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"example.com", "port": 27018 } ], "auth": { "username": "alice", "password": "secret", "db": null }, "options": null }, { "description": "User info for multiple hosts with database", "uri": "mongodb://alice:secret@example.com,[::1]:27019/admin", "valid": true, "warning": false, "hosts": [ { "type": "hostname", "host": "example.com", "port": null }, { "type": "ip_literal", "host": "::1", "port": 27019 } ], "auth": { "username": "alice", "password": "secret", "db": "admin" }, "options": null }, { "description": "Username without password", "uri": "mongodb://alice@", "valid": true, "warning": false, "hosts": [ { "type": "ipv4", "host": "", "port": null } ], "auth": { "username": "alice", "password": null, "db": null }, "options": null }, { "description": "Username with empty password", "uri": "mongodb://alice:@", "valid": true, "warning": false, "hosts": [ { "type": "ipv4", "host": "", "port": null } ], "auth": { "username": "alice", "password": "", "db": null }, "options": null }, { "description": "Escaped username and database without password", "uri": "mongodb://%40l%3Ace%2F%3D@example.com/my%3Ddb", "valid": true, "warning": false, "hosts": [ { "type": "hostname", "host": "example.com", "port": null } ], "auth": { "username": "@l:ce/=", "password": null, "db": "my=db" }, "options": null }, { "description": "Escaped user info and database (MONGODB-CR)", "uri": "mongodb://%24am:f%3Azzb%40z%2Fz%3D@", "valid": true, "warning": false, "hosts": [ { "type": "ipv4", "host": "", "port": null } ], "auth": { "username": "$am", "password": "f:zzb@z/z=", "db": "admin?" }, "options": { "authmechanism": "MONGODB-CR" } }, { "description": "Subdelimiters in user/pass don't need escaping (MONGODB-CR)", "uri": "mongodb://!$&'()*+,;=:!$&'()*+,;=@", "valid": true, "warning": false, "hosts": [ { "type": "ipv4", "host": "", "port": null } ], "auth": { "username": "!$&'()*+,;=", "password": "!$&'()*+,;=", "db": "admin" }, "options": { "authmechanism": "MONGODB-CR" } }, { "description": 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