# Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # (From https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/master/go/def.bzl@a6f9d0c) load("//go/private:repositories.bzl", "go_repositories") load("//go/private:go_repository.bzl", "go_repository", "new_go_repository") load("//go/private:go_prefix.bzl", "go_prefix") load("//go/private:json.bzl", "json_marshal") """These are bare-bones Go rules. In order of priority: - BUILD file must be written by hand. - No support for SWIG - No test sharding or test XML. """ _DEFAULT_LIB = "go_default_library" _VENDOR_PREFIX = "/vendor/" go_filetype = FileType([ ".go", ".s", ".S", ".h", # may be included by .s ]) # be consistent to cc_library. hdr_exts = [ ".h", ".hh", ".hpp", ".hxx", ".inc", ] cc_hdr_filetype = FileType(hdr_exts) # Extensions of files we can build with the Go compiler or with cc_library. # This is a subset of the extensions recognized by go/build. cgo_filetype = FileType([ ".go", ".c", ".cc", ".cxx", ".cpp", ".s", ".S", ".h", ".hh", ".hpp", ".hxx", ]) ################ def go_environment_vars(ctx): """Return a map of environment variables for use with actions, based on the arguments. Uses the ctx.fragments.cpp.cpu attribute, if present, and picks a default of target_os="linux" and target_arch="amd64" otherwise. Args: The starlark Context. Returns: A dict of environment variables for running Go tool commands that build for the target OS and architecture. """ default_toolchain = {"GOOS": "linux", "GOARCH": "amd64"} bazel_to_go_toolchain = { "k8": {"GOOS": "linux", "GOARCH": "amd64"}, "piii": {"GOOS": "linux", "GOARCH": "386"}, "darwin": {"GOOS": "darwin", "GOARCH": "amd64"}, "darwin_x86_64": {"GOOS": "darwin", "GOARCH": "amd64"}, "freebsd": {"GOOS": "freebsd", "GOARCH": "amd64"}, "armeabi-v7a": {"GOOS": "linux", "GOARCH": "arm"}, "arm": {"GOOS": "linux", "GOARCH": "arm"}, } env = {} if hasattr(ctx.file, "go_tool"): env["GOROOT"] = ctx.file.go_tool.dirname + "/.." env.update(bazel_to_go_toolchain.get(ctx.fragments.cpp.cpu, default_toolchain)) return env def _is_darwin_cpu(ctx): cpu = ctx.fragments.cpp.cpu return cpu == "darwin" or cpu == "darwin_x86_64" def _emit_generate_params_action(cmds, ctx, fn): cmds_all = [ # Use bash explicitly. /bin/sh is default, and it may be linked to a # different shell, e.g., /bin/dash on Ubuntu. "#!/bin/bash", "set -e", ] cmds_all += cmds cmds_all_str = "\n".join(cmds_all) + "\n" f = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir, fn) ctx.file_action( output = f, content = cmds_all_str, executable = True, ) return f def _emit_go_asm_action(ctx, source, hdrs, out_obj): """Construct the command line for compiling Go Assembly code. Constructs a symlink tree to accommodate for workspace name. Args: ctx: The starlark Context. source: a source code artifact hdrs: list of .h files that may be included out_obj: the artifact (configured target?) that should be produced """ params = { "go_tool": ctx.file.go_tool.path, "includes": [f.dirname for f in hdrs] + [ctx.file.go_include.path], "source": source.path, "out": out_obj.path, } inputs = hdrs + ctx.files.toolchain + [source] ctx.action( inputs = inputs, outputs = [out_obj], mnemonic = "GoAsmCompile", executable = ctx.executable._asm, arguments = [json_marshal(params)], ) def _go_importpath(ctx): """Returns the expected importpath of the go_library being built. Args: ctx: The starlark Context Returns: Go importpath of the library """ path = ctx.attr.importpath if path != "": return path path = ctx.attr.go_prefix.go_prefix if path.endswith("/"): path = path[:-1] if ctx.label.package: path += "/" + ctx.label.package if ctx.label.name != _DEFAULT_LIB: path += "/" + ctx.label.name if path.rfind(_VENDOR_PREFIX) != -1: path = path[len(_VENDOR_PREFIX) + path.rfind(_VENDOR_PREFIX):] if path[0] == "/": path = path[1:] return path def _emit_go_compile_action(ctx, sources, deps, libpaths, out_object, gc_goopts): """Construct the command line for compiling Go code. Args: ctx: The starlark Context. sources: an iterable of source code artifacts (or CTs? or labels?) deps: an iterable of dependencies. Each dependency d should have an artifact in d.transitive_go_libraries representing all imported libraries. libpaths: the set of paths to search for imported libraries. out_object: the object file that should be produced gc_goopts: additional flags to pass to the compiler. """ if ctx.coverage_instrumented(): sources = _emit_go_cover_action(ctx, sources) # Compile filtered files. args = [ "-cgo", ctx.file.go_tool.path, "tool", "compile", "-o", out_object.path, "-trimpath", "-abs-.", "-I", "-abs-.", ] inputs = depset(sources + ctx.files.toolchain) for dep in deps: inputs += dep.transitive_go_libraries for path in libpaths: args += ["-I", path] args += gc_goopts + [("" if i.basename.startswith("_cgo") else "-filter-") + i.path for i in sources] ctx.action( inputs = list(inputs), outputs = [out_object], mnemonic = "GoCompile", executable = ctx.executable._filter_exec, arguments = args, env = go_environment_vars(ctx), ) return sources def _emit_go_pack_action(ctx, out_lib, objects): """Construct the command line for packing objects together. Args: ctx: The starlark Context. out_lib: the archive that should be produced objects: an iterable of object files to be added to the output archive file. """ ctx.action( inputs = objects + ctx.files.toolchain, outputs = [out_lib], mnemonic = "GoPack", executable = ctx.file.go_tool, arguments = ["tool", "pack", "c", out_lib.path] + [a.path for a in objects], env = go_environment_vars(ctx), ) def _emit_go_cover_action(ctx, sources): """Construct the command line for test coverage instrument. Args: ctx: The starlark Context. sources: an iterable of Go source files. Returns: A list of Go source code files which might be coverage instrumented. """ outputs = [] # TODO(linuxerwang): make the mode configurable. count = 0 for src in sources: if not src.path.endswith(".go") or src.path.endswith("_test.go"): outputs += [src] continue cover_var = "GoCover_%d" % count out = ctx.new_file(src, src.basename[:-3] + "_" + cover_var + ".cover.go") outputs += [out] ctx.action( inputs = [src] + ctx.files.toolchain, outputs = [out], mnemonic = "GoCover", executable = ctx.file.go_tool, arguments = ["tool", "cover", "--mode=set", "-var=%s" % cover_var, "-o", out.path, src.path], env = go_environment_vars(ctx), ) count += 1 return outputs def go_library_impl(ctx): """Implements the go_library() rule.""" sources = depset(ctx.files.srcs) go_srcs = depset([s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith(".go")]) asm_srcs = [s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith(".s") or s.basename.endswith(".S")] asm_hdrs = [s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith(".h")] deps = ctx.attr.deps dep_runfiles = [d.data_runfiles for d in deps] cgo_object = None if hasattr(ctx.attr, "cgo_object"): cgo_object = ctx.attr.cgo_object if ctx.attr.library: go_srcs += ctx.attr.library.go_sources asm_srcs += ctx.attr.library.asm_sources asm_hdrs += ctx.attr.library.asm_headers deps += ctx.attr.library.direct_deps dep_runfiles += [ctx.attr.library.data_runfiles] if ctx.attr.library.cgo_object: if cgo_object: fail("go_library %s cannot have cgo_object because the package " + "already has cgo_object in %s" % ( ctx.label.name, ctx.attr.library.name, )) cgo_object = ctx.attr.library.cgo_object if not go_srcs: fail("may not be empty", "srcs") transitive_cgo_deps = depset([], order = "topological") if cgo_object: dep_runfiles += [cgo_object.data_runfiles] transitive_cgo_deps += cgo_object.cgo_deps extra_objects = [cgo_object.cgo_obj] if cgo_object else [] for src in asm_srcs: obj = ctx.new_file(src, "%s.dir/%s.o" % (ctx.label.name, src.basename[:-2])) _emit_go_asm_action(ctx, src, asm_hdrs, obj) extra_objects += [obj] lib_name = _go_importpath(ctx) + ".a" out_lib = ctx.new_file(lib_name) out_object = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + ".o") search_path = out_lib.path[:-len(lib_name)] gc_goopts = _gc_goopts(ctx) transitive_go_libraries = depset([out_lib]) transitive_go_library_paths = depset([search_path]) for dep in deps: transitive_go_libraries += dep.transitive_go_libraries transitive_cgo_deps += dep.transitive_cgo_deps transitive_go_library_paths += dep.transitive_go_library_paths go_srcs = _emit_go_compile_action( ctx, sources = go_srcs, deps = deps, libpaths = transitive_go_library_paths, out_object = out_object, gc_goopts = gc_goopts, ) _emit_go_pack_action(ctx, out_lib, [out_object] + extra_objects) dylibs = [] if cgo_object: dylibs += [d for d in cgo_object.cgo_deps if d.path.endswith(".so")] runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = dylibs, collect_data = True) for d in dep_runfiles: runfiles = runfiles.merge(d) return struct( label = ctx.label, files = depset([out_lib]), runfiles = runfiles, go_sources = go_srcs, asm_sources = asm_srcs, asm_headers = asm_hdrs, cgo_object = cgo_object, direct_deps = ctx.attr.deps, transitive_cgo_deps = transitive_cgo_deps, transitive_go_libraries = transitive_go_libraries, transitive_go_library_paths = transitive_go_library_paths, gc_goopts = gc_goopts, ) def _c_linker_options(ctx, blocklist = []): """Extracts flags to pass to $(CC) on link from the current context Args: ctx: the current context blocklist: Any flags starts with any of these prefixes are filtered out from the return value. Returns: A list of command line flags """ cpp = ctx.fragments.cpp features = ctx.features options = cpp.compiler_options(features) options += cpp.unfiltered_compiler_options(features) options += cpp.link_options options += cpp.mostly_static_link_options(ctx.features, False) filtered = [] for opt in options: if any([opt.startswith(prefix) for prefix in blocklist]): continue filtered.append(opt) return filtered def _gc_goopts(ctx): gc_goopts = [ ctx.expand_make_variables("gc_goopts", f, {}) for f in ctx.attr.gc_goopts ] if ctx.attr.library: gc_goopts += ctx.attr.library.gc_goopts return gc_goopts def _gc_linkopts(ctx): gc_linkopts = [ ctx.expand_make_variables("gc_linkopts", f, {}) for f in ctx.attr.gc_linkopts ] for k, v in ctx.attr.x_defs.items(): gc_linkopts += ["-X", "%s='%s'" % (k, v)] return gc_linkopts def _extract_extldflags(gc_linkopts, extldflags): """Extracts -extldflags from gc_linkopts and combines them into a single list. Args: gc_linkopts: a list of flags passed in through the gc_linkopts attributes. ctx.expand_make_variables should have already been applied. extldflags: a list of flags to be passed to the external linker. Return: A tuple containing the filtered gc_linkopts with external flags removed, and a combined list of external flags. """ filtered_gc_linkopts = [] is_extldflags = False for opt in gc_linkopts: if is_extldflags: is_extldflags = False extldflags += [opt] elif opt == "-extldflags": is_extldflags = True else: filtered_gc_linkopts += [opt] return filtered_gc_linkopts, extldflags def _emit_go_link_action( ctx, transitive_go_library_paths, transitive_go_libraries, cgo_deps, libs, executable, gc_linkopts): """Sets up a symlink tree to libraries to link together.""" config_strip = len(ctx.configuration.bin_dir.path) + 1 pkg_depth = executable.dirname[config_strip:].count("/") + 1 ld = "%s" % ctx.fragments.cpp.compiler_executable extldflags = _c_linker_options(ctx) + [ "-Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/" + ("../" * pkg_depth), ] for d in cgo_deps: if d.basename.endswith(".so"): short_dir = d.dirname[len(d.root.path):] extldflags += ["-Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/" + ("../" * pkg_depth) + short_dir] gc_linkopts, extldflags = _extract_extldflags(gc_linkopts, extldflags) link_cmd = [ ctx.file.go_tool.path, "tool", "link", "-L", ".", ] for path in transitive_go_library_paths: link_cmd += ["-L", path] link_cmd += [ "-o", executable.path, ] + gc_linkopts + ['"${STAMP_XDEFS[@]}"'] # workaround for a bug in ld(1) on Mac OS X. # http://lists.apple.com/archives/Darwin-dev/2006/Sep/msg00084.html # TODO(yugui) Remove this workaround once rules_go stops supporting XCode 7.2 # or earlier. if not _is_darwin_cpu(ctx): link_cmd += ["-s"] link_cmd += [ "-extld", ld, "-extldflags", "'%s'" % " ".join(extldflags), ] + [lib.path for lib in libs] # Avoided -s on OSX but but it requires dsymutil to be on $PATH. # TODO(yugui) Remove this workaround once rules_go stops supporting XCode 7.2 # or earlier. cmds = ["export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin"] cmds += [ "STAMP_XDEFS=()", ] stamp_inputs = [] if ctx.attr.linkstamp: # read workspace status files, converting "KEY value" lines # to "-X $linkstamp.KEY=value" arguments to the go linker. stamp_inputs = [ctx.info_file, ctx.version_file] for f in stamp_inputs: cmds += [ "while read -r key value || [[ -n $key ]]; do", " STAMP_XDEFS+=(-X \"%s.$key=$value\")" % ctx.attr.linkstamp, "done < " + f.path, ] cmds += [" ".join(link_cmd)] f = _emit_generate_params_action(cmds, ctx, lib.basename + ".GoLinkFile.params") ctx.action( inputs = [f] + (list(transitive_go_libraries) + [lib] + list(cgo_deps) + ctx.files.toolchain + ctx.files._crosstool) + stamp_inputs, outputs = [executable], command = f.path, mnemonic = "GoLink", env = go_environment_vars(ctx), ) def go_binary_impl(ctx): """go_binary_impl emits actions for compiling and linking a go executable.""" lib_result = go_library_impl(ctx) _emit_go_link_action( ctx, transitive_go_libraries = lib_result.transitive_go_libraries, transitive_go_library_paths = lib_result.transitive_go_library_paths, cgo_deps = lib_result.transitive_cgo_deps, libs = lib_result.files, executable = ctx.outputs.executable, gc_linkopts = _gc_linkopts(ctx), ) return struct( files = depset([ctx.outputs.executable]), runfiles = lib_result.runfiles, cgo_object = lib_result.cgo_object, ) def go_test_impl(ctx): """go_test_impl implements go testing. It emits an action to run the test generator, and then compiles the test into a binary.""" lib_result = go_library_impl(ctx) main_go = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + "_main_test.go") main_object = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + "_main_test.o") main_lib = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + "_main_test.a") go_import = _go_importpath(ctx) cmds = [ "UNFILTERED_TEST_FILES=(%s)" % " ".join(["'%s'" % f.path for f in lib_result.go_sources]), "FILTERED_TEST_FILES=()", "while read -r line; do", ' if [ -n "$line" ]; then', ' FILTERED_TEST_FILES+=("$line")', " fi", 'done < <(\'%s\' -cgo "${UNFILTERED_TEST_FILES[@]}")' % ctx.executable._filter_tags.path, " ".join([ "'%s'" % ctx.executable.test_generator.path, "--package", go_import, "--output", "'%s'" % main_go.path, '"${FILTERED_TEST_FILES[@]}"', ]), ] f = _emit_generate_params_action( cmds, ctx, ctx.label.name + ".GoTestGenTest.params", ) inputs = (list(lib_result.go_sources) + list(ctx.files.toolchain) + [f, ctx.executable._filter_tags, ctx.executable.test_generator]) ctx.action( inputs = inputs, outputs = [main_go], command = f.path, mnemonic = "GoTestGenTest", env = dict(go_environment_vars(ctx), RUNDIR = ctx.label.package), ) _emit_go_compile_action( ctx, sources = depset([main_go]), deps = ctx.attr.deps + [lib_result], libpaths = lib_result.transitive_go_library_paths, out_object = main_object, gc_goopts = _gc_goopts(ctx), ) _emit_go_pack_action(ctx, main_lib, [main_object]) _emit_go_link_action( ctx, transitive_go_library_paths = lib_result.transitive_go_library_paths, transitive_go_libraries = lib_result.transitive_go_libraries, cgo_deps = lib_result.transitive_cgo_deps, libs = [main_lib], executable = ctx.outputs.executable, gc_linkopts = _gc_linkopts(ctx), ) # TODO(bazel-team): the Go tests should do a chdir to the directory # holding the data files, so open-source go tests continue to work # without code changes. runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = [ctx.outputs.executable]) runfiles = runfiles.merge(lib_result.runfiles) return struct( files = depset([ctx.outputs.executable]), runfiles = runfiles, ) go_env_attrs = { "toolchain": attr.label( default = Label("//go/toolchain:toolchain"), allow_files = True, cfg = "host", ), "go_tool": attr.label( default = Label("//go/toolchain:go_tool"), single_file = True, allow_files = True, cfg = "host", ), "go_prefix": attr.label( providers = ["go_prefix"], default = Label( "//:go_prefix", relative_to_caller_repository = True, ), allow_files = False, cfg = "host", ), "go_src": attr.label( default = Label("//go/toolchain:go_src"), allow_files = True, cfg = "host", ), "go_include": attr.label( default = Label("//go/toolchain:go_include"), single_file = True, allow_files = True, cfg = "host", ), "go_root": attr.label( providers = ["go_root"], default = Label( "//go/toolchain:go_root", ), allow_files = False, cfg = "host", ), "_filter_tags": attr.label( default = Label("//go/tools/filter_tags"), cfg = "host", executable = True, single_file = True, ), "_filter_exec": attr.label( default = Label("//go/tools/filter_exec"), cfg = "host", executable = True, single_file = True, ), "_asm": attr.label( default = Label("//go/tools/builders:asm"), cfg = "host", executable = True, single_file = True, ), } go_library_attrs = go_env_attrs + { "data": attr.label_list( allow_files = True, cfg = "data", ), "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = go_filetype), "deps": attr.label_list( providers = [ "transitive_go_library_paths", "transitive_go_libraries", "transitive_cgo_deps", ], ), "importpath": attr.string(), "library": attr.label( providers = [ "direct_deps", "go_sources", "asm_sources", "cgo_object", "gc_goopts", ], ), "gc_goopts": attr.string_list(), } _crosstool_attrs = { "_crosstool": attr.label( default = Label("//tools/defaults:crosstool"), ), } go_link_attrs = go_library_attrs + _crosstool_attrs + { "gc_linkopts": attr.string_list(), "linkstamp": attr.string(), "x_defs": attr.string_dict(), } go_library = rule( go_library_impl, attrs = go_library_attrs + { "cgo_object": attr.label( providers = [ "cgo_obj", "cgo_deps", ], ), }, fragments = ["cpp"], ) go_binary = rule( go_binary_impl, attrs = go_library_attrs + _crosstool_attrs + go_link_attrs, executable = True, fragments = ["cpp"], ) go_test = rule( go_test_impl, attrs = go_library_attrs + _crosstool_attrs + go_link_attrs + { "test_generator": attr.label( executable = True, default = Label( "//go/tools:generate_test_main", ), cfg = "host", ), }, executable = True, fragments = ["cpp"], test = True, ) def _pkg_dir(workspace_root, package_name): if workspace_root and package_name: return workspace_root + "/" + package_name if workspace_root: return workspace_root if package_name: return package_name return "." def _exec_path(path): if path.startswith("/"): return path return "${execroot}/" + path def _cgo_filter_srcs_impl(ctx): srcs = ctx.files.srcs dsts = [] cmds = [] for src in srcs: stem, _, ext = src.path.rpartition(".") dst_basename = "%s.filtered.%s" % (stem, ext) dst = ctx.new_file(src, dst_basename) cmds += [ "if '%s' -cgo -quiet '%s'; then" % (ctx.executable._filter_tags.path, src.path), " cp '%s' '%s'" % (src.path, dst.path), "else", " echo -n >'%s'" % dst.path, "fi", ] dsts.append(dst) if ctx.label.package == "": script_name = ctx.label.name + ".CGoFilterSrcs.params" else: script_name = ctx.label.package + "/" + ctx.label.name + ".CGoFilterSrcs.params" f = _emit_generate_params_action(cmds, ctx, script_name) ctx.action( inputs = [f, ctx.executable._filter_tags] + srcs, outputs = dsts, command = f.path, mnemonic = "CgoFilterSrcs", ) return struct( files = depset(dsts), ) _cgo_filter_srcs = rule( implementation = _cgo_filter_srcs_impl, attrs = { "srcs": attr.label_list( allow_files = cgo_filetype, ), "_filter_tags": attr.label( default = Label("//go/tools/filter_tags"), cfg = "host", executable = True, single_file = True, ), }, fragments = ["cpp"], ) def _cgo_codegen_impl(ctx): go_srcs = ctx.files.srcs srcs = go_srcs + ctx.files.c_hdrs linkopts = ctx.attr.linkopts copts = ctx.fragments.cpp.c_options + ctx.attr.copts deps = depset([], order = "topological") for d in ctx.attr.deps: srcs += list(d.cc.transitive_headers) deps += d.cc.libs copts += ["-D" + define for define in d.cc.defines] for inc in d.cc.include_directories: copts += ["-I", _exec_path(inc)] for hdr in ctx.files.c_hdrs: copts += ["-iquote", hdr.dirname] for inc in d.cc.quote_include_directories: copts += ["-iquote", _exec_path(inc)] for inc in d.cc.system_include_directories: copts += ["-isystem", _exec_path(inc)] for lib in d.cc.libs: if lib.basename.startswith("lib") and lib.basename.endswith(".so"): linkopts += ["-L", lib.dirname, "-l", lib.basename[3:-3]] else: linkopts += [lib.path] linkopts += d.cc.link_flags p = _pkg_dir(ctx.label.workspace_root, ctx.label.package) + "/" if p == "./": p = "" # workaround when cgo_library in repository root out_dir = (ctx.configuration.genfiles_dir.path + "/" + p + ctx.attr.outdir) cc = ctx.fragments.cpp.compiler_executable cmds = [ # We cannot use env for CC because $(CC) on OSX is relative # and '../' does not work fine due to symlinks. "export CC=$(cd $(dirname {cc}); pwd)/$(basename {cc})".format(cc = cc), "export CXX=$CC", 'objdir="%s/gen"' % out_dir, "execroot=$(pwd)", 'mkdir -p "$objdir"', "unfiltered_go_files=(%s)" % " ".join(["'%s'" % f.path for f in go_srcs]), "filtered_go_files=()", 'for file in "${unfiltered_go_files[@]}"; do', ' stem=$(basename "$file" .go)', ' if %s -cgo -quiet "$file"; then' % ctx.executable._filter_tags.path, ' filtered_go_files+=("$file")', " else", ' grep --max-count 1 "^package " "$file" >"$objdir/$stem.go"', ' echo -n >"$objdir/$stem.c"', " fi", "done", "if [ ${#filtered_go_files[@]} -eq 0 ]; then", " echo no buildable Go source files in %s >&1" % str(ctx.label), " exit 1", "fi", '"$GOROOT/bin/go" tool cgo -objdir "$objdir" -- %s "${filtered_go_files[@]}"' % " ".join(['"%s"' % copt for copt in copts]), # Rename the outputs using glob so we don't have to understand cgo's mangling # TODO(#350): might be fixed by this?. 'for file in "${filtered_go_files[@]}"; do', ' stem=$(basename "$file" .go)', ' mv "$objdir/"*"$stem.cgo1.go" "$objdir/$stem.go"', ' mv "$objdir/"*"$stem.cgo2.c" "$objdir/$stem.c"', "done", "rm -f $objdir/_cgo_.o $objdir/_cgo_flags", ] f = _emit_generate_params_action(cmds, ctx, out_dir + ".CGoCodeGenFile.params") inputs = (srcs + ctx.files.toolchain + ctx.files._crosstool + [f, ctx.executable._filter_tags]) ctx.action( inputs = inputs, outputs = ctx.outputs.outs, mnemonic = "CGoCodeGen", progress_message = "CGoCodeGen %s" % ctx.label, command = f.path, env = go_environment_vars(ctx) + { "CGO_LDFLAGS": " ".join(linkopts), }, ) return struct( label = ctx.label, files = depset(ctx.outputs.outs), cgo_deps = deps, ) _cgo_codegen_rule = rule( _cgo_codegen_impl, attrs = go_env_attrs + _crosstool_attrs + { "srcs": attr.label_list( allow_files = go_filetype, non_empty = True, ), "c_hdrs": attr.label_list( allow_files = cc_hdr_filetype, ), "deps": attr.label_list( allow_files = False, providers = ["cc"], ), "copts": attr.string_list(), "linkopts": attr.string_list(), "outdir": attr.string(mandatory = True), "outs": attr.output_list( mandatory = True, non_empty = True, ), }, fragments = ["cpp"], output_to_genfiles = True, ) def _cgo_codegen( name, srcs, c_hdrs = [], deps = [], copts = [], linkopts = [], go_tool = None, toolchain = None): """Generates glue codes for interop between C and Go Args: name: A unique name of the rule srcs: list of Go source files. Each of them must contain `import "C"`. c_hdrs: C/C++ header files necessary to determine kinds of C/C++ identifiers in srcs. deps: A list of cc_library rules. The generated codes are expected to be linked with these deps. linkopts: A list of linker options, These flags are passed to the linker when the generated codes are linked into the target binary. """ outdir = name + ".dir" outgen = outdir + "/gen" go_thunks = [] c_thunks = [] for s in srcs: if not s.endswith(".go"): fail("not a .go file: %s" % s) basename = s[:-3] if basename.rfind("/") >= 0: basename = basename[basename.rfind("/") + 1:] go_thunks.append(outgen + "/" + basename + ".go") c_thunks.append(outgen + "/" + basename + ".c") outs = struct( name = name, outdir = outgen, go_thunks = go_thunks, c_thunks = c_thunks, c_exports = [ outgen + "/_cgo_export.c", outgen + "/_cgo_export.h", ], c_dummy = outgen + "/_cgo_main.c", gotypes = outgen + "/_cgo_gotypes.go", ) _cgo_codegen_rule( name = name, srcs = srcs, c_hdrs = c_hdrs, deps = deps, copts = copts, linkopts = linkopts, go_tool = go_tool, toolchain = toolchain, outdir = outdir, outs = outs.go_thunks + outs.c_thunks + outs.c_exports + [ outs.c_dummy, outs.gotypes, ], visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) return outs def _cgo_import_impl(ctx): cmds = [ (ctx.file.go_tool.path + " tool cgo" + " -dynout " + ctx.outputs.out.path + " -dynimport " + ctx.file.cgo_o.path + " -dynpackage $(%s %s)" % ( ctx.executable._extract_package.path, ctx.file.sample_go_src.path, )), ] f = _emit_generate_params_action(cmds, ctx, ctx.outputs.out.path + ".CGoImportGenFile.params") ctx.action( inputs = (ctx.files.toolchain + [ f, ctx.file.go_tool, ctx.executable._extract_package, ctx.file.cgo_o, ctx.file.sample_go_src, ]), outputs = [ctx.outputs.out], command = f.path, mnemonic = "CGoImportGen", env = go_environment_vars(ctx), ) return struct( files = depset([ctx.outputs.out]), ) _cgo_import = rule( _cgo_import_impl, attrs = go_env_attrs + { "cgo_o": attr.label( allow_files = True, single_file = True, ), "sample_go_src": attr.label( allow_files = True, single_file = True, ), "out": attr.output( mandatory = True, ), "_extract_package": attr.label( default = Label("//go/tools/extract_package"), executable = True, cfg = "host", ), }, fragments = ["cpp"], ) def _cgo_genrule_impl(ctx): return struct( label = ctx.label, go_sources = ctx.files.srcs, asm_sources = [], asm_headers = [], cgo_object = ctx.attr.cgo_object, direct_deps = ctx.attr.deps, gc_goopts = [], ) _cgo_genrule = rule( _cgo_genrule_impl, attrs = { "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = FileType([".go"])), "cgo_object": attr.label( providers = [ "cgo_obj", "cgo_deps", ], ), "deps": attr.label_list( providers = [ "direct_deps", "transitive_go_library_paths", "transitive_go_libraries", "transitive_cgo_deps", ], ), }, fragments = ["cpp"], ) """Generates symbol-import directives for cgo Args: cgo_o: The loadable object to extract dynamic symbols from. sample_go_src: A go source which is compiled together with the generated file. The generated file will have the same Go package name as this file. out: Destination of the generated codes. """ def _cgo_object_impl(ctx): arguments = _c_linker_options(ctx, blocklist = [ # never link any dependency libraries "-l", "-L", # manage flags to ld(1) by ourselves "-Wl,", ]) arguments += [ "-o", ctx.outputs.out.path, "-nostdlib", "-Wl,-r", ] if _is_darwin_cpu(ctx): arguments += ["-shared", "-Wl,-all_load"] else: arguments += ["-Wl,-whole-archive"] lo = ctx.files.src[-1] arguments += [lo.path] ctx.action( inputs = [lo] + ctx.files._crosstool, outputs = [ctx.outputs.out], mnemonic = "CGoObject", progress_message = "Linking %s" % ctx.outputs.out.short_path, executable = ctx.fragments.cpp.compiler_executable, arguments = arguments, ) runfiles = ctx.runfiles(collect_data = True) runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.attr.src.data_runfiles) return struct( files = depset([ctx.outputs.out]), cgo_obj = ctx.outputs.out, cgo_deps = ctx.attr.cgogen.cgo_deps, runfiles = runfiles, ) _cgo_object = rule( _cgo_object_impl, attrs = _crosstool_attrs + { "src": attr.label( mandatory = True, providers = ["cc"], ), "cgogen": attr.label( mandatory = True, providers = ["cgo_deps"], ), "out": attr.output( mandatory = True, ), }, fragments = ["cpp"], ) """Generates _all.o to be archived together with Go objects. Args: src: source static library which contains objects cgogen: _cgo_codegen rule which knows the dependency cc_library() rules to be linked together with src when we generate the final go binary. """ def _setup_cgo_library(name, srcs, cdeps, copts, clinkopts, go_tool, toolchain): go_srcs = [s for s in srcs if s.endswith(".go")] c_hdrs = [s for s in srcs if any([s.endswith(ext) for ext in hdr_exts])] c_srcs = [s for s in srcs if not s in (go_srcs + c_hdrs)] # Split cgo files into .go parts and .c parts (plus some other files). cgogen = _cgo_codegen( name = name + ".cgo", srcs = go_srcs, c_hdrs = c_hdrs, deps = cdeps, copts = copts, linkopts = clinkopts, go_tool = go_tool, toolchain = toolchain, ) # Filter c_srcs with build constraints. c_filtered_srcs = [] if len(c_srcs) > 0: c_filtered_srcs_name = name + "_filter_cgo_srcs" _cgo_filter_srcs( name = c_filtered_srcs_name, srcs = c_srcs, ) c_filtered_srcs.append(":" + c_filtered_srcs_name) pkg_dir = _pkg_dir( "external/" + REPOSITORY_NAME[1:] if len(REPOSITORY_NAME) > 1 else "", PACKAGE_NAME, ) # Platform-specific settings native.config_setting( name = name + "_windows_setting", values = { "cpu": "x64_windows_msvc", }, ) platform_copts = select({ ":" + name + "_windows_setting": ["-mthreads"], "//conditions:default": ["-pthread"], }) platform_linkopts = select({ ":" + name + "_windows_setting": ["-mthreads"], "//conditions:default": ["-pthread"], }) # Bundles objects into an archive so that _cgo_.o and _all.o can share them. native.cc_library( name = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_lib", srcs = cgogen.c_thunks + cgogen.c_exports + c_filtered_srcs + c_hdrs, deps = cdeps, copts = copts + platform_copts + [ "-I", pkg_dir, "-I", "$(GENDIR)/" + pkg_dir + "/" + cgogen.outdir, # The generated thunks often contain unused variables. "-Wno-unused-variable", ], linkopts = clinkopts + platform_linkopts, linkstatic = 1, # _cgo_.o and _all.o keep all objects in this archive. # But it should not be very annoying in the final binary target # because _cgo_object rule does not propagate alwayslink=1 alwayslink = 1, visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) # Loadable object which cgo reads when it generates _cgo_import.go native.cc_binary( name = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_.o", srcs = [cgogen.c_dummy], deps = cdeps + [cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_lib"], copts = copts, linkopts = clinkopts, visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) _cgo_import( name = "%s.cgo.importgen" % name, cgo_o = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_.o", out = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_import.go", sample_go_src = go_srcs[0], go_tool = go_tool, toolchain = toolchain, visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) _cgo_object( name = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_object", src = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_lib", out = cgogen.outdir + "/_all.o", cgogen = cgogen.name, visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) return cgogen def cgo_genrule( name, srcs, copts = [], clinkopts = [], cdeps = [], **kwargs): cgogen = _setup_cgo_library( name = name, srcs = srcs, cdeps = cdeps, copts = copts, clinkopts = clinkopts, toolchain = None, go_tool = None, ) _cgo_genrule( name = name, srcs = cgogen.go_thunks + [ cgogen.gotypes, cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_import.go", ], cgo_object = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_object", **kwargs ) def cgo_library( name, srcs, toolchain = None, go_tool = None, copts = [], clinkopts = [], cdeps = [], **kwargs): """Builds a cgo-enabled go library. Args: name: A unique name for this rule. srcs: List of Go, C and C++ files that are processed to build a Go library. Those Go files must contain `import "C"`. C and C++ files can be anything allowed in `srcs` attribute of `cc_library`. copts: Add these flags to the C++ compiler. clinkopts: Add these flags to the C++ linker. cdeps: List of C/C++ libraries to be linked into the binary target. They must be `cc_library` rules. deps: List of other libraries to be linked to this library target. data: List of files needed by this rule at runtime. NOTE: `srcs` cannot contain pure-Go files, which do not have `import "C"`. So you need to define another `go_library` when you build a go package with both cgo-enabled and pure-Go sources. ``` cgo_library( name = "cgo_enabled", srcs = ["cgo-enabled.go", "foo.cc", "bar.S", "baz.a"], ) go_library( name = "go_default_library", srcs = ["pure-go.go"], library = ":cgo_enabled", ) ``` """ cgogen = _setup_cgo_library( name = name, srcs = srcs, cdeps = cdeps, copts = copts, clinkopts = clinkopts, go_tool = go_tool, toolchain = toolchain, ) go_library( name = name, srcs = cgogen.go_thunks + [ cgogen.gotypes, cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_import.go", ], cgo_object = cgogen.outdir + "/_cgo_object", go_tool = go_tool, toolchain = toolchain, **kwargs )