description: "bulkWrite-insertOne-dots_and_dollars" schemaVersion: "1.0" createEntities: - client: id: &client0 client0 observeEvents: [ commandStartedEvent ] - database: id: &database0 database0 client: *client0 databaseName: &database0Name crud-tests - collection: id: &collection0 collection0 database: *database0 collectionName: &collection0Name coll0 initialData: &initialData - collectionName: *collection0Name databaseName: *database0Name documents: [] tests: - description: "Inserting document with top-level dollar-prefixed key on 5.0+ server" runOnRequirements: - minServerVersion: "5.0" operations: - name: bulkWrite object: *collection0 arguments: requests: - insertOne: document: &dollarPrefixedKey { _id: 1, $a: 1 } expectResult: &bulkWriteResult deletedCount: 0 insertedCount: 1 insertedIds: { $$unsetOrMatches: { 0: 1 } } matchedCount: 0 modifiedCount: 0 upsertedCount: 0 upsertedIds: { } expectEvents: &expectEventsDollarPrefixedKey - client: *client0 events: - commandStartedEvent: command: insert: *collection0Name documents: - *dollarPrefixedKey outcome: - collectionName: *collection0Name databaseName: *database0Name documents: - *dollarPrefixedKey - description: "Inserting document with top-level dollar-prefixed key on pre-5.0 server yields server-side error" runOnRequirements: - maxServerVersion: "4.99" operations: - name: bulkWrite object: *collection0 arguments: requests: - insertOne: document: *dollarPrefixedKey expectError: isClientError: false expectEvents: *expectEventsDollarPrefixedKey outcome: *initialData - description: "Inserting document with top-level dotted key" operations: - name: bulkWrite object: *collection0 arguments: requests: - insertOne: document: &dottedKey { _id: 1, a.b: 1 } expectResult: *bulkWriteResult expectEvents: - client: *client0 events: - commandStartedEvent: command: insert: *collection0Name documents: - *dottedKey outcome: - collectionName: *collection0Name databaseName: *database0Name documents: - *dottedKey - description: "Inserting document with dollar-prefixed key in embedded doc" operations: - name: bulkWrite object: *collection0 arguments: requests: - insertOne: document: &dollarPrefixedKeyInEmbedded { _id: 1, a: { $b: 1 } } expectResult: *bulkWriteResult expectEvents: - client: *client0 events: - commandStartedEvent: command: insert: *collection0Name documents: - *dollarPrefixedKeyInEmbedded outcome: - collectionName: *collection0Name databaseName: *database0Name documents: - *dollarPrefixedKeyInEmbedded - description: "Inserting document with dotted key in embedded doc" operations: - name: bulkWrite object: *collection0 arguments: requests: - insertOne: document: &dottedKeyInEmbedded { _id: 1, a: { b.c: 1 } } expectResult: *bulkWriteResult expectEvents: - client: *client0 events: - commandStartedEvent: command: insert: *collection0Name documents: - *dottedKeyInEmbedded outcome: - collectionName: *collection0Name databaseName: *database0Name documents: - *dottedKeyInEmbedded