1{%- macro keyval_method(type) -%}
2 {%- if type == "string" -%}
3 String
4 {%- elif type == "string[]" -%}
5 StringSlice
6 {%- elif type == "int" -%}
7 Int
8 {%- elif type == "int[]" -%}
9 IntSlice
10 {%- elif type == "double" -%}
11 Float64
12 {%- elif type == "double[]" -%}
13 Float64Slice
14 {%- elif type == "boolean" -%}
15 Bool
16 {%- elif type == "boolean[]" -%}
17 BoolSlice
18 {%- endif -%}
19{%- endmacro -%}
20{%- macro to_go_attr_type(type, val) -%}
21{{keyval_method(type)}}({% if type == "string" %}"{{val}}"{% else %}{{val}}{% endif %})
22{%- endmacro -%}
23{%- macro to_go_name(fqn) -%}
24{{fqn | replace(".", " ") | replace("_", " ") | title | replace(" ", "")}}
25{%- endmacro -%}
26{%- macro it_reps(brief) -%}
27It represents {% if brief[:2] == "A " or brief[:3] == "An " or brief[:4] == "The " -%}
28 {{ brief[0]|lower }}{{ brief[1:] }}
29{%- else -%}
30 the {{ brief[0]|lower }}{{ brief[1:] }}
31{%- endif -%}
32{%- endmacro -%}
33{%- macro keydoc(attr) -%}
34{{ to_go_name(attr.fqn) }}Key is the attribute Key conforming to the "{{ attr.fqn }}" semantic conventions. {{ it_reps(attr.brief) }}
35{%- endmacro -%}
36{%- macro keydetails(attr) -%}
37{%- if attr.attr_type is string %}
38Type: {{ attr.attr_type }}
39{%- else %}
40Type: Enum
41{%- endif %}
42{%- if attr.requirement_level == RequirementLevel.REQUIRED %}
43RequirementLevel: Required
44{%- elif attr.requirement_level == RequirementLevel.CONDITIONALLY_REQUIRED %}
45RequirementLevel: ConditionallyRequired
46 {%- if attr.requirement_level_msg != "" %} ({{ attr.requirement_level_msg }}){%- endif %}
47{%- elif attr.requirement_level == RequirementLevel.RECOMMENDED %}
48RequirementLevel: Recommended
49 {%- if attr.requirement_level_msg != "" %} ({{ attr.requirement_level_msg }}){%- endif %}
50{%- else %}
51RequirementLevel: Optional
52{%- endif %}
53{{ attr.stability | replace("Level.", ": ") | capitalize }}
54{%- if attr.deprecated != None %}
55Deprecated: {{ attr.deprecated }}
56{%- endif %}
57{%- if attr.examples is iterable %}
58Examples: {{ attr.examples | pprint | trim("[]") }}
59{%- endif %}
60{%- if attr.note %}
61Note: {{ attr.note }}
62{%- endif %}
63{%- endmacro -%}
64{%- macro fndoc(attr) -%}
65// {{ to_go_name(attr.fqn) }} returns an attribute KeyValue conforming to the "{{ attr.fqn }}" semantic conventions. {{ it_reps(attr.brief) }}
66{%- endmacro -%}
67{%- macro to_go_func(type, name) -%}
68{%- if type == "string" -%}
69func {{name}}(val string) attribute.KeyValue {
70{%- elif type == "string[]" -%}
71func {{name}}(val ...string) attribute.KeyValue {
72{%- elif type == "int" -%}
73func {{name}}(val int) attribute.KeyValue {
74{%- elif type == "int[]" -%}
75func {{name}}(val ...int) attribute.KeyValue {
76{%- elif type == "double" -%}
77func {{name}}(val float64) attribute.KeyValue {
78{%- elif type == "double[]" -%}
79func {{name}}(val ...float64) attribute.KeyValue {
80{%- elif type == "boolean" -%}
81func {{name}}(val bool) attribute.KeyValue {
82{%- elif type == "boolean[]" -%}
83func {{name}}(val ...bool) attribute.KeyValue {
84{%- endif -%}
85 return {{name}}Key.{{keyval_method(type)}}(val)
87{%- endmacro -%}
88{%- macro sentence_case(text) -%}
89 {{ text[0]|upper}}{{text[1:] }}
90{%- endmacro -%}
91// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
93// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
94// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
95// You may obtain a copy of the License at
97// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
99// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
100// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
101// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
102// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
103// limitations under the License.
105// Code generated from semantic convention specification. DO NOT EDIT.
107package semconv // import [[IMPORTPATH]]
109import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute"
111{% for semconv in semconvs -%}
112{%- if semconvs[semconv].attributes | rejectattr("ref") | selectattr("is_local") | sort(attribute=fqn) | length > 0 -%}
113// {{ sentence_case(semconvs[semconv].brief | replace("This document defines ", "")) | wordwrap(76, break_long_words=false, break_on_hyphens=false, wrapstring="\n// ") }}
114const (
115{%- for attr in semconvs[semconv].attributes if attr.is_local and not attr.ref %}
116 // {{ keydoc(attr) | wordwrap(72, break_long_words=false, break_on_hyphens=false, wrapstring="\n\t// ") }}
117 // {{ keydetails(attr) | wordwrap(72, break_long_words=false, break_on_hyphens=false, wrapstring="\n\t// ") }}
118 {{to_go_name(attr.fqn)}}Key = attribute.Key("{{attr.fqn}}")
119{% endfor -%}
121{%- for attr in semconvs[semconv].attributes if attr.is_local and not attr.ref -%}
122{%- if attr.attr_type is not string %}
124var (
125{%- for val in attr.attr_type.members %}
126 // {{ val.brief | to_doc_brief }}
127 {{to_go_name("{}.{}".format(attr.fqn, val.member_id))}} = {{to_go_name(attr.fqn)}}Key.{{to_go_attr_type(attr.attr_type.enum_type, val.value)}}
128{%- endfor %}
130{%- endif -%}
131{%- endfor %}
132{%- for attr in semconvs[semconv].attributes if attr.is_local and not attr.ref -%}
133{%- if attr.attr_type is string %}
135{{ fndoc(attr) | wordwrap(76, break_long_words=false, break_on_hyphens=false, wrapstring="\n// ") }}
136{{to_go_func(attr.attr_type, to_go_name(attr.fqn))}}
137{%- endif -%}
138{%- endfor %}
140{% endif %}
141{% endfor -%}
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