
Text file src/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/bson-corpus/decimal128-4.json

Documentation: go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/testdata/bson-corpus

     2    "description": "Decimal128",
     3    "bson_type": "0x13",
     4    "test_key": "d",
     5    "valid": [
     6       {
     7          "description": "[basx023] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).",
     8          "canonical_bson": "1800000013640001000000000000000000000000003EB000",
     9          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"-0.1\"}}"
    10       },
    12       {
    13          "description": "[basx045] strings without E cannot generate E in result",
    14          "canonical_bson": "1800000013640003000000000000000000000000003A3000",
    15          "degenerate_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"+0.003\"}}",
    16          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"0.003\"}}"
    17       },
    18       {
    19          "description": "[basx610] Zeros",
    20          "canonical_bson": "1800000013640000000000000000000000000000003E3000",
    21          "degenerate_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \".0\"}}",
    22          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"0.0\"}}"
    23       },
    24       {
    25          "description": "[basx612] Zeros",
    26          "canonical_bson": "1800000013640000000000000000000000000000003EB000",
    27          "degenerate_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"-.0\"}}",
    28          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"-0.0\"}}"
    29       },
    30       {
    31          "description": "[basx043] strings without E cannot generate E in result",
    32          "canonical_bson": "18000000136400FC040000000000000000000000003C3000",
    33          "degenerate_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"+12.76\"}}",
    34          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"12.76\"}}"
    35       },
    36       {
    37          "description": "[basx055] strings without E cannot generate E in result",
    38          "canonical_bson": "180000001364000500000000000000000000000000303000",
    39          "degenerate_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"0.00000005\"}}",
    40          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"5E-8\"}}"
    41       },
    42       {
    43          "description": "[basx054] strings without E cannot generate E in result",
    44          "canonical_bson": "180000001364000500000000000000000000000000323000",
    45          "degenerate_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"0.0000005\"}}",
    46          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"5E-7\"}}"
    47       },
    48       {
    49          "description": "[basx052] strings without E cannot generate E in result",
    50          "canonical_bson": "180000001364000500000000000000000000000000343000",
    51          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"0.000005\"}}"
    52       },
    53       {
    54          "description": "[basx051] strings without E cannot generate E in result",
    55          "canonical_bson": "180000001364000500000000000000000000000000363000",
    56          "degenerate_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"00.00005\"}}",
    57          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"0.00005\"}}"
    58       },
    59       {
    60          "description": "[basx050] strings without E cannot generate E in result",
    61          "canonical_bson": "180000001364000500000000000000000000000000383000",
    62          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"0.0005\"}}"
    63       },
    64       {
    65          "description": "[basx047] strings without E cannot generate E in result",
    66          "canonical_bson": "1800000013640005000000000000000000000000003E3000",
    67          "degenerate_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \".5\"}}",
    68          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"0.5\"}}"
    69       },
    70       {
    71          "description": "[dqbsr431] check rounding modes heeded (Rounded)",
    72          "canonical_bson": "1800000013640099761CC7B548F377DC80A131C836FE2F00",
    73          "degenerate_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"1.1111111111111111111111111111123450\"}}",
    74          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"1.111111111111111111111111111112345\"}}"
    75       },
    76       {
    77          "description": "OK2",
    78          "canonical_bson": "18000000136400000000000A5BC138938D44C64D31FC2F00",
    79          "degenerate_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \".100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\"}}",
    80          "canonical_extjson": "{\"d\" : {\"$numberDecimal\" : \"0.1000000000000000000000000000000000\"}}"
    81       }
    82    ],
    83    "parseErrors": [
    84       {
    85          "description": "[basx564] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)",
    86          "string": "Infi"
    87       },
    88       {
    89          "description": "[basx565] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)",
    90          "string": "Infin"
    91       },
    92       {
    93          "description": "[basx566] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)",
    94          "string": "Infini"
    95       },
    96       {
    97          "description": "[basx567] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)",
    98          "string": "Infinit"
    99       },
   100       {
   101          "description": "[basx568] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)",
   102          "string": "-Infinit"
   103       },
   104       {
   105          "description": "[basx590] some baddies with dots and Es and dots and specials (Conversion_syntax)",
   106          "string": ".Infinity"
   107       },
   108       {
   109          "description": "[basx562] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)",
   110          "string": "NaNq"
   111       },
   112       {
   113          "description": "[basx563] Near-specials (Conversion_syntax)",
   114          "string": "NaNs"
   115       },
   116       {
   117          "description": "[dqbas939] overflow results at different rounding modes (Overflow & Inexact & Rounded)",
   118          "string": "-7e10000"
   119       },
   120       {
   121          "description": "[dqbsr534] negatives (Rounded & Inexact)",
   122          "string": "-1.11111111111111111111111111111234650"
   123       },
   124       {
   125          "description": "[dqbsr535] negatives (Rounded & Inexact)",
   126          "string": "-1.11111111111111111111111111111234551"
   127       },
   128       {
   129          "description": "[dqbsr533] negatives (Rounded & Inexact)",
   130          "string": "-1.11111111111111111111111111111234550"
   131       },
   132       {
   133          "description": "[dqbsr532] negatives (Rounded & Inexact)",
   134          "string": "-1.11111111111111111111111111111234549"
   135       },
   136       {
   137          "description": "[dqbsr432] check rounding modes heeded (Rounded & Inexact)",
   138          "string": "1.11111111111111111111111111111234549"
   139       },
   140       {
   141          "description": "[dqbsr433] check rounding modes heeded (Rounded & Inexact)",
   142          "string": "1.11111111111111111111111111111234550"
   143       },
   144       {
   145          "description": "[dqbsr435] check rounding modes heeded (Rounded & Inexact)",
   146          "string": "1.11111111111111111111111111111234551"
   147       },
   148       {
   149          "description": "[dqbsr434] check rounding modes heeded (Rounded & Inexact)",
   150          "string": "1.11111111111111111111111111111234650"
   151       },
   152       {
   153          "description": "[dqbas938] overflow results at different rounding modes (Overflow & Inexact & Rounded)",
   154          "string": "7e10000"
   155       },
   156       {
   157          "description": "Inexact rounding#1",
   158          "string": "100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
   159       },
   160       {
   161          "description": "Inexact rounding#2",
   162          "string": "1E-6177"
   163       }
   164    ]

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