
Source file src/golang.org/x/exp/slog/record.go

Documentation: golang.org/x/exp/slog

     1  // Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package slog
     7  import (
     8  	"runtime"
     9  	"time"
    11  	"golang.org/x/exp/slices"
    12  )
    14  const nAttrsInline = 5
    16  // A Record holds information about a log event.
    17  // Copies of a Record share state.
    18  // Do not modify a Record after handing out a copy to it.
    19  // Use [Record.Clone] to create a copy with no shared state.
    20  type Record struct {
    21  	// The time at which the output method (Log, Info, etc.) was called.
    22  	Time time.Time
    24  	// The log message.
    25  	Message string
    27  	// The level of the event.
    28  	Level Level
    30  	// The program counter at the time the record was constructed, as determined
    31  	// by runtime.Callers. If zero, no program counter is available.
    32  	//
    33  	// The only valid use for this value is as an argument to
    34  	// [runtime.CallersFrames]. In particular, it must not be passed to
    35  	// [runtime.FuncForPC].
    36  	PC uintptr
    38  	// Allocation optimization: an inline array sized to hold
    39  	// the majority of log calls (based on examination of open-source
    40  	// code). It holds the start of the list of Attrs.
    41  	front [nAttrsInline]Attr
    43  	// The number of Attrs in front.
    44  	nFront int
    46  	// The list of Attrs except for those in front.
    47  	// Invariants:
    48  	//   - len(back) > 0 iff nFront == len(front)
    49  	//   - Unused array elements are zero. Used to detect mistakes.
    50  	back []Attr
    51  }
    53  // NewRecord creates a Record from the given arguments.
    54  // Use [Record.AddAttrs] to add attributes to the Record.
    55  //
    56  // NewRecord is intended for logging APIs that want to support a [Handler] as
    57  // a backend.
    58  func NewRecord(t time.Time, level Level, msg string, pc uintptr) Record {
    59  	return Record{
    60  		Time:    t,
    61  		Message: msg,
    62  		Level:   level,
    63  		PC:      pc,
    64  	}
    65  }
    67  // Clone returns a copy of the record with no shared state.
    68  // The original record and the clone can both be modified
    69  // without interfering with each other.
    70  func (r Record) Clone() Record {
    71  	r.back = slices.Clip(r.back) // prevent append from mutating shared array
    72  	return r
    73  }
    75  // NumAttrs returns the number of attributes in the Record.
    76  func (r Record) NumAttrs() int {
    77  	return r.nFront + len(r.back)
    78  }
    80  // Attrs calls f on each Attr in the Record.
    81  // Iteration stops if f returns false.
    82  func (r Record) Attrs(f func(Attr) bool) {
    83  	for i := 0; i < r.nFront; i++ {
    84  		if !f(r.front[i]) {
    85  			return
    86  		}
    87  	}
    88  	for _, a := range r.back {
    89  		if !f(a) {
    90  			return
    91  		}
    92  	}
    93  }
    95  // AddAttrs appends the given Attrs to the Record's list of Attrs.
    96  func (r *Record) AddAttrs(attrs ...Attr) {
    97  	n := copy(r.front[r.nFront:], attrs)
    98  	r.nFront += n
    99  	// Check if a copy was modified by slicing past the end
   100  	// and seeing if the Attr there is non-zero.
   101  	if cap(r.back) > len(r.back) {
   102  		end := r.back[:len(r.back)+1][len(r.back)]
   103  		if !end.isEmpty() {
   104  			panic("copies of a slog.Record were both modified")
   105  		}
   106  	}
   107  	r.back = append(r.back, attrs[n:]...)
   108  }
   110  // Add converts the args to Attrs as described in [Logger.Log],
   111  // then appends the Attrs to the Record's list of Attrs.
   112  func (r *Record) Add(args ...any) {
   113  	var a Attr
   114  	for len(args) > 0 {
   115  		a, args = argsToAttr(args)
   116  		if r.nFront < len(r.front) {
   117  			r.front[r.nFront] = a
   118  			r.nFront++
   119  		} else {
   120  			if r.back == nil {
   121  				r.back = make([]Attr, 0, countAttrs(args))
   122  			}
   123  			r.back = append(r.back, a)
   124  		}
   125  	}
   127  }
   129  // countAttrs returns the number of Attrs that would be created from args.
   130  func countAttrs(args []any) int {
   131  	n := 0
   132  	for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
   133  		n++
   134  		if _, ok := args[i].(string); ok {
   135  			i++
   136  		}
   137  	}
   138  	return n
   139  }
   141  const badKey = "!BADKEY"
   143  // argsToAttr turns a prefix of the nonempty args slice into an Attr
   144  // and returns the unconsumed portion of the slice.
   145  // If args[0] is an Attr, it returns it.
   146  // If args[0] is a string, it treats the first two elements as
   147  // a key-value pair.
   148  // Otherwise, it treats args[0] as a value with a missing key.
   149  func argsToAttr(args []any) (Attr, []any) {
   150  	switch x := args[0].(type) {
   151  	case string:
   152  		if len(args) == 1 {
   153  			return String(badKey, x), nil
   154  		}
   155  		return Any(x, args[1]), args[2:]
   157  	case Attr:
   158  		return x, args[1:]
   160  	default:
   161  		return Any(badKey, x), args[1:]
   162  	}
   163  }
   165  // Source describes the location of a line of source code.
   166  type Source struct {
   167  	// Function is the package path-qualified function name containing the
   168  	// source line. If non-empty, this string uniquely identifies a single
   169  	// function in the program. This may be the empty string if not known.
   170  	Function string `json:"function"`
   171  	// File and Line are the file name and line number (1-based) of the source
   172  	// line. These may be the empty string and zero, respectively, if not known.
   173  	File string `json:"file"`
   174  	Line int    `json:"line"`
   175  }
   177  // attrs returns the non-zero fields of s as a slice of attrs.
   178  // It is similar to a LogValue method, but we don't want Source
   179  // to implement LogValuer because it would be resolved before
   180  // the ReplaceAttr function was called.
   181  func (s *Source) group() Value {
   182  	var as []Attr
   183  	if s.Function != "" {
   184  		as = append(as, String("function", s.Function))
   185  	}
   186  	if s.File != "" {
   187  		as = append(as, String("file", s.File))
   188  	}
   189  	if s.Line != 0 {
   190  		as = append(as, Int("line", s.Line))
   191  	}
   192  	return GroupValue(as...)
   193  }
   195  // source returns a Source for the log event.
   196  // If the Record was created without the necessary information,
   197  // or if the location is unavailable, it returns a non-nil *Source
   198  // with zero fields.
   199  func (r Record) source() *Source {
   200  	fs := runtime.CallersFrames([]uintptr{r.PC})
   201  	f, _ := fs.Next()
   202  	return &Source{
   203  		Function: f.Function,
   204  		File:     f.File,
   205  		Line:     f.Line,
   206  	}
   207  }

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