runOn: - minServerVersion: "3.6" topology: ["replicaset"] data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } tests: - description: "UpdateOne is committed on first attempt" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 1 } operation: name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 1 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} outcome: result: matchedCount: 1 modifiedCount: 1 upsertedCount: 0 collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 12 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - description: "UpdateOne is not committed on first attempt" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 1 } data: { failBeforeCommitExceptionCode: 1 } operation: name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 1 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} outcome: result: matchedCount: 1 modifiedCount: 1 upsertedCount: 0 collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 12 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - description: "UpdateOne is never committed" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 2 } data: { failBeforeCommitExceptionCode: 1 } operation: name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 1 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} outcome: error: true collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - description: "UpdateOne with upsert is committed on first attempt" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 1 } operation: name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 3, x: 33 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} upsert: true outcome: result: matchedCount: 0 modifiedCount: 0 upsertedCount: 1 upsertedId: 3 collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - { _id: 3, x: 34 } - description: "UpdateOne with upsert is not committed on first attempt" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 1 } data: { failBeforeCommitExceptionCode: 1 } operation: name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 3, x: 33 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} upsert: true outcome: result: matchedCount: 0 modifiedCount: 0 upsertedCount: 1 upsertedId: 3 collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - { _id: 3, x: 34 } - description: "UpdateOne with upsert is never committed" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 2 } data: { failBeforeCommitExceptionCode: 1 } operation: name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 3, x: 33 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} upsert: true outcome: error: true collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 }