
Text file src/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/index-management/dropSearchIndex.yml

Documentation: go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/index-management

     1description: "dropSearchIndex"
     2schemaVersion: "1.4"
     4  - client:
     5      id: &client0 client0
     6      useMultipleMongoses: false
     7      observeEvents:
     8        - commandStartedEvent
     9  - database:
    10      id: &database0 database0
    11      client: *client0
    12      databaseName: *database0
    13  - collection:
    14      id: &collection0 collection0
    15      database: *database0
    16      collectionName: *collection0
    19  - minServerVersion: "7.0.0"
    20    topologies: [ replicaset, load-balanced, sharded ]
    21    serverless: forbid
    24  - description: "sends the correct command"
    25    operations:
    26      - name: dropSearchIndex
    27        object: *collection0
    28        arguments:
    29          name: &indexName 'test index'
    30        expectError:
    31          # This test always errors in a non-Atlas environment.  The test functions as a unit test  by asserting
    32          # that the driver constructs and sends the correct command.
    33          # The expected error message was changed in SERVER-83003. Check for the substring "Atlas" shared by both error messages.
    34          isError: true
    35          errorContains: Atlas
    36    expectEvents:
    37      - client: *client0
    38        events:
    39          - commandStartedEvent:
    40              command:
    41                dropSearchIndex: *collection0
    42                name: *indexName
    43                $db: *database0

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