
Text file src/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/server-discovery-and-monitoring/single/direct_connection_wrong_set_name.json

Documentation: go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/server-discovery-and-monitoring/single

     2  "description": "Direct connection to RSPrimary with wrong set name",
     3  "uri": "mongodb://a/?directConnection=true&replicaSet=rs",
     4  "phases": [
     5    {
     6      "responses": [
     7        [
     8          "a:27017",
     9          {
    10            "ok": 1,
    11            "helloOk": true,
    12            "isWritablePrimary": true,
    13            "hosts": [
    14              "a:27017",
    15              "b:27017"
    16            ],
    17            "setName": "wrong",
    18            "minWireVersion": 0,
    19            "maxWireVersion": 6
    20          }
    21        ]
    22      ],
    23      "outcome": {
    24        "servers": {
    25          "a:27017": {
    26            "type": "Unknown"
    27          }
    28        },
    29        "topologyType": "Single",
    30        "logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes": null,
    31        "setName": "rs"
    32      }
    33    },
    34    {
    35      "responses": [
    36        [
    37          "a:27017",
    38          {
    39            "ok": 1,
    40            "helloOk": true,
    41            "isWritablePrimary": true,
    42            "hosts": [
    43              "a:27017",
    44              "b:27017"
    45            ],
    46            "setName": "rs",
    47            "minWireVersion": 0,
    48            "maxWireVersion": 6
    49          }
    50        ]
    51      ],
    52      "outcome": {
    53        "servers": {
    54          "a:27017": {
    55            "type": "RSPrimary",
    56            "setName": "rs"
    57          }
    58        },
    59        "topologyType": "Single",
    60        "logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes": null,
    61        "setName": "rs"
    62      }
    63    }
    64  ]

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