// Copyright (c) 2016 Uber Technologies, Inc. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. package zapcore_test import ( "fmt" "sync/atomic" "testing" "time" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "go.uber.org/zap/internal/ztest" //revive:disable:dot-imports . "go.uber.org/zap/zapcore" ) var counterTestCases = [][]string{ // some stuff I made up { "foo", "bar", "baz", "alpha", "bravo", "charlie", "delta", }, // shuf -n50 /usr/share/dict/words { "unbracing", "stereotomy", "supranervian", "moaning", "exchangeability", "gunyang", "sulcation", "dariole", "archheresy", "synchronistically", "clips", "unsanctioned", "Argoan", "liparomphalus", "layship", "Fregatae", "microzoology", "glaciaria", "Frugivora", "patterist", "Grossulariaceae", "lithotint", "bargander", "opisthographical", "cacography", "chalkstone", "nonsubstantialism", "sardonicism", "calamiform", "lodginghouse", "predisposedly", "topotypic", "broideress", "outrange", "gingivolabial", "monoazo", "sparlike", "concameration", "untoothed", "Camorrism", "reissuer", "soap", "palaiotype", "countercharm", "yellowbird", "palterly", "writinger", "boatfalls", "tuglike", "underbitten", }, // shuf -n100 /usr/share/dict/words { "rooty", "malcultivation", "degrade", "pseudoindependent", "stillatory", "antiseptize", "protoamphibian", "antiar", "Esther", "pseudelminth", "superfluitance", "teallite", "disunity", "spirignathous", "vergency", "myliobatid", "inosic", "overabstemious", "patriarchally", "foreimagine", "coetaneity", "hemimellitene", "hyperspatial", "aulophyte", "electropoion", "antitrope", "Amarantus", "smaltine", "lighthead", "syntonically", "incubous", "versation", "cirsophthalmia", "Ulidian", "homoeography", "Velella", "Hecatean", "serfage", "Spermaphyta", "palatoplasty", "electroextraction", "aconite", "avirulence", "initiator", "besmear", "unrecognizably", "euphoniousness", "balbuties", "pascuage", "quebracho", "Yakala", "auriform", "sevenbark", "superorganism", "telesterion", "ensand", "nagaika", "anisuria", "etching", "soundingly", "grumpish", "drillmaster", "perfumed", "dealkylate", "anthracitiferous", "predefiance", "sulphoxylate", "freeness", "untucking", "misworshiper", "Nestorianize", "nonegoistical", "construe", "upstroke", "teated", "nasolachrymal", "Mastodontidae", "gallows", "radioluminescent", "uncourtierlike", "phasmatrope", "Clunisian", "drainage", "sootless", "brachyfacial", "antiheroism", "irreligionize", "ked", "unfact", "nonprofessed", "milady", "conjecture", "Arctomys", "guapilla", "Sassenach", "emmetrope", "rosewort", "raphidiferous", "pooh", "Tyndallize", }, } func BenchmarkSampler_Check(b *testing.B) { for _, keys := range counterTestCases { b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v keys", len(keys)), func(b *testing.B) { fac := NewSamplerWithOptions( NewCore( NewJSONEncoder(testEncoderConfig()), &ztest.Discarder{}, DebugLevel, ), time.Millisecond, 1, 1000) b.ResetTimer() b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) { i := 0 for pb.Next() { ent := Entry{ Level: DebugLevel + Level(i%4), Message: keys[i], } _ = fac.Check(ent, nil) i++ if n := len(keys); i >= n { i -= n } } }) }) } } func makeSamplerCountingHook() (func(_ Entry, dec SamplingDecision), *atomic.Int64, *atomic.Int64) { droppedCount := new(atomic.Int64) sampledCount := new(atomic.Int64) h := func(_ Entry, dec SamplingDecision) { if dec&LogDropped > 0 { droppedCount.Add(1) } else if dec&LogSampled > 0 { sampledCount.Add(1) } } return h, droppedCount, sampledCount } func BenchmarkSampler_CheckWithHook(b *testing.B) { hook, dropped, sampled := makeSamplerCountingHook() for _, keys := range counterTestCases { b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v keys", len(keys)), func(b *testing.B) { fac := NewSamplerWithOptions( NewCore( NewJSONEncoder(testEncoderConfig()), &ztest.Discarder{}, DebugLevel, ), time.Millisecond, 1, 1000, SamplerHook(hook), ) b.ResetTimer() b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) { i := 0 for pb.Next() { ent := Entry{ Level: DebugLevel + Level(i%4), Message: keys[i], } _ = fac.Check(ent, nil) i++ if n := len(keys); i >= n { i -= n } } }) // We expect to see 1000 dropped messages for every sampled per settings, // with a delta due to less 1000 messages getting dropped after initial one // is sampled. assert.Greater(b, dropped.Load()/1000, sampled.Load()-1000) dropped.Store(0) sampled.Store(0) }) } }