description: Set version rolls back after new primary with higher election Id uri: mongodb://a/?replicaSet=rs phases: - responses: - - a:27017 - ok: 1 helloOk: true isWritablePrimary: true hosts: - a:27017 - b:27017 setName: rs setVersion: 2 electionId: $oid: '000000000000000000000001' minWireVersion: 0 maxWireVersion: 17 outcome: servers: a:27017: type: RSPrimary setName: rs setVersion: 2 electionId: $oid: '000000000000000000000001' b:27017: type: Unknown setName: null electionId: null topologyType: ReplicaSetWithPrimary logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: null setName: rs maxSetVersion: 2 maxElectionId: $oid: '000000000000000000000001' - # Response from new primary with newer election Id responses: - - b:27017 - ok: 1 helloOk: true isWritablePrimary: true hosts: - a:27017 - b:27017 setName: rs setVersion: 1 electionId: $oid: '000000000000000000000002' minWireVersion: 0 maxWireVersion: 17 outcome: servers: a:27017: type: Unknown setName: null electionId: null b:27017: type: RSPrimary setName: rs setVersion: 1 electionId: $oid: '000000000000000000000002' topologyType: ReplicaSetWithPrimary logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: null setName: rs maxSetVersion: 1 maxElectionId: $oid: '000000000000000000000002' - # Response from stale primary responses: - - a:27017 - ok: 1 helloOk: true isWritablePrimary: true hosts: - a:27017 - b:27017 setName: rs setVersion: 2 electionId: $oid: '000000000000000000000001' minWireVersion: 0 maxWireVersion: 17 outcome: servers: a:27017: type: Unknown setName: null electionId: null b:27017: type: RSPrimary setName: rs setVersion: 1 electionId: $oid: '000000000000000000000002' topologyType: ReplicaSetWithPrimary logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: null setName: rs maxSetVersion: 1 maxElectionId: $oid: '000000000000000000000002'