2 # 4.4 is required for streaming.
3 # A replica set is required for replSetStepDown.
4 - minServerVersion: "4.4"
5 topology: ["replicaset"]
7database_name: &database_name "sdam-tests"
8collection_name: &collection_name "test-replSetStepDown"
10data: &data
11 - {_id: 1}
12 - {_id: 2}
15 - description: Rediscover quickly after replSetStepDown
16 clientOptions:
17 appname: replSetStepDownTest
18 # Configure a large heartbeatFrequencyMS
19 heartbeatFrequencyMS: 60000
20 # Configure a much smaller server selection timeout so that the test
21 # will error when it cannot discover the new primary soon.
22 serverSelectionTimeoutMS: 5000
23 w: majority
24 operations:
25 # Discover the primary.
26 - name: insertMany
27 object: collection
28 arguments:
29 documents:
30 - _id: 3
31 - _id: 4
32 - name: recordPrimary
33 object: testRunner
34 # Unfreeze a secondary with replSetFreeze:0 to ensure a speedy election.
35 - name: runAdminCommand
36 object: testRunner
37 command_name: replSetFreeze
38 arguments:
39 command:
40 replSetFreeze: 0
41 readPreference:
42 mode: Secondary
43 # Run replSetStepDown on the meta client.
44 - name: runAdminCommand
45 object: testRunner
46 command_name: replSetStepDown
47 arguments:
48 command:
49 replSetStepDown: 30
50 secondaryCatchUpPeriodSecs: 30
51 force: false
52 - name: waitForPrimaryChange
53 object: testRunner
54 arguments:
55 # We use a relatively large timeout here to workaround slow
56 # elections on Windows, possibly caused by SERVER-48154.
57 timeoutMS: 15000
58 # Rediscover the new primary.
59 - name: insertMany
60 object: collection
61 arguments:
62 documents:
63 - _id: 5
64 - _id: 6
65 # Assert that no pools were cleared.
66 - name: assertEventCount
67 object: testRunner
68 arguments:
69 event: PoolClearedEvent
70 count: 0
72 expectations:
73 - command_started_event:
74 command:
75 insert: *collection_name
76 documents:
77 - _id: 3
78 - _id: 4
79 command_name: insert
80 database_name: *database_name
81 - command_started_event:
82 command:
83 insert: *collection_name
84 documents:
85 - _id: 5
86 - _id: 6
87 command_name: insert
88 database_name: *database_name
90 outcome:
91 collection:
92 data:
93 - {_id: 1}
94 - {_id: 2}
95 - {_id: 3}
96 - {_id: 4}
97 - {_id: 5}
98 - {_id: 6}
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