
Source file src/golang.org/x/net/http2/transport_test.go

Documentation: golang.org/x/net/http2

     1  // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package http2
     7  import (
     8  	"bufio"
     9  	"bytes"
    10  	"compress/gzip"
    11  	"context"
    12  	"crypto/tls"
    13  	"encoding/hex"
    14  	"errors"
    15  	"flag"
    16  	"fmt"
    17  	"io"
    18  	"io/fs"
    19  	"log"
    20  	"math/rand"
    21  	"net"
    22  	"net/http"
    23  	"net/http/httptest"
    24  	"net/http/httptrace"
    25  	"net/textproto"
    26  	"net/url"
    27  	"os"
    28  	"reflect"
    29  	"runtime"
    30  	"sort"
    31  	"strconv"
    32  	"strings"
    33  	"sync"
    34  	"sync/atomic"
    35  	"testing"
    36  	"time"
    38  	"golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack"
    39  )
    41  var (
    42  	extNet        = flag.Bool("extnet", false, "do external network tests")
    43  	transportHost = flag.String("transporthost", "http2.golang.org", "hostname to use for TestTransport")
    44  	insecure      = flag.Bool("insecure", false, "insecure TLS dials") // TODO: dead code. remove?
    45  )
    47  var tlsConfigInsecure = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
    49  var canceledCtx context.Context
    51  func init() {
    52  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    53  	cancel()
    54  	canceledCtx = ctx
    55  }
    57  func TestTransportExternal(t *testing.T) {
    58  	if !*extNet {
    59  		t.Skip("skipping external network test")
    60  	}
    61  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://"+*transportHost+"/", nil)
    62  	rt := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
    63  	res, err := rt.RoundTrip(req)
    64  	if err != nil {
    65  		t.Fatalf("%v", err)
    66  	}
    67  	res.Write(os.Stdout)
    68  }
    70  type fakeTLSConn struct {
    71  	net.Conn
    72  }
    74  func (c *fakeTLSConn) ConnectionState() tls.ConnectionState {
    75  	return tls.ConnectionState{
    76  		Version:     tls.VersionTLS12,
    77  		CipherSuite: cipher_TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
    78  	}
    79  }
    81  func startH2cServer(t *testing.T) net.Listener {
    82  	h2Server := &Server{}
    83  	l := newLocalListener(t)
    84  	go func() {
    85  		conn, err := l.Accept()
    86  		if err != nil {
    87  			t.Error(err)
    88  			return
    89  		}
    90  		h2Server.ServeConn(&fakeTLSConn{conn}, &ServeConnOpts{Handler: http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    91  			fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %v, http: %v", r.URL.Path, r.TLS == nil)
    92  		})})
    93  	}()
    94  	return l
    95  }
    97  func TestIdleConnTimeout(t *testing.T) {
    98  	for _, test := range []struct {
    99  		name            string
   100  		idleConnTimeout time.Duration
   101  		wait            time.Duration
   102  		baseTransport   *http.Transport
   103  		wantNewConn     bool
   104  	}{{
   105  		name:            "NoExpiry",
   106  		idleConnTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
   107  		wait:            1 * time.Second,
   108  		baseTransport:   nil,
   109  		wantNewConn:     false,
   110  	}, {
   111  		name:            "H2TransportTimeoutExpires",
   112  		idleConnTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
   113  		wait:            2 * time.Second,
   114  		baseTransport:   nil,
   115  		wantNewConn:     true,
   116  	}, {
   117  		name:            "H1TransportTimeoutExpires",
   118  		idleConnTimeout: 0 * time.Second,
   119  		wait:            1 * time.Second,
   120  		baseTransport: &http.Transport{
   121  			IdleConnTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
   122  		},
   123  		wantNewConn: false,
   124  	}} {
   125  		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   126  			tt := newTestTransport(t, func(tr *Transport) {
   127  				tr.IdleConnTimeout = test.idleConnTimeout
   128  			})
   129  			var tc *testClientConn
   130  			for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
   131  				req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
   132  				rt := tt.roundTrip(req)
   134  				// This request happens on a new conn if it's the first request
   135  				// (and there is no cached conn), or if the test timeout is long
   136  				// enough that old conns are being closed.
   137  				wantConn := i == 0 || test.wantNewConn
   138  				if has := tt.hasConn(); has != wantConn {
   139  					t.Fatalf("request %v: hasConn=%v, want %v", i, has, wantConn)
   140  				}
   141  				if wantConn {
   142  					tc = tt.getConn()
   143  					// Read client's SETTINGS and first WINDOW_UPDATE,
   144  					// send our SETTINGS.
   145  					tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
   146  					tc.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
   147  					tc.writeSettings()
   148  				}
   149  				if tt.hasConn() {
   150  					t.Fatalf("request %v: Transport has more than one conn", i)
   151  				}
   153  				// Respond to the client's request.
   154  				hf := readFrame[*HeadersFrame](t, tc)
   155  				tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
   156  					StreamID:   hf.StreamID,
   157  					EndHeaders: true,
   158  					EndStream:  true,
   159  					BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
   160  						":status", "200",
   161  					),
   162  				})
   163  				rt.wantStatus(200)
   165  				// If this was a newly-accepted conn, read the SETTINGS ACK.
   166  				if wantConn {
   167  					tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings) // ACK to our settings
   168  				}
   170  				tt.advance(test.wait)
   171  				if got, want := tc.isClosed(), test.wantNewConn; got != want {
   172  					t.Fatalf("after waiting %v, conn closed=%v; want %v", test.wait, got, want)
   173  				}
   174  			}
   175  		})
   176  	}
   177  }
   179  func TestTransportH2c(t *testing.T) {
   180  	l := startH2cServer(t)
   181  	defer l.Close()
   182  	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://"+l.Addr().String()+"/foobar", nil)
   183  	if err != nil {
   184  		t.Fatal(err)
   185  	}
   186  	var gotConnCnt int32
   187  	trace := &httptrace.ClientTrace{
   188  		GotConn: func(connInfo httptrace.GotConnInfo) {
   189  			if !connInfo.Reused {
   190  				atomic.AddInt32(&gotConnCnt, 1)
   191  			}
   192  		},
   193  	}
   194  	req = req.WithContext(httptrace.WithClientTrace(req.Context(), trace))
   195  	tr := &Transport{
   196  		AllowHTTP: true,
   197  		DialTLS: func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
   198  			return net.Dial(network, addr)
   199  		},
   200  	}
   201  	res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
   202  	if err != nil {
   203  		t.Fatal(err)
   204  	}
   205  	if res.ProtoMajor != 2 {
   206  		t.Fatal("proto not h2c")
   207  	}
   208  	body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
   209  	if err != nil {
   210  		t.Fatal(err)
   211  	}
   212  	if got, want := string(body), "Hello, /foobar, http: true"; got != want {
   213  		t.Fatalf("response got %v, want %v", got, want)
   214  	}
   215  	if got, want := gotConnCnt, int32(1); got != want {
   216  		t.Errorf("Too many got connections: %d", gotConnCnt)
   217  	}
   218  }
   220  func TestTransport(t *testing.T) {
   221  	const body = "sup"
   222  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   223  		io.WriteString(w, body)
   224  	})
   226  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
   227  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
   229  	u, err := url.Parse(ts.URL)
   230  	if err != nil {
   231  		t.Fatal(err)
   232  	}
   233  	for i, m := range []string{"GET", ""} {
   234  		req := &http.Request{
   235  			Method: m,
   236  			URL:    u,
   237  		}
   238  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
   239  		if err != nil {
   240  			t.Fatalf("%d: %s", i, err)
   241  		}
   243  		t.Logf("%d: Got res: %+v", i, res)
   244  		if g, w := res.StatusCode, 200; g != w {
   245  			t.Errorf("%d: StatusCode = %v; want %v", i, g, w)
   246  		}
   247  		if g, w := res.Status, "200 OK"; g != w {
   248  			t.Errorf("%d: Status = %q; want %q", i, g, w)
   249  		}
   250  		wantHeader := http.Header{
   251  			"Content-Length": []string{"3"},
   252  			"Content-Type":   []string{"text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
   253  			"Date":           []string{"XXX"}, // see cleanDate
   254  		}
   255  		cleanDate(res)
   256  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(res.Header, wantHeader) {
   257  			t.Errorf("%d: res Header = %v; want %v", i, res.Header, wantHeader)
   258  		}
   259  		if res.Request != req {
   260  			t.Errorf("%d: Response.Request = %p; want %p", i, res.Request, req)
   261  		}
   262  		if res.TLS == nil {
   263  			t.Errorf("%d: Response.TLS = nil; want non-nil", i)
   264  		}
   265  		slurp, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
   266  		if err != nil {
   267  			t.Errorf("%d: Body read: %v", i, err)
   268  		} else if string(slurp) != body {
   269  			t.Errorf("%d: Body = %q; want %q", i, slurp, body)
   270  		}
   271  		res.Body.Close()
   272  	}
   273  }
   275  func testTransportReusesConns(t *testing.T, useClient, wantSame bool, modReq func(*http.Request)) {
   276  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   277  		io.WriteString(w, r.RemoteAddr)
   278  	}, func(ts *httptest.Server) {
   279  		ts.Config.ConnState = func(c net.Conn, st http.ConnState) {
   280  			t.Logf("conn %v is now state %v", c.RemoteAddr(), st)
   281  		}
   282  	})
   283  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
   284  	if useClient {
   285  		tr.ConnPool = noDialClientConnPool{new(clientConnPool)}
   286  	}
   287  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
   288  	get := func() string {
   289  		req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
   290  		if err != nil {
   291  			t.Fatal(err)
   292  		}
   293  		modReq(req)
   294  		var res *http.Response
   295  		if useClient {
   296  			c := ts.Client()
   297  			ConfigureTransports(c.Transport.(*http.Transport))
   298  			res, err = c.Do(req)
   299  		} else {
   300  			res, err = tr.RoundTrip(req)
   301  		}
   302  		if err != nil {
   303  			t.Fatal(err)
   304  		}
   305  		defer res.Body.Close()
   306  		slurp, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
   307  		if err != nil {
   308  			t.Fatalf("Body read: %v", err)
   309  		}
   310  		addr := strings.TrimSpace(string(slurp))
   311  		if addr == "" {
   312  			t.Fatalf("didn't get an addr in response")
   313  		}
   314  		return addr
   315  	}
   316  	first := get()
   317  	second := get()
   318  	if got := first == second; got != wantSame {
   319  		t.Errorf("first and second responses on same connection: %v; want %v", got, wantSame)
   320  	}
   321  }
   323  func TestTransportReusesConns(t *testing.T) {
   324  	for _, test := range []struct {
   325  		name     string
   326  		modReq   func(*http.Request)
   327  		wantSame bool
   328  	}{{
   329  		name:     "ReuseConn",
   330  		modReq:   func(*http.Request) {},
   331  		wantSame: true,
   332  	}, {
   333  		name:     "RequestClose",
   334  		modReq:   func(r *http.Request) { r.Close = true },
   335  		wantSame: false,
   336  	}, {
   337  		name:     "ConnClose",
   338  		modReq:   func(r *http.Request) { r.Header.Set("Connection", "close") },
   339  		wantSame: false,
   340  	}} {
   341  		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
   342  			t.Run("Transport", func(t *testing.T) {
   343  				const useClient = false
   344  				testTransportReusesConns(t, useClient, test.wantSame, test.modReq)
   345  			})
   346  			t.Run("Client", func(t *testing.T) {
   347  				const useClient = true
   348  				testTransportReusesConns(t, useClient, test.wantSame, test.modReq)
   349  			})
   350  		})
   351  	}
   352  }
   354  func TestTransportGetGotConnHooks_HTTP2Transport(t *testing.T) {
   355  	testTransportGetGotConnHooks(t, false)
   356  }
   357  func TestTransportGetGotConnHooks_Client(t *testing.T) { testTransportGetGotConnHooks(t, true) }
   359  func testTransportGetGotConnHooks(t *testing.T, useClient bool) {
   360  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   361  		io.WriteString(w, r.RemoteAddr)
   362  	})
   364  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
   365  	client := ts.Client()
   366  	ConfigureTransports(client.Transport.(*http.Transport))
   368  	var (
   369  		getConns int32
   370  		gotConns int32
   371  	)
   372  	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
   373  		trace := &httptrace.ClientTrace{
   374  			GetConn: func(hostport string) {
   375  				atomic.AddInt32(&getConns, 1)
   376  			},
   377  			GotConn: func(connInfo httptrace.GotConnInfo) {
   378  				got := atomic.AddInt32(&gotConns, 1)
   379  				wantReused, wantWasIdle := false, false
   380  				if got > 1 {
   381  					wantReused, wantWasIdle = true, true
   382  				}
   383  				if connInfo.Reused != wantReused || connInfo.WasIdle != wantWasIdle {
   384  					t.Errorf("GotConn %v: Reused=%v (want %v), WasIdle=%v (want %v)", i, connInfo.Reused, wantReused, connInfo.WasIdle, wantWasIdle)
   385  				}
   386  			},
   387  		}
   388  		req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
   389  		if err != nil {
   390  			t.Fatal(err)
   391  		}
   392  		req = req.WithContext(httptrace.WithClientTrace(req.Context(), trace))
   394  		var res *http.Response
   395  		if useClient {
   396  			res, err = client.Do(req)
   397  		} else {
   398  			res, err = tr.RoundTrip(req)
   399  		}
   400  		if err != nil {
   401  			t.Fatal(err)
   402  		}
   403  		res.Body.Close()
   404  		if get := atomic.LoadInt32(&getConns); get != int32(i+1) {
   405  			t.Errorf("after request %v, %v calls to GetConns: want %v", i, get, i+1)
   406  		}
   407  		if got := atomic.LoadInt32(&gotConns); got != int32(i+1) {
   408  			t.Errorf("after request %v, %v calls to GotConns: want %v", i, got, i+1)
   409  		}
   410  	}
   411  }
   413  type testNetConn struct {
   414  	net.Conn
   415  	closed  bool
   416  	onClose func()
   417  }
   419  func (c *testNetConn) Close() error {
   420  	if !c.closed {
   421  		// We can call Close multiple times on the same net.Conn.
   422  		c.onClose()
   423  	}
   424  	c.closed = true
   425  	return c.Conn.Close()
   426  }
   428  // Tests that the Transport only keeps one pending dial open per destination address.
   429  // https://golang.org/issue/13397
   430  func TestTransportGroupsPendingDials(t *testing.T) {
   431  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   432  	})
   433  	var (
   434  		mu         sync.Mutex
   435  		dialCount  int
   436  		closeCount int
   437  	)
   438  	tr := &Transport{
   439  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
   440  		DialTLS: func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
   441  			mu.Lock()
   442  			dialCount++
   443  			mu.Unlock()
   444  			c, err := tls.Dial(network, addr, cfg)
   445  			return &testNetConn{
   446  				Conn: c,
   447  				onClose: func() {
   448  					mu.Lock()
   449  					closeCount++
   450  					mu.Unlock()
   451  				},
   452  			}, err
   453  		},
   454  	}
   455  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
   456  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   457  	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
   458  		wg.Add(1)
   459  		go func() {
   460  			defer wg.Done()
   461  			req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
   462  			if err != nil {
   463  				t.Error(err)
   464  				return
   465  			}
   466  			res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
   467  			if err != nil {
   468  				t.Error(err)
   469  				return
   470  			}
   471  			res.Body.Close()
   472  		}()
   473  	}
   474  	wg.Wait()
   475  	tr.CloseIdleConnections()
   476  	if dialCount != 1 {
   477  		t.Errorf("saw %d dials; want 1", dialCount)
   478  	}
   479  	if closeCount != 1 {
   480  		t.Errorf("saw %d closes; want 1", closeCount)
   481  	}
   482  }
   484  func TestTransportAbortClosesPipes(t *testing.T) {
   485  	shutdown := make(chan struct{})
   486  	ts := newTestServer(t,
   487  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   488  			w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
   489  			<-shutdown
   490  		},
   491  	)
   492  	defer close(shutdown) // we must shutdown before st.Close() to avoid hanging
   494  	errCh := make(chan error)
   495  	go func() {
   496  		defer close(errCh)
   497  		tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
   498  		req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
   499  		if err != nil {
   500  			errCh <- err
   501  			return
   502  		}
   503  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
   504  		if err != nil {
   505  			errCh <- err
   506  			return
   507  		}
   508  		defer res.Body.Close()
   509  		ts.CloseClientConnections()
   510  		_, err = io.ReadAll(res.Body)
   511  		if err == nil {
   512  			errCh <- errors.New("expected error from res.Body.Read")
   513  			return
   514  		}
   515  	}()
   517  	select {
   518  	case err := <-errCh:
   519  		if err != nil {
   520  			t.Fatal(err)
   521  		}
   522  	// deadlock? that's a bug.
   523  	case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
   524  		t.Fatal("timeout")
   525  	}
   526  }
   528  // TODO: merge this with TestTransportBody to make TestTransportRequest? This
   529  // could be a table-driven test with extra goodies.
   530  func TestTransportPath(t *testing.T) {
   531  	gotc := make(chan *url.URL, 1)
   532  	ts := newTestServer(t,
   533  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   534  			gotc <- r.URL
   535  		},
   536  	)
   538  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
   539  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
   540  	const (
   541  		path  = "/testpath"
   542  		query = "q=1"
   543  	)
   544  	surl := ts.URL + path + "?" + query
   545  	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", surl, nil)
   546  	if err != nil {
   547  		t.Fatal(err)
   548  	}
   549  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
   550  	res, err := c.Do(req)
   551  	if err != nil {
   552  		t.Fatal(err)
   553  	}
   554  	defer res.Body.Close()
   555  	got := <-gotc
   556  	if got.Path != path {
   557  		t.Errorf("Read Path = %q; want %q", got.Path, path)
   558  	}
   559  	if got.RawQuery != query {
   560  		t.Errorf("Read RawQuery = %q; want %q", got.RawQuery, query)
   561  	}
   562  }
   564  func randString(n int) string {
   565  	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(n)))
   566  	b := make([]byte, n)
   567  	for i := range b {
   568  		b[i] = byte(rnd.Intn(256))
   569  	}
   570  	return string(b)
   571  }
   573  type panicReader struct{}
   575  func (panicReader) Read([]byte) (int, error) { panic("unexpected Read") }
   576  func (panicReader) Close() error             { panic("unexpected Close") }
   578  func TestActualContentLength(t *testing.T) {
   579  	tests := []struct {
   580  		req  *http.Request
   581  		want int64
   582  	}{
   583  		// Verify we don't read from Body:
   584  		0: {
   585  			req:  &http.Request{Body: panicReader{}},
   586  			want: -1,
   587  		},
   588  		// nil Body means 0, regardless of ContentLength:
   589  		1: {
   590  			req:  &http.Request{Body: nil, ContentLength: 5},
   591  			want: 0,
   592  		},
   593  		// ContentLength is used if set.
   594  		2: {
   595  			req:  &http.Request{Body: panicReader{}, ContentLength: 5},
   596  			want: 5,
   597  		},
   598  		// http.NoBody means 0, not -1.
   599  		3: {
   600  			req:  &http.Request{Body: http.NoBody},
   601  			want: 0,
   602  		},
   603  	}
   604  	for i, tt := range tests {
   605  		got := actualContentLength(tt.req)
   606  		if got != tt.want {
   607  			t.Errorf("test[%d]: got %d; want %d", i, got, tt.want)
   608  		}
   609  	}
   610  }
   612  func TestTransportBody(t *testing.T) {
   613  	bodyTests := []struct {
   614  		body         string
   615  		noContentLen bool
   616  	}{
   617  		{body: "some message"},
   618  		{body: "some message", noContentLen: true},
   619  		{body: strings.Repeat("a", 1<<20), noContentLen: true},
   620  		{body: strings.Repeat("a", 1<<20)},
   621  		{body: randString(16<<10 - 1)},
   622  		{body: randString(16 << 10)},
   623  		{body: randString(16<<10 + 1)},
   624  		{body: randString(512<<10 - 1)},
   625  		{body: randString(512 << 10)},
   626  		{body: randString(512<<10 + 1)},
   627  		{body: randString(1<<20 - 1)},
   628  		{body: randString(1 << 20)},
   629  		{body: randString(1<<20 + 2)},
   630  	}
   632  	type reqInfo struct {
   633  		req   *http.Request
   634  		slurp []byte
   635  		err   error
   636  	}
   637  	gotc := make(chan reqInfo, 1)
   638  	ts := newTestServer(t,
   639  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   640  			slurp, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
   641  			if err != nil {
   642  				gotc <- reqInfo{err: err}
   643  			} else {
   644  				gotc <- reqInfo{req: r, slurp: slurp}
   645  			}
   646  		},
   647  	)
   649  	for i, tt := range bodyTests {
   650  		tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
   651  		defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
   653  		var body io.Reader = strings.NewReader(tt.body)
   654  		if tt.noContentLen {
   655  			body = struct{ io.Reader }{body} // just a Reader, hiding concrete type and other methods
   656  		}
   657  		req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, body)
   658  		if err != nil {
   659  			t.Fatalf("#%d: %v", i, err)
   660  		}
   661  		c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
   662  		res, err := c.Do(req)
   663  		if err != nil {
   664  			t.Fatalf("#%d: %v", i, err)
   665  		}
   666  		defer res.Body.Close()
   667  		ri := <-gotc
   668  		if ri.err != nil {
   669  			t.Errorf("#%d: read error: %v", i, ri.err)
   670  			continue
   671  		}
   672  		if got := string(ri.slurp); got != tt.body {
   673  			t.Errorf("#%d: Read body mismatch.\n got: %q (len %d)\nwant: %q (len %d)", i, shortString(got), len(got), shortString(tt.body), len(tt.body))
   674  		}
   675  		wantLen := int64(len(tt.body))
   676  		if tt.noContentLen && tt.body != "" {
   677  			wantLen = -1
   678  		}
   679  		if ri.req.ContentLength != wantLen {
   680  			t.Errorf("#%d. handler got ContentLength = %v; want %v", i, ri.req.ContentLength, wantLen)
   681  		}
   682  	}
   683  }
   685  func shortString(v string) string {
   686  	const maxLen = 100
   687  	if len(v) <= maxLen {
   688  		return v
   689  	}
   690  	return fmt.Sprintf("%v[...%d bytes omitted...]%v", v[:maxLen/2], len(v)-maxLen, v[len(v)-maxLen/2:])
   691  }
   693  func TestTransportDialTLS(t *testing.T) {
   694  	var mu sync.Mutex // guards following
   695  	var gotReq, didDial bool
   697  	ts := newTestServer(t,
   698  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   699  			mu.Lock()
   700  			gotReq = true
   701  			mu.Unlock()
   702  		},
   703  	)
   704  	tr := &Transport{
   705  		DialTLS: func(netw, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
   706  			mu.Lock()
   707  			didDial = true
   708  			mu.Unlock()
   709  			cfg.InsecureSkipVerify = true
   710  			c, err := tls.Dial(netw, addr, cfg)
   711  			if err != nil {
   712  				return nil, err
   713  			}
   714  			return c, c.Handshake()
   715  		},
   716  	}
   717  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
   718  	client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
   719  	res, err := client.Get(ts.URL)
   720  	if err != nil {
   721  		t.Fatal(err)
   722  	}
   723  	res.Body.Close()
   724  	mu.Lock()
   725  	if !gotReq {
   726  		t.Error("didn't get request")
   727  	}
   728  	if !didDial {
   729  		t.Error("didn't use dial hook")
   730  	}
   731  }
   733  func TestConfigureTransport(t *testing.T) {
   734  	t1 := &http.Transport{}
   735  	err := ConfigureTransport(t1)
   736  	if err != nil {
   737  		t.Fatal(err)
   738  	}
   739  	if got := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", t1); !strings.Contains(got, `"h2"`) {
   740  		// Laziness, to avoid buildtags.
   741  		t.Errorf("stringification of HTTP/1 transport didn't contain \"h2\": %v", got)
   742  	}
   743  	wantNextProtos := []string{"h2", "http/1.1"}
   744  	if t1.TLSClientConfig == nil {
   745  		t.Errorf("nil t1.TLSClientConfig")
   746  	} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos, wantNextProtos) {
   747  		t.Errorf("TLSClientConfig.NextProtos = %q; want %q", t1.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos, wantNextProtos)
   748  	}
   749  	if err := ConfigureTransport(t1); err == nil {
   750  		t.Error("unexpected success on second call to ConfigureTransport")
   751  	}
   753  	// And does it work?
   754  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   755  		io.WriteString(w, r.Proto)
   756  	})
   758  	t1.TLSClientConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true
   759  	c := &http.Client{Transport: t1}
   760  	res, err := c.Get(ts.URL)
   761  	if err != nil {
   762  		t.Fatal(err)
   763  	}
   764  	slurp, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
   765  	if err != nil {
   766  		t.Fatal(err)
   767  	}
   768  	if got, want := string(slurp), "HTTP/2.0"; got != want {
   769  		t.Errorf("body = %q; want %q", got, want)
   770  	}
   771  }
   773  type capitalizeReader struct {
   774  	r io.Reader
   775  }
   777  func (cr capitalizeReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
   778  	n, err = cr.r.Read(p)
   779  	for i, b := range p[:n] {
   780  		if b >= 'a' && b <= 'z' {
   781  			p[i] = b - ('a' - 'A')
   782  		}
   783  	}
   784  	return
   785  }
   787  type flushWriter struct {
   788  	w io.Writer
   789  }
   791  func (fw flushWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
   792  	n, err = fw.w.Write(p)
   793  	if f, ok := fw.w.(http.Flusher); ok {
   794  		f.Flush()
   795  	}
   796  	return
   797  }
   799  func newLocalListener(t *testing.T) net.Listener {
   800  	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp4", "")
   801  	if err == nil {
   802  		return ln
   803  	}
   804  	ln, err = net.Listen("tcp6", "[::1]:0")
   805  	if err != nil {
   806  		t.Fatal(err)
   807  	}
   808  	return ln
   809  }
   811  func TestTransportReqBodyAfterResponse_200(t *testing.T) { testTransportReqBodyAfterResponse(t, 200) }
   812  func TestTransportReqBodyAfterResponse_403(t *testing.T) { testTransportReqBodyAfterResponse(t, 403) }
   814  func testTransportReqBodyAfterResponse(t *testing.T, status int) {
   815  	const bodySize = 1 << 10
   817  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
   818  	tc.greet()
   820  	body := tc.newRequestBody()
   821  	body.writeBytes(bodySize / 2)
   822  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("PUT", "https://dummy.tld/", body)
   823  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
   825  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
   826  		streamID:  rt.streamID(),
   827  		endStream: false,
   828  		header: http.Header{
   829  			":authority": []string{"dummy.tld"},
   830  			":method":    []string{"PUT"},
   831  			":path":      []string{"/"},
   832  		},
   833  	})
   835  	// Provide enough congestion window for the full request body.
   836  	tc.writeWindowUpdate(0, bodySize)
   837  	tc.writeWindowUpdate(rt.streamID(), bodySize)
   839  	tc.wantData(wantData{
   840  		streamID:  rt.streamID(),
   841  		endStream: false,
   842  		size:      bodySize / 2,
   843  	})
   845  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
   846  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
   847  		EndHeaders: true,
   848  		EndStream:  true,
   849  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
   850  			":status", strconv.Itoa(status),
   851  		),
   852  	})
   854  	res := rt.response()
   855  	if res.StatusCode != status {
   856  		t.Fatalf("status code = %v; want %v", res.StatusCode, status)
   857  	}
   859  	body.writeBytes(bodySize / 2)
   860  	body.closeWithError(io.EOF)
   862  	if status == 200 {
   863  		// After a 200 response, client sends the remaining request body.
   864  		tc.wantData(wantData{
   865  			streamID:  rt.streamID(),
   866  			endStream: true,
   867  			size:      bodySize / 2,
   868  			multiple:  true,
   869  		})
   870  	} else {
   871  		// After a 403 response, client gives up and resets the stream.
   872  		tc.wantFrameType(FrameRSTStream)
   873  	}
   875  	rt.wantBody(nil)
   876  }
   878  // See golang.org/issue/13444
   879  func TestTransportFullDuplex(t *testing.T) {
   880  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   881  		w.WriteHeader(200) // redundant but for clarity
   882  		w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
   883  		io.Copy(flushWriter{w}, capitalizeReader{r.Body})
   884  		fmt.Fprintf(w, "bye.\n")
   885  	})
   887  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
   888  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
   889  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
   891  	pr, pw := io.Pipe()
   892  	req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", ts.URL, io.NopCloser(pr))
   893  	if err != nil {
   894  		t.Fatal(err)
   895  	}
   896  	req.ContentLength = -1
   897  	res, err := c.Do(req)
   898  	if err != nil {
   899  		t.Fatal(err)
   900  	}
   901  	defer res.Body.Close()
   902  	if res.StatusCode != 200 {
   903  		t.Fatalf("StatusCode = %v; want %v", res.StatusCode, 200)
   904  	}
   905  	bs := bufio.NewScanner(res.Body)
   906  	want := func(v string) {
   907  		if !bs.Scan() {
   908  			t.Fatalf("wanted to read %q but Scan() = false, err = %v", v, bs.Err())
   909  		}
   910  	}
   911  	write := func(v string) {
   912  		_, err := io.WriteString(pw, v)
   913  		if err != nil {
   914  			t.Fatalf("pipe write: %v", err)
   915  		}
   916  	}
   917  	write("foo\n")
   918  	want("FOO")
   919  	write("bar\n")
   920  	want("BAR")
   921  	pw.Close()
   922  	want("bye.")
   923  	if err := bs.Err(); err != nil {
   924  		t.Fatal(err)
   925  	}
   926  }
   928  func TestTransportConnectRequest(t *testing.T) {
   929  	gotc := make(chan *http.Request, 1)
   930  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   931  		gotc <- r
   932  	})
   934  	u, err := url.Parse(ts.URL)
   935  	if err != nil {
   936  		t.Fatal(err)
   937  	}
   939  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
   940  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
   941  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
   943  	tests := []struct {
   944  		req  *http.Request
   945  		want string
   946  	}{
   947  		{
   948  			req: &http.Request{
   949  				Method: "CONNECT",
   950  				Header: http.Header{},
   951  				URL:    u,
   952  			},
   953  			want: u.Host,
   954  		},
   955  		{
   956  			req: &http.Request{
   957  				Method: "CONNECT",
   958  				Header: http.Header{},
   959  				URL:    u,
   960  				Host:   "example.com:123",
   961  			},
   962  			want: "example.com:123",
   963  		},
   964  	}
   966  	for i, tt := range tests {
   967  		res, err := c.Do(tt.req)
   968  		if err != nil {
   969  			t.Errorf("%d. RoundTrip = %v", i, err)
   970  			continue
   971  		}
   972  		res.Body.Close()
   973  		req := <-gotc
   974  		if req.Method != "CONNECT" {
   975  			t.Errorf("method = %q; want CONNECT", req.Method)
   976  		}
   977  		if req.Host != tt.want {
   978  			t.Errorf("Host = %q; want %q", req.Host, tt.want)
   979  		}
   980  		if req.URL.Host != tt.want {
   981  			t.Errorf("URL.Host = %q; want %q", req.URL.Host, tt.want)
   982  		}
   983  	}
   984  }
   986  type headerType int
   988  const (
   989  	noHeader headerType = iota // omitted
   990  	oneHeader
   991  	splitHeader // broken into continuation on purpose
   992  )
   994  const (
   995  	f0 = noHeader
   996  	f1 = oneHeader
   997  	f2 = splitHeader
   998  	d0 = false
   999  	d1 = true
  1000  )
  1002  // Test all 36 combinations of response frame orders:
  1003  //
  1004  //	(3 ways of 100-continue) * (2 ways of headers) * (2 ways of data) * (3 ways of trailers):func TestTransportResponsePattern_00f0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResponsePattern(h0, h1, false, h0) }
  1005  //
  1006  // Generated by http://play.golang.org/p/SScqYKJYXd
  1007  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h1d0t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f1, d0, f0) }
  1008  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h1d0t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f1, d0, f1) }
  1009  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h1d0t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f1, d0, f2) }
  1010  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h1d1t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f1, d1, f0) }
  1011  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h1d1t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f1, d1, f1) }
  1012  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h1d1t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f1, d1, f2) }
  1013  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h2d0t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f2, d0, f0) }
  1014  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h2d0t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f2, d0, f1) }
  1015  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h2d0t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f2, d0, f2) }
  1016  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h2d1t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f2, d1, f0) }
  1017  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h2d1t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f2, d1, f1) }
  1018  func TestTransportResPattern_c0h2d1t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f0, f2, d1, f2) }
  1019  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h1d0t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f1, d0, f0) }
  1020  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h1d0t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f1, d0, f1) }
  1021  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h1d0t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f1, d0, f2) }
  1022  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h1d1t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f1, d1, f0) }
  1023  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h1d1t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f1, d1, f1) }
  1024  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h1d1t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f1, d1, f2) }
  1025  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h2d0t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f2, d0, f0) }
  1026  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h2d0t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f2, d0, f1) }
  1027  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h2d0t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f2, d0, f2) }
  1028  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h2d1t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f2, d1, f0) }
  1029  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h2d1t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f2, d1, f1) }
  1030  func TestTransportResPattern_c1h2d1t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f1, f2, d1, f2) }
  1031  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h1d0t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f1, d0, f0) }
  1032  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h1d0t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f1, d0, f1) }
  1033  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h1d0t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f1, d0, f2) }
  1034  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h1d1t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f1, d1, f0) }
  1035  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h1d1t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f1, d1, f1) }
  1036  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h1d1t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f1, d1, f2) }
  1037  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h2d0t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f2, d0, f0) }
  1038  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h2d0t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f2, d0, f1) }
  1039  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h2d0t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f2, d0, f2) }
  1040  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h2d1t0(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f2, d1, f0) }
  1041  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h2d1t1(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f2, d1, f1) }
  1042  func TestTransportResPattern_c2h2d1t2(t *testing.T) { testTransportResPattern(t, f2, f2, d1, f2) }
  1044  func testTransportResPattern(t *testing.T, expect100Continue, resHeader headerType, withData bool, trailers headerType) {
  1045  	const reqBody = "some request body"
  1046  	const resBody = "some response body"
  1048  	if resHeader == noHeader {
  1049  		// TODO: test 100-continue followed by immediate
  1050  		// server stream reset, without headers in the middle?
  1051  		panic("invalid combination")
  1052  	}
  1054  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  1055  	tc.greet()
  1057  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "https://dummy.tld/", strings.NewReader(reqBody))
  1058  	if expect100Continue != noHeader {
  1059  		req.Header.Set("Expect", "100-continue")
  1060  	}
  1061  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  1063  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  1065  	// Possibly 100-continue, or skip when noHeader.
  1066  	tc.writeHeadersMode(expect100Continue, HeadersFrameParam{
  1067  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  1068  		EndHeaders: true,
  1069  		EndStream:  false,
  1070  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  1071  			":status", "100",
  1072  		),
  1073  	})
  1075  	// Client sends request body.
  1076  	tc.wantData(wantData{
  1077  		streamID:  rt.streamID(),
  1078  		endStream: true,
  1079  		size:      len(reqBody),
  1080  	})
  1082  	hdr := []string{
  1083  		":status", "200",
  1084  		"x-foo", "blah",
  1085  		"x-bar", "more",
  1086  	}
  1087  	if trailers != noHeader {
  1088  		hdr = append(hdr, "trailer", "some-trailer")
  1089  	}
  1090  	tc.writeHeadersMode(resHeader, HeadersFrameParam{
  1091  		StreamID:      rt.streamID(),
  1092  		EndHeaders:    true,
  1093  		EndStream:     withData == false && trailers == noHeader,
  1094  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(hdr...),
  1095  	})
  1096  	if withData {
  1097  		endStream := trailers == noHeader
  1098  		tc.writeData(rt.streamID(), endStream, []byte(resBody))
  1099  	}
  1100  	tc.writeHeadersMode(trailers, HeadersFrameParam{
  1101  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  1102  		EndHeaders: true,
  1103  		EndStream:  true,
  1104  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  1105  			"some-trailer", "some-value",
  1106  		),
  1107  	})
  1109  	rt.wantStatus(200)
  1110  	if !withData {
  1111  		rt.wantBody(nil)
  1112  	} else {
  1113  		rt.wantBody([]byte(resBody))
  1114  	}
  1115  	if trailers == noHeader {
  1116  		rt.wantTrailers(nil)
  1117  	} else {
  1118  		rt.wantTrailers(http.Header{
  1119  			"Some-Trailer": {"some-value"},
  1120  		})
  1121  	}
  1122  }
  1124  // Issue 26189, Issue 17739: ignore unknown 1xx responses
  1125  func TestTransportUnknown1xx(t *testing.T) {
  1126  	var buf bytes.Buffer
  1127  	defer func() { got1xxFuncForTests = nil }()
  1128  	got1xxFuncForTests = func(code int, header textproto.MIMEHeader) error {
  1129  		fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "code=%d header=%v\n", code, header)
  1130  		return nil
  1131  	}
  1133  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  1134  	tc.greet()
  1136  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  1137  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  1139  	for i := 110; i <= 114; i++ {
  1140  		tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  1141  			StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  1142  			EndHeaders: true,
  1143  			EndStream:  false,
  1144  			BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  1145  				":status", fmt.Sprint(i),
  1146  				"foo-bar", fmt.Sprint(i),
  1147  			),
  1148  		})
  1149  	}
  1150  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  1151  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  1152  		EndHeaders: true,
  1153  		EndStream:  true,
  1154  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  1155  			":status", "204",
  1156  		),
  1157  	})
  1159  	res := rt.response()
  1160  	if res.StatusCode != 204 {
  1161  		t.Fatalf("status code = %v; want 204", res.StatusCode)
  1162  	}
  1163  	want := `code=110 header=map[Foo-Bar:[110]]
  1164  code=111 header=map[Foo-Bar:[111]]
  1165  code=112 header=map[Foo-Bar:[112]]
  1166  code=113 header=map[Foo-Bar:[113]]
  1167  code=114 header=map[Foo-Bar:[114]]
  1168  `
  1169  	if got := buf.String(); got != want {
  1170  		t.Errorf("Got trace:\n%s\nWant:\n%s", got, want)
  1171  	}
  1172  }
  1174  func TestTransportReceiveUndeclaredTrailer(t *testing.T) {
  1175  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  1176  	tc.greet()
  1178  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  1179  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  1181  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  1182  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  1183  		EndHeaders: true,
  1184  		EndStream:  false,
  1185  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  1186  			":status", "200",
  1187  		),
  1188  	})
  1189  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  1190  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  1191  		EndHeaders: true,
  1192  		EndStream:  true,
  1193  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  1194  			"some-trailer", "I'm an undeclared Trailer!",
  1195  		),
  1196  	})
  1198  	rt.wantStatus(200)
  1199  	rt.wantBody(nil)
  1200  	rt.wantTrailers(http.Header{
  1201  		"Some-Trailer": []string{"I'm an undeclared Trailer!"},
  1202  	})
  1203  }
  1205  func TestTransportInvalidTrailer_Pseudo1(t *testing.T) {
  1206  	testTransportInvalidTrailer_Pseudo(t, oneHeader)
  1207  }
  1208  func TestTransportInvalidTrailer_Pseudo2(t *testing.T) {
  1209  	testTransportInvalidTrailer_Pseudo(t, splitHeader)
  1210  }
  1211  func testTransportInvalidTrailer_Pseudo(t *testing.T, trailers headerType) {
  1212  	testInvalidTrailer(t, trailers, pseudoHeaderError(":colon"),
  1213  		":colon", "foo",
  1214  		"foo", "bar",
  1215  	)
  1216  }
  1218  func TestTransportInvalidTrailer_Capital1(t *testing.T) {
  1219  	testTransportInvalidTrailer_Capital(t, oneHeader)
  1220  }
  1221  func TestTransportInvalidTrailer_Capital2(t *testing.T) {
  1222  	testTransportInvalidTrailer_Capital(t, splitHeader)
  1223  }
  1224  func testTransportInvalidTrailer_Capital(t *testing.T, trailers headerType) {
  1225  	testInvalidTrailer(t, trailers, headerFieldNameError("Capital"),
  1226  		"foo", "bar",
  1227  		"Capital", "bad",
  1228  	)
  1229  }
  1230  func TestTransportInvalidTrailer_EmptyFieldName(t *testing.T) {
  1231  	testInvalidTrailer(t, oneHeader, headerFieldNameError(""),
  1232  		"", "bad",
  1233  	)
  1234  }
  1235  func TestTransportInvalidTrailer_BinaryFieldValue(t *testing.T) {
  1236  	testInvalidTrailer(t, oneHeader, headerFieldValueError("x"),
  1237  		"x", "has\nnewline",
  1238  	)
  1239  }
  1241  func testInvalidTrailer(t *testing.T, mode headerType, wantErr error, trailers ...string) {
  1242  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  1243  	tc.greet()
  1245  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  1246  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  1248  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  1249  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  1250  		EndHeaders: true,
  1251  		EndStream:  false,
  1252  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  1253  			":status", "200",
  1254  			"trailer", "declared",
  1255  		),
  1256  	})
  1257  	tc.writeHeadersMode(mode, HeadersFrameParam{
  1258  		StreamID:      rt.streamID(),
  1259  		EndHeaders:    true,
  1260  		EndStream:     true,
  1261  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(trailers...),
  1262  	})
  1264  	rt.wantStatus(200)
  1265  	body, err := rt.readBody()
  1266  	se, ok := err.(StreamError)
  1267  	if !ok || se.Cause != wantErr {
  1268  		t.Fatalf("res.Body ReadAll error = %q, %#v; want StreamError with cause %T, %#v", body, err, wantErr, wantErr)
  1269  	}
  1270  	if len(body) > 0 {
  1271  		t.Fatalf("body = %q; want nothing", body)
  1272  	}
  1273  }
  1275  // headerListSize returns the HTTP2 header list size of h.
  1276  //
  1277  //	http://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7540.html#SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE
  1278  //	http://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7540.html#MaxHeaderBlock
  1279  func headerListSize(h http.Header) (size uint32) {
  1280  	for k, vv := range h {
  1281  		for _, v := range vv {
  1282  			hf := hpack.HeaderField{Name: k, Value: v}
  1283  			size += hf.Size()
  1284  		}
  1285  	}
  1286  	return size
  1287  }
  1289  // padHeaders adds data to an http.Header until headerListSize(h) ==
  1290  // limit. Due to the way header list sizes are calculated, padHeaders
  1291  // cannot add fewer than len("Pad-Headers") + 32 bytes to h, and will
  1292  // call t.Fatal if asked to do so. PadHeaders first reserves enough
  1293  // space for an empty "Pad-Headers" key, then adds as many copies of
  1294  // filler as possible. Any remaining bytes necessary to push the
  1295  // header list size up to limit are added to h["Pad-Headers"].
  1296  func padHeaders(t *testing.T, h http.Header, limit uint64, filler string) {
  1297  	if limit > 0xffffffff {
  1298  		t.Fatalf("padHeaders: refusing to pad to more than 2^32-1 bytes. limit = %v", limit)
  1299  	}
  1300  	hf := hpack.HeaderField{Name: "Pad-Headers", Value: ""}
  1301  	minPadding := uint64(hf.Size())
  1302  	size := uint64(headerListSize(h))
  1304  	minlimit := size + minPadding
  1305  	if limit < minlimit {
  1306  		t.Fatalf("padHeaders: limit %v < %v", limit, minlimit)
  1307  	}
  1309  	// Use a fixed-width format for name so that fieldSize
  1310  	// remains constant.
  1311  	nameFmt := "Pad-Headers-%06d"
  1312  	hf = hpack.HeaderField{Name: fmt.Sprintf(nameFmt, 1), Value: filler}
  1313  	fieldSize := uint64(hf.Size())
  1315  	// Add as many complete filler values as possible, leaving
  1316  	// room for at least one empty "Pad-Headers" key.
  1317  	limit = limit - minPadding
  1318  	for i := 0; size+fieldSize < limit; i++ {
  1319  		name := fmt.Sprintf(nameFmt, i)
  1320  		h.Add(name, filler)
  1321  		size += fieldSize
  1322  	}
  1324  	// Add enough bytes to reach limit.
  1325  	remain := limit - size
  1326  	lastValue := strings.Repeat("*", int(remain))
  1327  	h.Add("Pad-Headers", lastValue)
  1328  }
  1330  func TestPadHeaders(t *testing.T) {
  1331  	check := func(h http.Header, limit uint32, fillerLen int) {
  1332  		if h == nil {
  1333  			h = make(http.Header)
  1334  		}
  1335  		filler := strings.Repeat("f", fillerLen)
  1336  		padHeaders(t, h, uint64(limit), filler)
  1337  		gotSize := headerListSize(h)
  1338  		if gotSize != limit {
  1339  			t.Errorf("Got size = %v; want %v", gotSize, limit)
  1340  		}
  1341  	}
  1342  	// Try all possible combinations for small fillerLen and limit.
  1343  	hf := hpack.HeaderField{Name: "Pad-Headers", Value: ""}
  1344  	minLimit := hf.Size()
  1345  	for limit := minLimit; limit <= 128; limit++ {
  1346  		for fillerLen := 0; uint32(fillerLen) <= limit; fillerLen++ {
  1347  			check(nil, limit, fillerLen)
  1348  		}
  1349  	}
  1351  	// Try a few tests with larger limits, plus cumulative
  1352  	// tests. Since these tests are cumulative, tests[i+1].limit
  1353  	// must be >= tests[i].limit + minLimit. See the comment on
  1354  	// padHeaders for more info on why the limit arg has this
  1355  	// restriction.
  1356  	tests := []struct {
  1357  		fillerLen int
  1358  		limit     uint32
  1359  	}{
  1360  		{
  1361  			fillerLen: 64,
  1362  			limit:     1024,
  1363  		},
  1364  		{
  1365  			fillerLen: 1024,
  1366  			limit:     1286,
  1367  		},
  1368  		{
  1369  			fillerLen: 256,
  1370  			limit:     2048,
  1371  		},
  1372  		{
  1373  			fillerLen: 1024,
  1374  			limit:     10 * 1024,
  1375  		},
  1376  		{
  1377  			fillerLen: 1023,
  1378  			limit:     11 * 1024,
  1379  		},
  1380  	}
  1381  	h := make(http.Header)
  1382  	for _, tc := range tests {
  1383  		check(nil, tc.limit, tc.fillerLen)
  1384  		check(h, tc.limit, tc.fillerLen)
  1385  	}
  1386  }
  1388  func TestTransportChecksRequestHeaderListSize(t *testing.T) {
  1389  	ts := newTestServer(t,
  1390  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1391  			// Consume body & force client to send
  1392  			// trailers before writing response.
  1393  			// io.ReadAll returns non-nil err for
  1394  			// requests that attempt to send greater than
  1395  			// maxHeaderListSize bytes of trailers, since
  1396  			// those requests generate a stream reset.
  1397  			io.ReadAll(r.Body)
  1398  			r.Body.Close()
  1399  		},
  1400  		func(ts *httptest.Server) {
  1401  			ts.Config.MaxHeaderBytes = 16 << 10
  1402  		},
  1403  		optQuiet,
  1404  	)
  1406  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  1407  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  1409  	checkRoundTrip := func(req *http.Request, wantErr error, desc string) {
  1410  		// Make an arbitrary request to ensure we get the server's
  1411  		// settings frame and initialize peerMaxHeaderListSize.
  1412  		req0, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  1413  		if err != nil {
  1414  			t.Fatalf("newRequest: NewRequest: %v", err)
  1415  		}
  1416  		res0, err := tr.RoundTrip(req0)
  1417  		if err != nil {
  1418  			t.Errorf("%v: Initial RoundTrip err = %v", desc, err)
  1419  		}
  1420  		res0.Body.Close()
  1422  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  1423  		if err != wantErr {
  1424  			if res != nil {
  1425  				res.Body.Close()
  1426  			}
  1427  			t.Errorf("%v: RoundTrip err = %v; want %v", desc, err, wantErr)
  1428  			return
  1429  		}
  1430  		if err == nil {
  1431  			if res == nil {
  1432  				t.Errorf("%v: response nil; want non-nil.", desc)
  1433  				return
  1434  			}
  1435  			defer res.Body.Close()
  1436  			if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
  1437  				t.Errorf("%v: response status = %v; want %v", desc, res.StatusCode, http.StatusOK)
  1438  			}
  1439  			return
  1440  		}
  1441  		if res != nil {
  1442  			t.Errorf("%v: RoundTrip err = %v but response non-nil", desc, err)
  1443  		}
  1444  	}
  1445  	headerListSizeForRequest := func(req *http.Request) (size uint64) {
  1446  		contentLen := actualContentLength(req)
  1447  		trailers, err := commaSeparatedTrailers(req)
  1448  		if err != nil {
  1449  			t.Fatalf("headerListSizeForRequest: %v", err)
  1450  		}
  1451  		cc := &ClientConn{peerMaxHeaderListSize: 0xffffffffffffffff}
  1452  		cc.henc = hpack.NewEncoder(&cc.hbuf)
  1453  		cc.mu.Lock()
  1454  		hdrs, err := cc.encodeHeaders(req, true, trailers, contentLen)
  1455  		cc.mu.Unlock()
  1456  		if err != nil {
  1457  			t.Fatalf("headerListSizeForRequest: %v", err)
  1458  		}
  1459  		hpackDec := hpack.NewDecoder(initialHeaderTableSize, func(hf hpack.HeaderField) {
  1460  			size += uint64(hf.Size())
  1461  		})
  1462  		if len(hdrs) > 0 {
  1463  			if _, err := hpackDec.Write(hdrs); err != nil {
  1464  				t.Fatalf("headerListSizeForRequest: %v", err)
  1465  			}
  1466  		}
  1467  		return size
  1468  	}
  1469  	// Create a new Request for each test, rather than reusing the
  1470  	// same Request, to avoid a race when modifying req.Headers.
  1471  	// See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/21316
  1472  	newRequest := func() *http.Request {
  1473  		// Body must be non-nil to enable writing trailers.
  1474  		body := strings.NewReader("hello")
  1475  		req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, body)
  1476  		if err != nil {
  1477  			t.Fatalf("newRequest: NewRequest: %v", err)
  1478  		}
  1479  		return req
  1480  	}
  1482  	var (
  1483  		scMu sync.Mutex
  1484  		sc   *serverConn
  1485  	)
  1486  	testHookGetServerConn = func(v *serverConn) {
  1487  		scMu.Lock()
  1488  		defer scMu.Unlock()
  1489  		if sc != nil {
  1490  			panic("testHookGetServerConn called multiple times")
  1491  		}
  1492  		sc = v
  1493  	}
  1494  	defer func() {
  1495  		testHookGetServerConn = nil
  1496  	}()
  1498  	// Validate peerMaxHeaderListSize.
  1499  	req := newRequest()
  1500  	checkRoundTrip(req, nil, "Initial request")
  1501  	addr := authorityAddr(req.URL.Scheme, req.URL.Host)
  1502  	cc, err := tr.connPool().GetClientConn(req, addr)
  1503  	if err != nil {
  1504  		t.Fatalf("GetClientConn: %v", err)
  1505  	}
  1506  	cc.mu.Lock()
  1507  	peerSize := cc.peerMaxHeaderListSize
  1508  	cc.mu.Unlock()
  1509  	scMu.Lock()
  1510  	wantSize := uint64(sc.maxHeaderListSize())
  1511  	scMu.Unlock()
  1512  	if peerSize != wantSize {
  1513  		t.Errorf("peerMaxHeaderListSize = %v; want %v", peerSize, wantSize)
  1514  	}
  1516  	// Sanity check peerSize. (*serverConn) maxHeaderListSize adds
  1517  	// 320 bytes of padding.
  1518  	wantHeaderBytes := uint64(ts.Config.MaxHeaderBytes) + 320
  1519  	if peerSize != wantHeaderBytes {
  1520  		t.Errorf("peerMaxHeaderListSize = %v; want %v.", peerSize, wantHeaderBytes)
  1521  	}
  1523  	// Pad headers & trailers, but stay under peerSize.
  1524  	req = newRequest()
  1525  	req.Header = make(http.Header)
  1526  	req.Trailer = make(http.Header)
  1527  	filler := strings.Repeat("*", 1024)
  1528  	padHeaders(t, req.Trailer, peerSize, filler)
  1529  	// cc.encodeHeaders adds some default headers to the request,
  1530  	// so we need to leave room for those.
  1531  	defaultBytes := headerListSizeForRequest(req)
  1532  	padHeaders(t, req.Header, peerSize-defaultBytes, filler)
  1533  	checkRoundTrip(req, nil, "Headers & Trailers under limit")
  1535  	// Add enough header bytes to push us over peerSize.
  1536  	req = newRequest()
  1537  	req.Header = make(http.Header)
  1538  	padHeaders(t, req.Header, peerSize, filler)
  1539  	checkRoundTrip(req, errRequestHeaderListSize, "Headers over limit")
  1541  	// Push trailers over the limit.
  1542  	req = newRequest()
  1543  	req.Trailer = make(http.Header)
  1544  	padHeaders(t, req.Trailer, peerSize+1, filler)
  1545  	checkRoundTrip(req, errRequestHeaderListSize, "Trailers over limit")
  1547  	// Send headers with a single large value.
  1548  	req = newRequest()
  1549  	filler = strings.Repeat("*", int(peerSize))
  1550  	req.Header = make(http.Header)
  1551  	req.Header.Set("Big", filler)
  1552  	checkRoundTrip(req, errRequestHeaderListSize, "Single large header")
  1554  	// Send trailers with a single large value.
  1555  	req = newRequest()
  1556  	req.Trailer = make(http.Header)
  1557  	req.Trailer.Set("Big", filler)
  1558  	checkRoundTrip(req, errRequestHeaderListSize, "Single large trailer")
  1559  }
  1561  func TestTransportChecksResponseHeaderListSize(t *testing.T) {
  1562  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  1563  	tc.greet()
  1565  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  1566  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  1568  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  1570  	hdr := []string{":status", "200"}
  1571  	large := strings.Repeat("a", 1<<10)
  1572  	for i := 0; i < 5042; i++ {
  1573  		hdr = append(hdr, large, large)
  1574  	}
  1575  	hbf := tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(hdr...)
  1576  	// Note: this number might change if our hpack implementation changes.
  1577  	// That's fine. This is just a sanity check that our response can fit in a single
  1578  	// header block fragment frame.
  1579  	if size, want := len(hbf), 6329; size != want {
  1580  		t.Fatalf("encoding over 10MB of duplicate keypairs took %d bytes; expected %d", size, want)
  1581  	}
  1582  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  1583  		StreamID:      rt.streamID(),
  1584  		EndHeaders:    true,
  1585  		EndStream:     true,
  1586  		BlockFragment: hbf,
  1587  	})
  1589  	res, err := rt.result()
  1590  	if e, ok := err.(StreamError); ok {
  1591  		err = e.Cause
  1592  	}
  1593  	if err != errResponseHeaderListSize {
  1594  		size := int64(0)
  1595  		if res != nil {
  1596  			res.Body.Close()
  1597  			for k, vv := range res.Header {
  1598  				for _, v := range vv {
  1599  					size += int64(len(k)) + int64(len(v)) + 32
  1600  				}
  1601  			}
  1602  		}
  1603  		t.Fatalf("RoundTrip Error = %v (and %d bytes of response headers); want errResponseHeaderListSize", err, size)
  1604  	}
  1605  }
  1607  func TestTransportCookieHeaderSplit(t *testing.T) {
  1608  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  1609  	tc.greet()
  1611  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  1612  	req.Header.Add("Cookie", "a=b;c=d;  e=f;")
  1613  	req.Header.Add("Cookie", "e=f;g=h; ")
  1614  	req.Header.Add("Cookie", "i=j")
  1615  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  1617  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  1618  		streamID:  rt.streamID(),
  1619  		endStream: true,
  1620  		header: http.Header{
  1621  			"cookie": []string{"a=b", "c=d", "e=f", "e=f", "g=h", "i=j"},
  1622  		},
  1623  	})
  1624  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  1625  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  1626  		EndHeaders: true,
  1627  		EndStream:  true,
  1628  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  1629  			":status", "204",
  1630  		),
  1631  	})
  1633  	if err := rt.err(); err != nil {
  1634  		t.Fatalf("RoundTrip = %v, want success", err)
  1635  	}
  1636  }
  1638  // Test that the Transport returns a typed error from Response.Body.Read calls
  1639  // when the server sends an error. (here we use a panic, since that should generate
  1640  // a stream error, but others like cancel should be similar)
  1641  func TestTransportBodyReadErrorType(t *testing.T) {
  1642  	doPanic := make(chan bool, 1)
  1643  	ts := newTestServer(t,
  1644  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1645  			w.(http.Flusher).Flush() // force headers out
  1646  			<-doPanic
  1647  			panic("boom")
  1648  		},
  1649  		optQuiet,
  1650  	)
  1652  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  1653  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  1654  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
  1656  	res, err := c.Get(ts.URL)
  1657  	if err != nil {
  1658  		t.Fatal(err)
  1659  	}
  1660  	defer res.Body.Close()
  1661  	doPanic <- true
  1662  	buf := make([]byte, 100)
  1663  	n, err := res.Body.Read(buf)
  1664  	got, ok := err.(StreamError)
  1665  	want := StreamError{StreamID: 0x1, Code: 0x2}
  1666  	if !ok || got.StreamID != want.StreamID || got.Code != want.Code {
  1667  		t.Errorf("Read = %v, %#v; want error %#v", n, err, want)
  1668  	}
  1669  }
  1671  // golang.org/issue/13924
  1672  // This used to fail after many iterations, especially with -race:
  1673  // go test -v -run=TestTransportDoubleCloseOnWriteError -count=500 -race
  1674  func TestTransportDoubleCloseOnWriteError(t *testing.T) {
  1675  	var (
  1676  		mu   sync.Mutex
  1677  		conn net.Conn // to close if set
  1678  	)
  1680  	ts := newTestServer(t,
  1681  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1682  			mu.Lock()
  1683  			defer mu.Unlock()
  1684  			if conn != nil {
  1685  				conn.Close()
  1686  			}
  1687  		},
  1688  	)
  1690  	tr := &Transport{
  1691  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  1692  		DialTLS: func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
  1693  			tc, err := tls.Dial(network, addr, cfg)
  1694  			if err != nil {
  1695  				return nil, err
  1696  			}
  1697  			mu.Lock()
  1698  			defer mu.Unlock()
  1699  			conn = tc
  1700  			return tc, nil
  1701  		},
  1702  	}
  1703  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  1704  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
  1705  	c.Get(ts.URL)
  1706  }
  1708  // Test that the http1 Transport.DisableKeepAlives option is respected
  1709  // and connections are closed as soon as idle.
  1710  // See golang.org/issue/14008
  1711  func TestTransportDisableKeepAlives(t *testing.T) {
  1712  	ts := newTestServer(t,
  1713  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1714  			io.WriteString(w, "hi")
  1715  		},
  1716  	)
  1718  	connClosed := make(chan struct{}) // closed on tls.Conn.Close
  1719  	tr := &Transport{
  1720  		t1: &http.Transport{
  1721  			DisableKeepAlives: true,
  1722  		},
  1723  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  1724  		DialTLS: func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
  1725  			tc, err := tls.Dial(network, addr, cfg)
  1726  			if err != nil {
  1727  				return nil, err
  1728  			}
  1729  			return &noteCloseConn{Conn: tc, closefn: func() { close(connClosed) }}, nil
  1730  		},
  1731  	}
  1732  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
  1733  	res, err := c.Get(ts.URL)
  1734  	if err != nil {
  1735  		t.Fatal(err)
  1736  	}
  1737  	if _, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body); err != nil {
  1738  		t.Fatal(err)
  1739  	}
  1740  	defer res.Body.Close()
  1742  	select {
  1743  	case <-connClosed:
  1744  	case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
  1745  		t.Errorf("timeout")
  1746  	}
  1748  }
  1750  // Test concurrent requests with Transport.DisableKeepAlives. We can share connections,
  1751  // but when things are totally idle, it still needs to close.
  1752  func TestTransportDisableKeepAlives_Concurrency(t *testing.T) {
  1753  	const D = 25 * time.Millisecond
  1754  	ts := newTestServer(t,
  1755  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1756  			time.Sleep(D)
  1757  			io.WriteString(w, "hi")
  1758  		},
  1759  	)
  1761  	var dials int32
  1762  	var conns sync.WaitGroup
  1763  	tr := &Transport{
  1764  		t1: &http.Transport{
  1765  			DisableKeepAlives: true,
  1766  		},
  1767  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  1768  		DialTLS: func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
  1769  			tc, err := tls.Dial(network, addr, cfg)
  1770  			if err != nil {
  1771  				return nil, err
  1772  			}
  1773  			atomic.AddInt32(&dials, 1)
  1774  			conns.Add(1)
  1775  			return &noteCloseConn{Conn: tc, closefn: func() { conns.Done() }}, nil
  1776  		},
  1777  	}
  1778  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
  1779  	var reqs sync.WaitGroup
  1780  	const N = 20
  1781  	for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
  1782  		reqs.Add(1)
  1783  		if i == N-1 {
  1784  			// For the final request, try to make all the
  1785  			// others close. This isn't verified in the
  1786  			// count, other than the Log statement, since
  1787  			// it's so timing dependent. This test is
  1788  			// really to make sure we don't interrupt a
  1789  			// valid request.
  1790  			time.Sleep(D * 2)
  1791  		}
  1792  		go func() {
  1793  			defer reqs.Done()
  1794  			res, err := c.Get(ts.URL)
  1795  			if err != nil {
  1796  				t.Error(err)
  1797  				return
  1798  			}
  1799  			if _, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body); err != nil {
  1800  				t.Error(err)
  1801  				return
  1802  			}
  1803  			res.Body.Close()
  1804  		}()
  1805  	}
  1806  	reqs.Wait()
  1807  	conns.Wait()
  1808  	t.Logf("did %d dials, %d requests", atomic.LoadInt32(&dials), N)
  1809  }
  1811  type noteCloseConn struct {
  1812  	net.Conn
  1813  	onceClose sync.Once
  1814  	closefn   func()
  1815  }
  1817  func (c *noteCloseConn) Close() error {
  1818  	c.onceClose.Do(c.closefn)
  1819  	return c.Conn.Close()
  1820  }
  1822  func isTimeout(err error) bool {
  1823  	switch err := err.(type) {
  1824  	case nil:
  1825  		return false
  1826  	case *url.Error:
  1827  		return isTimeout(err.Err)
  1828  	case net.Error:
  1829  		return err.Timeout()
  1830  	}
  1831  	return false
  1832  }
  1834  // Test that the http1 Transport.ResponseHeaderTimeout option and cancel is sent.
  1835  func TestTransportResponseHeaderTimeout_NoBody(t *testing.T) {
  1836  	testTransportResponseHeaderTimeout(t, false)
  1837  }
  1838  func TestTransportResponseHeaderTimeout_Body(t *testing.T) {
  1839  	testTransportResponseHeaderTimeout(t, true)
  1840  }
  1842  func testTransportResponseHeaderTimeout(t *testing.T, body bool) {
  1843  	const bodySize = 4 << 20
  1844  	tc := newTestClientConn(t, func(tr *Transport) {
  1845  		tr.t1 = &http.Transport{
  1846  			ResponseHeaderTimeout: 5 * time.Millisecond,
  1847  		}
  1848  	})
  1849  	tc.greet()
  1851  	var req *http.Request
  1852  	var reqBody *testRequestBody
  1853  	if body {
  1854  		reqBody = tc.newRequestBody()
  1855  		reqBody.writeBytes(bodySize)
  1856  		reqBody.closeWithError(io.EOF)
  1857  		req, _ = http.NewRequest("POST", "https://dummy.tld/", reqBody)
  1858  		req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "text/foo")
  1859  	} else {
  1860  		req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  1861  	}
  1863  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  1865  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  1867  	tc.writeWindowUpdate(0, bodySize)
  1868  	tc.writeWindowUpdate(rt.streamID(), bodySize)
  1870  	if body {
  1871  		tc.wantData(wantData{
  1872  			endStream: true,
  1873  			size:      bodySize,
  1874  			multiple:  true,
  1875  		})
  1876  	}
  1878  	tc.advance(4 * time.Millisecond)
  1879  	if rt.done() {
  1880  		t.Fatalf("RoundTrip is done after 4ms; want still waiting")
  1881  	}
  1882  	tc.advance(1 * time.Millisecond)
  1884  	if err := rt.err(); !isTimeout(err) {
  1885  		t.Fatalf("RoundTrip error: %v; want timeout error", err)
  1886  	}
  1887  }
  1889  func TestTransportDisableCompression(t *testing.T) {
  1890  	const body = "sup"
  1891  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1892  		want := http.Header{
  1893  			"User-Agent": []string{"Go-http-client/2.0"},
  1894  		}
  1895  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(r.Header, want) {
  1896  			t.Errorf("request headers = %v; want %v", r.Header, want)
  1897  		}
  1898  	})
  1900  	tr := &Transport{
  1901  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  1902  		t1: &http.Transport{
  1903  			DisableCompression: true,
  1904  		},
  1905  	}
  1906  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  1908  	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  1909  	if err != nil {
  1910  		t.Fatal(err)
  1911  	}
  1912  	res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  1913  	if err != nil {
  1914  		t.Fatal(err)
  1915  	}
  1916  	defer res.Body.Close()
  1917  }
  1919  // RFC 7540 section
  1920  func TestTransportRejectsConnHeaders(t *testing.T) {
  1921  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1922  		var got []string
  1923  		for k := range r.Header {
  1924  			got = append(got, k)
  1925  		}
  1926  		sort.Strings(got)
  1927  		w.Header().Set("Got-Header", strings.Join(got, ","))
  1928  	})
  1930  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  1931  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  1933  	tests := []struct {
  1934  		key   string
  1935  		value []string
  1936  		want  string
  1937  	}{
  1938  		{
  1939  			key:   "Upgrade",
  1940  			value: []string{"anything"},
  1941  			want:  "ERROR: http2: invalid Upgrade request header: [\"anything\"]",
  1942  		},
  1943  		{
  1944  			key:   "Connection",
  1945  			value: []string{"foo"},
  1946  			want:  "ERROR: http2: invalid Connection request header: [\"foo\"]",
  1947  		},
  1948  		{
  1949  			key:   "Connection",
  1950  			value: []string{"close"},
  1951  			want:  "Accept-Encoding,User-Agent",
  1952  		},
  1953  		{
  1954  			key:   "Connection",
  1955  			value: []string{"CLoSe"},
  1956  			want:  "Accept-Encoding,User-Agent",
  1957  		},
  1958  		{
  1959  			key:   "Connection",
  1960  			value: []string{"close", "something-else"},
  1961  			want:  "ERROR: http2: invalid Connection request header: [\"close\" \"something-else\"]",
  1962  		},
  1963  		{
  1964  			key:   "Connection",
  1965  			value: []string{"keep-alive"},
  1966  			want:  "Accept-Encoding,User-Agent",
  1967  		},
  1968  		{
  1969  			key:   "Connection",
  1970  			value: []string{"Keep-ALIVE"},
  1971  			want:  "Accept-Encoding,User-Agent",
  1972  		},
  1973  		{
  1974  			key:   "Proxy-Connection", // just deleted and ignored
  1975  			value: []string{"keep-alive"},
  1976  			want:  "Accept-Encoding,User-Agent",
  1977  		},
  1978  		{
  1979  			key:   "Transfer-Encoding",
  1980  			value: []string{""},
  1981  			want:  "Accept-Encoding,User-Agent",
  1982  		},
  1983  		{
  1984  			key:   "Transfer-Encoding",
  1985  			value: []string{"foo"},
  1986  			want:  "ERROR: http2: invalid Transfer-Encoding request header: [\"foo\"]",
  1987  		},
  1988  		{
  1989  			key:   "Transfer-Encoding",
  1990  			value: []string{"chunked"},
  1991  			want:  "Accept-Encoding,User-Agent",
  1992  		},
  1993  		{
  1994  			key:   "Transfer-Encoding",
  1995  			value: []string{"chunKed"}, // Kelvin sign
  1996  			want:  "ERROR: http2: invalid Transfer-Encoding request header: [\"chunKed\"]",
  1997  		},
  1998  		{
  1999  			key:   "Transfer-Encoding",
  2000  			value: []string{"chunked", "other"},
  2001  			want:  "ERROR: http2: invalid Transfer-Encoding request header: [\"chunked\" \"other\"]",
  2002  		},
  2003  		{
  2004  			key:   "Content-Length",
  2005  			value: []string{"123"},
  2006  			want:  "Accept-Encoding,User-Agent",
  2007  		},
  2008  		{
  2009  			key:   "Keep-Alive",
  2010  			value: []string{"doop"},
  2011  			want:  "Accept-Encoding,User-Agent",
  2012  		},
  2013  	}
  2015  	for _, tt := range tests {
  2016  		req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  2017  		req.Header[tt.key] = tt.value
  2018  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  2019  		var got string
  2020  		if err != nil {
  2021  			got = fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: %v", err)
  2022  		} else {
  2023  			got = res.Header.Get("Got-Header")
  2024  			res.Body.Close()
  2025  		}
  2026  		if got != tt.want {
  2027  			t.Errorf("For key %q, value %q, got = %q; want %q", tt.key, tt.value, got, tt.want)
  2028  		}
  2029  	}
  2030  }
  2032  // Reject content-length headers containing a sign.
  2033  // See https://golang.org/issue/39017
  2034  func TestTransportRejectsContentLengthWithSign(t *testing.T) {
  2035  	tests := []struct {
  2036  		name   string
  2037  		cl     []string
  2038  		wantCL string
  2039  	}{
  2040  		{
  2041  			name:   "proper content-length",
  2042  			cl:     []string{"3"},
  2043  			wantCL: "3",
  2044  		},
  2045  		{
  2046  			name:   "ignore cl with plus sign",
  2047  			cl:     []string{"+3"},
  2048  			wantCL: "",
  2049  		},
  2050  		{
  2051  			name:   "ignore cl with minus sign",
  2052  			cl:     []string{"-3"},
  2053  			wantCL: "",
  2054  		},
  2055  		{
  2056  			name:   "max int64, for safe uint64->int64 conversion",
  2057  			cl:     []string{"9223372036854775807"},
  2058  			wantCL: "9223372036854775807",
  2059  		},
  2060  		{
  2061  			name:   "overflows int64, so ignored",
  2062  			cl:     []string{"9223372036854775808"},
  2063  			wantCL: "",
  2064  		},
  2065  	}
  2067  	for _, tt := range tests {
  2068  		tt := tt
  2069  		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
  2070  			ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2071  				w.Header().Set("Content-Length", tt.cl[0])
  2072  			})
  2073  			tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  2074  			defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  2076  			req, _ := http.NewRequest("HEAD", ts.URL, nil)
  2077  			res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  2079  			var got string
  2080  			if err != nil {
  2081  				got = fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: %v", err)
  2082  			} else {
  2083  				got = res.Header.Get("Content-Length")
  2084  				res.Body.Close()
  2085  			}
  2087  			if got != tt.wantCL {
  2088  				t.Fatalf("Got: %q\nWant: %q", got, tt.wantCL)
  2089  			}
  2090  		})
  2091  	}
  2092  }
  2094  // golang.org/issue/14048
  2095  // golang.org/issue/64766
  2096  func TestTransportFailsOnInvalidHeadersAndTrailers(t *testing.T) {
  2097  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2098  		var got []string
  2099  		for k := range r.Header {
  2100  			got = append(got, k)
  2101  		}
  2102  		sort.Strings(got)
  2103  		w.Header().Set("Got-Header", strings.Join(got, ","))
  2104  	})
  2106  	tests := [...]struct {
  2107  		h       http.Header
  2108  		t       http.Header
  2109  		wantErr string
  2110  	}{
  2111  		0: {
  2112  			h:       http.Header{"with space": {"foo"}},
  2113  			wantErr: `invalid HTTP header name "with space"`,
  2114  		},
  2115  		1: {
  2116  			h:       http.Header{"name": {"Брэд"}},
  2117  			wantErr: "", // okay
  2118  		},
  2119  		2: {
  2120  			h:       http.Header{"имя": {"Brad"}},
  2121  			wantErr: `invalid HTTP header name "имя"`,
  2122  		},
  2123  		3: {
  2124  			h:       http.Header{"foo": {"foo\x01bar"}},
  2125  			wantErr: `invalid HTTP header value for header "foo"`,
  2126  		},
  2127  		4: {
  2128  			t:       http.Header{"foo": {"foo\x01bar"}},
  2129  			wantErr: `invalid HTTP trailer value for header "foo"`,
  2130  		},
  2131  		5: {
  2132  			t:       http.Header{"x-\r\nda": {"foo\x01bar"}},
  2133  			wantErr: `invalid HTTP trailer name "x-\r\nda"`,
  2134  		},
  2135  	}
  2137  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  2138  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  2140  	for i, tt := range tests {
  2141  		req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  2142  		req.Header = tt.h
  2143  		req.Trailer = tt.t
  2144  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  2145  		var bad bool
  2146  		if tt.wantErr == "" {
  2147  			if err != nil {
  2148  				bad = true
  2149  				t.Errorf("case %d: error = %v; want no error", i, err)
  2150  			}
  2151  		} else {
  2152  			if !strings.Contains(fmt.Sprint(err), tt.wantErr) {
  2153  				bad = true
  2154  				t.Errorf("case %d: error = %v; want error %q", i, err, tt.wantErr)
  2155  			}
  2156  		}
  2157  		if err == nil {
  2158  			if bad {
  2159  				t.Logf("case %d: server got headers %q", i, res.Header.Get("Got-Header"))
  2160  			}
  2161  			res.Body.Close()
  2162  		}
  2163  	}
  2164  }
  2166  // Tests that gzipReader doesn't crash on a second Read call following
  2167  // the first Read call's gzip.NewReader returning an error.
  2168  func TestGzipReader_DoubleReadCrash(t *testing.T) {
  2169  	gz := &gzipReader{
  2170  		body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader("0123456789")),
  2171  	}
  2172  	var buf [1]byte
  2173  	n, err1 := gz.Read(buf[:])
  2174  	if n != 0 || !strings.Contains(fmt.Sprint(err1), "invalid header") {
  2175  		t.Fatalf("Read = %v, %v; want 0, invalid header", n, err1)
  2176  	}
  2177  	n, err2 := gz.Read(buf[:])
  2178  	if n != 0 || err2 != err1 {
  2179  		t.Fatalf("second Read = %v, %v; want 0, %v", n, err2, err1)
  2180  	}
  2181  }
  2183  func TestGzipReader_ReadAfterClose(t *testing.T) {
  2184  	body := bytes.Buffer{}
  2185  	w := gzip.NewWriter(&body)
  2186  	w.Write([]byte("012345679"))
  2187  	w.Close()
  2188  	gz := &gzipReader{
  2189  		body: io.NopCloser(&body),
  2190  	}
  2191  	var buf [1]byte
  2192  	n, err := gz.Read(buf[:])
  2193  	if n != 1 || err != nil {
  2194  		t.Fatalf("first Read = %v, %v; want 1, nil", n, err)
  2195  	}
  2196  	if err := gz.Close(); err != nil {
  2197  		t.Fatalf("gz Close error: %v", err)
  2198  	}
  2199  	n, err = gz.Read(buf[:])
  2200  	if n != 0 || err != fs.ErrClosed {
  2201  		t.Fatalf("Read after close = %v, %v; want 0, fs.ErrClosed", n, err)
  2202  	}
  2203  }
  2205  func TestTransportNewTLSConfig(t *testing.T) {
  2206  	tests := [...]struct {
  2207  		conf *tls.Config
  2208  		host string
  2209  		want *tls.Config
  2210  	}{
  2211  		// Normal case.
  2212  		0: {
  2213  			conf: nil,
  2214  			host: "foo.com",
  2215  			want: &tls.Config{
  2216  				ServerName: "foo.com",
  2217  				NextProtos: []string{NextProtoTLS},
  2218  			},
  2219  		},
  2221  		// User-provided name (bar.com) takes precedence:
  2222  		1: {
  2223  			conf: &tls.Config{
  2224  				ServerName: "bar.com",
  2225  			},
  2226  			host: "foo.com",
  2227  			want: &tls.Config{
  2228  				ServerName: "bar.com",
  2229  				NextProtos: []string{NextProtoTLS},
  2230  			},
  2231  		},
  2233  		// NextProto is prepended:
  2234  		2: {
  2235  			conf: &tls.Config{
  2236  				NextProtos: []string{"foo", "bar"},
  2237  			},
  2238  			host: "example.com",
  2239  			want: &tls.Config{
  2240  				ServerName: "example.com",
  2241  				NextProtos: []string{NextProtoTLS, "foo", "bar"},
  2242  			},
  2243  		},
  2245  		// NextProto is not duplicated:
  2246  		3: {
  2247  			conf: &tls.Config{
  2248  				NextProtos: []string{"foo", "bar", NextProtoTLS},
  2249  			},
  2250  			host: "example.com",
  2251  			want: &tls.Config{
  2252  				ServerName: "example.com",
  2253  				NextProtos: []string{"foo", "bar", NextProtoTLS},
  2254  			},
  2255  		},
  2256  	}
  2257  	for i, tt := range tests {
  2258  		// Ignore the session ticket keys part, which ends up populating
  2259  		// unexported fields in the Config:
  2260  		if tt.conf != nil {
  2261  			tt.conf.SessionTicketsDisabled = true
  2262  		}
  2264  		tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tt.conf}
  2265  		got := tr.newTLSConfig(tt.host)
  2267  		got.SessionTicketsDisabled = false
  2269  		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
  2270  			t.Errorf("%d. got %#v; want %#v", i, got, tt.want)
  2271  		}
  2272  	}
  2273  }
  2275  // The Google GFE responds to HEAD requests with a HEADERS frame
  2276  // without END_STREAM, followed by a 0-length DATA frame with
  2277  // END_STREAM. Make sure we don't get confused by that. (We did.)
  2278  func TestTransportReadHeadResponse(t *testing.T) {
  2279  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  2280  	tc.greet()
  2282  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  2283  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  2285  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  2286  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  2287  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  2288  		EndHeaders: true,
  2289  		EndStream:  false, // as the GFE does
  2290  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  2291  			":status", "200",
  2292  			"content-length", "123",
  2293  		),
  2294  	})
  2295  	tc.writeData(rt.streamID(), true, nil)
  2297  	res := rt.response()
  2298  	if res.ContentLength != 123 {
  2299  		t.Fatalf("Content-Length = %d; want 123", res.ContentLength)
  2300  	}
  2301  	rt.wantBody(nil)
  2302  }
  2304  func TestTransportReadHeadResponseWithBody(t *testing.T) {
  2305  	// This test uses an invalid response format.
  2306  	// Discard logger output to not spam tests output.
  2307  	log.SetOutput(io.Discard)
  2308  	defer log.SetOutput(os.Stderr)
  2310  	response := "redirecting to /elsewhere"
  2311  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  2312  	tc.greet()
  2314  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("HEAD", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  2315  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  2317  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  2318  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  2319  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  2320  		EndHeaders: true,
  2321  		EndStream:  false,
  2322  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  2323  			":status", "200",
  2324  			"content-length", strconv.Itoa(len(response)),
  2325  		),
  2326  	})
  2327  	tc.writeData(rt.streamID(), true, []byte(response))
  2329  	res := rt.response()
  2330  	if res.ContentLength != int64(len(response)) {
  2331  		t.Fatalf("Content-Length = %d; want %d", res.ContentLength, len(response))
  2332  	}
  2333  	rt.wantBody(nil)
  2334  }
  2336  type neverEnding byte
  2338  func (b neverEnding) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
  2339  	for i := range p {
  2340  		p[i] = byte(b)
  2341  	}
  2342  	return len(p), nil
  2343  }
  2345  // golang.org/issue/15425: test that a handler closing the request
  2346  // body doesn't terminate the stream to the peer. (It just stops
  2347  // readability from the handler's side, and eventually the client
  2348  // runs out of flow control tokens)
  2349  func TestTransportHandlerBodyClose(t *testing.T) {
  2350  	const bodySize = 10 << 20
  2351  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2352  		r.Body.Close()
  2353  		io.Copy(w, io.LimitReader(neverEnding('A'), bodySize))
  2354  	})
  2356  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  2357  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  2359  	g0 := runtime.NumGoroutine()
  2361  	const numReq = 10
  2362  	for i := 0; i < numReq; i++ {
  2363  		req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, struct{ io.Reader }{io.LimitReader(neverEnding('A'), bodySize)})
  2364  		if err != nil {
  2365  			t.Fatal(err)
  2366  		}
  2367  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  2368  		if err != nil {
  2369  			t.Fatal(err)
  2370  		}
  2371  		n, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, res.Body)
  2372  		res.Body.Close()
  2373  		if n != bodySize || err != nil {
  2374  			t.Fatalf("req#%d: Copy = %d, %v; want %d, nil", i, n, err, bodySize)
  2375  		}
  2376  	}
  2377  	tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  2379  	if !waitCondition(5*time.Second, 100*time.Millisecond, func() bool {
  2380  		gd := runtime.NumGoroutine() - g0
  2381  		return gd < numReq/2
  2382  	}) {
  2383  		t.Errorf("appeared to leak goroutines")
  2384  	}
  2385  }
  2387  // https://golang.org/issue/15930
  2388  func TestTransportFlowControl(t *testing.T) {
  2389  	const bufLen = 64 << 10
  2390  	var total int64 = 100 << 20 // 100MB
  2391  	if testing.Short() {
  2392  		total = 10 << 20
  2393  	}
  2395  	var wrote int64 // updated atomically
  2396  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2397  		b := make([]byte, bufLen)
  2398  		for wrote < total {
  2399  			n, err := w.Write(b)
  2400  			atomic.AddInt64(&wrote, int64(n))
  2401  			if err != nil {
  2402  				t.Errorf("ResponseWriter.Write error: %v", err)
  2403  				break
  2404  			}
  2405  			w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
  2406  		}
  2407  	})
  2409  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  2410  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  2411  	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  2412  	if err != nil {
  2413  		t.Fatal("NewRequest error:", err)
  2414  	}
  2415  	resp, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  2416  	if err != nil {
  2417  		t.Fatal("RoundTrip error:", err)
  2418  	}
  2419  	defer resp.Body.Close()
  2421  	var read int64
  2422  	b := make([]byte, bufLen)
  2423  	for {
  2424  		n, err := resp.Body.Read(b)
  2425  		if err == io.EOF {
  2426  			break
  2427  		}
  2428  		if err != nil {
  2429  			t.Fatal("Read error:", err)
  2430  		}
  2431  		read += int64(n)
  2433  		const max = transportDefaultStreamFlow
  2434  		if w := atomic.LoadInt64(&wrote); -max > read-w || read-w > max {
  2435  			t.Fatalf("Too much data inflight: server wrote %v bytes but client only received %v", w, read)
  2436  		}
  2438  		// Let the server get ahead of the client.
  2439  		time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
  2440  	}
  2441  }
  2443  // golang.org/issue/14627 -- if the server sends a GOAWAY frame, make
  2444  // the Transport remember it and return it back to users (via
  2445  // RoundTrip or request body reads) if needed (e.g. if the server
  2446  // proceeds to close the TCP connection before the client gets its
  2447  // response)
  2448  func TestTransportUsesGoAwayDebugError_RoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
  2449  	testTransportUsesGoAwayDebugError(t, false)
  2450  }
  2452  func TestTransportUsesGoAwayDebugError_Body(t *testing.T) {
  2453  	testTransportUsesGoAwayDebugError(t, true)
  2454  }
  2456  func testTransportUsesGoAwayDebugError(t *testing.T, failMidBody bool) {
  2457  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  2458  	tc.greet()
  2460  	const goAwayErrCode = ErrCodeHTTP11Required // arbitrary
  2461  	const goAwayDebugData = "some debug data"
  2463  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  2464  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  2466  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  2468  	if failMidBody {
  2469  		tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  2470  			StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  2471  			EndHeaders: true,
  2472  			EndStream:  false,
  2473  			BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  2474  				":status", "200",
  2475  				"content-length", "123",
  2476  			),
  2477  		})
  2478  	}
  2480  	// Write two GOAWAY frames, to test that the Transport takes
  2481  	// the interesting parts of both.
  2482  	tc.writeGoAway(5, ErrCodeNo, []byte(goAwayDebugData))
  2483  	tc.writeGoAway(5, goAwayErrCode, nil)
  2484  	tc.closeWrite()
  2486  	res, err := rt.result()
  2487  	whence := "RoundTrip"
  2488  	if failMidBody {
  2489  		whence = "Body.Read"
  2490  		if err != nil {
  2491  			t.Fatalf("RoundTrip error = %v, want success", err)
  2492  		}
  2493  		_, err = res.Body.Read(make([]byte, 1))
  2494  	}
  2496  	want := GoAwayError{
  2497  		LastStreamID: 5,
  2498  		ErrCode:      goAwayErrCode,
  2499  		DebugData:    goAwayDebugData,
  2500  	}
  2501  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, want) {
  2502  		t.Errorf("%v error = %T: %#v, want %T (%#v)", whence, err, err, want, want)
  2503  	}
  2504  }
  2506  func testTransportReturnsUnusedFlowControl(t *testing.T, oneDataFrame bool) {
  2507  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  2508  	tc.greet()
  2510  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  2511  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  2513  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  2514  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  2515  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  2516  		EndHeaders: true,
  2517  		EndStream:  false,
  2518  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  2519  			":status", "200",
  2520  			"content-length", "5000",
  2521  		),
  2522  	})
  2523  	initialInflow := tc.inflowWindow(0)
  2525  	// Two cases:
  2526  	// - Send one DATA frame with 5000 bytes.
  2527  	// - Send two DATA frames with 1 and 4999 bytes each.
  2528  	//
  2529  	// In both cases, the client should consume one byte of data,
  2530  	// refund that byte, then refund the following 4999 bytes.
  2531  	//
  2532  	// In the second case, the server waits for the client to reset the
  2533  	// stream before sending the second DATA frame. This tests the case
  2534  	// where the client receives a DATA frame after it has reset the stream.
  2535  	const streamNotEnded = false
  2536  	if oneDataFrame {
  2537  		tc.writeData(rt.streamID(), streamNotEnded, make([]byte, 5000))
  2538  	} else {
  2539  		tc.writeData(rt.streamID(), streamNotEnded, make([]byte, 1))
  2540  	}
  2542  	res := rt.response()
  2543  	if n, err := res.Body.Read(make([]byte, 1)); err != nil || n != 1 {
  2544  		t.Fatalf("body read = %v, %v; want 1, nil", n, err)
  2545  	}
  2546  	res.Body.Close() // leaving 4999 bytes unread
  2547  	tc.sync()
  2549  	sentAdditionalData := false
  2550  	tc.wantUnorderedFrames(
  2551  		func(f *RSTStreamFrame) bool {
  2552  			if f.ErrCode != ErrCodeCancel {
  2553  				t.Fatalf("Expected a RSTStreamFrame with code cancel; got %v", summarizeFrame(f))
  2554  			}
  2555  			if !oneDataFrame {
  2556  				// Send the remaining data now.
  2557  				tc.writeData(rt.streamID(), streamNotEnded, make([]byte, 4999))
  2558  				sentAdditionalData = true
  2559  			}
  2560  			return true
  2561  		},
  2562  		func(f *PingFrame) bool {
  2563  			return true
  2564  		},
  2565  		func(f *WindowUpdateFrame) bool {
  2566  			if !oneDataFrame && !sentAdditionalData {
  2567  				t.Fatalf("Got WindowUpdateFrame, don't expect one yet")
  2568  			}
  2569  			if f.Increment != 5000 {
  2570  				t.Fatalf("Expected WindowUpdateFrames for 5000 bytes; got %v", summarizeFrame(f))
  2571  			}
  2572  			return true
  2573  		},
  2574  	)
  2576  	if got, want := tc.inflowWindow(0), initialInflow; got != want {
  2577  		t.Fatalf("connection flow tokens = %v, want %v", got, want)
  2578  	}
  2579  }
  2581  // See golang.org/issue/16481
  2582  func TestTransportReturnsUnusedFlowControlSingleWrite(t *testing.T) {
  2583  	testTransportReturnsUnusedFlowControl(t, true)
  2584  }
  2586  // See golang.org/issue/20469
  2587  func TestTransportReturnsUnusedFlowControlMultipleWrites(t *testing.T) {
  2588  	testTransportReturnsUnusedFlowControl(t, false)
  2589  }
  2591  // Issue 16612: adjust flow control on open streams when transport
  2592  // receives SETTINGS with INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE from server.
  2593  func TestTransportAdjustsFlowControl(t *testing.T) {
  2594  	const bodySize = 1 << 20
  2596  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  2597  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  2598  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  2599  	// Don't write our SETTINGS yet.
  2601  	body := tc.newRequestBody()
  2602  	body.writeBytes(bodySize)
  2603  	body.closeWithError(io.EOF)
  2605  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "https://dummy.tld/", body)
  2606  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  2608  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  2610  	gotBytes := int64(0)
  2611  	for {
  2612  		f := readFrame[*DataFrame](t, tc)
  2613  		gotBytes += int64(len(f.Data()))
  2614  		// After we've got half the client's initial flow control window's worth
  2615  		// of request body data, give it just enough flow control to finish.
  2616  		if gotBytes >= initialWindowSize/2 {
  2617  			break
  2618  		}
  2619  	}
  2621  	tc.writeSettings(Setting{ID: SettingInitialWindowSize, Val: bodySize})
  2622  	tc.writeWindowUpdate(0, bodySize)
  2623  	tc.writeSettingsAck()
  2625  	tc.wantUnorderedFrames(
  2626  		func(f *SettingsFrame) bool { return true },
  2627  		func(f *DataFrame) bool {
  2628  			gotBytes += int64(len(f.Data()))
  2629  			return f.StreamEnded()
  2630  		},
  2631  	)
  2633  	if gotBytes != bodySize {
  2634  		t.Fatalf("server received %v bytes of body, want %v", gotBytes, bodySize)
  2635  	}
  2637  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  2638  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  2639  		EndHeaders: true,
  2640  		EndStream:  true,
  2641  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  2642  			":status", "200",
  2643  		),
  2644  	})
  2645  	rt.wantStatus(200)
  2646  }
  2648  // See golang.org/issue/16556
  2649  func TestTransportReturnsDataPaddingFlowControl(t *testing.T) {
  2650  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  2651  	tc.greet()
  2653  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  2654  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  2656  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  2657  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  2658  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  2659  		EndHeaders: true,
  2660  		EndStream:  false,
  2661  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  2662  			":status", "200",
  2663  			"content-length", "5000",
  2664  		),
  2665  	})
  2667  	initialConnWindow := tc.inflowWindow(0)
  2668  	initialStreamWindow := tc.inflowWindow(rt.streamID())
  2670  	pad := make([]byte, 5)
  2671  	tc.writeDataPadded(rt.streamID(), false, make([]byte, 5000), pad)
  2673  	// Padding flow control should have been returned.
  2674  	if got, want := tc.inflowWindow(0), initialConnWindow-5000; got != want {
  2675  		t.Errorf("conn inflow window = %v, want %v", got, want)
  2676  	}
  2677  	if got, want := tc.inflowWindow(rt.streamID()), initialStreamWindow-5000; got != want {
  2678  		t.Errorf("stream inflow window = %v, want %v", got, want)
  2679  	}
  2680  }
  2682  // golang.org/issue/16572 -- RoundTrip shouldn't hang when it gets a
  2683  // StreamError as a result of the response HEADERS
  2684  func TestTransportReturnsErrorOnBadResponseHeaders(t *testing.T) {
  2685  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  2686  	tc.greet()
  2688  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  2689  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  2691  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  2692  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  2693  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  2694  		EndHeaders: true,
  2695  		EndStream:  false,
  2696  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  2697  			":status", "200",
  2698  			"  content-type", "bogus",
  2699  		),
  2700  	})
  2702  	err := rt.err()
  2703  	want := StreamError{1, ErrCodeProtocol, headerFieldNameError("  content-type")}
  2704  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, want) {
  2705  		t.Fatalf("RoundTrip error = %#v; want %#v", err, want)
  2706  	}
  2708  	fr := readFrame[*RSTStreamFrame](t, tc)
  2709  	if fr.StreamID != 1 || fr.ErrCode != ErrCodeProtocol {
  2710  		t.Errorf("Frame = %v; want RST_STREAM for stream 1 with ErrCodeProtocol", summarizeFrame(fr))
  2711  	}
  2712  }
  2714  // byteAndEOFReader returns is in an io.Reader which reads one byte
  2715  // (the underlying byte) and io.EOF at once in its Read call.
  2716  type byteAndEOFReader byte
  2718  func (b byteAndEOFReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
  2719  	if len(p) == 0 {
  2720  		panic("unexpected useless call")
  2721  	}
  2722  	p[0] = byte(b)
  2723  	return 1, io.EOF
  2724  }
  2726  // Issue 16788: the Transport had a regression where it started
  2727  // sending a spurious DATA frame with a duplicate END_STREAM bit after
  2728  // the request body writer goroutine had already read an EOF from the
  2729  // Request.Body and included the END_STREAM on a data-carrying DATA
  2730  // frame.
  2731  //
  2732  // Notably, to trigger this, the requests need to use a Request.Body
  2733  // which returns (non-0, io.EOF) and also needs to set the ContentLength
  2734  // explicitly.
  2735  func TestTransportBodyDoubleEndStream(t *testing.T) {
  2736  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2737  		// Nothing.
  2738  	})
  2740  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  2741  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  2743  	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
  2744  		req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, byteAndEOFReader('a'))
  2745  		req.ContentLength = 1
  2746  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  2747  		if err != nil {
  2748  			t.Fatalf("failure on req %d: %v", i+1, err)
  2749  		}
  2750  		defer res.Body.Close()
  2751  	}
  2752  }
  2754  // golang.org/issue/16847, golang.org/issue/19103
  2755  func TestTransportRequestPathPseudo(t *testing.T) {
  2756  	type result struct {
  2757  		path string
  2758  		err  string
  2759  	}
  2760  	tests := []struct {
  2761  		req  *http.Request
  2762  		want result
  2763  	}{
  2764  		0: {
  2765  			req: &http.Request{
  2766  				Method: "GET",
  2767  				URL: &url.URL{
  2768  					Host: "foo.com",
  2769  					Path: "/foo",
  2770  				},
  2771  			},
  2772  			want: result{path: "/foo"},
  2773  		},
  2774  		// In Go 1.7, we accepted paths of "//foo".
  2775  		// In Go 1.8, we rejected it (issue 16847).
  2776  		// In Go 1.9, we accepted it again (issue 19103).
  2777  		1: {
  2778  			req: &http.Request{
  2779  				Method: "GET",
  2780  				URL: &url.URL{
  2781  					Host: "foo.com",
  2782  					Path: "//foo",
  2783  				},
  2784  			},
  2785  			want: result{path: "//foo"},
  2786  		},
  2788  		// Opaque with //$Matching_Hostname/path
  2789  		2: {
  2790  			req: &http.Request{
  2791  				Method: "GET",
  2792  				URL: &url.URL{
  2793  					Scheme: "https",
  2794  					Opaque: "//foo.com/path",
  2795  					Host:   "foo.com",
  2796  					Path:   "/ignored",
  2797  				},
  2798  			},
  2799  			want: result{path: "/path"},
  2800  		},
  2802  		// Opaque with some other Request.Host instead:
  2803  		3: {
  2804  			req: &http.Request{
  2805  				Method: "GET",
  2806  				Host:   "bar.com",
  2807  				URL: &url.URL{
  2808  					Scheme: "https",
  2809  					Opaque: "//bar.com/path",
  2810  					Host:   "foo.com",
  2811  					Path:   "/ignored",
  2812  				},
  2813  			},
  2814  			want: result{path: "/path"},
  2815  		},
  2817  		// Opaque without the leading "//":
  2818  		4: {
  2819  			req: &http.Request{
  2820  				Method: "GET",
  2821  				URL: &url.URL{
  2822  					Opaque: "/path",
  2823  					Host:   "foo.com",
  2824  					Path:   "/ignored",
  2825  				},
  2826  			},
  2827  			want: result{path: "/path"},
  2828  		},
  2830  		// Opaque we can't handle:
  2831  		5: {
  2832  			req: &http.Request{
  2833  				Method: "GET",
  2834  				URL: &url.URL{
  2835  					Scheme: "https",
  2836  					Opaque: "//unknown_host/path",
  2837  					Host:   "foo.com",
  2838  					Path:   "/ignored",
  2839  				},
  2840  			},
  2841  			want: result{err: `invalid request :path "https://unknown_host/path" from URL.Opaque = "//unknown_host/path"`},
  2842  		},
  2844  		// A CONNECT request:
  2845  		6: {
  2846  			req: &http.Request{
  2847  				Method: "CONNECT",
  2848  				URL: &url.URL{
  2849  					Host: "foo.com",
  2850  				},
  2851  			},
  2852  			want: result{},
  2853  		},
  2854  	}
  2855  	for i, tt := range tests {
  2856  		cc := &ClientConn{peerMaxHeaderListSize: 0xffffffffffffffff}
  2857  		cc.henc = hpack.NewEncoder(&cc.hbuf)
  2858  		cc.mu.Lock()
  2859  		hdrs, err := cc.encodeHeaders(tt.req, false, "", -1)
  2860  		cc.mu.Unlock()
  2861  		var got result
  2862  		hpackDec := hpack.NewDecoder(initialHeaderTableSize, func(f hpack.HeaderField) {
  2863  			if f.Name == ":path" {
  2864  				got.path = f.Value
  2865  			}
  2866  		})
  2867  		if err != nil {
  2868  			got.err = err.Error()
  2869  		} else if len(hdrs) > 0 {
  2870  			if _, err := hpackDec.Write(hdrs); err != nil {
  2871  				t.Errorf("%d. bogus hpack: %v", i, err)
  2872  				continue
  2873  			}
  2874  		}
  2875  		if got != tt.want {
  2876  			t.Errorf("%d. got %+v; want %+v", i, got, tt.want)
  2877  		}
  2879  	}
  2881  }
  2883  // golang.org/issue/17071 -- don't sniff the first byte of the request body
  2884  // before we've determined that the ClientConn is usable.
  2885  func TestRoundTripDoesntConsumeRequestBodyEarly(t *testing.T) {
  2886  	const body = "foo"
  2887  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://foo.com/", io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(body)))
  2888  	cc := &ClientConn{
  2889  		closed:      true,
  2890  		reqHeaderMu: make(chan struct{}, 1),
  2891  		t:           &Transport{},
  2892  	}
  2893  	_, err := cc.RoundTrip(req)
  2894  	if err != errClientConnUnusable {
  2895  		t.Fatalf("RoundTrip = %v; want errClientConnUnusable", err)
  2896  	}
  2897  	slurp, err := io.ReadAll(req.Body)
  2898  	if err != nil {
  2899  		t.Errorf("ReadAll = %v", err)
  2900  	}
  2901  	if string(slurp) != body {
  2902  		t.Errorf("Body = %q; want %q", slurp, body)
  2903  	}
  2904  }
  2906  func TestClientConnPing(t *testing.T) {
  2907  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {})
  2908  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  2909  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  2910  	ctx := context.Background()
  2911  	cc, err := tr.dialClientConn(ctx, ts.Listener.Addr().String(), false)
  2912  	if err != nil {
  2913  		t.Fatal(err)
  2914  	}
  2915  	if err = cc.Ping(context.Background()); err != nil {
  2916  		t.Fatal(err)
  2917  	}
  2918  }
  2920  // Issue 16974: if the server sent a DATA frame after the user
  2921  // canceled the Transport's Request, the Transport previously wrote to a
  2922  // closed pipe, got an error, and ended up closing the whole TCP
  2923  // connection.
  2924  func TestTransportCancelDataResponseRace(t *testing.T) {
  2925  	cancel := make(chan struct{})
  2926  	clientGotResponse := make(chan bool, 1)
  2928  	const msg = "Hello."
  2929  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2930  		if strings.Contains(r.URL.Path, "/hello") {
  2931  			time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
  2932  			io.WriteString(w, msg)
  2933  			return
  2934  		}
  2935  		for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
  2936  			io.WriteString(w, "Some data.")
  2937  			w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
  2938  			if i == 2 {
  2939  				<-clientGotResponse
  2940  				close(cancel)
  2941  			}
  2942  			time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
  2943  		}
  2944  	})
  2946  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  2947  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  2949  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
  2950  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  2951  	req.Cancel = cancel
  2952  	res, err := c.Do(req)
  2953  	clientGotResponse <- true
  2954  	if err != nil {
  2955  		t.Fatal(err)
  2956  	}
  2957  	if _, err = io.Copy(io.Discard, res.Body); err == nil {
  2958  		t.Fatal("unexpected success")
  2959  	}
  2961  	res, err = c.Get(ts.URL + "/hello")
  2962  	if err != nil {
  2963  		t.Fatal(err)
  2964  	}
  2965  	slurp, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
  2966  	if err != nil {
  2967  		t.Fatal(err)
  2968  	}
  2969  	if string(slurp) != msg {
  2970  		t.Errorf("Got = %q; want %q", slurp, msg)
  2971  	}
  2972  }
  2974  // Issue 21316: It should be safe to reuse an http.Request after the
  2975  // request has completed.
  2976  func TestTransportNoRaceOnRequestObjectAfterRequestComplete(t *testing.T) {
  2977  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  2978  		w.WriteHeader(200)
  2979  		io.WriteString(w, "body")
  2980  	})
  2982  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  2983  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  2985  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  2986  	resp, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  2987  	if err != nil {
  2988  		t.Fatal(err)
  2989  	}
  2990  	if _, err = io.Copy(io.Discard, resp.Body); err != nil {
  2991  		t.Fatalf("error reading response body: %v", err)
  2992  	}
  2993  	if err := resp.Body.Close(); err != nil {
  2994  		t.Fatalf("error closing response body: %v", err)
  2995  	}
  2997  	// This access of req.Header should not race with code in the transport.
  2998  	req.Header = http.Header{}
  2999  }
  3001  func TestTransportCloseAfterLostPing(t *testing.T) {
  3002  	tc := newTestClientConn(t, func(tr *Transport) {
  3003  		tr.PingTimeout = 1 * time.Second
  3004  		tr.ReadIdleTimeout = 1 * time.Second
  3005  	})
  3006  	tc.greet()
  3008  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  3009  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  3010  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  3012  	tc.advance(1 * time.Second)
  3013  	tc.wantFrameType(FramePing)
  3015  	tc.advance(1 * time.Second)
  3016  	err := rt.err()
  3017  	if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "client connection lost") {
  3018  		t.Fatalf("expected to get error about \"connection lost\", got %v", err)
  3019  	}
  3020  }
  3022  func TestTransportPingWriteBlocks(t *testing.T) {
  3023  	ts := newTestServer(t,
  3024  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {},
  3025  	)
  3026  	tr := &Transport{
  3027  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  3028  		DialTLS: func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
  3029  			s, c := net.Pipe() // unbuffered, unlike a TCP conn
  3030  			go func() {
  3031  				// Read initial handshake frames.
  3032  				// Without this, we block indefinitely in newClientConn,
  3033  				// and never get to the point of sending a PING.
  3034  				var buf [1024]byte
  3035  				s.Read(buf[:])
  3036  			}()
  3037  			return c, nil
  3038  		},
  3039  		PingTimeout:     1 * time.Millisecond,
  3040  		ReadIdleTimeout: 1 * time.Millisecond,
  3041  	}
  3042  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  3043  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
  3044  	_, err := c.Get(ts.URL)
  3045  	if err == nil {
  3046  		t.Fatalf("Get = nil, want error")
  3047  	}
  3048  }
  3050  func TestTransportPingWhenReadingMultiplePings(t *testing.T) {
  3051  	tc := newTestClientConn(t, func(tr *Transport) {
  3052  		tr.ReadIdleTimeout = 1000 * time.Millisecond
  3053  	})
  3054  	tc.greet()
  3056  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
  3057  	req, _ := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  3058  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  3060  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  3061  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  3062  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  3063  		EndHeaders: true,
  3064  		EndStream:  false,
  3065  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  3066  			":status", "200",
  3067  		),
  3068  	})
  3070  	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
  3071  		// No ping yet...
  3072  		tc.advance(999 * time.Millisecond)
  3073  		if f := tc.readFrame(); f != nil {
  3074  			t.Fatalf("unexpected frame: %v", f)
  3075  		}
  3077  		// ...ping now.
  3078  		tc.advance(1 * time.Millisecond)
  3079  		f := readFrame[*PingFrame](t, tc)
  3080  		tc.writePing(true, f.Data)
  3081  	}
  3083  	// Cancel the request, Transport resets it and returns an error from body reads.
  3084  	cancel()
  3085  	tc.sync()
  3087  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameRSTStream)
  3088  	_, err := rt.readBody()
  3089  	if err == nil {
  3090  		t.Fatalf("Response.Body.Read() = %v, want error", err)
  3091  	}
  3092  }
  3094  func TestTransportPingWhenReadingPingDisabled(t *testing.T) {
  3095  	tc := newTestClientConn(t, func(tr *Transport) {
  3096  		tr.ReadIdleTimeout = 0 // PINGs disabled
  3097  	})
  3098  	tc.greet()
  3100  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  3101  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  3103  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  3104  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  3105  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  3106  		EndHeaders: true,
  3107  		EndStream:  false,
  3108  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  3109  			":status", "200",
  3110  		),
  3111  	})
  3113  	// No PING is sent, even after a long delay.
  3114  	tc.advance(1 * time.Minute)
  3115  	if f := tc.readFrame(); f != nil {
  3116  		t.Fatalf("unexpected frame: %v", f)
  3117  	}
  3118  }
  3120  func TestTransportRetryAfterGOAWAYNoRetry(t *testing.T) {
  3121  	tt := newTestTransport(t)
  3123  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  3124  	rt := tt.roundTrip(req)
  3126  	// First attempt: Server sends a GOAWAY with an error and
  3127  	// a MaxStreamID less than the request ID.
  3128  	// This probably indicates that there was something wrong with our request,
  3129  	// so we don't retry it.
  3130  	tc := tt.getConn()
  3131  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  3132  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  3133  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3134  		streamID:  1,
  3135  		endStream: true,
  3136  	})
  3137  	tc.writeSettings()
  3138  	tc.writeGoAway(0 /*max id*/, ErrCodeInternal, nil)
  3139  	if rt.err() == nil {
  3140  		t.Fatalf("after GOAWAY, RoundTrip is not done, want error")
  3141  	}
  3142  }
  3144  func TestTransportRetryAfterGOAWAYRetry(t *testing.T) {
  3145  	tt := newTestTransport(t)
  3147  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  3148  	rt := tt.roundTrip(req)
  3150  	// First attempt: Server sends a GOAWAY with ErrCodeNo and
  3151  	// a MaxStreamID less than the request ID.
  3152  	// We take the server at its word that nothing has really gone wrong,
  3153  	// and retry the request.
  3154  	tc := tt.getConn()
  3155  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  3156  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  3157  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3158  		streamID:  1,
  3159  		endStream: true,
  3160  	})
  3161  	tc.writeSettings()
  3162  	tc.writeGoAway(0 /*max id*/, ErrCodeNo, nil)
  3163  	if rt.done() {
  3164  		t.Fatalf("after GOAWAY, RoundTrip is done; want it to be retrying")
  3165  	}
  3167  	// Second attempt succeeds on a new connection.
  3168  	tc = tt.getConn()
  3169  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  3170  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  3171  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3172  		streamID:  1,
  3173  		endStream: true,
  3174  	})
  3175  	tc.writeSettings()
  3176  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  3177  		StreamID:   1,
  3178  		EndHeaders: true,
  3179  		EndStream:  true,
  3180  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  3181  			":status", "200",
  3182  		),
  3183  	})
  3185  	rt.wantStatus(200)
  3186  }
  3188  func TestTransportRetryAfterGOAWAYSecondRequest(t *testing.T) {
  3189  	tt := newTestTransport(t)
  3191  	// First request succeeds.
  3192  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  3193  	rt1 := tt.roundTrip(req)
  3194  	tc := tt.getConn()
  3195  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  3196  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  3197  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3198  		streamID:  1,
  3199  		endStream: true,
  3200  	})
  3201  	tc.writeSettings()
  3202  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings) // Settings ACK
  3203  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  3204  		StreamID:   1,
  3205  		EndHeaders: true,
  3206  		EndStream:  true,
  3207  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  3208  			":status", "200",
  3209  		),
  3210  	})
  3211  	rt1.wantStatus(200)
  3213  	// Second request: Server sends a GOAWAY with
  3214  	// a MaxStreamID less than the request ID.
  3215  	// The server says it didn't see this request,
  3216  	// so we retry it on a new connection.
  3217  	req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  3218  	rt2 := tt.roundTrip(req)
  3220  	// Second request, first attempt.
  3221  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3222  		streamID:  3,
  3223  		endStream: true,
  3224  	})
  3225  	tc.writeSettings()
  3226  	tc.writeGoAway(1 /*max id*/, ErrCodeProtocol, nil)
  3227  	if rt2.done() {
  3228  		t.Fatalf("after GOAWAY, RoundTrip is done; want it to be retrying")
  3229  	}
  3231  	// Second request, second attempt.
  3232  	tc = tt.getConn()
  3233  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  3234  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  3235  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3236  		streamID:  1,
  3237  		endStream: true,
  3238  	})
  3239  	tc.writeSettings()
  3240  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  3241  		StreamID:   1,
  3242  		EndHeaders: true,
  3243  		EndStream:  true,
  3244  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  3245  			":status", "200",
  3246  		),
  3247  	})
  3248  	rt2.wantStatus(200)
  3249  }
  3251  func TestTransportRetryAfterRefusedStream(t *testing.T) {
  3252  	tt := newTestTransport(t)
  3254  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  3255  	rt := tt.roundTrip(req)
  3257  	// First attempt: Server sends a RST_STREAM.
  3258  	tc := tt.getConn()
  3259  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  3260  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  3261  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3262  		streamID:  1,
  3263  		endStream: true,
  3264  	})
  3265  	tc.writeSettings()
  3266  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings) // settings ACK
  3267  	tc.writeRSTStream(1, ErrCodeRefusedStream)
  3268  	if rt.done() {
  3269  		t.Fatalf("after RST_STREAM, RoundTrip is done; want it to be retrying")
  3270  	}
  3272  	// Second attempt succeeds on the same connection.
  3273  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3274  		streamID:  3,
  3275  		endStream: true,
  3276  	})
  3277  	tc.writeSettings()
  3278  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  3279  		StreamID:   3,
  3280  		EndHeaders: true,
  3281  		EndStream:  true,
  3282  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  3283  			":status", "204",
  3284  		),
  3285  	})
  3287  	rt.wantStatus(204)
  3288  }
  3290  func TestTransportRetryHasLimit(t *testing.T) {
  3291  	tt := newTestTransport(t)
  3293  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  3294  	rt := tt.roundTrip(req)
  3296  	// First attempt: Server sends a GOAWAY.
  3297  	tc := tt.getConn()
  3298  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  3299  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  3301  	var totalDelay time.Duration
  3302  	count := 0
  3303  	for streamID := uint32(1); ; streamID += 2 {
  3304  		count++
  3305  		tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3306  			streamID:  streamID,
  3307  			endStream: true,
  3308  		})
  3309  		if streamID == 1 {
  3310  			tc.writeSettings()
  3311  			tc.wantFrameType(FrameSettings) // settings ACK
  3312  		}
  3313  		tc.writeRSTStream(streamID, ErrCodeRefusedStream)
  3315  		d, scheduled := tt.group.TimeUntilEvent()
  3316  		if !scheduled {
  3317  			if streamID == 1 {
  3318  				continue
  3319  			}
  3320  			break
  3321  		}
  3322  		totalDelay += d
  3323  		if totalDelay > 5*time.Minute {
  3324  			t.Fatalf("RoundTrip still retrying after %v, should have given up", totalDelay)
  3325  		}
  3326  		tt.advance(d)
  3327  	}
  3328  	if got, want := count, 5; got < count {
  3329  		t.Errorf("RoundTrip made %v attempts, want at least %v", got, want)
  3330  	}
  3331  	if rt.err() == nil {
  3332  		t.Errorf("RoundTrip succeeded, want error")
  3333  	}
  3334  }
  3336  func TestTransportResponseDataBeforeHeaders(t *testing.T) {
  3337  	// Discard log output complaining about protocol error.
  3338  	log.SetOutput(io.Discard)
  3339  	t.Cleanup(func() { log.SetOutput(os.Stderr) }) // after other cleanup is done
  3341  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  3342  	tc.greet()
  3344  	// First request is normal to ensure the check is per stream and not per connection.
  3345  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  3346  	rt1 := tc.roundTrip(req)
  3347  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  3348  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  3349  		StreamID:   rt1.streamID(),
  3350  		EndHeaders: true,
  3351  		EndStream:  true,
  3352  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  3353  			":status", "200",
  3354  		),
  3355  	})
  3356  	rt1.wantStatus(200)
  3358  	// Second request returns a DATA frame with no HEADERS.
  3359  	rt2 := tc.roundTrip(req)
  3360  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  3361  	tc.writeData(rt2.streamID(), true, []byte("payload"))
  3362  	if err, ok := rt2.err().(StreamError); !ok || err.Code != ErrCodeProtocol {
  3363  		t.Fatalf("expected stream PROTOCOL_ERROR, got: %v", err)
  3364  	}
  3365  }
  3367  func TestTransportMaxFrameReadSize(t *testing.T) {
  3368  	for _, test := range []struct {
  3369  		maxReadFrameSize uint32
  3370  		want             uint32
  3371  	}{{
  3372  		maxReadFrameSize: 64000,
  3373  		want:             64000,
  3374  	}, {
  3375  		maxReadFrameSize: 1024,
  3376  		want:             minMaxFrameSize,
  3377  	}} {
  3378  		t.Run(fmt.Sprint(test.maxReadFrameSize), func(t *testing.T) {
  3379  			tc := newTestClientConn(t, func(tr *Transport) {
  3380  				tr.MaxReadFrameSize = test.maxReadFrameSize
  3381  			})
  3383  			fr := readFrame[*SettingsFrame](t, tc)
  3384  			got, ok := fr.Value(SettingMaxFrameSize)
  3385  			if !ok {
  3386  				t.Errorf("Transport.MaxReadFrameSize = %v; server got no setting, want %v", test.maxReadFrameSize, test.want)
  3387  			} else if got != test.want {
  3388  				t.Errorf("Transport.MaxReadFrameSize = %v; server got %v, want %v", test.maxReadFrameSize, got, test.want)
  3389  			}
  3390  		})
  3391  	}
  3392  }
  3394  func TestTransportRequestsLowServerLimit(t *testing.T) {
  3395  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  3396  	}, func(s *Server) {
  3397  		s.MaxConcurrentStreams = 1
  3398  	})
  3400  	var (
  3401  		connCountMu sync.Mutex
  3402  		connCount   int
  3403  	)
  3404  	tr := &Transport{
  3405  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  3406  		DialTLS: func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
  3407  			connCountMu.Lock()
  3408  			defer connCountMu.Unlock()
  3409  			connCount++
  3410  			return tls.Dial(network, addr, cfg)
  3411  		},
  3412  	}
  3413  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  3415  	const reqCount = 3
  3416  	for i := 0; i < reqCount; i++ {
  3417  		req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  3418  		if err != nil {
  3419  			t.Fatal(err)
  3420  		}
  3421  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  3422  		if err != nil {
  3423  			t.Fatal(err)
  3424  		}
  3425  		if got, want := res.StatusCode, 200; got != want {
  3426  			t.Errorf("StatusCode = %v; want %v", got, want)
  3427  		}
  3428  		if res != nil && res.Body != nil {
  3429  			res.Body.Close()
  3430  		}
  3431  	}
  3433  	if connCount != 1 {
  3434  		t.Errorf("created %v connections for %v requests, want 1", connCount, reqCount)
  3435  	}
  3436  }
  3438  // tests Transport.StrictMaxConcurrentStreams
  3439  func TestTransportRequestsStallAtServerLimit(t *testing.T) {
  3440  	const maxConcurrent = 2
  3442  	tc := newTestClientConn(t, func(tr *Transport) {
  3443  		tr.StrictMaxConcurrentStreams = true
  3444  	})
  3445  	tc.greet(Setting{SettingMaxConcurrentStreams, maxConcurrent})
  3447  	cancelClientRequest := make(chan struct{})
  3449  	// Start maxConcurrent+2 requests.
  3450  	// The server does not respond to any of them yet.
  3451  	var rts []*testRoundTrip
  3452  	for k := 0; k < maxConcurrent+2; k++ {
  3453  		req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("https://dummy.tld/%d", k), nil)
  3454  		if k == maxConcurrent {
  3455  			req.Cancel = cancelClientRequest
  3456  		}
  3457  		rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  3458  		rts = append(rts, rt)
  3460  		if k < maxConcurrent {
  3461  			// We are under the stream limit, so the client sends the request.
  3462  			tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3463  				streamID:  rt.streamID(),
  3464  				endStream: true,
  3465  				header: http.Header{
  3466  					":authority": []string{"dummy.tld"},
  3467  					":method":    []string{"GET"},
  3468  					":path":      []string{fmt.Sprintf("/%d", k)},
  3469  				},
  3470  			})
  3471  		} else {
  3472  			// We have reached the stream limit,
  3473  			// so the client cannot send the request.
  3474  			if fr := tc.readFrame(); fr != nil {
  3475  				t.Fatalf("after making new request while at stream limit, got unexpected frame: %v", fr)
  3476  			}
  3477  		}
  3479  		if rt.done() {
  3480  			t.Fatalf("rt %v done", k)
  3481  		}
  3482  	}
  3484  	// Cancel the maxConcurrent'th request.
  3485  	// The request should fail.
  3486  	close(cancelClientRequest)
  3487  	tc.sync()
  3488  	if err := rts[maxConcurrent].err(); err == nil {
  3489  		t.Fatalf("RoundTrip(%d) should have failed due to cancel, did not", maxConcurrent)
  3490  	}
  3492  	// No requests should be complete, except for the canceled one.
  3493  	for i, rt := range rts {
  3494  		if i != maxConcurrent && rt.done() {
  3495  			t.Fatalf("RoundTrip(%d) is done, but should not be", i)
  3496  		}
  3497  	}
  3499  	// Server responds to a request, unblocking the last one.
  3500  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  3501  		StreamID:   rts[0].streamID(),
  3502  		EndHeaders: true,
  3503  		EndStream:  true,
  3504  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  3505  			":status", "200",
  3506  		),
  3507  	})
  3508  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3509  		streamID:  rts[maxConcurrent+1].streamID(),
  3510  		endStream: true,
  3511  		header: http.Header{
  3512  			":authority": []string{"dummy.tld"},
  3513  			":method":    []string{"GET"},
  3514  			":path":      []string{fmt.Sprintf("/%d", maxConcurrent+1)},
  3515  		},
  3516  	})
  3517  	rts[0].wantStatus(200)
  3518  }
  3520  func TestTransportMaxDecoderHeaderTableSize(t *testing.T) {
  3521  	var reqSize, resSize uint32 = 8192, 16384
  3522  	tc := newTestClientConn(t, func(tr *Transport) {
  3523  		tr.MaxDecoderHeaderTableSize = reqSize
  3524  	})
  3526  	fr := readFrame[*SettingsFrame](t, tc)
  3527  	if v, ok := fr.Value(SettingHeaderTableSize); !ok {
  3528  		t.Fatalf("missing SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE setting")
  3529  	} else if v != reqSize {
  3530  		t.Fatalf("received SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE = %d, want %d", v, reqSize)
  3531  	}
  3533  	tc.writeSettings(Setting{SettingHeaderTableSize, resSize})
  3534  	tc.cc.mu.Lock()
  3535  	defer tc.cc.mu.Unlock()
  3536  	if got, want := tc.cc.peerMaxHeaderTableSize, resSize; got != want {
  3537  		t.Fatalf("peerHeaderTableSize = %d, want %d", got, want)
  3538  	}
  3539  }
  3541  func TestTransportMaxEncoderHeaderTableSize(t *testing.T) {
  3542  	var peerAdvertisedMaxHeaderTableSize uint32 = 16384
  3543  	tc := newTestClientConn(t, func(tr *Transport) {
  3544  		tr.MaxEncoderHeaderTableSize = 8192
  3545  	})
  3546  	tc.greet(Setting{SettingHeaderTableSize, peerAdvertisedMaxHeaderTableSize})
  3548  	if got, want := tc.cc.henc.MaxDynamicTableSize(), tc.tr.MaxEncoderHeaderTableSize; got != want {
  3549  		t.Fatalf("henc.MaxDynamicTableSize() = %d, want %d", got, want)
  3550  	}
  3551  }
  3553  func TestAuthorityAddr(t *testing.T) {
  3554  	tests := []struct {
  3555  		scheme, authority string
  3556  		want              string
  3557  	}{
  3558  		{"http", "foo.com", "foo.com:80"},
  3559  		{"https", "foo.com", "foo.com:443"},
  3560  		{"https", "foo.com:", "foo.com:443"},
  3561  		{"https", "foo.com:1234", "foo.com:1234"},
  3562  		{"https", "", ""},
  3563  		{"https", "", ""},
  3564  		{"https", "", ""},
  3565  		{"https", "[::1]:1234", "[::1]:1234"},
  3566  		{"https", "[::1]", "[::1]:443"},
  3567  		{"https", "[::1]:", "[::1]:443"},
  3568  	}
  3569  	for _, tt := range tests {
  3570  		got := authorityAddr(tt.scheme, tt.authority)
  3571  		if got != tt.want {
  3572  			t.Errorf("authorityAddr(%q, %q) = %q; want %q", tt.scheme, tt.authority, got, tt.want)
  3573  		}
  3574  	}
  3575  }
  3577  // Issue 20448: stop allocating for DATA frames' payload after
  3578  // Response.Body.Close is called.
  3579  func TestTransportAllocationsAfterResponseBodyClose(t *testing.T) {
  3580  	megabyteZero := make([]byte, 1<<20)
  3582  	writeErr := make(chan error, 1)
  3584  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  3585  		w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
  3586  		var sum int64
  3587  		for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  3588  			n, err := w.Write(megabyteZero)
  3589  			sum += int64(n)
  3590  			if err != nil {
  3591  				writeErr <- err
  3592  				return
  3593  			}
  3594  		}
  3595  		t.Logf("wrote all %d bytes", sum)
  3596  		writeErr <- nil
  3597  	})
  3599  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  3600  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  3601  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
  3602  	res, err := c.Get(ts.URL)
  3603  	if err != nil {
  3604  		t.Fatal(err)
  3605  	}
  3606  	var buf [1]byte
  3607  	if _, err := res.Body.Read(buf[:]); err != nil {
  3608  		t.Error(err)
  3609  	}
  3610  	if err := res.Body.Close(); err != nil {
  3611  		t.Error(err)
  3612  	}
  3614  	trb, ok := res.Body.(transportResponseBody)
  3615  	if !ok {
  3616  		t.Fatalf("res.Body = %T; want transportResponseBody", res.Body)
  3617  	}
  3618  	if trb.cs.bufPipe.b != nil {
  3619  		t.Errorf("response body pipe is still open")
  3620  	}
  3622  	gotErr := <-writeErr
  3623  	if gotErr == nil {
  3624  		t.Errorf("Handler unexpectedly managed to write its entire response without getting an error")
  3625  	} else if gotErr != errStreamClosed {
  3626  		t.Errorf("Handler Write err = %v; want errStreamClosed", gotErr)
  3627  	}
  3628  }
  3630  // Issue 18891: make sure Request.Body == NoBody means no DATA frame
  3631  // is ever sent, even if empty.
  3632  func TestTransportNoBodyMeansNoDATA(t *testing.T) {
  3633  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  3634  	tc.greet()
  3636  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", http.NoBody)
  3637  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  3639  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  3640  		streamID:  rt.streamID(),
  3641  		endStream: true, // END_STREAM should be set when body is http.NoBody
  3642  		header: http.Header{
  3643  			":authority": []string{"dummy.tld"},
  3644  			":method":    []string{"GET"},
  3645  			":path":      []string{"/"},
  3646  		},
  3647  	})
  3648  	if fr := tc.readFrame(); fr != nil {
  3649  		t.Fatalf("unexpected frame after headers: %v", fr)
  3650  	}
  3651  }
  3653  func benchSimpleRoundTrip(b *testing.B, nReqHeaders, nResHeader int) {
  3654  	disableGoroutineTracking(b)
  3655  	b.ReportAllocs()
  3656  	ts := newTestServer(b,
  3657  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  3658  			for i := 0; i < nResHeader; i++ {
  3659  				name := fmt.Sprint("A-", i)
  3660  				w.Header().Set(name, "*")
  3661  			}
  3662  		},
  3663  		optQuiet,
  3664  	)
  3666  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  3667  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  3669  	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  3670  	if err != nil {
  3671  		b.Fatal(err)
  3672  	}
  3674  	for i := 0; i < nReqHeaders; i++ {
  3675  		name := fmt.Sprint("A-", i)
  3676  		req.Header.Set(name, "*")
  3677  	}
  3679  	b.ResetTimer()
  3681  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
  3682  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  3683  		if err != nil {
  3684  			if res != nil {
  3685  				res.Body.Close()
  3686  			}
  3687  			b.Fatalf("RoundTrip err = %v; want nil", err)
  3688  		}
  3689  		res.Body.Close()
  3690  		if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
  3691  			b.Fatalf("Response code = %v; want %v", res.StatusCode, http.StatusOK)
  3692  		}
  3693  	}
  3694  }
  3696  type infiniteReader struct{}
  3698  func (r infiniteReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
  3699  	return len(b), nil
  3700  }
  3702  // Issue 20521: it is not an error to receive a response and end stream
  3703  // from the server without the body being consumed.
  3704  func TestTransportResponseAndResetWithoutConsumingBodyRace(t *testing.T) {
  3705  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  3706  		w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
  3707  	})
  3709  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  3710  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  3712  	// The request body needs to be big enough to trigger flow control.
  3713  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("PUT", ts.URL, infiniteReader{})
  3714  	res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  3715  	if err != nil {
  3716  		t.Fatal(err)
  3717  	}
  3718  	if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
  3719  		t.Fatalf("Response code = %v; want %v", res.StatusCode, http.StatusOK)
  3720  	}
  3721  }
  3723  // Verify transport doesn't crash when receiving bogus response lacking a :status header.
  3724  // Issue 22880.
  3725  func TestTransportHandlesInvalidStatuslessResponse(t *testing.T) {
  3726  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  3727  	tc.greet()
  3729  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  3730  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  3732  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  3733  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  3734  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  3735  		EndHeaders: true,
  3736  		EndStream:  false, // we'll send some DATA to try to crash the transport
  3737  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  3738  			"content-type", "text/html", // no :status header
  3739  		),
  3740  	})
  3741  	tc.writeData(rt.streamID(), true, []byte("payload"))
  3742  }
  3744  func BenchmarkClientRequestHeaders(b *testing.B) {
  3745  	b.Run("   0 Headers", func(b *testing.B) { benchSimpleRoundTrip(b, 0, 0) })
  3746  	b.Run("  10 Headers", func(b *testing.B) { benchSimpleRoundTrip(b, 10, 0) })
  3747  	b.Run(" 100 Headers", func(b *testing.B) { benchSimpleRoundTrip(b, 100, 0) })
  3748  	b.Run("1000 Headers", func(b *testing.B) { benchSimpleRoundTrip(b, 1000, 0) })
  3749  }
  3751  func BenchmarkClientResponseHeaders(b *testing.B) {
  3752  	b.Run("   0 Headers", func(b *testing.B) { benchSimpleRoundTrip(b, 0, 0) })
  3753  	b.Run("  10 Headers", func(b *testing.B) { benchSimpleRoundTrip(b, 0, 10) })
  3754  	b.Run(" 100 Headers", func(b *testing.B) { benchSimpleRoundTrip(b, 0, 100) })
  3755  	b.Run("1000 Headers", func(b *testing.B) { benchSimpleRoundTrip(b, 0, 1000) })
  3756  }
  3758  func BenchmarkDownloadFrameSize(b *testing.B) {
  3759  	b.Run(" 16k Frame", func(b *testing.B) { benchLargeDownloadRoundTrip(b, 16*1024) })
  3760  	b.Run(" 64k Frame", func(b *testing.B) { benchLargeDownloadRoundTrip(b, 64*1024) })
  3761  	b.Run("128k Frame", func(b *testing.B) { benchLargeDownloadRoundTrip(b, 128*1024) })
  3762  	b.Run("256k Frame", func(b *testing.B) { benchLargeDownloadRoundTrip(b, 256*1024) })
  3763  	b.Run("512k Frame", func(b *testing.B) { benchLargeDownloadRoundTrip(b, 512*1024) })
  3764  }
  3765  func benchLargeDownloadRoundTrip(b *testing.B, frameSize uint32) {
  3766  	disableGoroutineTracking(b)
  3767  	const transferSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // must be multiple of 1M
  3768  	b.ReportAllocs()
  3769  	ts := newTestServer(b,
  3770  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  3771  			// test 1GB transfer
  3772  			w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(transferSize))
  3773  			w.Header().Set("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary")
  3774  			var data [1024 * 1024]byte
  3775  			for i := 0; i < transferSize/(1024*1024); i++ {
  3776  				w.Write(data[:])
  3777  			}
  3778  		}, optQuiet,
  3779  	)
  3781  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure, MaxReadFrameSize: frameSize}
  3782  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  3784  	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  3785  	if err != nil {
  3786  		b.Fatal(err)
  3787  	}
  3789  	b.N = 3
  3790  	b.SetBytes(transferSize)
  3791  	b.ResetTimer()
  3793  	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
  3794  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  3795  		if err != nil {
  3796  			if res != nil {
  3797  				res.Body.Close()
  3798  			}
  3799  			b.Fatalf("RoundTrip err = %v; want nil", err)
  3800  		}
  3801  		data, _ := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
  3802  		if len(data) != transferSize {
  3803  			b.Fatalf("Response length invalid")
  3804  		}
  3805  		res.Body.Close()
  3806  		if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
  3807  			b.Fatalf("Response code = %v; want %v", res.StatusCode, http.StatusOK)
  3808  		}
  3809  	}
  3810  }
  3812  func activeStreams(cc *ClientConn) int {
  3813  	count := 0
  3814  	cc.mu.Lock()
  3815  	defer cc.mu.Unlock()
  3816  	for _, cs := range cc.streams {
  3817  		select {
  3818  		case <-cs.abort:
  3819  		default:
  3820  			count++
  3821  		}
  3822  	}
  3823  	return count
  3824  }
  3826  type closeMode int
  3828  const (
  3829  	closeAtHeaders closeMode = iota
  3830  	closeAtBody
  3831  	shutdown
  3832  	shutdownCancel
  3833  )
  3835  // See golang.org/issue/17292
  3836  func testClientConnClose(t *testing.T, closeMode closeMode) {
  3837  	clientDone := make(chan struct{})
  3838  	defer close(clientDone)
  3839  	handlerDone := make(chan struct{})
  3840  	closeDone := make(chan struct{})
  3841  	beforeHeader := func() {}
  3842  	bodyWrite := func(w http.ResponseWriter) {}
  3843  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  3844  		defer close(handlerDone)
  3845  		beforeHeader()
  3846  		w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
  3847  		w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
  3848  		bodyWrite(w)
  3849  		select {
  3850  		case <-w.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify():
  3851  			// client closed connection before completion
  3852  			if closeMode == shutdown || closeMode == shutdownCancel {
  3853  				t.Error("expected request to complete")
  3854  			}
  3855  		case <-clientDone:
  3856  			if closeMode == closeAtHeaders || closeMode == closeAtBody {
  3857  				t.Error("expected connection closed by client")
  3858  			}
  3859  		}
  3860  	})
  3861  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  3862  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  3863  	ctx := context.Background()
  3864  	cc, err := tr.dialClientConn(ctx, ts.Listener.Addr().String(), false)
  3865  	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  3866  	if err != nil {
  3867  		t.Fatal(err)
  3868  	}
  3869  	if closeMode == closeAtHeaders {
  3870  		beforeHeader = func() {
  3871  			if err := cc.Close(); err != nil {
  3872  				t.Error(err)
  3873  			}
  3874  			close(closeDone)
  3875  		}
  3876  	}
  3877  	var sendBody chan struct{}
  3878  	if closeMode == closeAtBody {
  3879  		sendBody = make(chan struct{})
  3880  		bodyWrite = func(w http.ResponseWriter) {
  3881  			<-sendBody
  3882  			b := make([]byte, 32)
  3883  			w.Write(b)
  3884  			w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
  3885  			if err := cc.Close(); err != nil {
  3886  				t.Errorf("unexpected ClientConn close error: %v", err)
  3887  			}
  3888  			close(closeDone)
  3889  			w.Write(b)
  3890  			w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
  3891  		}
  3892  	}
  3893  	res, err := cc.RoundTrip(req)
  3894  	if res != nil {
  3895  		defer res.Body.Close()
  3896  	}
  3897  	if closeMode == closeAtHeaders {
  3898  		got := fmt.Sprint(err)
  3899  		want := "http2: client connection force closed via ClientConn.Close"
  3900  		if got != want {
  3901  			t.Fatalf("RoundTrip error = %v, want %v", got, want)
  3902  		}
  3903  	} else {
  3904  		if err != nil {
  3905  			t.Fatalf("RoundTrip: %v", err)
  3906  		}
  3907  		if got, want := activeStreams(cc), 1; got != want {
  3908  			t.Errorf("got %d active streams, want %d", got, want)
  3909  		}
  3910  	}
  3911  	switch closeMode {
  3912  	case shutdownCancel:
  3913  		if err = cc.Shutdown(canceledCtx); err != context.Canceled {
  3914  			t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", err, context.Canceled)
  3915  		}
  3916  		if cc.closing == false {
  3917  			t.Error("expected closing to be true")
  3918  		}
  3919  		if cc.CanTakeNewRequest() == true {
  3920  			t.Error("CanTakeNewRequest to return false")
  3921  		}
  3922  		if v, want := len(cc.streams), 1; v != want {
  3923  			t.Errorf("expected %d active streams, got %d", want, v)
  3924  		}
  3925  		clientDone <- struct{}{}
  3926  		<-handlerDone
  3927  	case shutdown:
  3928  		wait := make(chan struct{})
  3929  		shutdownEnterWaitStateHook = func() {
  3930  			close(wait)
  3931  			shutdownEnterWaitStateHook = func() {}
  3932  		}
  3933  		defer func() { shutdownEnterWaitStateHook = func() {} }()
  3934  		shutdown := make(chan struct{}, 1)
  3935  		go func() {
  3936  			if err = cc.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
  3937  				t.Error(err)
  3938  			}
  3939  			close(shutdown)
  3940  		}()
  3941  		// Let the shutdown to enter wait state
  3942  		<-wait
  3943  		cc.mu.Lock()
  3944  		if cc.closing == false {
  3945  			t.Error("expected closing to be true")
  3946  		}
  3947  		cc.mu.Unlock()
  3948  		if cc.CanTakeNewRequest() == true {
  3949  			t.Error("CanTakeNewRequest to return false")
  3950  		}
  3951  		if got, want := activeStreams(cc), 1; got != want {
  3952  			t.Errorf("got %d active streams, want %d", got, want)
  3953  		}
  3954  		// Let the active request finish
  3955  		clientDone <- struct{}{}
  3956  		// Wait for the shutdown to end
  3957  		select {
  3958  		case <-shutdown:
  3959  		case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  3960  			t.Fatal("expected server connection to close")
  3961  		}
  3962  	case closeAtHeaders, closeAtBody:
  3963  		if closeMode == closeAtBody {
  3964  			go close(sendBody)
  3965  			if _, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, res.Body); err == nil {
  3966  				t.Error("expected a Copy error, got nil")
  3967  			}
  3968  		}
  3969  		<-closeDone
  3970  		if got, want := activeStreams(cc), 0; got != want {
  3971  			t.Errorf("got %d active streams, want %d", got, want)
  3972  		}
  3973  		// wait for server to get the connection close notice
  3974  		select {
  3975  		case <-handlerDone:
  3976  		case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  3977  			t.Fatal("expected server connection to close")
  3978  		}
  3979  	}
  3980  }
  3982  // The client closes the connection just after the server got the client's HEADERS
  3983  // frame, but before the server sends its HEADERS response back. The expected
  3984  // result is an error on RoundTrip explaining the client closed the connection.
  3985  func TestClientConnCloseAtHeaders(t *testing.T) {
  3986  	testClientConnClose(t, closeAtHeaders)
  3987  }
  3989  // The client closes the connection between two server's response DATA frames.
  3990  // The expected behavior is a response body io read error on the client.
  3991  func TestClientConnCloseAtBody(t *testing.T) {
  3992  	testClientConnClose(t, closeAtBody)
  3993  }
  3995  // The client sends a GOAWAY frame before the server finished processing a request.
  3996  // We expect the connection not to close until the request is completed.
  3997  func TestClientConnShutdown(t *testing.T) {
  3998  	testClientConnClose(t, shutdown)
  3999  }
  4001  // The client sends a GOAWAY frame before the server finishes processing a request,
  4002  // but cancels the passed context before the request is completed. The expected
  4003  // behavior is the client closing the connection after the context is canceled.
  4004  func TestClientConnShutdownCancel(t *testing.T) {
  4005  	testClientConnClose(t, shutdownCancel)
  4006  }
  4008  // Issue 25009: use Request.GetBody if present, even if it seems like
  4009  // we might not need it. Apparently something else can still read from
  4010  // the original request body. Data race? In any case, rewinding
  4011  // unconditionally on retry is a nicer model anyway and should
  4012  // simplify code in the future (after the Go 1.11 freeze)
  4013  func TestTransportUsesGetBodyWhenPresent(t *testing.T) {
  4014  	calls := 0
  4015  	someBody := func() io.ReadCloser {
  4016  		return struct{ io.ReadCloser }{io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(nil))}
  4017  	}
  4018  	req := &http.Request{
  4019  		Body: someBody(),
  4020  		GetBody: func() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
  4021  			calls++
  4022  			return someBody(), nil
  4023  		},
  4024  	}
  4026  	req2, err := shouldRetryRequest(req, errClientConnUnusable)
  4027  	if err != nil {
  4028  		t.Fatal(err)
  4029  	}
  4030  	if calls != 1 {
  4031  		t.Errorf("Calls = %d; want 1", calls)
  4032  	}
  4033  	if req2 == req {
  4034  		t.Error("req2 changed")
  4035  	}
  4036  	if req2 == nil {
  4037  		t.Fatal("req2 is nil")
  4038  	}
  4039  	if req2.Body == nil {
  4040  		t.Fatal("req2.Body is nil")
  4041  	}
  4042  	if req2.GetBody == nil {
  4043  		t.Fatal("req2.GetBody is nil")
  4044  	}
  4045  	if req2.Body == req.Body {
  4046  		t.Error("req2.Body unchanged")
  4047  	}
  4048  }
  4050  // Issue 22891: verify that the "https" altproto we register with net/http
  4051  // is a certain type: a struct with one field with our *http2.Transport in it.
  4052  func TestNoDialH2RoundTripperType(t *testing.T) {
  4053  	t1 := new(http.Transport)
  4054  	t2 := new(Transport)
  4055  	rt := noDialH2RoundTripper{t2}
  4056  	if err := registerHTTPSProtocol(t1, rt); err != nil {
  4057  		t.Fatal(err)
  4058  	}
  4059  	rv := reflect.ValueOf(rt)
  4060  	if rv.Type().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
  4061  		t.Fatalf("kind = %v; net/http expects struct", rv.Type().Kind())
  4062  	}
  4063  	if n := rv.Type().NumField(); n != 1 {
  4064  		t.Fatalf("fields = %d; net/http expects 1", n)
  4065  	}
  4066  	v := rv.Field(0)
  4067  	if _, ok := v.Interface().(*Transport); !ok {
  4068  		t.Fatalf("wrong kind %T; want *Transport", v.Interface())
  4069  	}
  4070  }
  4072  type errReader struct {
  4073  	body []byte
  4074  	err  error
  4075  }
  4077  func (r *errReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
  4078  	if len(r.body) > 0 {
  4079  		n := copy(p, r.body)
  4080  		r.body = r.body[n:]
  4081  		return n, nil
  4082  	}
  4083  	return 0, r.err
  4084  }
  4086  func testTransportBodyReadError(t *testing.T, body []byte) {
  4087  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  4088  	tc.greet()
  4090  	bodyReadError := errors.New("body read error")
  4091  	b := tc.newRequestBody()
  4092  	b.Write(body)
  4093  	b.closeWithError(bodyReadError)
  4094  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("PUT", "https://dummy.tld/", b)
  4095  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  4097  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  4098  	var receivedBody []byte
  4099  readFrames:
  4100  	for {
  4101  		switch f := tc.readFrame().(type) {
  4102  		case *DataFrame:
  4103  			receivedBody = append(receivedBody, f.Data()...)
  4104  		case *RSTStreamFrame:
  4105  			break readFrames
  4106  		default:
  4107  			t.Fatalf("unexpected frame: %v", f)
  4108  		case nil:
  4109  			t.Fatalf("transport is idle, want RST_STREAM")
  4110  		}
  4111  	}
  4112  	if !bytes.Equal(receivedBody, body) {
  4113  		t.Fatalf("body: %q; expected %q", receivedBody, body)
  4114  	}
  4116  	if err := rt.err(); err != bodyReadError {
  4117  		t.Fatalf("err = %v; want %v", err, bodyReadError)
  4118  	}
  4120  	if got := activeStreams(tc.cc); got != 0 {
  4121  		t.Fatalf("active streams count: %v; want 0", got)
  4122  	}
  4123  }
  4125  func TestTransportBodyReadError_Immediately(t *testing.T) { testTransportBodyReadError(t, nil) }
  4126  func TestTransportBodyReadError_Some(t *testing.T)        { testTransportBodyReadError(t, []byte("123")) }
  4128  // Issue 32254: verify that the client sends END_STREAM flag eagerly with the last
  4129  // (or in this test-case the only one) request body data frame, and does not send
  4130  // extra zero-len data frames.
  4131  func TestTransportBodyEagerEndStream(t *testing.T) {
  4132  	const reqBody = "some request body"
  4133  	const resBody = "some response body"
  4135  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  4136  	tc.greet()
  4138  	body := strings.NewReader(reqBody)
  4139  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("PUT", "https://dummy.tld/", body)
  4140  	tc.roundTrip(req)
  4142  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  4143  	f := readFrame[*DataFrame](t, tc)
  4144  	if !f.StreamEnded() {
  4145  		t.Fatalf("data frame without END_STREAM %v", f)
  4146  	}
  4147  }
  4149  type chunkReader struct {
  4150  	chunks [][]byte
  4151  }
  4153  func (r *chunkReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
  4154  	if len(r.chunks) > 0 {
  4155  		n := copy(p, r.chunks[0])
  4156  		r.chunks = r.chunks[1:]
  4157  		return n, nil
  4158  	}
  4159  	panic("shouldn't read this many times")
  4160  }
  4162  // Issue 32254: if the request body is larger than the specified
  4163  // content length, the client should refuse to send the extra part
  4164  // and abort the stream.
  4165  //
  4166  // In _len3 case, the first Read() matches the expected content length
  4167  // but the second read returns more data.
  4168  //
  4169  // In _len2 case, the first Read() exceeds the expected content length.
  4170  func TestTransportBodyLargerThanSpecifiedContentLength_len3(t *testing.T) {
  4171  	body := &chunkReader{[][]byte{
  4172  		[]byte("123"),
  4173  		[]byte("456"),
  4174  	}}
  4175  	testTransportBodyLargerThanSpecifiedContentLength(t, body, 3)
  4176  }
  4178  func TestTransportBodyLargerThanSpecifiedContentLength_len2(t *testing.T) {
  4179  	body := &chunkReader{[][]byte{
  4180  		[]byte("123"),
  4181  	}}
  4182  	testTransportBodyLargerThanSpecifiedContentLength(t, body, 2)
  4183  }
  4185  func testTransportBodyLargerThanSpecifiedContentLength(t *testing.T, body *chunkReader, contentLen int64) {
  4186  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  4187  		r.Body.Read(make([]byte, 6))
  4188  	})
  4190  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  4191  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  4193  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, body)
  4194  	req.ContentLength = contentLen
  4195  	_, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  4196  	if err != errReqBodyTooLong {
  4197  		t.Fatalf("expected %v, got %v", errReqBodyTooLong, err)
  4198  	}
  4199  }
  4201  func TestClientConnTooIdle(t *testing.T) {
  4202  	tests := []struct {
  4203  		cc   func() *ClientConn
  4204  		want bool
  4205  	}{
  4206  		{
  4207  			func() *ClientConn {
  4208  				return &ClientConn{idleTimeout: 5 * time.Second, lastIdle: time.Now().Add(-10 * time.Second)}
  4209  			},
  4210  			true,
  4211  		},
  4212  		{
  4213  			func() *ClientConn {
  4214  				return &ClientConn{idleTimeout: 5 * time.Second, lastIdle: time.Time{}}
  4215  			},
  4216  			false,
  4217  		},
  4218  		{
  4219  			func() *ClientConn {
  4220  				return &ClientConn{idleTimeout: 60 * time.Second, lastIdle: time.Now().Add(-10 * time.Second)}
  4221  			},
  4222  			false,
  4223  		},
  4224  		{
  4225  			func() *ClientConn {
  4226  				return &ClientConn{idleTimeout: 0, lastIdle: time.Now().Add(-10 * time.Second)}
  4227  			},
  4228  			false,
  4229  		},
  4230  	}
  4231  	for i, tt := range tests {
  4232  		got := tt.cc().tooIdleLocked()
  4233  		if got != tt.want {
  4234  			t.Errorf("%d. got %v; want %v", i, got, tt.want)
  4235  		}
  4236  	}
  4237  }
  4239  type fakeConnErr struct {
  4240  	net.Conn
  4241  	writeErr error
  4242  	closed   bool
  4243  }
  4245  func (fce *fakeConnErr) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
  4246  	return 0, fce.writeErr
  4247  }
  4249  func (fce *fakeConnErr) Close() error {
  4250  	fce.closed = true
  4251  	return nil
  4252  }
  4254  // issue 39337: close the connection on a failed write
  4255  func TestTransportNewClientConnCloseOnWriteError(t *testing.T) {
  4256  	tr := &Transport{}
  4257  	writeErr := errors.New("write error")
  4258  	fakeConn := &fakeConnErr{writeErr: writeErr}
  4259  	_, err := tr.NewClientConn(fakeConn)
  4260  	if err != writeErr {
  4261  		t.Fatalf("expected %v, got %v", writeErr, err)
  4262  	}
  4263  	if !fakeConn.closed {
  4264  		t.Error("expected closed conn")
  4265  	}
  4266  }
  4268  func TestTransportRoundtripCloseOnWriteError(t *testing.T) {
  4269  	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  4270  	if err != nil {
  4271  		t.Fatal(err)
  4272  	}
  4273  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {})
  4275  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  4276  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  4277  	ctx := context.Background()
  4278  	cc, err := tr.dialClientConn(ctx, ts.Listener.Addr().String(), false)
  4279  	if err != nil {
  4280  		t.Fatal(err)
  4281  	}
  4283  	writeErr := errors.New("write error")
  4284  	cc.wmu.Lock()
  4285  	cc.werr = writeErr
  4286  	cc.wmu.Unlock()
  4288  	_, err = cc.RoundTrip(req)
  4289  	if err != writeErr {
  4290  		t.Fatalf("expected %v, got %v", writeErr, err)
  4291  	}
  4293  	cc.mu.Lock()
  4294  	closed := cc.closed
  4295  	cc.mu.Unlock()
  4296  	if !closed {
  4297  		t.Fatal("expected closed")
  4298  	}
  4299  }
  4301  // Issue 31192: A failed request may be retried if the body has not been read
  4302  // already. If the request body has started to be sent, one must wait until it
  4303  // is completed.
  4304  func TestTransportBodyRewindRace(t *testing.T) {
  4305  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  4306  		w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
  4307  		w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
  4308  		return
  4309  	})
  4311  	tr := &http.Transport{
  4312  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  4313  		MaxConnsPerHost: 1,
  4314  	}
  4315  	err := ConfigureTransport(tr)
  4316  	if err != nil {
  4317  		t.Fatal(err)
  4318  	}
  4319  	client := &http.Client{
  4320  		Transport: tr,
  4321  	}
  4323  	const clients = 50
  4325  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
  4326  	wg.Add(clients)
  4327  	for i := 0; i < clients; i++ {
  4328  		req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, bytes.NewBufferString("abcdef"))
  4329  		if err != nil {
  4330  			t.Fatalf("unexpect new request error: %v", err)
  4331  		}
  4333  		go func() {
  4334  			defer wg.Done()
  4335  			res, err := client.Do(req)
  4336  			if err == nil {
  4337  				res.Body.Close()
  4338  			}
  4339  		}()
  4340  	}
  4342  	wg.Wait()
  4343  }
  4345  // Issue 42498: A request with a body will never be sent if the stream is
  4346  // reset prior to sending any data.
  4347  func TestTransportServerResetStreamAtHeaders(t *testing.T) {
  4348  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  4349  		w.WriteHeader(http.StatusUnauthorized)
  4350  		return
  4351  	})
  4353  	tr := &http.Transport{
  4354  		TLSClientConfig:       tlsConfigInsecure,
  4355  		MaxConnsPerHost:       1,
  4356  		ExpectContinueTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
  4357  	}
  4359  	err := ConfigureTransport(tr)
  4360  	if err != nil {
  4361  		t.Fatal(err)
  4362  	}
  4363  	client := &http.Client{
  4364  		Transport: tr,
  4365  	}
  4367  	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, errorReader{io.EOF})
  4368  	if err != nil {
  4369  		t.Fatalf("unexpect new request error: %v", err)
  4370  	}
  4371  	req.ContentLength = 0 // so transport is tempted to sniff it
  4372  	req.Header.Set("Expect", "100-continue")
  4373  	res, err := client.Do(req)
  4374  	if err != nil {
  4375  		t.Fatal(err)
  4376  	}
  4377  	res.Body.Close()
  4378  }
  4380  type trackingReader struct {
  4381  	rdr     io.Reader
  4382  	wasRead uint32
  4383  }
  4385  func (tr *trackingReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
  4386  	atomic.StoreUint32(&tr.wasRead, 1)
  4387  	return tr.rdr.Read(p)
  4388  }
  4390  func (tr *trackingReader) WasRead() bool {
  4391  	return atomic.LoadUint32(&tr.wasRead) != 0
  4392  }
  4394  func TestTransportExpectContinue(t *testing.T) {
  4395  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  4396  		switch r.URL.Path {
  4397  		case "/reject":
  4398  			w.WriteHeader(403)
  4399  		default:
  4400  			io.Copy(io.Discard, r.Body)
  4401  		}
  4402  	})
  4404  	tr := &http.Transport{
  4405  		TLSClientConfig:       tlsConfigInsecure,
  4406  		MaxConnsPerHost:       1,
  4407  		ExpectContinueTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
  4408  	}
  4410  	err := ConfigureTransport(tr)
  4411  	if err != nil {
  4412  		t.Fatal(err)
  4413  	}
  4414  	client := &http.Client{
  4415  		Transport: tr,
  4416  	}
  4418  	testCases := []struct {
  4419  		Name         string
  4420  		Path         string
  4421  		Body         *trackingReader
  4422  		ExpectedCode int
  4423  		ShouldRead   bool
  4424  	}{
  4425  		{
  4426  			Name:         "read-all",
  4427  			Path:         "/",
  4428  			Body:         &trackingReader{rdr: strings.NewReader("hello")},
  4429  			ExpectedCode: 200,
  4430  			ShouldRead:   true,
  4431  		},
  4432  		{
  4433  			Name:         "reject",
  4434  			Path:         "/reject",
  4435  			Body:         &trackingReader{rdr: strings.NewReader("hello")},
  4436  			ExpectedCode: 403,
  4437  			ShouldRead:   false,
  4438  		},
  4439  	}
  4441  	for _, tc := range testCases {
  4442  		t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
  4443  			startTime := time.Now()
  4445  			req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", ts.URL+tc.Path, tc.Body)
  4446  			if err != nil {
  4447  				t.Fatal(err)
  4448  			}
  4449  			req.Header.Set("Expect", "100-continue")
  4450  			res, err := client.Do(req)
  4451  			if err != nil {
  4452  				t.Fatal(err)
  4453  			}
  4454  			res.Body.Close()
  4456  			if delta := time.Since(startTime); delta >= tr.ExpectContinueTimeout {
  4457  				t.Error("Request didn't finish before expect continue timeout")
  4458  			}
  4459  			if res.StatusCode != tc.ExpectedCode {
  4460  				t.Errorf("Unexpected status code, got %d, expected %d", res.StatusCode, tc.ExpectedCode)
  4461  			}
  4462  			if tc.Body.WasRead() != tc.ShouldRead {
  4463  				t.Errorf("Unexpected read status, got %v, expected %v", tc.Body.WasRead(), tc.ShouldRead)
  4464  			}
  4465  		})
  4466  	}
  4467  }
  4469  type closeChecker struct {
  4470  	io.ReadCloser
  4471  	closed chan struct{}
  4472  }
  4474  func newCloseChecker(r io.ReadCloser) *closeChecker {
  4475  	return &closeChecker{r, make(chan struct{})}
  4476  }
  4478  func newStaticCloseChecker(body string) *closeChecker {
  4479  	return newCloseChecker(io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader("body")))
  4480  }
  4482  func (rc *closeChecker) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
  4483  	select {
  4484  	default:
  4485  	case <-rc.closed:
  4486  		// TODO(dneil): Consider restructuring the request write to avoid reading
  4487  		// from the request body after closing it, and check for read-after-close here.
  4488  		// Currently, abortRequestBodyWrite races with writeRequestBody.
  4489  		return 0, errors.New("read after Body.Close")
  4490  	}
  4491  	return rc.ReadCloser.Read(b)
  4492  }
  4494  func (rc *closeChecker) Close() error {
  4495  	close(rc.closed)
  4496  	return rc.ReadCloser.Close()
  4497  }
  4499  func (rc *closeChecker) isClosed() error {
  4500  	// The RoundTrip contract says that it will close the request body,
  4501  	// but that it may do so in a separate goroutine. Wait a reasonable
  4502  	// amount of time before concluding that the body isn't being closed.
  4503  	timeout := time.Duration(10 * time.Second)
  4504  	select {
  4505  	case <-rc.closed:
  4506  	case <-time.After(timeout):
  4507  		return fmt.Errorf("body not closed after %v", timeout)
  4508  	}
  4509  	return nil
  4510  }
  4512  // A blockingWriteConn is a net.Conn that blocks in Write after some number of bytes are written.
  4513  type blockingWriteConn struct {
  4514  	net.Conn
  4515  	writeOnce    sync.Once
  4516  	writec       chan struct{} // closed after the write limit is reached
  4517  	unblockc     chan struct{} // closed to unblock writes
  4518  	count, limit int
  4519  }
  4521  func newBlockingWriteConn(conn net.Conn, limit int) *blockingWriteConn {
  4522  	return &blockingWriteConn{
  4523  		Conn:     conn,
  4524  		limit:    limit,
  4525  		writec:   make(chan struct{}),
  4526  		unblockc: make(chan struct{}),
  4527  	}
  4528  }
  4530  // wait waits until the conn blocks writing the limit+1st byte.
  4531  func (c *blockingWriteConn) wait() {
  4532  	<-c.writec
  4533  }
  4535  // unblock unblocks writes to the conn.
  4536  func (c *blockingWriteConn) unblock() {
  4537  	close(c.unblockc)
  4538  }
  4540  func (c *blockingWriteConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
  4541  	if c.count+len(b) > c.limit {
  4542  		c.writeOnce.Do(func() {
  4543  			close(c.writec)
  4544  		})
  4545  		<-c.unblockc
  4546  	}
  4547  	n, err = c.Conn.Write(b)
  4548  	c.count += n
  4549  	return n, err
  4550  }
  4552  // Write several requests to a ClientConn at the same time, looking for race conditions.
  4553  // See golang.org/issue/48340
  4554  func TestTransportFrameBufferReuse(t *testing.T) {
  4555  	filler := hex.EncodeToString([]byte(randString(2048)))
  4557  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  4558  		if got, want := r.Header.Get("Big"), filler; got != want {
  4559  			t.Errorf(`r.Header.Get("Big") = %q, want %q`, got, want)
  4560  		}
  4561  		b, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
  4562  		if err != nil {
  4563  			t.Errorf("error reading request body: %v", err)
  4564  		}
  4565  		if got, want := string(b), filler; got != want {
  4566  			t.Errorf("request body = %q, want %q", got, want)
  4567  		}
  4568  		if got, want := r.Trailer.Get("Big"), filler; got != want {
  4569  			t.Errorf(`r.Trailer.Get("Big") = %q, want %q`, got, want)
  4570  		}
  4571  	})
  4573  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  4574  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  4576  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
  4577  	defer wg.Wait()
  4578  	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  4579  		wg.Add(1)
  4580  		go func() {
  4581  			defer wg.Done()
  4582  			req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, strings.NewReader(filler))
  4583  			if err != nil {
  4584  				t.Error(err)
  4585  				return
  4586  			}
  4587  			req.Header.Set("Big", filler)
  4588  			req.Trailer = make(http.Header)
  4589  			req.Trailer.Set("Big", filler)
  4590  			res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  4591  			if err != nil {
  4592  				t.Error(err)
  4593  				return
  4594  			}
  4595  			if got, want := res.StatusCode, 200; got != want {
  4596  				t.Errorf("StatusCode = %v; want %v", got, want)
  4597  			}
  4598  			if res != nil && res.Body != nil {
  4599  				res.Body.Close()
  4600  			}
  4601  		}()
  4602  	}
  4604  }
  4606  // Ensure that a request blocking while being written to the underlying net.Conn doesn't
  4607  // block access to the ClientConn pool. Test requests blocking while writing headers, the body,
  4608  // and trailers.
  4609  // See golang.org/issue/32388
  4610  func TestTransportBlockingRequestWrite(t *testing.T) {
  4611  	filler := hex.EncodeToString([]byte(randString(2048)))
  4612  	for _, test := range []struct {
  4613  		name string
  4614  		req  func(url string) (*http.Request, error)
  4615  	}{{
  4616  		name: "headers",
  4617  		req: func(url string) (*http.Request, error) {
  4618  			req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, nil)
  4619  			if err != nil {
  4620  				return nil, err
  4621  			}
  4622  			req.Header.Set("Big", filler)
  4623  			return req, err
  4624  		},
  4625  	}, {
  4626  		name: "body",
  4627  		req: func(url string) (*http.Request, error) {
  4628  			req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, strings.NewReader(filler))
  4629  			if err != nil {
  4630  				return nil, err
  4631  			}
  4632  			return req, err
  4633  		},
  4634  	}, {
  4635  		name: "trailer",
  4636  		req: func(url string) (*http.Request, error) {
  4637  			req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, strings.NewReader("body"))
  4638  			if err != nil {
  4639  				return nil, err
  4640  			}
  4641  			req.Trailer = make(http.Header)
  4642  			req.Trailer.Set("Big", filler)
  4643  			return req, err
  4644  		},
  4645  	}} {
  4646  		test := test
  4647  		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
  4648  			ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  4649  				if v := r.Header.Get("Big"); v != "" && v != filler {
  4650  					t.Errorf("request header mismatch")
  4651  				}
  4652  				if v, _ := io.ReadAll(r.Body); len(v) != 0 && string(v) != "body" && string(v) != filler {
  4653  					t.Errorf("request body mismatch\ngot:  %q\nwant: %q", string(v), filler)
  4654  				}
  4655  				if v := r.Trailer.Get("Big"); v != "" && v != filler {
  4656  					t.Errorf("request trailer mismatch\ngot:  %q\nwant: %q", string(v), filler)
  4657  				}
  4658  			}, func(s *Server) {
  4659  				s.MaxConcurrentStreams = 1
  4660  			})
  4662  			// This Transport creates connections that block on writes after 1024 bytes.
  4663  			connc := make(chan *blockingWriteConn, 1)
  4664  			connCount := 0
  4665  			tr := &Transport{
  4666  				TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  4667  				DialTLS: func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
  4668  					connCount++
  4669  					c, err := tls.Dial(network, addr, cfg)
  4670  					wc := newBlockingWriteConn(c, 1024)
  4671  					select {
  4672  					case connc <- wc:
  4673  					default:
  4674  					}
  4675  					return wc, err
  4676  				},
  4677  			}
  4678  			defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  4680  			// Request 1: A small request to ensure we read the server MaxConcurrentStreams.
  4681  			{
  4682  				req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, nil)
  4683  				if err != nil {
  4684  					t.Fatal(err)
  4685  				}
  4686  				res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  4687  				if err != nil {
  4688  					t.Fatal(err)
  4689  				}
  4690  				if got, want := res.StatusCode, 200; got != want {
  4691  					t.Errorf("StatusCode = %v; want %v", got, want)
  4692  				}
  4693  				if res != nil && res.Body != nil {
  4694  					res.Body.Close()
  4695  				}
  4696  			}
  4698  			// Request 2: A large request that blocks while being written.
  4699  			reqc := make(chan struct{})
  4700  			go func() {
  4701  				defer close(reqc)
  4702  				req, err := test.req(ts.URL)
  4703  				if err != nil {
  4704  					t.Error(err)
  4705  					return
  4706  				}
  4707  				res, _ := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  4708  				if res != nil && res.Body != nil {
  4709  					res.Body.Close()
  4710  				}
  4711  			}()
  4712  			conn := <-connc
  4713  			conn.wait() // wait for the request to block
  4715  			// Request 3: A small request that is sent on a new connection, since request 2
  4716  			// is hogging the only available stream on the previous connection.
  4717  			{
  4718  				req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, nil)
  4719  				if err != nil {
  4720  					t.Fatal(err)
  4721  				}
  4722  				res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  4723  				if err != nil {
  4724  					t.Fatal(err)
  4725  				}
  4726  				if got, want := res.StatusCode, 200; got != want {
  4727  					t.Errorf("StatusCode = %v; want %v", got, want)
  4728  				}
  4729  				if res != nil && res.Body != nil {
  4730  					res.Body.Close()
  4731  				}
  4732  			}
  4734  			// Request 2 should still be blocking at this point.
  4735  			select {
  4736  			case <-reqc:
  4737  				t.Errorf("request 2 unexpectedly completed")
  4738  			default:
  4739  			}
  4741  			conn.unblock()
  4742  			<-reqc
  4744  			if connCount != 2 {
  4745  				t.Errorf("created %v connections, want 1", connCount)
  4746  			}
  4747  		})
  4748  	}
  4749  }
  4751  func TestTransportCloseRequestBody(t *testing.T) {
  4752  	var statusCode int
  4753  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  4754  		w.WriteHeader(statusCode)
  4755  	})
  4757  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  4758  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  4759  	ctx := context.Background()
  4760  	cc, err := tr.dialClientConn(ctx, ts.Listener.Addr().String(), false)
  4761  	if err != nil {
  4762  		t.Fatal(err)
  4763  	}
  4765  	for _, status := range []int{200, 401} {
  4766  		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("status=%d", status), func(t *testing.T) {
  4767  			statusCode = status
  4768  			pr, pw := io.Pipe()
  4769  			body := newCloseChecker(pr)
  4770  			req, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", "https://dummy.tld/", body)
  4771  			if err != nil {
  4772  				t.Fatal(err)
  4773  			}
  4774  			res, err := cc.RoundTrip(req)
  4775  			if err != nil {
  4776  				t.Fatal(err)
  4777  			}
  4778  			res.Body.Close()
  4779  			pw.Close()
  4780  			if err := body.isClosed(); err != nil {
  4781  				t.Fatal(err)
  4782  			}
  4783  		})
  4784  	}
  4785  }
  4787  func TestTransportRetriesOnStreamProtocolError(t *testing.T) {
  4788  	// This test verifies that
  4789  	//   - receiving a protocol error on a connection does not interfere with
  4790  	//     other requests in flight on that connection;
  4791  	//   - the connection is not reused for further requests; and
  4792  	//   - the failed request is retried on a new connecection.
  4793  	tt := newTestTransport(t)
  4795  	// Start two requests. The first is a long request
  4796  	// that will finish after the second. The second one
  4797  	// will result in the protocol error.
  4799  	// Request #1: The long request.
  4800  	req1, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  4801  	rt1 := tt.roundTrip(req1)
  4802  	tc1 := tt.getConn()
  4803  	tc1.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  4804  	tc1.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  4805  	tc1.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  4806  		streamID:  1,
  4807  		endStream: true,
  4808  	})
  4809  	tc1.writeSettings()
  4810  	tc1.wantFrameType(FrameSettings) // settings ACK
  4812  	// Request #2(a): The short request.
  4813  	req2, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  4814  	rt2 := tt.roundTrip(req2)
  4815  	tc1.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  4816  		streamID:  3,
  4817  		endStream: true,
  4818  	})
  4820  	// Request #2(a) fails with ErrCodeProtocol.
  4821  	tc1.writeRSTStream(3, ErrCodeProtocol)
  4822  	if rt1.done() {
  4823  		t.Fatalf("After protocol error on RoundTrip #2, RoundTrip #1 is done; want still in progress")
  4824  	}
  4825  	if rt2.done() {
  4826  		t.Fatalf("After protocol error on RoundTrip #2, RoundTrip #2 is done; want still in progress")
  4827  	}
  4829  	// Request #2(b): The short request is retried on a new connection.
  4830  	tc2 := tt.getConn()
  4831  	tc2.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  4832  	tc2.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  4833  	tc2.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  4834  		streamID:  1,
  4835  		endStream: true,
  4836  	})
  4837  	tc2.writeSettings()
  4838  	tc2.wantFrameType(FrameSettings) // settings ACK
  4840  	// Request #2(b) succeeds.
  4841  	tc2.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  4842  		StreamID:   1,
  4843  		EndHeaders: true,
  4844  		EndStream:  true,
  4845  		BlockFragment: tc1.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  4846  			":status", "201",
  4847  		),
  4848  	})
  4849  	rt2.wantStatus(201)
  4851  	// Request #1 succeeds.
  4852  	tc1.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  4853  		StreamID:   1,
  4854  		EndHeaders: true,
  4855  		EndStream:  true,
  4856  		BlockFragment: tc1.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  4857  			":status", "200",
  4858  		),
  4859  	})
  4860  	rt1.wantStatus(200)
  4861  }
  4863  func TestClientConnReservations(t *testing.T) {
  4864  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  4865  	tc.greet(
  4866  		Setting{ID: SettingMaxConcurrentStreams, Val: initialMaxConcurrentStreams},
  4867  	)
  4869  	doRoundTrip := func() {
  4870  		req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  4871  		rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  4872  		tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  4873  		tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  4874  			StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  4875  			EndHeaders: true,
  4876  			EndStream:  true,
  4877  			BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  4878  				":status", "200",
  4879  			),
  4880  		})
  4881  		rt.wantStatus(200)
  4882  	}
  4884  	n := 0
  4885  	for n <= initialMaxConcurrentStreams && tc.cc.ReserveNewRequest() {
  4886  		n++
  4887  	}
  4888  	if n != initialMaxConcurrentStreams {
  4889  		t.Errorf("did %v reservations; want %v", n, initialMaxConcurrentStreams)
  4890  	}
  4891  	doRoundTrip()
  4892  	n2 := 0
  4893  	for n2 <= 5 && tc.cc.ReserveNewRequest() {
  4894  		n2++
  4895  	}
  4896  	if n2 != 1 {
  4897  		t.Fatalf("after one RoundTrip, did %v reservations; want 1", n2)
  4898  	}
  4900  	// Use up all the reservations
  4901  	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
  4902  		doRoundTrip()
  4903  	}
  4905  	n2 = 0
  4906  	for n2 <= initialMaxConcurrentStreams && tc.cc.ReserveNewRequest() {
  4907  		n2++
  4908  	}
  4909  	if n2 != n {
  4910  		t.Errorf("after reset, reservations = %v; want %v", n2, n)
  4911  	}
  4912  }
  4914  func TestTransportTimeoutServerHangs(t *testing.T) {
  4915  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  4916  	tc.greet()
  4918  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
  4919  	req, _ := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "PUT", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  4920  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  4922  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  4923  	tc.advance(5 * time.Second)
  4924  	if f := tc.readFrame(); f != nil {
  4925  		t.Fatalf("unexpected frame: %v", f)
  4926  	}
  4927  	if rt.done() {
  4928  		t.Fatalf("after 5 seconds with no response, RoundTrip unexpectedly returned")
  4929  	}
  4931  	cancel()
  4932  	tc.sync()
  4933  	if rt.err() != context.Canceled {
  4934  		t.Fatalf("RoundTrip error: %v; want context.Canceled", rt.err())
  4935  	}
  4936  }
  4938  func TestTransportContentLengthWithoutBody(t *testing.T) {
  4939  	contentLength := ""
  4940  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  4941  		w.Header().Set("Content-Length", contentLength)
  4942  	})
  4943  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  4944  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  4946  	for _, test := range []struct {
  4947  		name              string
  4948  		contentLength     string
  4949  		wantBody          string
  4950  		wantErr           error
  4951  		wantContentLength int64
  4952  	}{
  4953  		{
  4954  			name:              "non-zero content length",
  4955  			contentLength:     "42",
  4956  			wantErr:           io.ErrUnexpectedEOF,
  4957  			wantContentLength: 42,
  4958  		},
  4959  		{
  4960  			name:              "zero content length",
  4961  			contentLength:     "0",
  4962  			wantErr:           nil,
  4963  			wantContentLength: 0,
  4964  		},
  4965  	} {
  4966  		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
  4967  			contentLength = test.contentLength
  4969  			req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  4970  			res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  4971  			if err != nil {
  4972  				t.Fatal(err)
  4973  			}
  4974  			defer res.Body.Close()
  4975  			body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
  4977  			if err != test.wantErr {
  4978  				t.Errorf("Expected error %v, got: %v", test.wantErr, err)
  4979  			}
  4980  			if len(body) > 0 {
  4981  				t.Errorf("Expected empty body, got: %v", body)
  4982  			}
  4983  			if res.ContentLength != test.wantContentLength {
  4984  				t.Errorf("Expected content length %d, got: %d", test.wantContentLength, res.ContentLength)
  4985  			}
  4986  		})
  4987  	}
  4988  }
  4990  func TestTransportCloseResponseBodyWhileRequestBodyHangs(t *testing.T) {
  4991  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  4992  		w.WriteHeader(200)
  4993  		w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
  4994  		io.Copy(io.Discard, r.Body)
  4995  	})
  4997  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  4998  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  5000  	pr, pw := net.Pipe()
  5001  	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, pr)
  5002  	if err != nil {
  5003  		t.Fatal(err)
  5004  	}
  5005  	res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  5006  	if err != nil {
  5007  		t.Fatal(err)
  5008  	}
  5009  	// Closing the Response's Body interrupts the blocked body read.
  5010  	res.Body.Close()
  5011  	pw.Close()
  5012  }
  5014  func TestTransport300ResponseBody(t *testing.T) {
  5015  	reqc := make(chan struct{})
  5016  	body := []byte("response body")
  5017  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  5018  		w.WriteHeader(300)
  5019  		w.(http.Flusher).Flush()
  5020  		<-reqc
  5021  		w.Write(body)
  5022  	})
  5024  	tr := &Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure}
  5025  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  5027  	pr, pw := net.Pipe()
  5028  	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, pr)
  5029  	if err != nil {
  5030  		t.Fatal(err)
  5031  	}
  5032  	res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  5033  	if err != nil {
  5034  		t.Fatal(err)
  5035  	}
  5036  	close(reqc)
  5037  	got, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
  5038  	if err != nil {
  5039  		t.Fatalf("error reading response body: %v", err)
  5040  	}
  5041  	if !bytes.Equal(got, body) {
  5042  		t.Errorf("got response body %q, want %q", string(got), string(body))
  5043  	}
  5044  	res.Body.Close()
  5045  	pw.Close()
  5046  }
  5048  func TestTransportWriteByteTimeout(t *testing.T) {
  5049  	ts := newTestServer(t,
  5050  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {},
  5051  	)
  5052  	tr := &Transport{
  5053  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  5054  		DialTLS: func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
  5055  			_, c := net.Pipe()
  5056  			return c, nil
  5057  		},
  5058  		WriteByteTimeout: 1 * time.Millisecond,
  5059  	}
  5060  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  5061  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
  5063  	_, err := c.Get(ts.URL)
  5064  	if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrDeadlineExceeded) {
  5065  		t.Fatalf("Get on unresponsive connection: got %q; want ErrDeadlineExceeded", err)
  5066  	}
  5067  }
  5069  type slowWriteConn struct {
  5070  	net.Conn
  5071  	hasWriteDeadline bool
  5072  }
  5074  func (c *slowWriteConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
  5075  	c.hasWriteDeadline = !t.IsZero()
  5076  	return nil
  5077  }
  5079  func (c *slowWriteConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
  5080  	if c.hasWriteDeadline && len(b) > 1 {
  5081  		n, err = c.Conn.Write(b[:1])
  5082  		if err != nil {
  5083  			return n, err
  5084  		}
  5085  		return n, fmt.Errorf("slow write: %w", os.ErrDeadlineExceeded)
  5086  	}
  5087  	return c.Conn.Write(b)
  5088  }
  5090  func TestTransportSlowWrites(t *testing.T) {
  5091  	ts := newTestServer(t,
  5092  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {},
  5093  	)
  5094  	tr := &Transport{
  5095  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  5096  		DialTLS: func(network, addr string, cfg *tls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
  5097  			cfg.InsecureSkipVerify = true
  5098  			c, err := tls.Dial(network, addr, cfg)
  5099  			return &slowWriteConn{Conn: c}, err
  5100  		},
  5101  		WriteByteTimeout: 1 * time.Millisecond,
  5102  	}
  5103  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  5104  	c := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
  5106  	const bodySize = 1 << 20
  5107  	resp, err := c.Post(ts.URL, "text/foo", io.LimitReader(neverEnding('A'), bodySize))
  5108  	if err != nil {
  5109  		t.Fatal(err)
  5110  	}
  5111  	resp.Body.Close()
  5112  }
  5114  func TestTransportClosesConnAfterGoAwayNoStreams(t *testing.T) {
  5115  	testTransportClosesConnAfterGoAway(t, 0)
  5116  }
  5117  func TestTransportClosesConnAfterGoAwayLastStream(t *testing.T) {
  5118  	testTransportClosesConnAfterGoAway(t, 1)
  5119  }
  5121  // testTransportClosesConnAfterGoAway verifies that the transport
  5122  // closes a connection after reading a GOAWAY from it.
  5123  //
  5124  // lastStream is the last stream ID in the GOAWAY frame.
  5125  // When 0, the transport (unsuccessfully) retries the request (stream 1);
  5126  // when 1, the transport reads the response after receiving the GOAWAY.
  5127  func testTransportClosesConnAfterGoAway(t *testing.T, lastStream uint32) {
  5128  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  5129  	tc.greet()
  5131  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  5132  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  5134  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  5135  	tc.writeGoAway(lastStream, ErrCodeNo, nil)
  5137  	if lastStream > 0 {
  5138  		// Send a valid response to first request.
  5139  		tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  5140  			StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  5141  			EndHeaders: true,
  5142  			EndStream:  true,
  5143  			BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  5144  				":status", "200",
  5145  			),
  5146  		})
  5147  	}
  5149  	tc.closeWrite()
  5150  	err := rt.err()
  5151  	if gotErr, wantErr := err != nil, lastStream == 0; gotErr != wantErr {
  5152  		t.Errorf("RoundTrip got error %v (want error: %v)", err, wantErr)
  5153  	}
  5154  	if !tc.isClosed() {
  5155  		t.Errorf("ClientConn did not close its net.Conn, expected it to")
  5156  	}
  5157  }
  5159  type slowCloser struct {
  5160  	closing chan struct{}
  5161  	closed  chan struct{}
  5162  }
  5164  func (r *slowCloser) Read([]byte) (int, error) {
  5165  	return 0, io.EOF
  5166  }
  5168  func (r *slowCloser) Close() error {
  5169  	close(r.closing)
  5170  	<-r.closed
  5171  	return nil
  5172  }
  5174  func TestTransportSlowClose(t *testing.T) {
  5175  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  5176  	})
  5178  	client := ts.Client()
  5179  	body := &slowCloser{
  5180  		closing: make(chan struct{}),
  5181  		closed:  make(chan struct{}),
  5182  	}
  5184  	reqc := make(chan struct{})
  5185  	go func() {
  5186  		defer close(reqc)
  5187  		res, err := client.Post(ts.URL, "text/plain", body)
  5188  		if err != nil {
  5189  			t.Error(err)
  5190  		}
  5191  		res.Body.Close()
  5192  	}()
  5193  	defer func() {
  5194  		close(body.closed)
  5195  		<-reqc // wait for POST request to finish
  5196  	}()
  5198  	<-body.closing // wait for POST request to call body.Close
  5199  	// This GET request should not be blocked by the in-progress POST.
  5200  	res, err := client.Get(ts.URL)
  5201  	if err != nil {
  5202  		t.Fatal(err)
  5203  	}
  5204  	res.Body.Close()
  5205  }
  5207  func TestTransportDialTLSContext(t *testing.T) {
  5208  	blockCh := make(chan struct{})
  5209  	serverTLSConfigFunc := func(ts *httptest.Server) {
  5210  		ts.Config.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{
  5211  			// Triggers the server to request the clients certificate
  5212  			// during TLS handshake.
  5213  			ClientAuth: tls.RequestClientCert,
  5214  		}
  5215  	}
  5216  	ts := newTestServer(t,
  5217  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {},
  5218  		serverTLSConfigFunc,
  5219  	)
  5220  	tr := &Transport{
  5221  		TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
  5222  			GetClientCertificate: func(cri *tls.CertificateRequestInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
  5223  				// Tests that the context provided to `req` is
  5224  				// passed into this function.
  5225  				close(blockCh)
  5226  				<-cri.Context().Done()
  5227  				return nil, cri.Context().Err()
  5228  			},
  5229  			InsecureSkipVerify: true,
  5230  		},
  5231  	}
  5232  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  5233  	req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, ts.URL, nil)
  5234  	if err != nil {
  5235  		t.Fatal(err)
  5236  	}
  5237  	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
  5238  	defer cancel()
  5239  	req = req.WithContext(ctx)
  5240  	errCh := make(chan error)
  5241  	go func() {
  5242  		defer close(errCh)
  5243  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  5244  		if err != nil {
  5245  			errCh <- err
  5246  			return
  5247  		}
  5248  		res.Body.Close()
  5249  	}()
  5250  	// Wait for GetClientCertificate handler to be called
  5251  	<-blockCh
  5252  	// Cancel the context
  5253  	cancel()
  5254  	// Expect the cancellation error here
  5255  	err = <-errCh
  5256  	if err == nil {
  5257  		t.Fatal("cancelling context during client certificate fetch did not error as expected")
  5258  		return
  5259  	}
  5260  	if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
  5261  		t.Fatalf("unexpected error returned after cancellation: %v", err)
  5262  	}
  5263  }
  5265  // TestDialRaceResumesDial tests that, given two concurrent requests
  5266  // to the same address, when the first Dial is interrupted because
  5267  // the first request's context is cancelled, the second request
  5268  // resumes the dial automatically.
  5269  func TestDialRaceResumesDial(t *testing.T) {
  5270  	blockCh := make(chan struct{})
  5271  	serverTLSConfigFunc := func(ts *httptest.Server) {
  5272  		ts.Config.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{
  5273  			// Triggers the server to request the clients certificate
  5274  			// during TLS handshake.
  5275  			ClientAuth: tls.RequestClientCert,
  5276  		}
  5277  	}
  5278  	ts := newTestServer(t,
  5279  		func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {},
  5280  		serverTLSConfigFunc,
  5281  	)
  5282  	tr := &Transport{
  5283  		TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
  5284  			GetClientCertificate: func(cri *tls.CertificateRequestInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
  5285  				select {
  5286  				case <-blockCh:
  5287  					// If we already errored, return without error.
  5288  					return &tls.Certificate{}, nil
  5289  				default:
  5290  				}
  5291  				close(blockCh)
  5292  				<-cri.Context().Done()
  5293  				return nil, cri.Context().Err()
  5294  			},
  5295  			InsecureSkipVerify: true,
  5296  		},
  5297  	}
  5298  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  5299  	req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, ts.URL, nil)
  5300  	if err != nil {
  5301  		t.Fatal(err)
  5302  	}
  5303  	// Create two requests with independent cancellation.
  5304  	ctx1, cancel1 := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
  5305  	defer cancel1()
  5306  	req1 := req.WithContext(ctx1)
  5307  	ctx2, cancel2 := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
  5308  	defer cancel2()
  5309  	req2 := req.WithContext(ctx2)
  5310  	errCh := make(chan error)
  5311  	go func() {
  5312  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req1)
  5313  		if err != nil {
  5314  			errCh <- err
  5315  			return
  5316  		}
  5317  		res.Body.Close()
  5318  	}()
  5319  	successCh := make(chan struct{})
  5320  	go func() {
  5321  		// Don't start request until first request
  5322  		// has initiated the handshake.
  5323  		<-blockCh
  5324  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req2)
  5325  		if err != nil {
  5326  			errCh <- err
  5327  			return
  5328  		}
  5329  		res.Body.Close()
  5330  		// Close successCh to indicate that the second request
  5331  		// made it to the server successfully.
  5332  		close(successCh)
  5333  	}()
  5334  	// Wait for GetClientCertificate handler to be called
  5335  	<-blockCh
  5336  	// Cancel the context first
  5337  	cancel1()
  5338  	// Expect the cancellation error here
  5339  	err = <-errCh
  5340  	if err == nil {
  5341  		t.Fatal("cancelling context during client certificate fetch did not error as expected")
  5342  		return
  5343  	}
  5344  	if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
  5345  		t.Fatalf("unexpected error returned after cancellation: %v", err)
  5346  	}
  5347  	select {
  5348  	case err := <-errCh:
  5349  		t.Fatalf("unexpected second error: %v", err)
  5350  	case <-successCh:
  5351  	}
  5352  }
  5354  func TestTransportDataAfter1xxHeader(t *testing.T) {
  5355  	// Discard logger output to avoid spamming stderr.
  5356  	log.SetOutput(io.Discard)
  5357  	defer log.SetOutput(os.Stderr)
  5359  	// https://go.dev/issue/65927 - server sends a 1xx response, followed by a DATA frame.
  5360  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  5361  	tc.greet()
  5363  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  5364  	rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  5366  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  5367  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  5368  		StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  5369  		EndHeaders: true,
  5370  		EndStream:  false,
  5371  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  5372  			":status", "100",
  5373  		),
  5374  	})
  5375  	tc.writeData(rt.streamID(), true, []byte{0})
  5376  	err := rt.err()
  5377  	if err, ok := err.(StreamError); !ok || err.Code != ErrCodeProtocol {
  5378  		t.Errorf("RoundTrip error: %v; want ErrCodeProtocol", err)
  5379  	}
  5380  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameRSTStream)
  5381  }
  5383  func TestIssue66763Race(t *testing.T) {
  5384  	tr := &Transport{
  5385  		IdleConnTimeout: 1 * time.Nanosecond,
  5386  		AllowHTTP:       true, // issue 66763 only occurs when AllowHTTP is true
  5387  	}
  5388  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  5390  	cli, srv := net.Pipe()
  5391  	donec := make(chan struct{})
  5392  	go func() {
  5393  		// Creating the client conn may succeed or fail,
  5394  		// depending on when the idle timeout happens.
  5395  		// Either way, the idle timeout will close the net.Conn.
  5396  		tr.NewClientConn(cli)
  5397  		close(donec)
  5398  	}()
  5400  	// The client sends its preface and SETTINGS frame,
  5401  	// and then closes its conn after the idle timeout.
  5402  	io.ReadAll(srv)
  5403  	srv.Close()
  5405  	<-donec
  5406  }
  5408  // Issue 67671: Sending a Connection: close request on a Transport with AllowHTTP
  5409  // set caused a the transport to wedge.
  5410  func TestIssue67671(t *testing.T) {
  5411  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {})
  5412  	tr := &Transport{
  5413  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  5414  		AllowHTTP:       true,
  5415  	}
  5416  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  5417  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
  5418  	req.Close = true
  5419  	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
  5420  		res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  5421  		if err != nil {
  5422  			t.Fatal(err)
  5423  		}
  5424  		res.Body.Close()
  5425  	}
  5426  }
  5428  func TestTransport1xxLimits(t *testing.T) {
  5429  	for _, test := range []struct {
  5430  		name    string
  5431  		opt     any
  5432  		ctxfn   func(context.Context) context.Context
  5433  		hcount  int
  5434  		limited bool
  5435  	}{{
  5436  		name:    "default",
  5437  		hcount:  10,
  5438  		limited: false,
  5439  	}, {
  5440  		name: "MaxHeaderListSize",
  5441  		opt: func(tr *Transport) {
  5442  			tr.MaxHeaderListSize = 10000
  5443  		},
  5444  		hcount:  10,
  5445  		limited: true,
  5446  	}, {
  5447  		name: "MaxResponseHeaderBytes",
  5448  		opt: func(tr *http.Transport) {
  5449  			tr.MaxResponseHeaderBytes = 10000
  5450  		},
  5451  		hcount:  10,
  5452  		limited: true,
  5453  	}, {
  5454  		name: "limit by client trace",
  5455  		ctxfn: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
  5456  			count := 0
  5457  			return httptrace.WithClientTrace(ctx, &httptrace.ClientTrace{
  5458  				Got1xxResponse: func(code int, header textproto.MIMEHeader) error {
  5459  					count++
  5460  					if count >= 10 {
  5461  						return errors.New("too many 1xx")
  5462  					}
  5463  					return nil
  5464  				},
  5465  			})
  5466  		},
  5467  		hcount:  10,
  5468  		limited: true,
  5469  	}, {
  5470  		name: "limit disabled by client trace",
  5471  		opt: func(tr *Transport) {
  5472  			tr.MaxHeaderListSize = 10000
  5473  		},
  5474  		ctxfn: func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
  5475  			return httptrace.WithClientTrace(ctx, &httptrace.ClientTrace{
  5476  				Got1xxResponse: func(code int, header textproto.MIMEHeader) error {
  5477  					return nil
  5478  				},
  5479  			})
  5480  		},
  5481  		hcount:  20,
  5482  		limited: false,
  5483  	}} {
  5484  		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
  5485  			tc := newTestClientConn(t, test.opt)
  5486  			tc.greet()
  5488  			ctx := context.Background()
  5489  			if test.ctxfn != nil {
  5490  				ctx = test.ctxfn(ctx)
  5491  			}
  5492  			req, _ := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil)
  5493  			rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  5494  			tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  5496  			for i := 0; i < test.hcount; i++ {
  5497  				if fr, err := tc.fr.ReadFrame(); err != os.ErrDeadlineExceeded {
  5498  					t.Fatalf("after writing %v 1xx headers: read %v, %v; want idle", i, fr, err)
  5499  				}
  5500  				tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  5501  					StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  5502  					EndHeaders: true,
  5503  					EndStream:  false,
  5504  					BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  5505  						":status", "103",
  5506  						"x-field", strings.Repeat("a", 1000),
  5507  					),
  5508  				})
  5509  			}
  5510  			if test.limited {
  5511  				tc.wantFrameType(FrameRSTStream)
  5512  			} else {
  5513  				tc.wantIdle()
  5514  			}
  5515  		})
  5516  	}
  5517  }
  5519  func TestTransportSendPingWithReset(t *testing.T) {
  5520  	tc := newTestClientConn(t, func(tr *Transport) {
  5521  		tr.StrictMaxConcurrentStreams = true
  5522  	})
  5524  	const maxConcurrent = 3
  5525  	tc.greet(Setting{SettingMaxConcurrentStreams, maxConcurrent})
  5527  	// Start several requests.
  5528  	var rts []*testRoundTrip
  5529  	for i := 0; i < maxConcurrent+1; i++ {
  5530  		req := must(http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil))
  5531  		rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  5532  		if i >= maxConcurrent {
  5533  			tc.wantIdle()
  5534  			continue
  5535  		}
  5536  		tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  5537  		tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  5538  			StreamID:   rt.streamID(),
  5539  			EndHeaders: true,
  5540  			BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  5541  				":status", "200",
  5542  			),
  5543  		})
  5544  		rt.wantStatus(200)
  5545  		rts = append(rts, rt)
  5546  	}
  5548  	// Cancel one request. We send a PING frame along with the RST_STREAM.
  5549  	rts[0].response().Body.Close()
  5550  	tc.wantRSTStream(rts[0].streamID(), ErrCodeCancel)
  5551  	pf := readFrame[*PingFrame](t, tc)
  5552  	tc.wantIdle()
  5554  	// Cancel another request. No PING frame, since one is in flight.
  5555  	rts[1].response().Body.Close()
  5556  	tc.wantRSTStream(rts[1].streamID(), ErrCodeCancel)
  5557  	tc.wantIdle()
  5559  	// Respond to the PING.
  5560  	// This finalizes the previous resets, and allows the pending request to be sent.
  5561  	tc.writePing(true, pf.Data)
  5562  	tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  5563  	tc.wantIdle()
  5565  	// Receive a byte of data for the remaining stream, which resets our ability
  5566  	// to send pings (see comment on ClientConn.rstStreamPingsBlocked).
  5567  	tc.writeData(rts[2].streamID(), false, []byte{0})
  5569  	// Cancel the last request. We send another PING, since none are in flight.
  5570  	rts[2].response().Body.Close()
  5571  	tc.wantRSTStream(rts[2].streamID(), ErrCodeCancel)
  5572  	tc.wantFrameType(FramePing)
  5573  	tc.wantIdle()
  5574  }
  5576  // Issue #70505: gRPC gets upset if we send more than 2 pings per HEADERS/DATA frame
  5577  // sent by the server.
  5578  func TestTransportSendNoMoreThanOnePingWithReset(t *testing.T) {
  5579  	tc := newTestClientConn(t)
  5580  	tc.greet()
  5582  	makeAndResetRequest := func() {
  5583  		t.Helper()
  5584  		ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
  5585  		req := must(http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil))
  5586  		rt := tc.roundTrip(req)
  5587  		tc.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  5588  		cancel()
  5589  		tc.wantRSTStream(rt.streamID(), ErrCodeCancel) // client sends RST_STREAM
  5590  	}
  5592  	// Create a request and cancel it.
  5593  	// The client sends a PING frame along with the reset.
  5594  	makeAndResetRequest()
  5595  	pf1 := readFrame[*PingFrame](t, tc) // client sends PING
  5597  	// Create another request and cancel it.
  5598  	// We do not send a PING frame along with the reset,
  5599  	// because we haven't received a HEADERS or DATA frame from the server
  5600  	// since the last PING we sent.
  5601  	makeAndResetRequest()
  5603  	// Server belatedly responds to request 1.
  5604  	// The server has not responded to our first PING yet.
  5605  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  5606  		StreamID:   1,
  5607  		EndHeaders: true,
  5608  		EndStream:  true,
  5609  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  5610  			":status", "200",
  5611  		),
  5612  	})
  5614  	// Create yet another request and cancel it.
  5615  	// We still do not send a PING frame along with the reset.
  5616  	// We've received a HEADERS frame, but it came before the response to the PING.
  5617  	makeAndResetRequest()
  5619  	// The server responds to our PING.
  5620  	tc.writePing(true, pf1.Data)
  5622  	// Create yet another request and cancel it.
  5623  	// Still no PING frame; we got a response to the previous one,
  5624  	// but no HEADERS or DATA.
  5625  	makeAndResetRequest()
  5627  	// Server belatedly responds to the second request.
  5628  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  5629  		StreamID:   3,
  5630  		EndHeaders: true,
  5631  		EndStream:  true,
  5632  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  5633  			":status", "200",
  5634  		),
  5635  	})
  5637  	// One more request.
  5638  	// This time we send a PING frame.
  5639  	makeAndResetRequest()
  5640  	tc.wantFrameType(FramePing)
  5641  }
  5643  func TestTransportConnBecomesUnresponsive(t *testing.T) {
  5644  	// We send a number of requests in series to an unresponsive connection.
  5645  	// Each request is canceled or times out without a response.
  5646  	// Eventually, we open a new connection rather than trying to use the old one.
  5647  	tt := newTestTransport(t)
  5649  	const maxConcurrent = 3
  5651  	t.Logf("first request opens a new connection and succeeds")
  5652  	req1 := must(http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil))
  5653  	rt1 := tt.roundTrip(req1)
  5654  	tc1 := tt.getConn()
  5655  	tc1.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  5656  	tc1.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  5657  	hf1 := readFrame[*HeadersFrame](t, tc1)
  5658  	tc1.writeSettings(Setting{SettingMaxConcurrentStreams, maxConcurrent})
  5659  	tc1.wantFrameType(FrameSettings) // ack
  5660  	tc1.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  5661  		StreamID:   hf1.StreamID,
  5662  		EndHeaders: true,
  5663  		EndStream:  true,
  5664  		BlockFragment: tc1.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  5665  			":status", "200",
  5666  		),
  5667  	})
  5668  	rt1.wantStatus(200)
  5669  	rt1.response().Body.Close()
  5671  	// Send more requests.
  5672  	// None receive a response.
  5673  	// Each is canceled.
  5674  	for i := 0; i < maxConcurrent; i++ {
  5675  		t.Logf("request %v receives no response and is canceled", i)
  5676  		ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
  5677  		req := must(http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil))
  5678  		tt.roundTrip(req)
  5679  		if tt.hasConn() {
  5680  			t.Fatalf("new connection created; expect existing conn to be reused")
  5681  		}
  5682  		tc1.wantFrameType(FrameHeaders)
  5683  		cancel()
  5684  		tc1.wantFrameType(FrameRSTStream)
  5685  		if i == 0 {
  5686  			tc1.wantFrameType(FramePing)
  5687  		}
  5688  		tc1.wantIdle()
  5689  	}
  5691  	// The conn has hit its concurrency limit.
  5692  	// The next request is sent on a new conn.
  5693  	req2 := must(http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil))
  5694  	rt2 := tt.roundTrip(req2)
  5695  	tc2 := tt.getConn()
  5696  	tc2.wantFrameType(FrameSettings)
  5697  	tc2.wantFrameType(FrameWindowUpdate)
  5698  	hf := readFrame[*HeadersFrame](t, tc2)
  5699  	tc2.writeSettings(Setting{SettingMaxConcurrentStreams, maxConcurrent})
  5700  	tc2.wantFrameType(FrameSettings) // ack
  5701  	tc2.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  5702  		StreamID:   hf.StreamID,
  5703  		EndHeaders: true,
  5704  		EndStream:  true,
  5705  		BlockFragment: tc2.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  5706  			":status", "200",
  5707  		),
  5708  	})
  5709  	rt2.wantStatus(200)
  5710  	rt2.response().Body.Close()
  5711  }
  5713  // Test that the Transport can use a conn provided to it by a TLSNextProto hook.
  5714  func TestTransportTLSNextProtoConnOK(t *testing.T) {
  5715  	t1 := &http.Transport{}
  5716  	t2, _ := ConfigureTransports(t1)
  5717  	tt := newTestTransport(t, t2)
  5719  	// Create a new, fake connection and pass it to the Transport via the TLSNextProto hook.
  5720  	cli, _ := synctestNetPipe(tt.group)
  5721  	cliTLS := tls.Client(cli, tlsConfigInsecure)
  5722  	go func() {
  5723  		tt.group.Join()
  5724  		t1.TLSNextProto["h2"]("dummy.tld", cliTLS)
  5725  	}()
  5726  	tt.sync()
  5727  	tc := tt.getConn()
  5728  	tc.greet()
  5730  	// Send a request on the Transport.
  5731  	// It uses the conn we provided.
  5732  	req := must(http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil))
  5733  	rt := tt.roundTrip(req)
  5734  	tc.wantHeaders(wantHeader{
  5735  		streamID:  1,
  5736  		endStream: true,
  5737  		header: http.Header{
  5738  			":authority": []string{"dummy.tld"},
  5739  			":method":    []string{"GET"},
  5740  			":path":      []string{"/"},
  5741  		},
  5742  	})
  5743  	tc.writeHeaders(HeadersFrameParam{
  5744  		StreamID:   1,
  5745  		EndHeaders: true,
  5746  		EndStream:  true,
  5747  		BlockFragment: tc.makeHeaderBlockFragment(
  5748  			":status", "200",
  5749  		),
  5750  	})
  5751  	rt.wantStatus(200)
  5752  	rt.wantBody(nil)
  5753  }
  5755  // Test the case where a conn provided via a TLSNextProto hook immediately encounters an error.
  5756  func TestTransportTLSNextProtoConnImmediateFailureUsed(t *testing.T) {
  5757  	t1 := &http.Transport{}
  5758  	t2, _ := ConfigureTransports(t1)
  5759  	tt := newTestTransport(t, t2)
  5761  	// Create a new, fake connection and pass it to the Transport via the TLSNextProto hook.
  5762  	cli, _ := synctestNetPipe(tt.group)
  5763  	cliTLS := tls.Client(cli, tlsConfigInsecure)
  5764  	go func() {
  5765  		tt.group.Join()
  5766  		t1.TLSNextProto["h2"]("dummy.tld", cliTLS)
  5767  	}()
  5768  	tt.sync()
  5769  	tc := tt.getConn()
  5771  	// The connection encounters an error before we send a request that uses it.
  5772  	tc.closeWrite()
  5774  	// Send a request on the Transport.
  5775  	//
  5776  	// It should fail, because we have no usable connections, but not with ErrNoCachedConn.
  5777  	req := must(http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil))
  5778  	rt := tt.roundTrip(req)
  5779  	if err := rt.err(); err == nil || errors.Is(err, ErrNoCachedConn) {
  5780  		t.Fatalf("RoundTrip with broken conn: got %v, want an error other than ErrNoCachedConn", err)
  5781  	}
  5783  	// Send the request again.
  5784  	// This time it should fail with ErrNoCachedConn,
  5785  	// because the dead conn has been removed from the pool.
  5786  	rt = tt.roundTrip(req)
  5787  	if err := rt.err(); !errors.Is(err, ErrNoCachedConn) {
  5788  		t.Fatalf("RoundTrip after broken conn is used: got %v, want ErrNoCachedConn", err)
  5789  	}
  5790  }
  5792  // Test the case where a conn provided via a TLSNextProto hook immediately encounters an error,
  5793  // but no requests are sent which would use the bad connection.
  5794  func TestTransportTLSNextProtoConnImmediateFailureUnused(t *testing.T) {
  5795  	t1 := &http.Transport{}
  5796  	t2, _ := ConfigureTransports(t1)
  5797  	tt := newTestTransport(t, t2)
  5799  	// Create a new, fake connection and pass it to the Transport via the TLSNextProto hook.
  5800  	cli, _ := synctestNetPipe(tt.group)
  5801  	cliTLS := tls.Client(cli, tlsConfigInsecure)
  5802  	go func() {
  5803  		tt.group.Join()
  5804  		t1.TLSNextProto["h2"]("dummy.tld", cliTLS)
  5805  	}()
  5806  	tt.sync()
  5807  	tc := tt.getConn()
  5809  	// The connection encounters an error before we send a request that uses it.
  5810  	tc.closeWrite()
  5812  	// Some time passes.
  5813  	// The dead connection is removed from the pool.
  5814  	tc.advance(10 * time.Second)
  5816  	// Send a request on the Transport.
  5817  	//
  5818  	// It should fail with ErrNoCachedConn, because the pool contains no conns.
  5819  	req := must(http.NewRequest("GET", "https://dummy.tld/", nil))
  5820  	rt := tt.roundTrip(req)
  5821  	if err := rt.err(); !errors.Is(err, ErrNoCachedConn) {
  5822  		t.Fatalf("RoundTrip after broken conn expires: got %v, want ErrNoCachedConn", err)
  5823  	}
  5824  }
  5826  func TestExtendedConnectClientWithServerSupport(t *testing.T) {
  5827  	disableExtendedConnectProtocol = false
  5828  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  5829  		if r.Header.Get(":protocol") != "extended-connect" {
  5830  			t.Fatalf("unexpected :protocol header received")
  5831  		}
  5832  		t.Log(io.Copy(w, r.Body))
  5833  	})
  5834  	tr := &Transport{
  5835  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  5836  		AllowHTTP:       true,
  5837  	}
  5838  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  5839  	pr, pw := io.Pipe()
  5840  	pwDone := make(chan struct{})
  5841  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("CONNECT", ts.URL, pr)
  5842  	req.Header.Set(":protocol", "extended-connect")
  5843  	go func() {
  5844  		pw.Write([]byte("hello, extended connect"))
  5845  		pw.Close()
  5846  		close(pwDone)
  5847  	}()
  5849  	res, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  5850  	if err != nil {
  5851  		t.Fatal(err)
  5852  	}
  5853  	body, err := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
  5854  	if err != nil {
  5855  		t.Fatal(err)
  5856  	}
  5857  	if !bytes.Equal(body, []byte("hello, extended connect")) {
  5858  		t.Fatal("unexpected body received")
  5859  	}
  5860  }
  5862  func TestExtendedConnectClientWithoutServerSupport(t *testing.T) {
  5863  	disableExtendedConnectProtocol = true
  5864  	ts := newTestServer(t, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  5865  		io.Copy(w, r.Body)
  5866  	})
  5867  	tr := &Transport{
  5868  		TLSClientConfig: tlsConfigInsecure,
  5869  		AllowHTTP:       true,
  5870  	}
  5871  	defer tr.CloseIdleConnections()
  5872  	pr, pw := io.Pipe()
  5873  	pwDone := make(chan struct{})
  5874  	req, _ := http.NewRequest("CONNECT", ts.URL, pr)
  5875  	req.Header.Set(":protocol", "extended-connect")
  5876  	go func() {
  5877  		pw.Write([]byte("hello, extended connect"))
  5878  		pw.Close()
  5879  		close(pwDone)
  5880  	}()
  5882  	_, err := tr.RoundTrip(req)
  5883  	if !errors.Is(err, errExtendedConnectNotSupported) {
  5884  		t.Fatalf("expected error errExtendedConnectNotSupported, got: %v", err)
  5885  	}
  5886  }

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