runOn: - minServerVersion: "3.6" topology: ["replicaset"] data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } tests: - description: "First command is retried" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 1 } operation: name: "bulkWrite" arguments: requests: - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 2, x: 22 } - name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 2 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} - name: "deleteOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 1 } options: { ordered: true } outcome: result: deletedCount: 1 insertedCount: 1 insertedIds: { 0: 2 } matchedCount: 1 modifiedCount: 1 upsertedCount: 0 upsertedIds: { } collection: data: - { _id: 2, x: 23 } - # Write operations in this ordered batch are intentionally sequenced so # that each write command consists of a single statement, which will # fail on the first attempt and succeed on the second, retry attempt. description: "All commands are retried" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 7 } operation: name: "bulkWrite" arguments: requests: - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 2, x: 22 } - name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 2 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 3, x: 33 } - name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 4, x: 44 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} upsert: true - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 5, x: 55 } - name: "replaceOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 3 } replacement: { _id: 3, x: 333 } - name: "deleteOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 1 } options: { ordered: true } outcome: result: deletedCount: 1 insertedCount: 3 insertedIds: { 0: 2, 2: 3, 4: 5 } matchedCount: 2 modifiedCount: 2 upsertedCount: 1 upsertedIds: { 3: 4 } collection: data: - { _id: 2, x: 23 } - { _id: 3, x: 333 } - { _id: 4, x: 45 } - { _id: 5, x: 55 } - description: "Both commands are retried after their first statement fails" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 2 } operation: name: "bulkWrite" arguments: requests: - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 2, x: 22 } - name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 1 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} - name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 2 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} options: { ordered: true } outcome: result: deletedCount: 0 insertedCount: 1 insertedIds: { 0: 2 } matchedCount: 2 modifiedCount: 2 upsertedCount: 0 upsertedIds: { } collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 12 } - { _id: 2, x: 23 } - description: "Second command is retried after its second statement fails" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { skip: 2 } operation: name: "bulkWrite" arguments: requests: - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 2, x: 22 } - name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 1 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} - name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 2 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} options: { ordered: true } outcome: result: deletedCount: 0 insertedCount: 1 insertedIds: { 0: 2 } matchedCount: 2 modifiedCount: 2 upsertedCount: 0 upsertedIds: { } collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 12 } - { _id: 2, x: 23 } - description: "BulkWrite with unordered execution" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 1 } operation: name: "bulkWrite" arguments: requests: - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 2, x: 22 } - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 3, x: 33 } options: { ordered: false } outcome: result: deletedCount: 0 insertedCount: 2 insertedIds: { 0: 2, 1: 3 } matchedCount: 0 modifiedCount: 0 upsertedCount: 0 upsertedIds: { } collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - { _id: 3, x: 33 } - description: "First insertOne is never committed" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 2 } data: { failBeforeCommitExceptionCode: 1 } operation: name: "bulkWrite" arguments: requests: - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 2, x: 22 } - name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 2 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} - name: "deleteOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 1 } options: { ordered: true } outcome: error: true result: deletedCount: 0 insertedCount: 0 insertedIds: { } matchedCount: 0 modifiedCount: 0 upsertedCount: 0 upsertedIds: { } collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - description: "Second updateOne is never committed" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { skip: 1 } data: { failBeforeCommitExceptionCode: 1 } operation: name: "bulkWrite" arguments: requests: - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 2, x: 22 } - name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 2 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} - name: "deleteOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 1 } options: { ordered: true } outcome: error: true result: deletedCount: 0 insertedCount: 1 insertedIds: { 0: 2 } matchedCount: 0 modifiedCount: 0 upsertedCount: 0 upsertedIds: { } collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - description: "Third updateOne is never committed" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { skip: 2 } data: { failBeforeCommitExceptionCode: 1 } operation: name: "bulkWrite" arguments: requests: - name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 1 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 2, x: 22 } - name: "updateOne" arguments: filter: { _id: 2 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} options: { ordered: true } outcome: error: true result: deletedCount: 0 insertedCount: 1 insertedIds: { 1: 2 } matchedCount: 1 modifiedCount: 1 upsertedCount: 0 upsertedIds: { } collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 12 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - # The onPrimaryTransactionalWrite fail point only triggers for write # operations that include a transaction ID. Therefore, it will not # affect the initial deleteMany and will trigger once (and only once) # for the first insertOne attempt. description: "Single-document write following deleteMany is retried" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 1 } data: { failBeforeCommitExceptionCode: 1 } operation: name: "bulkWrite" arguments: requests: - name: "deleteMany" arguments: filter: { x: 11 } - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 2, x: 22 } options: { ordered: true } outcome: result: deletedCount: 1 insertedCount: 1 insertedIds: { 1: 2 } matchedCount: 0 modifiedCount: 0 upsertedCount: 0 upsertedIds: { } collection: data: - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - # The onPrimaryTransactionalWrite fail point only triggers for write # operations that include a transaction ID. Therefore, it will not # affect the initial updateMany and will trigger once (and only once) # for the first insertOne attempt. description: "Single-document write following updateMany is retried" failPoint: configureFailPoint: onPrimaryTransactionalWrite mode: { times: 1 } data: { failBeforeCommitExceptionCode: 1 } operation: name: "bulkWrite" arguments: requests: - name: "updateMany" arguments: filter: { x: 11 } update: { $inc: { x : 1 }} - name: "insertOne" arguments: document: { _id: 2, x: 22 } options: { ordered: true } outcome: result: deletedCount: 0 insertedCount: 1 insertedIds: { 1: 2 } matchedCount: 1 modifiedCount: 1 upsertedCount: 0 upsertedIds: { } collection: data: - { _id: 1, x: 12 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 }