
Source file src/golang.org/x/exp/trace/oldtrace.go

Documentation: golang.org/x/exp/trace

     1  // Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // Code generated by "gen.bash" from internal/trace/v2; DO NOT EDIT.
     7  //go:build go1.21
     9  // This file implements conversion from old (Go 1.11–Go 1.21) traces to the Go
    10  // 1.22 format.
    11  //
    12  // Most events have direct equivalents in 1.22, at worst requiring arguments to
    13  // be reordered. Some events, such as GoWaiting need to look ahead for follow-up
    14  // events to determine the correct translation. GoSyscall, which is an
    15  // instantaneous event, gets turned into a 1 ns long pair of
    16  // GoSyscallStart+GoSyscallEnd, unless we observe a GoSysBlock, in which case we
    17  // emit a GoSyscallStart+GoSyscallEndBlocked pair with the correct duration
    18  // (i.e. starting at the original GoSyscall).
    19  //
    20  // The resulting trace treats the old trace as a single, large generation,
    21  // sharing a single evTable for all events.
    22  //
    23  // We use a new (compared to what was used for 'go tool trace' in earlier
    24  // versions of Go) parser for old traces that is optimized for speed, low memory
    25  // usage, and minimal GC pressure. It allocates events in batches so that even
    26  // though we have to load the entire trace into memory, the conversion process
    27  // shouldn't result in a doubling of memory usage, even if all converted events
    28  // are kept alive, as we free batches once we're done with them.
    29  //
    30  // The conversion process is lossless.
    32  package trace
    34  import (
    35  	"errors"
    36  	"fmt"
    37  	"golang.org/x/exp/trace/internal/event"
    38  	"golang.org/x/exp/trace/internal/event/go122"
    39  	"golang.org/x/exp/trace/internal/oldtrace"
    40  	"io"
    41  )
    43  type oldTraceConverter struct {
    44  	trace          oldtrace.Trace
    45  	evt            *evTable
    46  	preInit        bool
    47  	createdPreInit map[GoID]struct{}
    48  	events         oldtrace.Events
    49  	extra          []Event
    50  	extraArr       [3]Event
    51  	tasks          map[TaskID]taskState
    52  	seenProcs      map[ProcID]struct{}
    53  	lastTs         Time
    54  	procMs         map[ProcID]ThreadID
    55  	lastStwReason  uint64
    57  	inlineToStringID  []uint64
    58  	builtinToStringID []uint64
    59  }
    61  const (
    62  	// Block reasons
    63  	sForever = iota
    64  	sPreempted
    65  	sGosched
    66  	sSleep
    67  	sChanSend
    68  	sChanRecv
    69  	sNetwork
    70  	sSync
    71  	sSyncCond
    72  	sSelect
    73  	sEmpty
    74  	sMarkAssistWait
    76  	// STW kinds
    77  	sSTWUnknown
    78  	sSTWGCMarkTermination
    79  	sSTWGCSweepTermination
    80  	sSTWWriteHeapDump
    81  	sSTWGoroutineProfile
    82  	sSTWGoroutineProfileCleanup
    83  	sSTWAllGoroutinesStackTrace
    84  	sSTWReadMemStats
    85  	sSTWAllThreadsSyscall
    87  	sSTWStartTrace
    88  	sSTWStopTrace
    89  	sSTWCountPagesInUse
    90  	sSTWReadMetricsSlow
    91  	sSTWReadMemStatsSlow
    92  	sSTWPageCachePagesLeaked
    93  	sSTWResetDebugLog
    95  	sLast
    96  )
    98  func (it *oldTraceConverter) init(pr oldtrace.Trace) error {
    99  	it.trace = pr
   100  	it.preInit = true
   101  	it.createdPreInit = make(map[GoID]struct{})
   102  	it.evt = &evTable{pcs: make(map[uint64]frame)}
   103  	it.events = pr.Events
   104  	it.extra = it.extraArr[:0]
   105  	it.tasks = make(map[TaskID]taskState)
   106  	it.seenProcs = make(map[ProcID]struct{})
   107  	it.procMs = make(map[ProcID]ThreadID)
   108  	it.lastTs = -1
   110  	evt := it.evt
   112  	// Convert from oldtracer's Strings map to our dataTable.
   113  	var max uint64
   114  	for id, s := range pr.Strings {
   115  		evt.strings.insert(stringID(id), s)
   116  		if id > max {
   117  			max = id
   118  		}
   119  	}
   120  	pr.Strings = nil
   122  	// Add all strings used for UserLog. In the old trace format, these were
   123  	// stored inline and didn't have IDs. We generate IDs for them.
   124  	if max+uint64(len(pr.InlineStrings)) < max {
   125  		return errors.New("trace contains too many strings")
   126  	}
   127  	var addErr error
   128  	add := func(id stringID, s string) {
   129  		if err := evt.strings.insert(id, s); err != nil && addErr == nil {
   130  			addErr = err
   131  		}
   132  	}
   133  	for id, s := range pr.InlineStrings {
   134  		nid := max + 1 + uint64(id)
   135  		it.inlineToStringID = append(it.inlineToStringID, nid)
   136  		add(stringID(nid), s)
   137  	}
   138  	max += uint64(len(pr.InlineStrings))
   139  	pr.InlineStrings = nil
   141  	// Add strings that the converter emits explicitly.
   142  	if max+uint64(sLast) < max {
   143  		return errors.New("trace contains too many strings")
   144  	}
   145  	it.builtinToStringID = make([]uint64, sLast)
   146  	addBuiltin := func(c int, s string) {
   147  		nid := max + 1 + uint64(c)
   148  		it.builtinToStringID[c] = nid
   149  		add(stringID(nid), s)
   150  	}
   151  	addBuiltin(sForever, "forever")
   152  	addBuiltin(sPreempted, "preempted")
   153  	addBuiltin(sGosched, "runtime.Gosched")
   154  	addBuiltin(sSleep, "sleep")
   155  	addBuiltin(sChanSend, "chan send")
   156  	addBuiltin(sChanRecv, "chan receive")
   157  	addBuiltin(sNetwork, "network")
   158  	addBuiltin(sSync, "sync")
   159  	addBuiltin(sSyncCond, "sync.(*Cond).Wait")
   160  	addBuiltin(sSelect, "select")
   161  	addBuiltin(sEmpty, "")
   162  	addBuiltin(sMarkAssistWait, "GC mark assist wait for work")
   163  	addBuiltin(sSTWUnknown, "")
   164  	addBuiltin(sSTWGCMarkTermination, "GC mark termination")
   165  	addBuiltin(sSTWGCSweepTermination, "GC sweep termination")
   166  	addBuiltin(sSTWWriteHeapDump, "write heap dump")
   167  	addBuiltin(sSTWGoroutineProfile, "goroutine profile")
   168  	addBuiltin(sSTWGoroutineProfileCleanup, "goroutine profile cleanup")
   169  	addBuiltin(sSTWAllGoroutinesStackTrace, "all goroutine stack trace")
   170  	addBuiltin(sSTWReadMemStats, "read mem stats")
   171  	addBuiltin(sSTWAllThreadsSyscall, "AllThreadsSyscall")
   172  	addBuiltin(sSTWGOMAXPROCS, "GOMAXPROCS")
   173  	addBuiltin(sSTWStartTrace, "start trace")
   174  	addBuiltin(sSTWStopTrace, "stop trace")
   175  	addBuiltin(sSTWCountPagesInUse, "CountPagesInUse (test)")
   176  	addBuiltin(sSTWReadMetricsSlow, "ReadMetricsSlow (test)")
   177  	addBuiltin(sSTWReadMemStatsSlow, "ReadMemStatsSlow (test)")
   178  	addBuiltin(sSTWPageCachePagesLeaked, "PageCachePagesLeaked (test)")
   179  	addBuiltin(sSTWResetDebugLog, "ResetDebugLog (test)")
   181  	if addErr != nil {
   182  		// This should be impossible but let's be safe.
   183  		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't add strings: %w", addErr)
   184  	}
   186  	it.evt.strings.compactify()
   188  	// Convert stacks.
   189  	for id, stk := range pr.Stacks {
   190  		evt.stacks.insert(stackID(id), stack{pcs: stk})
   191  	}
   193  	// OPT(dh): if we could share the frame type between this package and
   194  	// oldtrace we wouldn't have to copy the map.
   195  	for pc, f := range pr.PCs {
   196  		evt.pcs[pc] = frame{
   197  			pc:     pc,
   198  			funcID: stringID(f.Fn),
   199  			fileID: stringID(f.File),
   200  			line:   uint64(f.Line),
   201  		}
   202  	}
   203  	pr.Stacks = nil
   204  	pr.PCs = nil
   205  	evt.stacks.compactify()
   206  	return nil
   207  }
   209  // next returns the next event, io.EOF if there are no more events, or a
   210  // descriptive error for invalid events.
   211  func (it *oldTraceConverter) next() (Event, error) {
   212  	if len(it.extra) > 0 {
   213  		ev := it.extra[0]
   214  		it.extra = it.extra[1:]
   216  		if len(it.extra) == 0 {
   217  			it.extra = it.extraArr[:0]
   218  		}
   219  		// Two events aren't allowed to fall on the same timestamp in the new API,
   220  		// but this may happen when we produce EvGoStatus events
   221  		if ev.base.time <= it.lastTs {
   222  			ev.base.time = it.lastTs + 1
   223  		}
   224  		it.lastTs = ev.base.time
   225  		return ev, nil
   226  	}
   228  	oev, ok := it.events.Pop()
   229  	if !ok {
   230  		return Event{}, io.EOF
   231  	}
   233  	ev, err := it.convertEvent(oev)
   235  	if err == errSkip {
   236  		return it.next()
   237  	} else if err != nil {
   238  		return Event{}, err
   239  	}
   241  	// Two events aren't allowed to fall on the same timestamp in the new API,
   242  	// but this may happen when we produce EvGoStatus events
   243  	if ev.base.time <= it.lastTs {
   244  		ev.base.time = it.lastTs + 1
   245  	}
   246  	it.lastTs = ev.base.time
   247  	return ev, nil
   248  }
   250  var errSkip = errors.New("skip event")
   252  // convertEvent converts an event from the old trace format to zero or more
   253  // events in the new format. Most events translate 1 to 1. Some events don't
   254  // result in an event right away, in which case convertEvent returns errSkip.
   255  // Some events result in more than one new event; in this case, convertEvent
   256  // returns the first event and stores additional events in it.extra. When
   257  // encountering events that oldtrace shouldn't be able to emit, ocnvertEvent
   258  // returns a descriptive error.
   259  func (it *oldTraceConverter) convertEvent(ev *oldtrace.Event) (OUT Event, ERR error) {
   260  	var mappedType event.Type
   261  	var mappedArgs timedEventArgs
   262  	copy(mappedArgs[:], ev.Args[:])
   264  	switch ev.Type {
   265  	case oldtrace.EvGomaxprocs:
   266  		mappedType = go122.EvProcsChange
   267  		if it.preInit {
   268  			// The first EvGomaxprocs signals the end of trace initialization. At this point we've seen
   269  			// all goroutines that already existed at trace begin.
   270  			it.preInit = false
   271  			for gid := range it.createdPreInit {
   272  				// These are goroutines that already existed when tracing started but for which we
   273  				// received neither GoWaiting, GoInSyscall, or GoStart. These are goroutines that are in
   274  				// the states _Gidle or _Grunnable.
   275  				it.extra = append(it.extra, Event{
   276  					ctx: schedCtx{
   277  						// G: GoID(gid),
   278  						G: NoGoroutine,
   279  						P: NoProc,
   280  						M: NoThread,
   281  					},
   282  					table: it.evt,
   283  					base: baseEvent{
   284  						typ:  go122.EvGoStatus,
   285  						time: Time(ev.Ts),
   286  						args: timedEventArgs{uint64(gid), ^uint64(0), uint64(go122.GoRunnable)},
   287  					},
   288  				})
   289  			}
   290  			it.createdPreInit = nil
   291  			return Event{}, errSkip
   292  		}
   293  	case oldtrace.EvProcStart:
   294  		it.procMs[ProcID(ev.P)] = ThreadID(ev.Args[0])
   295  		if _, ok := it.seenProcs[ProcID(ev.P)]; ok {
   296  			mappedType = go122.EvProcStart
   297  			mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(ev.P)}
   298  		} else {
   299  			it.seenProcs[ProcID(ev.P)] = struct{}{}
   300  			mappedType = go122.EvProcStatus
   301  			mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(ev.P), uint64(go122.ProcRunning)}
   302  		}
   303  	case oldtrace.EvProcStop:
   304  		if _, ok := it.seenProcs[ProcID(ev.P)]; ok {
   305  			mappedType = go122.EvProcStop
   306  			mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(ev.P)}
   307  		} else {
   308  			it.seenProcs[ProcID(ev.P)] = struct{}{}
   309  			mappedType = go122.EvProcStatus
   310  			mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(ev.P), uint64(go122.ProcIdle)}
   311  		}
   312  	case oldtrace.EvGCStart:
   313  		mappedType = go122.EvGCBegin
   314  	case oldtrace.EvGCDone:
   315  		mappedType = go122.EvGCEnd
   316  	case oldtrace.EvSTWStart:
   317  		sid := it.builtinToStringID[sSTWUnknown+it.trace.STWReason(ev.Args[0])]
   318  		it.lastStwReason = sid
   319  		mappedType = go122.EvSTWBegin
   320  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(sid)}
   321  	case oldtrace.EvSTWDone:
   322  		mappedType = go122.EvSTWEnd
   323  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{it.lastStwReason}
   324  	case oldtrace.EvGCSweepStart:
   325  		mappedType = go122.EvGCSweepBegin
   326  	case oldtrace.EvGCSweepDone:
   327  		mappedType = go122.EvGCSweepEnd
   328  	case oldtrace.EvGoCreate:
   329  		if it.preInit {
   330  			it.createdPreInit[GoID(ev.Args[0])] = struct{}{}
   331  			return Event{}, errSkip
   332  		}
   333  		mappedType = go122.EvGoCreate
   334  	case oldtrace.EvGoStart:
   335  		if it.preInit {
   336  			mappedType = go122.EvGoStatus
   337  			mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{ev.Args[0], ^uint64(0), uint64(go122.GoRunning)}
   338  			delete(it.createdPreInit, GoID(ev.Args[0]))
   339  		} else {
   340  			mappedType = go122.EvGoStart
   341  		}
   342  	case oldtrace.EvGoStartLabel:
   343  		it.extra = []Event{{
   344  			ctx: schedCtx{
   345  				G: GoID(ev.G),
   346  				P: ProcID(ev.P),
   347  				M: it.procMs[ProcID(ev.P)],
   348  			},
   349  			table: it.evt,
   350  			base: baseEvent{
   351  				typ:  go122.EvGoLabel,
   352  				time: Time(ev.Ts),
   353  				args: timedEventArgs{ev.Args[2]},
   354  			},
   355  		}}
   356  		return Event{
   357  			ctx: schedCtx{
   358  				G: GoID(ev.G),
   359  				P: ProcID(ev.P),
   360  				M: it.procMs[ProcID(ev.P)],
   361  			},
   362  			table: it.evt,
   363  			base: baseEvent{
   364  				typ:  go122.EvGoStart,
   365  				time: Time(ev.Ts),
   366  				args: mappedArgs,
   367  			},
   368  		}, nil
   369  	case oldtrace.EvGoEnd:
   370  		mappedType = go122.EvGoDestroy
   371  	case oldtrace.EvGoStop:
   372  		mappedType = go122.EvGoBlock
   373  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sForever]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   374  	case oldtrace.EvGoSched:
   375  		mappedType = go122.EvGoStop
   376  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sGosched]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   377  	case oldtrace.EvGoPreempt:
   378  		mappedType = go122.EvGoStop
   379  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sPreempted]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   380  	case oldtrace.EvGoSleep:
   381  		mappedType = go122.EvGoBlock
   382  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sSleep]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   383  	case oldtrace.EvGoBlock:
   384  		mappedType = go122.EvGoBlock
   385  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sEmpty]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   386  	case oldtrace.EvGoUnblock:
   387  		mappedType = go122.EvGoUnblock
   388  	case oldtrace.EvGoBlockSend:
   389  		mappedType = go122.EvGoBlock
   390  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sChanSend]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   391  	case oldtrace.EvGoBlockRecv:
   392  		mappedType = go122.EvGoBlock
   393  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sChanRecv]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   394  	case oldtrace.EvGoBlockSelect:
   395  		mappedType = go122.EvGoBlock
   396  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sSelect]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   397  	case oldtrace.EvGoBlockSync:
   398  		mappedType = go122.EvGoBlock
   399  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sSync]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   400  	case oldtrace.EvGoBlockCond:
   401  		mappedType = go122.EvGoBlock
   402  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sSyncCond]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   403  	case oldtrace.EvGoBlockNet:
   404  		mappedType = go122.EvGoBlock
   405  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sNetwork]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   406  	case oldtrace.EvGoBlockGC:
   407  		mappedType = go122.EvGoBlock
   408  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(it.builtinToStringID[sMarkAssistWait]), uint64(ev.StkID)}
   409  	case oldtrace.EvGoSysCall:
   410  		// Look for the next event for the same G to determine if the syscall
   411  		// blocked.
   412  		blocked := false
   413  		it.events.All()(func(nev *oldtrace.Event) bool {
   414  			if nev.G != ev.G {
   415  				return true
   416  			}
   417  			// After an EvGoSysCall, the next event on the same G will either be
   418  			// EvGoSysBlock to denote a blocking syscall, or some other event
   419  			// (or the end of the trace) if the syscall didn't block.
   420  			if nev.Type == oldtrace.EvGoSysBlock {
   421  				blocked = true
   422  			}
   423  			return false
   424  		})
   425  		if blocked {
   426  			mappedType = go122.EvGoSyscallBegin
   427  			mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{1: uint64(ev.StkID)}
   428  		} else {
   429  			// Convert the old instantaneous syscall event to a pair of syscall
   430  			// begin and syscall end and give it the shortest possible duration,
   431  			// 1ns.
   432  			out1 := Event{
   433  				ctx: schedCtx{
   434  					G: GoID(ev.G),
   435  					P: ProcID(ev.P),
   436  					M: it.procMs[ProcID(ev.P)],
   437  				},
   438  				table: it.evt,
   439  				base: baseEvent{
   440  					typ:  go122.EvGoSyscallBegin,
   441  					time: Time(ev.Ts),
   442  					args: timedEventArgs{1: uint64(ev.StkID)},
   443  				},
   444  			}
   446  			out2 := Event{
   447  				ctx:   out1.ctx,
   448  				table: it.evt,
   449  				base: baseEvent{
   450  					typ:  go122.EvGoSyscallEnd,
   451  					time: Time(ev.Ts + 1),
   452  					args: timedEventArgs{},
   453  				},
   454  			}
   456  			it.extra = append(it.extra, out2)
   457  			return out1, nil
   458  		}
   460  	case oldtrace.EvGoSysExit:
   461  		mappedType = go122.EvGoSyscallEndBlocked
   462  	case oldtrace.EvGoSysBlock:
   463  		return Event{}, errSkip
   464  	case oldtrace.EvGoWaiting:
   465  		mappedType = go122.EvGoStatus
   466  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{ev.Args[0], ^uint64(0), uint64(go122.GoWaiting)}
   467  		delete(it.createdPreInit, GoID(ev.Args[0]))
   468  	case oldtrace.EvGoInSyscall:
   469  		mappedType = go122.EvGoStatus
   470  		// In the new tracer, GoStatus with GoSyscall knows what thread the
   471  		// syscall is on. In the old tracer, EvGoInSyscall doesn't contain that
   472  		// information and all we can do here is specify NoThread.
   473  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{ev.Args[0], ^uint64(0), uint64(go122.GoSyscall)}
   474  		delete(it.createdPreInit, GoID(ev.Args[0]))
   475  	case oldtrace.EvHeapAlloc:
   476  		mappedType = go122.EvHeapAlloc
   477  	case oldtrace.EvHeapGoal:
   478  		mappedType = go122.EvHeapGoal
   479  	case oldtrace.EvGCMarkAssistStart:
   480  		mappedType = go122.EvGCMarkAssistBegin
   481  	case oldtrace.EvGCMarkAssistDone:
   482  		mappedType = go122.EvGCMarkAssistEnd
   483  	case oldtrace.EvUserTaskCreate:
   484  		mappedType = go122.EvUserTaskBegin
   485  		parent := ev.Args[1]
   486  		if parent == 0 {
   487  			parent = uint64(NoTask)
   488  		}
   489  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{ev.Args[0], parent, ev.Args[2], uint64(ev.StkID)}
   490  		name, _ := it.evt.strings.get(stringID(ev.Args[2]))
   491  		it.tasks[TaskID(ev.Args[0])] = taskState{name: name, parentID: TaskID(ev.Args[1])}
   492  	case oldtrace.EvUserTaskEnd:
   493  		mappedType = go122.EvUserTaskEnd
   494  		// Event.Task expects the parent and name to be smuggled in extra args
   495  		// and as extra strings.
   496  		ts, ok := it.tasks[TaskID(ev.Args[0])]
   497  		if ok {
   498  			delete(it.tasks, TaskID(ev.Args[0]))
   499  			mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{
   500  				ev.Args[0],
   501  				ev.Args[1],
   502  				uint64(ts.parentID),
   503  				uint64(it.evt.addExtraString(ts.name)),
   504  			}
   505  		} else {
   506  			mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{ev.Args[0], ev.Args[1], uint64(NoTask), uint64(it.evt.addExtraString(""))}
   507  		}
   508  	case oldtrace.EvUserRegion:
   509  		switch ev.Args[1] {
   510  		case 0: // start
   511  			mappedType = go122.EvUserRegionBegin
   512  		case 1: // end
   513  			mappedType = go122.EvUserRegionEnd
   514  		}
   515  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{ev.Args[0], ev.Args[2], uint64(ev.StkID)}
   516  	case oldtrace.EvUserLog:
   517  		mappedType = go122.EvUserLog
   518  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{ev.Args[0], ev.Args[1], it.inlineToStringID[ev.Args[3]], uint64(ev.StkID)}
   519  	case oldtrace.EvCPUSample:
   520  		mappedType = go122.EvCPUSample
   521  		// When emitted by the Go 1.22 tracer, CPU samples have 5 arguments:
   522  		// timestamp, M, P, G, stack. However, after they get turned into Event,
   523  		// they have the arguments stack, M, P, G.
   524  		//
   525  		// In Go 1.21, CPU samples did not have Ms.
   526  		mappedArgs = timedEventArgs{uint64(ev.StkID), ^uint64(0), uint64(ev.P), ev.G}
   527  	default:
   528  		return Event{}, fmt.Errorf("unexpected event type %v", ev.Type)
   529  	}
   531  	if oldtrace.EventDescriptions[ev.Type].Stack {
   532  		if stackIDs := go122.Specs()[mappedType].StackIDs; len(stackIDs) > 0 {
   533  			mappedArgs[stackIDs[0]-1] = uint64(ev.StkID)
   534  		}
   535  	}
   537  	m := NoThread
   538  	if ev.P != -1 && ev.Type != oldtrace.EvCPUSample {
   539  		if t, ok := it.procMs[ProcID(ev.P)]; ok {
   540  			m = ThreadID(t)
   541  		}
   542  	}
   543  	if ev.Type == oldtrace.EvProcStop {
   544  		delete(it.procMs, ProcID(ev.P))
   545  	}
   546  	g := GoID(ev.G)
   547  	if g == 0 {
   548  		g = NoGoroutine
   549  	}
   550  	out := Event{
   551  		ctx: schedCtx{
   552  			G: GoID(g),
   553  			P: ProcID(ev.P),
   554  			M: m,
   555  		},
   556  		table: it.evt,
   557  		base: baseEvent{
   558  			typ:  mappedType,
   559  			time: Time(ev.Ts),
   560  			args: mappedArgs,
   561  		},
   562  	}
   563  	return out, nil
   564  }
   566  // convertOldFormat takes a fully loaded trace in the old trace format and
   567  // returns an iterator over events in the new format.
   568  func convertOldFormat(pr oldtrace.Trace) *oldTraceConverter {
   569  	it := &oldTraceConverter{}
   570  	it.init(pr)
   571  	return it
   572  }

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