiffServCS6           = 0xc0 // CS6
    16  	DiffServCS7           = 0xe0 // CS7
    17  	DiffServAF11          = 0x28 // AF11
    18  	DiffServAF12          = 0x30 // AF12
    19  	DiffServAF13          = 0x38 // AF13
    20  	DiffServAF21          = 0x48 // AF21
    21  	DiffServAF22          = 0x50 // AF22
    22  	DiffServAF23          = 0x58 // AF23
    23  	DiffServAF31          = 0x68 // AF31
    24  	DiffServAF32          = 0x70 // AF32
    25  	DiffServAF33          = 0x78 // AF33
    26  	DiffServAF41          = 0x88 // AF41
    27  	DiffServAF42          = 0x90 // AF42
    28  	DiffServAF43          = 0x98 // AF43
    29  	DiffServEF            = 0xb8 // EF
    30  	DiffServVOICEADMIT    = 0xb0 // VOICE-ADMIT
    31  	NotECNTransport       = 0x00 // Not-ECT (Not ECN-Capable Transport)
    32  	ECNTransport1         = 0x01 // ECT(1) (ECN-Capable Transport(1))
    33  	ECNTransport0         = 0x02 // ECT(0) (ECN-Capable Transport(0))
    34  	CongestionExperienced = 0x03 // CE (Congestion Experienced)
    35  )
    37  // Protocol Numbers, Updated: 2017-10-13
    38  const (
    39  	ProtocolIP             = 0   // IPv4 encapsulation, pseudo protocol number
    40  	ProtocolHOPOPT         = 0   // IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option
    41  	ProtocolICMP           = 1   // Internet Control Message
    42  	ProtocolIGMP           = 2   // Internet Group Management
    43  	ProtocolGGP            = 3   // Gateway-to-Gateway
    44  	ProtocolIPv4           = 4   // IPv4 encapsulation
    45  	ProtocolST             = 5   // Stream
    46  	ProtocolTCP            = 6   // Transmission Control
    47  	ProtocolCBT            = 7   // CBT
    48  	ProtocolEGP            = 8   // Exterior Gateway Protocol
    49  	ProtocolIGP            = 9   // any private interior gateway (used by Cisco for their IGRP)
    50  	ProtocolBBNRCCMON      = 10  // BBN RCC Monitoring
    51  	ProtocolNVPII          = 11  // Network Voice Protocol
    52  	ProtocolPUP            = 12  // PUP
    53  	ProtocolEMCON          = 14  // EMCON
    54  	ProtocolXNET           = 15  // Cross Net Debugger
    55  	ProtocolCHAOS          = 16  // Chaos
    56  	ProtocolUDP            = 17  // User Datagram
    57  	ProtocolMUX            = 18  // Multiplexing
    58  	ProtocolDCNMEAS        = 19  // DCN Measurement Subsystems
    59  	ProtocolHMP            = 20  // Host Monitoring
    60  	ProtocolPRM            = 21  // Packet Radio Measurement
    61  	ProtocolXNSIDP         = 22  // XEROX NS IDP
    62  	ProtocolTRUNK1         = 23  // Trunk-1
    63  	ProtocolTRUNK2         = 24  // Trunk-2
    64  	ProtocolLEAF1          = 25  // Leaf-1
    65  	ProtocolLEAF2          = 26  // Leaf-2
    66  	ProtocolRDP            = 27  // Reliable Data Protocol
    67  	ProtocolIRTP           = 28  // Internet Reliable Transaction
    68  	ProtocolISOTP4         = 29  // ISO Transport Protocol Class 4
    69  	ProtocolNETBLT         = 30  // Bulk Data Transfer Protocol
    70  	ProtocolMFENSP         = 31  // MFE Network Services Protocol
    71  	ProtocolMERITINP       = 32  // MERIT Internodal Protocol
    72  	ProtocolDCCP           = 33  // Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
    73  	Protocol3PC            = 34  // Third Party Connect Protocol
    74  	ProtocolIDPR           = 35  // Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol
    75  	ProtocolXTP            = 36  // XTP
    76  	ProtocolDDP            = 37  // Datagram Delivery Protocol
    77  	ProtocolIDPRCMTP       = 38  // IDPR Control Message Transport Proto
    78  	ProtocolTPPP           = 39  // TP++ Transport Protocol
    79  	ProtocolIL             = 40  // IL Transport Protocol
    80  	ProtocolIPv6           = 41  // IPv6 encapsulation
    81  	ProtocolSDRP           = 42  // Source Demand Routing Protocol
    82  	ProtocolIPv6Route      = 43  // Routing Header for IPv6
    83  	ProtocolIPv6Frag       = 44  // Fragment Header for IPv6
    84  	ProtocolIDRP           = 45  // Inter-Domain Routing Protocol
    85  	ProtocolRSVP           = 46  // Reservation Protocol
    86  	ProtocolGRE            = 47  // Generic Routing Encapsulation
    87  	ProtocolDSR            = 48  // Dynamic Source Routing Protocol
    88  	ProtocolBNA            = 49  // BNA
    89  	ProtocolESP            = 50  // Encap Security Payload
    90  	ProtocolAH             = 51  // Authentication Header
    91  	ProtocolINLSP          = 52  // Integrated Net Layer Security  TUBA
    92  	ProtocolNARP           = 54  // NBMA Address Resolution Protocol
    93  	ProtocolMOBILE         = 55  // IP Mobility
    94  	ProtocolTLSP           = 56  // Transport Layer Security Protocol using Kryptonet key management
    95  	ProtocolSKIP           = 57  // SKIP
    96  	ProtocolIPv6ICMP       = 58  // ICMP for IPv6
    97  	ProtocolIPv6NoNxt      = 59  // No Next Header for IPv6
    98  	ProtocolIPv6Opts       = 60  // Destination Options for IPv6
    99  	ProtocolCFTP           = 62  // CFTP
   100  	ProtocolSATEXPAK       = 64  // SATNET and Backroom EXPAK
   101  	ProtocolKRYPTOLAN      = 65  // Kryptolan
   102  	ProtocolRVD            = 66  // MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol
   103  	ProtocolIPPC           = 67  // Internet Pluribus Packet Core
   104  	ProtocolSATMON         = 69  // SATNET Monitoring
   105  	ProtocolVISA           = 70  // VISA Protocol
   106  	ProtocolIPCV           = 71  // Internet Packet Core Utility
   107  	ProtocolCPNX           = 72  // Computer Protocol Network Executive
   108  	ProtocolCPHB           = 73  // Computer Protocol Heart Beat
   109  	ProtocolWSN            = 74  // Wang Span Network
   110  	ProtocolPVP            = 75  // Packet Video Protocol
   111  	ProtocolBRSATMON       = 76  // Backroom SATNET Monitoring
   112  	ProtocolSUNND          = 77  // SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary
   113  	ProtocolWBMON          = 78  // WIDEBAND Monitoring
   114  	ProtocolWBEXPAK        = 79  // WIDEBAND EXPAK
   115  	ProtocolISOIP          = 80  // ISO Internet Protocol
   116  	ProtocolVMTP           = 81  // VMTP
   117  	ProtocolSECUREVMTP     = 82  // SECURE-VMTP
   118  	ProtocolVINES          = 83  // VINES
   119  	ProtocolTTP            = 84  // Transaction Transport Protocol
   120  	ProtocolIPTM           = 84  // Internet Protocol Traffic Manager
   121  	ProtocolNSFNETIGP      = 85  // NSFNET-IGP
   122  	ProtocolDGP            = 86  // Dissimilar Gateway Protocol
   123  	ProtocolTCF            = 87  // TCF
   124  	ProtocolEIGRP          = 88  // EIGRP
   125  	ProtocolOSPFIGP        = 89  // OSPFIGP
   126  	ProtocolSpriteRPC      = 90  // Sprite RPC Protocol
   127  	ProtocolLARP           = 91  // Locus Address Resolution Protocol
   128  	ProtocolMTP            = 92  // Multicast Transport Protocol
   129  	ProtocolAX25           = 93  // AX.25 Frames
   130  	ProtocolIPIP           = 94  // IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol
   131  	ProtocolSCCSP          = 96  // Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro.
   132  	ProtocolETHERIP        = 97  // Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation
   133  	ProtocolENCAP          = 98  // Encapsulation Header
   134  	ProtocolGMTP           = 100 // GMTP
   135  	ProtocolIFMP           = 101 // Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol
   136  	ProtocolPNNI           = 102 // PNNI over IP
   137  	ProtocolPIM            = 103 // Protocol Independent Multicast
   138  	ProtocolARIS           = 104 // ARIS
   139  	ProtocolSCPS           = 105 // SCPS
   140  	ProtocolQNX            = 106 // QNX
   141  	ProtocolAN             = 107 // Active Networks
   142  	ProtocolIPComp         = 108 // IP Payload Compression Protocol
   143  	ProtocolSNP            = 109 // Sitara Networks Protocol
   144  	ProtocolCompaqPeer     = 110 // Compaq Peer Protocol
   145  	ProtocolIPXinIP        = 111 // IPX in IP
   146  	ProtocolVRRP           = 112 // Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
   147  	ProtocolPGM            = 113 // PGM Reliable Transport Protocol
   148  	ProtocolL2TP           = 115 // Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
   149  	ProtocolDDX            = 116 // D-II Data Exchange (DDX)
   150  	ProtocolIATP           = 117 // Interactive Agent Transfer Protocol
   151  	ProtocolSTP            = 118 // Schedule Transfer Protocol
   152  	ProtocolSRP            = 119 // SpectraLink Radio Protocol
   153  	ProtocolUTI            = 120 // UTI
   154  	ProtocolSMP            = 121 // Simple Message Protocol
   155  	ProtocolPTP            = 123 // Performance Transparency Protocol
   156  	ProtocolISIS           = 124 // ISIS over IPv4
   157  	ProtocolFIRE           = 125 // FIRE
   158  	ProtocolCRTP           = 126 // Combat Radio Transport Protocol
   159  	ProtocolCRUDP          = 127 // Combat Radio User Datagram
   160  	ProtocolSSCOPMCE       = 128 // SSCOPMCE
   161  	ProtocolIPLT           = 129 // IPLT
   162  	ProtocolSPS            = 130 // Secure Packet Shield
   163  	ProtocolPIPE           = 131 // Private IP Encapsulation within IP
   164  	ProtocolSCTP           = 132 // Stream Control Transmission Protocol
   165  	ProtocolFC             = 133 // Fibre Channel
   166  	ProtocolRSVPE2EIGNORE  = 134 // RSVP-E2E-IGNORE
   167  	ProtocolMobilityHeader = 135 // Mobility Header
   168  	ProtocolUDPLite        = 136 // UDPLite
   169  	ProtocolMPLSinIP       = 137 // MPLS-in-IP
   170  	ProtocolMANET          = 138 // MANET Protocols
   171  	ProtocolHIP            = 139 // Host Identity Protocol
   172  	ProtocolShim6          = 140 // Shim6 Protocol
   173  	ProtocolWESP           = 141 // Wrapped Encapsulating Security Payload
   174  	ProtocolROHC           = 142 // Robust Header Compression
   175  	ProtocolReserved       = 255 // Reserved
   176  )
   178  // Address Family Numbers, Updated: 2018-04-02
   179  const (
   180  	AddrFamilyIPv4                          = 1     // IP (IP version 4)
   181  	AddrFamilyIPv6                          = 2     // IP6 (IP version 6)
   182  	AddrFamilyNSAP                          = 3     // NSAP
   183  	AddrFamilyHDLC                          = 4     // HDLC (8-bit multidrop)
   184  	AddrFamilyBBN1822                       = 5     // BBN 1822
   185  	AddrFamily802                           = 6     // 802 (includes all 802 media plus Ethernet "canonical format")
   186  	AddrFamilyE163                          = 7     // E.163
   187  	AddrFamilyE164                          = 8     // E.164 (SMDS, Frame Relay, ATM)
   188  	AddrFamilyF69                           = 9     // F.69 (Telex)
   189  	AddrFamilyX121                          = 10    // X.121 (X.25, Frame Relay)
   190  	AddrFamilyIPX                           = 11    // IPX
   191  	AddrFamilyAppletalk                     = 12    // Appletalk
   192  	AddrFamilyDecnetIV                      = 13    // Decnet IV
   193  	AddrFamilyBanyanVines                   = 14    // Banyan Vines
   194  	AddrFamilyE164withSubaddress            = 15    // E.164 with NSAP format subaddress
   195  	AddrFamilyDNS                           = 16    // DNS (Domain Name System)
   196  	AddrFamilyDistinguishedName             = 17    // Distinguished Name
   197  	AddrFamilyASNumber                      = 18    // AS Number
   198  	AddrFamilyXTPoverIPv4                   = 19    // XTP over IP version 4
   199  	AddrFamilyXTPoverIPv6                   = 20    // XTP over IP version 6
   200  	AddrFamilyXTPnativemodeXTP              = 21    // XTP native mode XTP
   201  	AddrFamilyFibreChannelWorldWidePortName = 22    // Fibre Channel World-Wide Port Name
   202  	AddrFamilyFibreChannelWorldWideNodeName = 23    // Fibre Channel World-Wide Node Name
   203  	AddrFamilyGWID                          = 24    // GWID
   204  	AddrFamilyL2VPN                         = 25    // AFI for L2VPN information
   205  	AddrFamilyMPLSTPSectionEndpointID       = 26    // MPLS-TP Section Endpoint Identifier
   206  	AddrFamilyMPLSTPLSPEndpointID           = 27    // MPLS-TP LSP Endpoint Identifier
   207  	AddrFamilyMPLSTPPseudowireEndpointID    = 28    // MPLS-TP Pseudowire Endpoint Identifier
   208  	AddrFamilyMTIPv4                        = 29    // MT IP: Multi-Topology IP version 4
   209  	AddrFamilyMTIPv6                        = 30    // MT IPv6: Multi-Topology IP version 6
   210  	AddrFamilyEIGRPCommonServiceFamily      = 16384 // EIGRP Common Service Family
   211  	AddrFamilyEIGRPIPv4ServiceFamily        = 16385 // EIGRP IPv4 Service Family
   212  	AddrFamilyEIGRPIPv6ServiceFamily        = 16386 // EIGRP IPv6 Service Family
   213  	AddrFamilyLISPCanonicalAddressFormat    = 16387 // LISP Canonical Address Format (LCAF)
   214  	AddrFamilyBGPLS                         = 16388 // BGP-LS
   215  	AddrFamily48bitMAC                      = 16389 // 48-bit MAC
   216  	AddrFamily64bitMAC                      = 16390 // 64-bit MAC
   217  	AddrFamilyOUI                           = 16391 // OUI
   218  	AddrFamilyMACFinal24bits                = 16392 // MAC/24
   219  	AddrFamilyMACFinal40bits                = 16393 // MAC/40
   220  	AddrFamilyIPv6Initial64bits             = 16394 // IPv6/64
   221  	AddrFamilyRBridgePortID                 = 16395 // RBridge Port ID
   222  	AddrFamilyTRILLNickname                 = 16396 // TRILL Nickname
   223  )

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