
Text file src/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/initial-dns-seedlist-discovery/README.rst

Documentation: go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/initial-dns-seedlist-discovery

     2Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery tests
     5This directory contains platform-independent tests that drivers can use
     6to prove their conformance to the Initial DNS Seedlist Discovery spec.
     8Test Setup
    11The tests in the ``replica-set`` directory MUST be executed against a
    12three-node replica set on localhost ports 27017, 27018, and 27019 with
    13replica set name ``repl0``.
    15The tests in the ``load-balanced`` directory MUST be executed against a
    16load-balanced sharded cluster with the mongos servers running on localhost ports
    1727017 and 27018 (corresponding to the script in `drivers-evergreen-tools`_). The
    18load balancers, shard servers, and config servers may run on any open ports.
    20.. _`drivers-evergreen-tools`: https://github.com/mongodb-labs/drivers-evergreen-tools/blob/master/.evergreen/run-load-balancer.sh
    22The tests in the ``sharded`` directory MUST be executed against a sharded
    23cluster with the mongos servers running on localhost ports 27017 and 27018.
    24Shard servers and config servers may run on any open ports.
    26In all cases, the clusters MUST be started with SSL enabled.
    28To run the tests that accompany this spec, you need to configure the SRV and
    29TXT records with a real name server. The following records are required for
    30these tests::
    32  Record                                    TTL    Class   Address
    33  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.            86400  IN A
    34  localhost.sub.test.build.10gen.cc.        86400  IN A
    36  Record                                      TTL    Class   Port   Target
    37  _mongodb._tcp.test1.test.build.10gen.cc.    86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    38  _mongodb._tcp.test1.test.build.10gen.cc.    86400  IN SRV  27018  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    39  _mongodb._tcp.test2.test.build.10gen.cc.    86400  IN SRV  27018  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    40  _mongodb._tcp.test2.test.build.10gen.cc.    86400  IN SRV  27019  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    41  _mongodb._tcp.test3.test.build.10gen.cc.    86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    42  _mongodb._tcp.test5.test.build.10gen.cc.    86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    43  _mongodb._tcp.test6.test.build.10gen.cc.    86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    44  _mongodb._tcp.test7.test.build.10gen.cc.    86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    45  _mongodb._tcp.test8.test.build.10gen.cc.    86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    46  _mongodb._tcp.test10.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    47  _mongodb._tcp.test11.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    48  _mongodb._tcp.test12.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.build.10gen.cc.
    49  _mongodb._tcp.test13.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  test.build.10gen.cc.
    50  _mongodb._tcp.test14.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.not-test.build.10gen.cc.
    51  _mongodb._tcp.test15.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.not-build.10gen.cc.
    52  _mongodb._tcp.test16.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.not-10gen.cc.
    53  _mongodb._tcp.test17.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.not-cc.
    54  _mongodb._tcp.test18.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.sub.test.build.10gen.cc.
    55  _mongodb._tcp.test19.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.evil.build.10gen.cc.
    56  _mongodb._tcp.test19.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    57  _mongodb._tcp.test20.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    58  _mongodb._tcp.test21.test.build.10gen.cc.   86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc.
    59  _customname._tcp.test22.test.build.10gen.cc 86400  IN SRV  27017  localhost.test.build.10gen.cc
    61  Record                                    TTL    Class   Text
    62  test5.test.build.10gen.cc.                86400  IN TXT  "replicaSet=repl0&authSource=thisDB"
    63  test6.test.build.10gen.cc.                86400  IN TXT  "replicaSet=repl0"
    64  test6.test.build.10gen.cc.                86400  IN TXT  "authSource=otherDB"
    65  test7.test.build.10gen.cc.                86400  IN TXT  "ssl=false"
    66  test8.test.build.10gen.cc.                86400  IN TXT  "authSource"
    67  test10.test.build.10gen.cc.               86400  IN TXT  "socketTimeoutMS=500"
    68  test11.test.build.10gen.cc.               86400  IN TXT  "replicaS" "et=rep" "l0"
    69  test20.test.build.10gen.cc.               86400  IN TXT  "loadBalanced=true"
    70  test21.test.build.10gen.cc.               86400  IN TXT  "loadBalanced=false"
    72Note that ``test4`` is omitted deliberately to test what happens with no SRV
    73record. ``test9`` is missing because it was deleted during the development of
    74the tests. The missing ``test.`` sub-domain in the SRV record target for
    75``test12`` is deliberate. ``test22`` is used to test a custom service name
    78In our tests we have used ``localhost.test.build.10gen.cc`` as the domain, and
    79then configured ``localhost.test.build.10gen.cc`` to resolve to
    81You need to adapt the records shown above to replace ``test.build.10gen.cc``
    82with your own domain name, and update the "uri" field in the YAML or JSON files
    83in this directory with the actual domain.
    85Test Format and Use
    88These YAML and JSON files contain the following fields:
    90- ``uri``: a ``mongodb+srv`` connection string
    91- ``seeds``: the expected set of initial seeds discovered from the SRV record
    92- ``numSeeds``: the expected number of initial seeds discovered from the SRV
    93  record. This is mainly used to test ``srvMaxHosts``, since randomly selected
    94  hosts cannot be deterministically asserted.
    95- ``hosts``: the discovered topology's list of hosts once SDAM completes a scan
    96- ``numHosts``: the expected number of hosts discovered once SDAM completes a
    97  scan. This is mainly used to test ``srvMaxHosts``, since randomly selected
    98  hosts cannot be deterministically asserted.
    99- ``options``: the parsed `URI options`_ as discovered from the
   100  `Connection String`_'s "Connection Options" component and SRV resolution
   101  (e.g. TXT records, implicit ``tls`` default).
   102- ``parsed_options``: additional, parsed options from other `Connection String`_
   103  components. This is mainly used for asserting ``UserInfo`` (as ``user`` and
   104  ``password``) and ``Auth database`` (as ``auth_database``).
   105- ``error``: indicates that the parsing of the URI, or the resolving or
   106  contents of the SRV or TXT records included errors.
   107- ``comment``: a comment to indicate why a test would fail.
   109.. _`Connection String`: ../../connection-string/connection-string-spec.rst
   110.. _`URI options`: ../../uri-options/uri-options.rst
   112For each file, create a MongoClient initialized with the ``mongodb+srv``
   113connection string.
   115If ``seeds`` is specified, drivers SHOULD verify that the set of hosts in the
   116client's initial seedlist matches the list in ``seeds``. If ``numSeeds`` is
   117specified, drivers SHOULD verify that the size of that set matches ``numSeeds``.
   119If ``hosts`` is specified, drivers MUST verify that the set of
   120ServerDescriptions in the client's TopologyDescription eventually matches the
   121list in ``hosts``. If ``numHosts`` is specified, drivers MUST verify that the
   122size of that set matches ``numHosts``.
   124If ``options`` is specified, drivers MUST verify each of the values under
   125``options`` match the MongoClient's parsed value for that option. There may be
   126other options parsed by the MongoClient as well, which a test does not verify.
   128If ``parsed_options`` is specified, drivers MUST verify that each of the values
   129under ``parsed_options`` match the MongoClient's parsed value for that option.
   130Supported values include, but are not limited to, ``user`` and ``password``
   131(parsed from ``UserInfo``) and ``auth_database`` (parsed from
   132``Auth database``).
   134If ``error`` is specified and ``true``, drivers MUST verify that an error has
   135been thrown.

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