// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package sfnt import ( "bytes" "fmt" "image" "io/ioutil" "path/filepath" "testing" "golang.org/x/image/font" "golang.org/x/image/font/gofont/gobold" "golang.org/x/image/font/gofont/gomono" "golang.org/x/image/font/gofont/goregular" "golang.org/x/image/math/fixed" ) func pt(x, y fixed.Int26_6) fixed.Point26_6 { return fixed.Point26_6{X: x, Y: y} } func moveTo(xa, ya fixed.Int26_6) Segment { return Segment{ Op: SegmentOpMoveTo, Args: [3]fixed.Point26_6{pt(xa, ya)}, } } func lineTo(xa, ya fixed.Int26_6) Segment { return Segment{ Op: SegmentOpLineTo, Args: [3]fixed.Point26_6{pt(xa, ya)}, } } func quadTo(xa, ya, xb, yb fixed.Int26_6) Segment { return Segment{ Op: SegmentOpQuadTo, Args: [3]fixed.Point26_6{pt(xa, ya), pt(xb, yb)}, } } func cubeTo(xa, ya, xb, yb, xc, yc fixed.Int26_6) Segment { return Segment{ Op: SegmentOpCubeTo, Args: [3]fixed.Point26_6{pt(xa, ya), pt(xb, yb), pt(xc, yc)}, } } func translate(dx, dy fixed.Int26_6, s Segment) Segment { translateArgs(&s.Args, dx, dy) return s } func transform(txx, txy, tyx, tyy int16, dx, dy fixed.Int26_6, s Segment) Segment { transformArgs(&s.Args, txx, txy, tyx, tyy, dx, dy) return s } func checkSegmentsEqual(got, want []Segment) error { // Flip got's Y axis. The test cases' coordinates are given with the Y axis // increasing up, as that is what the ttx tool gives, and is the model for // the underlying font format. The Go API returns coordinates with the Y // axis increasing down, the same as the standard graphics libraries. for i := range got { for j := range got[i].Args { got[i].Args[j].Y *= -1 } } if len(got) != len(want) { return fmt.Errorf("got %d elements, want %d\noverall:\ngot %v\nwant %v", len(got), len(want), got, want) } for i, g := range got { if w := want[i]; g != w { return fmt.Errorf("element %d:\ngot %v\nwant %v\noverall:\ngot %v\nwant %v", i, g, w, got, want) } } // Check that every contour is closed. if len(got) == 0 { return nil } if got[0].Op != SegmentOpMoveTo { return fmt.Errorf("segments do not start with a moveTo") } var ( first, last fixed.Point26_6 firstI int ) checkClosed := func(lastI int) error { if first != last { return fmt.Errorf("segments[%d:%d] not closed:\nfirst %v\nlast %v", firstI, lastI, first, last) } return nil } for i, g := range got { switch g.Op { case SegmentOpMoveTo: if i != 0 { if err := checkClosed(i); err != nil { return err } } firstI, first, last = i, g.Args[0], g.Args[0] case SegmentOpLineTo: last = g.Args[0] case SegmentOpQuadTo: last = g.Args[1] case SegmentOpCubeTo: last = g.Args[2] } } return checkClosed(len(got)) } func TestTrueTypeParse(t *testing.T) { f, err := Parse(goregular.TTF) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Parse: %v", err) } testTrueType(t, f, goregular.TTF) } func TestTrueTypeParseReaderAt(t *testing.T) { f, err := ParseReaderAt(bytes.NewReader(goregular.TTF)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("ParseReaderAt: %v", err) } testTrueType(t, f, goregular.TTF) } func testTrueType(t *testing.T, f *Font, wantSrc []byte) { if got, want := f.UnitsPerEm(), Units(2048); got != want { t.Errorf("UnitsPerEm: got %d, want %d", got, want) } // The exact number of glyphs in goregular.TTF can vary, and future // versions may add more glyphs, but https://blog.golang.org/go-fonts says // that "The WGL4 character set... [has] more than 650 characters in all. if got, want := f.NumGlyphs(), 650; got <= want { t.Errorf("NumGlyphs: got %d, want > %d", got, want) } buf := &bytes.Buffer{} n, err := f.WriteSourceTo(nil, buf) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("WriteSourceTo: %v", err) } // Some TTF tools pad their output so that the file sizes are multiples of // 4. Round up before comparison. got := (n + 3) &^ 3 have := (int64(len(wantSrc)) + 3) &^ 3 if (n > int64(len(wantSrc))) || (got != have) { t.Fatalf("WriteSourceTo: got %d, want %d (with rounding)", n, len(wantSrc)) } else if gotSrc := buf.Bytes(); !bytes.Equal(gotSrc, wantSrc[:n]) { t.Fatalf("WriteSourceTo: contents differ") } } func fontData(name string) []byte { switch name { case "gobold": return gobold.TTF case "gomono": return gomono.TTF case "goregular": return goregular.TTF } panic("unreachable") } func TestBounds(t *testing.T) { testCases := map[string]fixed.Rectangle26_6{ "gobold": { Min: fixed.Point26_6{ X: -452, Y: -2291, }, Max: fixed.Point26_6{ X: 2190, Y: 492, }, }, "gomono": { Min: fixed.Point26_6{ X: 0, Y: -2291, }, Max: fixed.Point26_6{ X: 1229, Y: 432, }, }, "goregular": { Min: fixed.Point26_6{ X: -440, Y: -2291, }, Max: fixed.Point26_6{ X: 2160, Y: 543, }, }, } var b Buffer for name, want := range testCases { f, err := Parse(fontData(name)) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Parse(%q): %v", name, err) continue } ppem := fixed.Int26_6(f.UnitsPerEm()) got, err := f.Bounds(&b, ppem, font.HintingNone) if err != nil { t.Errorf("name=%q: Bounds: %v", name, err) continue } if got != want { t.Errorf("name=%q: Bounds: got %v, want %v", name, got, want) continue } } } func TestMetrics(t *testing.T) { cmapFont, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/cmapTest.ttf")) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } testCases := map[string]struct { font []byte want font.Metrics }{ "goregular": {goregular.TTF, font.Metrics{Height: 2367, Ascent: 1935, Descent: 432, XHeight: 1086, CapHeight: 1480, CaretSlope: image.Point{X: 0, Y: 1}}}, // cmapTest.ttf has a non-zero lineGap. "cmapTest": {cmapFont, font.Metrics{Height: 1549, Ascent: 1365, Descent: 0, XHeight: 800, CapHeight: 800, CaretSlope: image.Point{X: 20, Y: 100}}}, } var b Buffer for name, tc := range testCases { f, err := Parse(tc.font) if err != nil { t.Errorf("name=%q: Parse: %v", name, err) continue } ppem := fixed.Int26_6(f.UnitsPerEm()) got, err := f.Metrics(&b, ppem, font.HintingNone) if err != nil { t.Errorf("name=%q: Metrics: %v", name, err) continue } if got != tc.want { t.Errorf("name=%q: Metrics: got %v, want %v", name, got, tc.want) continue } } } func TestGlyphBounds(t *testing.T) { f, err := Parse(goregular.TTF) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Parse: %v", err) } ppem := fixed.Int26_6(f.UnitsPerEm()) testCases := []struct { r rune wantBounds fixed.Rectangle26_6 wantAdv fixed.Int26_6 }{{ r: ' ', wantBounds: fixed.Rectangle26_6{ Min: fixed.Point26_6{X: 0, Y: 0}, Max: fixed.Point26_6{X: 0, Y: 0}, }, wantAdv: 569, }, { r: 'A', wantBounds: fixed.Rectangle26_6{ Min: fixed.Point26_6{X: 19, Y: -1480}, Max: fixed.Point26_6{X: 1342, Y: 0}, }, wantAdv: 1366, }, { r: 'Á', wantBounds: fixed.Rectangle26_6{ Min: fixed.Point26_6{X: 19, Y: -1935}, Max: fixed.Point26_6{X: 1342, Y: 0}, }, wantAdv: 1366, }, { r: 'Æ', wantBounds: fixed.Rectangle26_6{ Min: fixed.Point26_6{X: 19, Y: -1480}, Max: fixed.Point26_6{X: 1990, Y: 0}, }, wantAdv: 2048, }, { r: 'i', wantBounds: fixed.Rectangle26_6{ Min: fixed.Point26_6{X: 144, Y: -1500}, Max: fixed.Point26_6{X: 361, Y: 0}}, wantAdv: 505, }, { r: 'j', wantBounds: fixed.Rectangle26_6{ Min: fixed.Point26_6{X: -84, Y: -1500}, Max: fixed.Point26_6{X: 387, Y: 419}, }, wantAdv: 519, }, { r: 'x', wantBounds: fixed.Rectangle26_6{ Min: fixed.Point26_6{X: 28, Y: -1086}, Max: fixed.Point26_6{X: 993, Y: 0}, }, wantAdv: 1024, }} var b Buffer for _, tc := range testCases { gi, err := f.GlyphIndex(&b, tc.r) if err != nil { t.Errorf("r=%q: %v", tc.r, err) continue } gotBounds, gotAdv, err := f.GlyphBounds(&b, gi, ppem, font.HintingNone) if err != nil { t.Errorf("r=%q: GlyphBounds: %v", tc.r, err) continue } if gotBounds != tc.wantBounds { t.Errorf("r=%q: Bounds: got %#v, want %#v", tc.r, gotBounds, tc.wantBounds) } if gotAdv != tc.wantAdv { t.Errorf("r=%q: Adv: got %#v, want %#v", tc.r, gotAdv, tc.wantAdv) } } } func TestGlyphAdvance(t *testing.T) { testCases := map[string][]struct { r rune want fixed.Int26_6 }{ "gobold": { {' ', 569}, {'A', 1479}, {'Á', 1479}, {'Æ', 2048}, {'i', 592}, {'x', 1139}, }, "gomono": { {' ', 1229}, {'A', 1229}, {'Á', 1229}, {'Æ', 1229}, {'i', 1229}, {'x', 1229}, }, "goregular": { {' ', 569}, {'A', 1366}, {'Á', 1366}, {'Æ', 2048}, {'i', 505}, {'x', 1024}, }, } var b Buffer for name, testCases1 := range testCases { f, err := Parse(fontData(name)) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Parse(%q): %v", name, err) continue } ppem := fixed.Int26_6(f.UnitsPerEm()) for _, tc := range testCases1 { x, err := f.GlyphIndex(&b, tc.r) if err != nil { t.Errorf("name=%q, r=%q: GlyphIndex: %v", name, tc.r, err) continue } got, err := f.GlyphAdvance(&b, x, ppem, font.HintingNone) if err != nil { t.Errorf("name=%q, r=%q: GlyphAdvance: %v", name, tc.r, err) continue } if got != tc.want { t.Errorf("name=%q, r=%q: GlyphAdvance: got %d, want %d", name, tc.r, got, tc.want) continue } } } } func TestGoRegularGlyphIndex(t *testing.T) { f, err := Parse(goregular.TTF) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Parse: %v", err) } testCases := []struct { r rune want GlyphIndex }{ // Glyphs that aren't present in Go Regular. {'\u001f', 0}, // U+001F {'\u0200', 0}, // U+0200 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DOUBLE GRAVE {'\u2000', 0}, // U+2000 EN QUAD // The want values below can be verified by running the ttx tool on // Go-Regular.ttf. // // The actual values are ad hoc, and result from whatever tools the // Bigelow & Holmes type foundry used, the order in which they crafted // the glyphs and post-processing tools such as // (https://github.com/nigeltao/fontscripts/tree/master/cmd/ttfreindex). // They may change over time as newer versions of the font are // released. {'\u0020', 3}, // U+0020 SPACE {'\u0021', 4}, // U+0021 EXCLAMATION MARK {'\u0022', 5}, // U+0022 QUOTATION MARK {'\u0023', 6}, // U+0023 NUMBER SIGN {'\u0024', 7}, // U+0024 DOLLAR SIGN {'\u0025', 8}, // U+0025 PERCENT SIGN {'\u0026', 9}, // U+0026 AMPERSAND {'\u0027', 10}, // U+0027 APOSTROPHE {'\u03bd', 413}, // U+03BD GREEK SMALL LETTER NU {'\u03be', 414}, // U+03BE GREEK SMALL LETTER XI {'\u03bf', 415}, // U+03BF GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON {'\u03c0', 416}, // U+03C0 GREEK SMALL LETTER PI {'\u03c1', 417}, // U+03C1 GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO {'\u03c2', 418}, // U+03C2 GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA } var b Buffer for _, tc := range testCases { got, err := f.GlyphIndex(&b, tc.r) if err != nil { t.Errorf("r=%q: %v", tc.r, err) continue } if got != tc.want { t.Errorf("r=%q: got %d, want %d", tc.r, got, tc.want) continue } } } func TestGlyphIndex(t *testing.T) { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/cmapTest.ttf")) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for _, format := range []int{-1, 0, 4, 12} { testGlyphIndex(t, data, format) } } func testGlyphIndex(t *testing.T, data []byte, cmapFormat int) { if cmapFormat >= 0 { originalSupportedCmapFormat := supportedCmapFormat defer func() { supportedCmapFormat = originalSupportedCmapFormat }() supportedCmapFormat = func(format, pid, psid uint16) bool { return int(format) == cmapFormat && originalSupportedCmapFormat(format, pid, psid) } } f, err := Parse(data) if err != nil { t.Errorf("cmapFormat=%d: %v", cmapFormat, err) return } testCases := []struct { r rune want GlyphIndex }{ // Glyphs that aren't present in cmapTest.ttf. {'?', 0}, {'\ufffd', 0}, {'\U0001f4a9', 0}, // For a .TTF file, FontForge maps: // - ".notdef" to glyph index 0. // - ".null" to glyph index 1. // - "nonmarkingreturn" to glyph index 2. {'/', 0}, {'0', 3}, {'1', 4}, {'2', 5}, {'3', 0}, {'@', 0}, {'A', 6}, {'B', 7}, {'C', 0}, {'`', 0}, {'a', 8}, {'b', 0}, // Of the remaining runes, only U+00FF LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH // DIAERESIS is in both the Mac Roman encoding and the cmapTest.ttf // font file. {'\u00fe', 0}, {'\u00ff', 9}, {'\u0100', 10}, {'\u0101', 11}, {'\u0102', 0}, {'\u4e2c', 0}, {'\u4e2d', 12}, {'\u4e2e', 0}, {'\U0001f0a0', 0}, {'\U0001f0a1', 13}, {'\U0001f0a2', 0}, {'\U0001f0b0', 0}, {'\U0001f0b1', 14}, {'\U0001f0b2', 15}, {'\U0001f0b3', 0}, } var b Buffer for _, tc := range testCases { want := tc.want switch { case cmapFormat == 0 && tc.r > '\u007f' && tc.r != '\u00ff': // cmap format 0, with the Macintosh Roman encoding, can only // represent a limited set of non-ASCII runes, e.g. U+00FF. want = 0 case cmapFormat == 4 && tc.r > '\uffff': // cmap format 4 only supports the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). want = 0 } got, err := f.GlyphIndex(&b, tc.r) if err != nil { t.Errorf("cmapFormat=%d, r=%q: %v", cmapFormat, tc.r, err) continue } if got != want { t.Errorf("cmapFormat=%d, r=%q: got %d, want %d", cmapFormat, tc.r, got, want) continue } } } func TestPostScriptSegments(t *testing.T) { // wants' vectors correspond 1-to-1 to what's in the CFFTest.sfd file, // although OpenType/CFF and FontForge's SFD have reversed orders. // https://fontforge.github.io/validation.html says that "All paths must be // drawn in a consistent direction. Clockwise for external paths, // anti-clockwise for internal paths. (Actually PostScript requires the // exact opposite, but FontForge reverses PostScript contours when it loads // them so that everything is consistent internally -- and reverses them // again when it saves them, of course)." // // The .notdef glyph isn't explicitly in the SFD file, but for some unknown // reason, FontForge generates it in the OpenType/CFF file. wants := [][]Segment{{ // .notdef // - contour #0 moveTo(50, 0), lineTo(450, 0), lineTo(450, 533), lineTo(50, 533), lineTo(50, 0), // - contour #1 moveTo(100, 50), lineTo(100, 483), lineTo(400, 483), lineTo(400, 50), lineTo(100, 50), }, { // zero // - contour #0 moveTo(300, 700), cubeTo(380, 700, 420, 580, 420, 500), cubeTo(420, 350, 390, 100, 300, 100), cubeTo(220, 100, 180, 220, 180, 300), cubeTo(180, 450, 210, 700, 300, 700), // - contour #1 moveTo(300, 800), cubeTo(200, 800, 100, 580, 100, 400), cubeTo(100, 220, 200, 0, 300, 0), cubeTo(400, 0, 500, 220, 500, 400), cubeTo(500, 580, 400, 800, 300, 800), }, { // one // - contour #0 moveTo(100, 0), lineTo(300, 0), lineTo(300, 800), lineTo(100, 800), lineTo(100, 0), }, { // Q // - contour #0 moveTo(657, 237), lineTo(289, 387), lineTo(519, 615), lineTo(657, 237), // - contour #1 moveTo(792, 169), cubeTo(867, 263, 926, 502, 791, 665), cubeTo(645, 840, 380, 831, 228, 673), cubeTo(71, 509, 110, 231, 242, 93), cubeTo(369, -39, 641, 18, 722, 93), lineTo(802, 3), lineTo(864, 83), lineTo(792, 169), }, { // uni4E2D // - contour #0 moveTo(141, 520), lineTo(137, 356), lineTo(245, 400), lineTo(331, 26), lineTo(355, 414), lineTo(463, 434), lineTo(453, 620), lineTo(341, 592), lineTo(331, 758), lineTo(243, 752), lineTo(235, 562), lineTo(141, 520), }} testSegments(t, "CFFTest.otf", wants) } func TestTrueTypeSegments(t *testing.T) { // wants' vectors correspond 1-to-1 to what's in the glyfTest.sfd file, // although FontForge's SFD format stores quadratic Bézier curves as cubics // with duplicated off-curve points. quadTo(bx, by, cx, cy) is stored as // "bx by bx by cx cy". // // The .notdef, .null and nonmarkingreturn glyphs aren't explicitly in the // SFD file, but for some unknown reason, FontForge generates them in the // TrueType file. wants := [][]Segment{{ // .notdef // - contour #0 moveTo(68, 0), lineTo(68, 1365), lineTo(612, 1365), lineTo(612, 0), lineTo(68, 0), // - contour #1 moveTo(136, 68), lineTo(544, 68), lineTo(544, 1297), lineTo(136, 1297), lineTo(136, 68), }, { // .null // Empty glyph. }, { // nonmarkingreturn // Empty glyph. }, { // zero // - contour #0 moveTo(614, 1434), quadTo(369, 1434, 369, 614), quadTo(369, 471, 435, 338), quadTo(502, 205, 614, 205), quadTo(860, 205, 860, 1024), quadTo(860, 1167, 793, 1300), quadTo(727, 1434, 614, 1434), // - contour #1 moveTo(614, 1638), quadTo(1024, 1638, 1024, 819), quadTo(1024, 0, 614, 0), quadTo(205, 0, 205, 819), quadTo(205, 1638, 614, 1638), }, { // one // - contour #0 moveTo(205, 0), lineTo(205, 1638), lineTo(614, 1638), lineTo(614, 0), lineTo(205, 0), }, { // five // - contour #0 moveTo(0, 0), lineTo(0, 100), lineTo(400, 100), lineTo(400, 0), lineTo(0, 0), }, { // six // - contour #0 moveTo(0, 0), lineTo(0, 100), lineTo(400, 100), lineTo(400, 0), lineTo(0, 0), // - contour #1 translate(111, 234, moveTo(205, 0)), translate(111, 234, lineTo(205, 1638)), translate(111, 234, lineTo(614, 1638)), translate(111, 234, lineTo(614, 0)), translate(111, 234, lineTo(205, 0)), }, { // seven // - contour #0 moveTo(0, 0), lineTo(0, 100), lineTo(400, 100), lineTo(400, 0), lineTo(0, 0), // - contour #1 transform(1<<13, 0, 0, 1<<13, 56, 117, moveTo(205, 0)), transform(1<<13, 0, 0, 1<<13, 56, 117, lineTo(205, 1638)), transform(1<<13, 0, 0, 1<<13, 56, 117, lineTo(614, 1638)), transform(1<<13, 0, 0, 1<<13, 56, 117, lineTo(614, 0)), transform(1<<13, 0, 0, 1<<13, 56, 117, lineTo(205, 0)), }, { // eight // - contour #0 moveTo(0, 0), lineTo(0, 100), lineTo(400, 100), lineTo(400, 0), lineTo(0, 0), // - contour #1 transform(3<<13, 0, 0, 1<<13, 56, 117, moveTo(205, 0)), transform(3<<13, 0, 0, 1<<13, 56, 117, lineTo(205, 1638)), transform(3<<13, 0, 0, 1<<13, 56, 117, lineTo(614, 1638)), transform(3<<13, 0, 0, 1<<13, 56, 117, lineTo(614, 0)), transform(3<<13, 0, 0, 1<<13, 56, 117, lineTo(205, 0)), }, { // nine // - contour #0 moveTo(0, 0), lineTo(0, 100), lineTo(400, 100), lineTo(400, 0), lineTo(0, 0), // - contour #1 transform(22381, 8192, 5996, 14188, 237, 258, moveTo(205, 0)), transform(22381, 8192, 5996, 14188, 237, 258, lineTo(205, 1638)), transform(22381, 8192, 5996, 14188, 237, 258, lineTo(614, 1638)), transform(22381, 8192, 5996, 14188, 237, 258, lineTo(614, 0)), transform(22381, 8192, 5996, 14188, 237, 258, lineTo(205, 0)), }} testSegments(t, "glyfTest.ttf", wants) } func testSegments(t *testing.T, filename string, wants [][]Segment) { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/" + filename)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err) } f, err := Parse(data) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Parse: %v", err) } ppem := fixed.Int26_6(f.UnitsPerEm()) if ng := f.NumGlyphs(); ng != len(wants) { t.Fatalf("NumGlyphs: got %d, want %d", ng, len(wants)) } var b Buffer for i, want := range wants { got, err := f.LoadGlyph(&b, GlyphIndex(i), ppem, nil) if err != nil { t.Errorf("i=%d: LoadGlyph: %v", i, err) continue } if err := checkSegmentsEqual(got, want); err != nil { t.Errorf("i=%d: %v", i, err) continue } } if _, err := f.LoadGlyph(nil, 0xffff, ppem, nil); err != ErrNotFound { t.Errorf("LoadGlyph(..., 0xffff, ...):\ngot %v\nwant %v", err, ErrNotFound) } name, err := f.Name(nil, NameIDFamily) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Name: %v", err) } else if want := filename[:len(filename)-len(".ttf")]; name != want { t.Errorf("Name:\ngot %q\nwant %q", name, want) } } func TestPPEM(t *testing.T) { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/glyfTest.ttf")) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err) } f, err := Parse(data) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Parse: %v", err) } var b Buffer x, err := f.GlyphIndex(&b, '1') if err != nil { t.Fatalf("GlyphIndex: %v", err) } if x == 0 { t.Fatalf("GlyphIndex: no glyph index found for the rune '1'") } testCases := []struct { ppem fixed.Int26_6 want []Segment }{{ ppem: fixed.Int26_6(12 << 6), want: []Segment{ moveTo(77, 0), lineTo(77, 614), lineTo(230, 614), lineTo(230, 0), lineTo(77, 0), }, }, { ppem: fixed.Int26_6(2048), want: []Segment{ moveTo(205, 0), lineTo(205, 1638), lineTo(614, 1638), lineTo(614, 0), lineTo(205, 0), }, }} for i, tc := range testCases { got, err := f.LoadGlyph(&b, x, tc.ppem, nil) if err != nil { t.Errorf("i=%d: LoadGlyph: %v", i, err) continue } if err := checkSegmentsEqual(got, tc.want); err != nil { t.Errorf("i=%d: %v", i, err) continue } } } func TestPostInfo(t *testing.T) { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.FromSlash("../testdata/glyfTest.ttf")) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err) } f, err := Parse(data) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Parse: %v", err) } post := f.PostTable() if post.ItalicAngle != -11.25 { t.Error("ItalicAngle:", post.ItalicAngle) } if post.UnderlinePosition != -255 { t.Error("UnderlinePosition:", post.UnderlinePosition) } if post.UnderlineThickness != 102 { t.Error("UnderlineThickness:", post.UnderlineThickness) } if post.IsFixedPitch { t.Error("IsFixedPitch:", post.IsFixedPitch) } } func TestGlyphName(t *testing.T) { f, err := Parse(goregular.TTF) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Parse: %v", err) } testCases := []struct { r rune want string }{ {'\x00', "uni0000"}, {'!', "exclam"}, {'A', "A"}, {'{', "braceleft"}, {'\u00c4', "Adieresis"}, // U+00C4 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS {'\u2020', "dagger"}, // U+2020 DAGGER {'\u2660', "spade"}, // U+2660 BLACK SPADE SUIT {'\uf800', "gopher"}, // U+F800 {'\ufffe', ".notdef"}, // Not in the Go Regular font, so GlyphIndex returns (0, nil). } var b Buffer for _, tc := range testCases { x, err := f.GlyphIndex(&b, tc.r) if err != nil { t.Errorf("r=%q: GlyphIndex: %v", tc.r, err) continue } got, err := f.GlyphName(&b, x) if err != nil { t.Errorf("r=%q: GlyphName: %v", tc.r, err) continue } if got != tc.want { t.Errorf("r=%q: got %q, want %q", tc.r, got, tc.want) continue } } } func TestBuiltInPostNames(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { x GlyphIndex want string }{ {0, ".notdef"}, {1, ".null"}, {2, "nonmarkingreturn"}, {13, "asterisk"}, {36, "A"}, {93, "z"}, {123, "ocircumflex"}, {202, "Edieresis"}, {255, "Ccaron"}, {256, "ccaron"}, {257, "dcroat"}, {258, ""}, {999, ""}, {0xffff, ""}, } for _, tc := range testCases { if tc.x >= numBuiltInPostNames { continue } i := builtInPostNamesOffsets[tc.x+0] j := builtInPostNamesOffsets[tc.x+1] got := builtInPostNamesData[i:j] if got != tc.want { t.Errorf("x=%d: got %q, want %q", tc.x, got, tc.want) } } }