
Text file src/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/server-selection/logging/sharded.yml

Documentation: go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/server-selection/logging

     1description: "server-selection-logging"
     3schemaVersion: "1.14"
     6  - topologies:
     7    - sharded
    10  - client:
    11      id: &client client
    12      uriOptions:
    13        retryWrites: false # so we don't retry after hitting a failpoint
    14        heartbeatFrequencyMS: 500
    15        appName: &appName loggingClient
    16        serverSelectionTimeoutMS: 2000 # avoid hanging for 30s in test expecting SS failure due to timeout
    17      observeLogMessages:
    18        serverSelection: debug
    19      observeEvents:
    20        - serverDescriptionChangedEvent
    21        - topologyDescriptionChangedEvent
    22      useMultipleMongoses: false
    23  - database:
    24      id: &database database
    25      client: *client
    26      databaseName: &databaseName logging-tests
    27  - collection:
    28      id: &collection collection
    29      database: *database
    30      collectionName: &collectionName server-selection
    31  - client:
    32      id: &failPointClient failPointClient
    33      useMultipleMongoses: false
    36  - description: "A successful operation"
    37    operations:
    38      # ensure we've discovered the entire topology before starting.
    39      # expected events are initial cluster type change from unknown to sharded, and connect events for one mongos.
    40      - name: waitForEvent
    41        object: testRunner
    42        arguments:
    43          client: *client
    44          event:
    45            topologyDescriptionChangedEvent: {}
    46          count: 2
    47      - name: insertOne
    48        object: *collection
    49        arguments:
    50          document: { x : 1 }
    51    expectLogMessages:
    52      - client: *client
    53        messages:
    54          - level: debug
    55            component: serverSelection
    56            data:
    57              message: "Server selection started"
    58              selector: { $$exists: true }
    59              operation: insert
    60              topologyDescription: { $$exists: true }
    61          - level: debug
    62            component: serverSelection
    63            data:
    64              message: "Server selection succeeded"
    65              selector: { $$exists: true }
    66              operation: insert
    67              topologyDescription: { $$exists: true }
    68              serverHost: { $$type: string }
    69              serverPort: { $$type: [int, long] }
    71  - description: "Failure due to unreachable server"
    72    runOnRequirements:
    73      - minServerVersion: "4.4" # failCommand appname support
    74    operations:
    75      # fail all hello/legacy hello commands for the main client.
    76      - name: failPoint
    77        object: testRunner
    78        arguments:
    79          client: *failPointClient
    80          failPoint:
    81            configureFailPoint: failCommand
    82            mode: alwaysOn
    83            data:
    84              failCommands: ["hello", "ismaster"]
    85              appName: *appName
    86              closeConnection: true
    87      # wait until we've marked the server unknown due
    88      # to a failed heartbeat.
    89      - name: waitForEvent
    90        object: testRunner
    91        arguments:
    92          client: *client
    93          event:
    94            serverDescriptionChangedEvent:
    95              newDescription:
    96                type: Unknown
    97          count: 1
    98      - name: insertOne
    99        object: *collection
   100        arguments:
   101          document: { x : 1 }
   102        expectError:
   103          isClientError: true # server selection timeout
   104    expectLogMessages:
   105      - client: *client
   106        messages:
   107          - level: debug
   108            component: serverSelection
   109            data:
   110              message: "Server selection started"
   111              selector: { $$exists: true }
   112              operation: insert
   113              topologyDescription: { $$exists: true }
   114          - level: info
   115            component: serverSelection
   116            data:
   117              message: "Waiting for suitable server to become available"
   118              selector: { $$exists: true }
   119              operation: insert
   120              topologyDescription: { $$exists: true }
   121              remainingTimeMS: { $$type: [int, long] }
   122          - level: debug
   123            component: serverSelection
   124            data:
   125              message: "Server selection failed"
   126              selector: { $$exists: true }
   127              operation: insert
   128              topologyDescription: { $$exists: true }
   129              failure: { $$exists: true }

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