// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2022-present. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain // a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 package options import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "encoding/pem" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net" "net/http" "os" "reflect" "testing" "time" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/cmpopts" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/event" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/assert" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/httputil" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/readconcern" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/readpref" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/writeconcern" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver/connstring" ) var tClientOptions = reflect.TypeOf(&ClientOptions{}) func TestClientOptions(t *testing.T) { t.Run("ApplyURI/doesn't overwrite previous errors", func(t *testing.T) { uri := "not-mongo-db-uri://" want := fmt.Errorf( "error parsing uri: %w", errors.New(`scheme must be "mongodb" or "mongodb+srv"`)) co := Client().ApplyURI(uri).ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost/") got := co.Validate() if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("Did not received expected error. got %v; want %v", got, want) } }) t.Run("Validate/returns error", func(t *testing.T) { want := errors.New("validate error") co := &ClientOptions{err: want} got := co.Validate() if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareErrors)) { t.Errorf("Did not receive expected error. got %v; want %v", got, want) } }) t.Run("Set", func(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string fn interface{} // method to be run arg interface{} // argument for method field string // field to be set dereference bool // Should we compare a pointer or the field }{ {"AppName", (*ClientOptions).SetAppName, "example-application", "AppName", true}, {"Auth", (*ClientOptions).SetAuth, Credential{Username: "foo", Password: "bar"}, "Auth", true}, {"Compressors", (*ClientOptions).SetCompressors, []string{"zstd", "snappy", "zlib"}, "Compressors", true}, {"ConnectTimeout", (*ClientOptions).SetConnectTimeout, 5 * time.Second, "ConnectTimeout", true}, {"Dialer", (*ClientOptions).SetDialer, testDialer{Num: 12345}, "Dialer", true}, {"HeartbeatInterval", (*ClientOptions).SetHeartbeatInterval, 5 * time.Second, "HeartbeatInterval", true}, {"Hosts", (*ClientOptions).SetHosts, []string{"localhost:27017", "localhost:27018", "localhost:27019"}, "Hosts", true}, {"LocalThreshold", (*ClientOptions).SetLocalThreshold, 5 * time.Second, "LocalThreshold", true}, {"MaxConnIdleTime", (*ClientOptions).SetMaxConnIdleTime, 5 * time.Second, "MaxConnIdleTime", true}, {"MaxPoolSize", (*ClientOptions).SetMaxPoolSize, uint64(250), "MaxPoolSize", true}, {"MinPoolSize", (*ClientOptions).SetMinPoolSize, uint64(10), "MinPoolSize", true}, {"MaxConnecting", (*ClientOptions).SetMaxConnecting, uint64(10), "MaxConnecting", true}, {"PoolMonitor", (*ClientOptions).SetPoolMonitor, &event.PoolMonitor{}, "PoolMonitor", false}, {"Monitor", (*ClientOptions).SetMonitor, &event.CommandMonitor{}, "Monitor", false}, {"ReadConcern", (*ClientOptions).SetReadConcern, readconcern.Majority(), "ReadConcern", false}, {"ReadPreference", (*ClientOptions).SetReadPreference, readpref.SecondaryPreferred(), "ReadPreference", false}, {"Registry", (*ClientOptions).SetRegistry, bson.NewRegistryBuilder().Build(), "Registry", false}, {"ReplicaSet", (*ClientOptions).SetReplicaSet, "example-replicaset", "ReplicaSet", true}, {"RetryWrites", (*ClientOptions).SetRetryWrites, true, "RetryWrites", true}, {"ServerSelectionTimeout", (*ClientOptions).SetServerSelectionTimeout, 5 * time.Second, "ServerSelectionTimeout", true}, {"Direct", (*ClientOptions).SetDirect, true, "Direct", true}, {"SocketTimeout", (*ClientOptions).SetSocketTimeout, 5 * time.Second, "SocketTimeout", true}, {"TLSConfig", (*ClientOptions).SetTLSConfig, &tls.Config{}, "TLSConfig", false}, {"WriteConcern", (*ClientOptions).SetWriteConcern, writeconcern.New(writeconcern.WMajority()), "WriteConcern", false}, {"ZlibLevel", (*ClientOptions).SetZlibLevel, 6, "ZlibLevel", true}, {"DisableOCSPEndpointCheck", (*ClientOptions).SetDisableOCSPEndpointCheck, true, "DisableOCSPEndpointCheck", true}, {"LoadBalanced", (*ClientOptions).SetLoadBalanced, true, "LoadBalanced", true}, } opt1, opt2, optResult := Client(), Client(), Client() for idx, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { fn := reflect.ValueOf(tc.fn) if fn.Kind() != reflect.Func { t.Fatal("fn argument must be a function") } if fn.Type().NumIn() < 2 || fn.Type().In(0) != tClientOptions { t.Fatal("fn argument must have a *ClientOptions as the first argument and one other argument") } if _, exists := tClientOptions.Elem().FieldByName(tc.field); !exists { t.Fatalf("field (%s) does not exist in ClientOptions", tc.field) } args := make([]reflect.Value, 2) client := reflect.New(tClientOptions.Elem()) args[0] = client want := reflect.ValueOf(tc.arg) args[1] = want if !want.IsValid() || !want.CanInterface() { t.Fatal("arg property of test case must be valid") } _ = fn.Call(args) // To avoid duplication we're piggybacking on the Set* tests to make the // MergeClientOptions test simpler and more thorough. // To do this we set the odd numbered test cases to the first opt, the even and // divisible by three test cases to the second, and the result of merging the two to // the result option. This gives us coverage of options set by the first option, by // the second, and by both. if idx%2 != 0 { args[0] = reflect.ValueOf(opt1) _ = fn.Call(args) } if idx%2 == 0 || idx%3 == 0 { args[0] = reflect.ValueOf(opt2) _ = fn.Call(args) } args[0] = reflect.ValueOf(optResult) _ = fn.Call(args) got := client.Elem().FieldByName(tc.field) if !got.IsValid() || !got.CanInterface() { t.Fatal("cannot create concrete instance from retrieved field") } if got.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && tc.dereference { got = got.Elem() } if !cmp.Equal( got.Interface(), want.Interface(), cmp.AllowUnexported(readconcern.ReadConcern{}, writeconcern.WriteConcern{}, readpref.ReadPref{}), cmp.Comparer(func(r1, r2 *bsoncodec.Registry) bool { return r1 == r2 }), cmp.Comparer(func(cfg1, cfg2 *tls.Config) bool { return cfg1 == cfg2 }), cmp.Comparer(func(fp1, fp2 *event.PoolMonitor) bool { return fp1 == fp2 }), ) { t.Errorf("Field not set properly. got %v; want %v", got.Interface(), want.Interface()) } }) } t.Run("MergeClientOptions/all set", func(t *testing.T) { want := optResult got := MergeClientOptions(nil, opt1, opt2) if diff := cmp.Diff( got, want, cmp.AllowUnexported(readconcern.ReadConcern{}, writeconcern.WriteConcern{}, readpref.ReadPref{}), cmp.Comparer(func(r1, r2 *bsoncodec.Registry) bool { return r1 == r2 }), cmp.Comparer(func(cfg1, cfg2 *tls.Config) bool { return cfg1 == cfg2 }), cmp.Comparer(func(fp1, fp2 *event.PoolMonitor) bool { return fp1 == fp2 }), cmp.AllowUnexported(ClientOptions{}), cmpopts.IgnoreFields(http.Client{}, "Transport"), ); diff != "" { t.Errorf("diff:\n%s", diff) t.Errorf("Merged client options do not match. got %v; want %v", got, want) } }) // go-cmp dont support error comparisons (https://github.com/google/go-cmp/issues/24) // Use specifique test for this t.Run("MergeClientOptions/err", func(t *testing.T) { opt1, opt2 := Client(), Client() opt1.err = errors.New("Test error") got := MergeClientOptions(nil, opt1, opt2) if got.err.Error() != "Test error" { t.Errorf("Merged client options do not match. got %v; want %v", got.err.Error(), opt1.err.Error()) } }) }) t.Run("ApplyURI", func(t *testing.T) { baseClient := func() *ClientOptions { return Client().SetHosts([]string{"localhost"}) } testCases := []struct { name string uri string result *ClientOptions }{ { "ParseError", "not-mongo-db-uri://", &ClientOptions{ err: fmt.Errorf( "error parsing uri: %w", errors.New(`scheme must be "mongodb" or "mongodb+srv"`)), HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, }, }, { "ReadPreference Invalid Mode", "mongodb://localhost/?maxStaleness=200", &ClientOptions{ err: fmt.Errorf("unknown read preference %v", ""), Hosts: []string{"localhost"}, HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, }, }, { "ReadPreference Primary With Options", "mongodb://localhost/?readPreference=Primary&maxStaleness=200", &ClientOptions{ err: errors.New("can not specify tags, max staleness, or hedge with mode primary"), Hosts: []string{"localhost"}, HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, }, }, { "TLS addCertFromFile error", "mongodb://localhost/?ssl=true&sslCertificateAuthorityFile=testdata/doesntexist", &ClientOptions{ err: &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: "testdata/doesntexist"}, Hosts: []string{"localhost"}, HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, }, }, { "TLS ClientCertificateKey", "mongodb://localhost/?ssl=true&sslClientCertificateKeyFile=testdata/doesntexist", &ClientOptions{ err: &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: "testdata/doesntexist"}, Hosts: []string{"localhost"}, HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, }, }, { "AppName", "mongodb://localhost/?appName=awesome-example-application", baseClient().SetAppName("awesome-example-application"), }, { "AuthMechanism", "mongodb://localhost/?authMechanism=mongodb-x509", baseClient().SetAuth(Credential{AuthSource: "$external", AuthMechanism: "mongodb-x509"}), }, { "AuthMechanismProperties", "mongodb://foo@localhost/?authMechanism=gssapi&authMechanismProperties=SERVICE_NAME:mongodb-fake", baseClient().SetAuth(Credential{ AuthSource: "$external", AuthMechanism: "gssapi", AuthMechanismProperties: map[string]string{"SERVICE_NAME": "mongodb-fake"}, Username: "foo", }), }, { "AuthSource", "mongodb://foo@localhost/?authSource=random-database-example", baseClient().SetAuth(Credential{AuthSource: "random-database-example", Username: "foo"}), }, { "Username", "mongodb://foo@localhost/", baseClient().SetAuth(Credential{AuthSource: "admin", Username: "foo"}), }, { "Unescaped slash in username", "mongodb:///:pwd@localhost", &ClientOptions{ err: fmt.Errorf( "error parsing uri: %w", errors.New("unescaped slash in username")), HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, }, }, { "Password", "mongodb://foo:bar@localhost/", baseClient().SetAuth(Credential{ AuthSource: "admin", Username: "foo", Password: "bar", PasswordSet: true, }), }, { "Single character username and password", "mongodb://f:b@localhost/", baseClient().SetAuth(Credential{ AuthSource: "admin", Username: "f", Password: "b", PasswordSet: true, }), }, { "Connect", "mongodb://localhost/?connect=direct", baseClient().SetDirect(true), }, { "ConnectTimeout", "mongodb://localhost/?connectTimeoutms=5000", baseClient().SetConnectTimeout(5 * time.Second), }, { "Compressors", "mongodb://localhost/?compressors=zlib,snappy", baseClient().SetCompressors([]string{"zlib", "snappy"}).SetZlibLevel(6), }, { "DatabaseNoAuth", "mongodb://localhost/example-database", baseClient(), }, { "DatabaseAsDefault", "mongodb://foo@localhost/example-database", baseClient().SetAuth(Credential{AuthSource: "example-database", Username: "foo"}), }, { "HeartbeatInterval", "mongodb://localhost/?heartbeatIntervalms=12000", baseClient().SetHeartbeatInterval(12 * time.Second), }, { "Hosts", "mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018,localhost:27019/", baseClient().SetHosts([]string{"localhost:27017", "localhost:27018", "localhost:27019"}), }, { "LocalThreshold", "mongodb://localhost/?localThresholdMS=200", baseClient().SetLocalThreshold(200 * time.Millisecond), }, { "MaxConnIdleTime", "mongodb://localhost/?maxIdleTimeMS=300000", baseClient().SetMaxConnIdleTime(5 * time.Minute), }, { "MaxPoolSize", "mongodb://localhost/?maxPoolSize=256", baseClient().SetMaxPoolSize(256), }, { "MinPoolSize", "mongodb://localhost/?minPoolSize=256", baseClient().SetMinPoolSize(256), }, { "MaxConnecting", "mongodb://localhost/?maxConnecting=10", baseClient().SetMaxConnecting(10), }, { "ReadConcern", "mongodb://localhost/?readConcernLevel=linearizable", baseClient().SetReadConcern(readconcern.Linearizable()), }, { "ReadPreference", "mongodb://localhost/?readPreference=secondaryPreferred", baseClient().SetReadPreference(readpref.SecondaryPreferred()), }, { "ReadPreferenceTagSets", "mongodb://localhost/?readPreference=secondaryPreferred&readPreferenceTags=foo:bar", baseClient().SetReadPreference(readpref.SecondaryPreferred(readpref.WithTags("foo", "bar"))), }, { "MaxStaleness", "mongodb://localhost/?readPreference=secondaryPreferred&maxStaleness=250", baseClient().SetReadPreference(readpref.SecondaryPreferred(readpref.WithMaxStaleness(250 * time.Second))), }, { "RetryWrites", "mongodb://localhost/?retryWrites=true", baseClient().SetRetryWrites(true), }, { "ReplicaSet", "mongodb://localhost/?replicaSet=rs01", baseClient().SetReplicaSet("rs01"), }, { "ServerSelectionTimeout", "mongodb://localhost/?serverSelectionTimeoutMS=45000", baseClient().SetServerSelectionTimeout(45 * time.Second), }, { "SocketTimeout", "mongodb://localhost/?socketTimeoutMS=15000", baseClient().SetSocketTimeout(15 * time.Second), }, { "TLS CACertificate", "mongodb://localhost/?ssl=true&sslCertificateAuthorityFile=testdata/ca.pem", baseClient().SetTLSConfig(&tls.Config{ RootCAs: createCertPool(t, "testdata/ca.pem"), }), }, { "TLS Insecure", "mongodb://localhost/?ssl=true&sslInsecure=true", baseClient().SetTLSConfig(&tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}), }, { "TLS ClientCertificateKey", "mongodb://localhost/?ssl=true&sslClientCertificateKeyFile=testdata/nopass/certificate.pem", baseClient().SetTLSConfig(&tls.Config{Certificates: make([]tls.Certificate, 1)}), }, { "TLS ClientCertificateKey with password", "mongodb://localhost/?ssl=true&sslClientCertificateKeyFile=testdata/certificate.pem&sslClientCertificateKeyPassword=passphrase", baseClient().SetTLSConfig(&tls.Config{Certificates: make([]tls.Certificate, 1)}), }, { "TLS Username", "mongodb://localhost/?ssl=true&authMechanism=mongodb-x509&sslClientCertificateKeyFile=testdata/nopass/certificate.pem", baseClient().SetAuth(Credential{ AuthMechanism: "mongodb-x509", AuthSource: "$external", Username: `C=US,ST=New York,L=New York City, Inc,O=MongoDB\,OU=WWW`, }), }, { "WriteConcern J", "mongodb://localhost/?journal=true", baseClient().SetWriteConcern(writeconcern.New(writeconcern.J(true))), }, { "WriteConcern WString", "mongodb://localhost/?w=majority", baseClient().SetWriteConcern(writeconcern.New(writeconcern.WMajority())), }, { "WriteConcern W", "mongodb://localhost/?w=3", baseClient().SetWriteConcern(writeconcern.New(writeconcern.W(3))), }, { "WriteConcern WTimeout", "mongodb://localhost/?wTimeoutMS=45000", baseClient().SetWriteConcern(writeconcern.New(writeconcern.WTimeout(45 * time.Second))), }, { "ZLibLevel", "mongodb://localhost/?zlibCompressionLevel=4", baseClient().SetZlibLevel(4), }, { "TLS tlsCertificateFile and tlsPrivateKeyFile", "mongodb://localhost/?tlsCertificateFile=testdata/nopass/cert.pem&tlsPrivateKeyFile=testdata/nopass/key.pem", baseClient().SetTLSConfig(&tls.Config{Certificates: make([]tls.Certificate, 1)}), }, { "TLS only tlsCertificateFile", "mongodb://localhost/?tlsCertificateFile=testdata/nopass/cert.pem", &ClientOptions{ err: fmt.Errorf( "error validating uri: %w", errors.New("the tlsPrivateKeyFile URI option must be provided if the tlsCertificateFile option is specified")), HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, }, }, { "TLS only tlsPrivateKeyFile", "mongodb://localhost/?tlsPrivateKeyFile=testdata/nopass/key.pem", &ClientOptions{ err: fmt.Errorf( "error validating uri: %w", errors.New("the tlsCertificateFile URI option must be provided if the tlsPrivateKeyFile option is specified")), HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, }, }, { "TLS tlsCertificateFile and tlsPrivateKeyFile and tlsCertificateKeyFile", "mongodb://localhost/?tlsCertificateFile=testdata/nopass/cert.pem&tlsPrivateKeyFile=testdata/nopass/key.pem&tlsCertificateKeyFile=testdata/nopass/certificate.pem", &ClientOptions{ err: fmt.Errorf( "error validating uri: %w", errors.New("the sslClientCertificateKeyFile/tlsCertificateKeyFile URI option cannot be provided "+ "along with tlsCertificateFile or tlsPrivateKeyFile")), HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, }, }, { "disable OCSP endpoint check", "mongodb://localhost/?tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck=true", baseClient().SetDisableOCSPEndpointCheck(true), }, { "directConnection", "mongodb://localhost/?directConnection=true", baseClient().SetDirect(true), }, { "TLS CA file with multiple certificiates", "mongodb://localhost/?tlsCAFile=testdata/ca-with-intermediates.pem", baseClient().SetTLSConfig(&tls.Config{ RootCAs: createCertPool(t, "testdata/ca-with-intermediates-first.pem", "testdata/ca-with-intermediates-second.pem", "testdata/ca-with-intermediates-third.pem"), }), }, { "TLS empty CA file", "mongodb://localhost/?tlsCAFile=testdata/empty-ca.pem", &ClientOptions{ Hosts: []string{"localhost"}, HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, err: errors.New("the specified CA file does not contain any valid certificates"), }, }, { "TLS CA file with no certificates", "mongodb://localhost/?tlsCAFile=testdata/ca-key.pem", &ClientOptions{ Hosts: []string{"localhost"}, HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, err: errors.New("the specified CA file does not contain any valid certificates"), }, }, { "TLS malformed CA file", "mongodb://localhost/?tlsCAFile=testdata/malformed-ca.pem", &ClientOptions{ Hosts: []string{"localhost"}, HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient, err: errors.New("the specified CA file does not contain any valid certificates"), }, }, { "loadBalanced=true", "mongodb://localhost/?loadBalanced=true", baseClient().SetLoadBalanced(true), }, { "loadBalanced=false", "mongodb://localhost/?loadBalanced=false", baseClient().SetLoadBalanced(false), }, { "srvServiceName", "mongodb+srv://test22.test.build.10gen.cc/?srvServiceName=customname", baseClient().SetSRVServiceName("customname"). SetHosts([]string{"localhost.test.build.10gen.cc:27017", "localhost.test.build.10gen.cc:27018"}), }, { "srvMaxHosts", "mongodb+srv://test1.test.build.10gen.cc/?srvMaxHosts=2", baseClient().SetSRVMaxHosts(2). SetHosts([]string{"localhost.test.build.10gen.cc:27017", "localhost.test.build.10gen.cc:27018"}), }, { "GODRIVER-2263 regression test", "mongodb://localhost/?tlsCertificateKeyFile=testdata/one-pk-multiple-certs.pem", baseClient().SetTLSConfig(&tls.Config{Certificates: make([]tls.Certificate, 1)}), }, { "GODRIVER-2650 X509 certificate", "mongodb://localhost/?ssl=true&authMechanism=mongodb-x509&sslClientCertificateKeyFile=testdata/one-pk-multiple-certs.pem", baseClient().SetAuth(Credential{ AuthMechanism: "mongodb-x509", AuthSource: "$external", // Subject name in the first certificate is used as the username for X509 auth. Username: `C=US,ST=New York,L=New York City,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=localhost`, }).SetTLSConfig(&tls.Config{Certificates: make([]tls.Certificate, 1)}), }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { result := Client().ApplyURI(tc.uri) // Manually add the URI and ConnString to the test expectations to avoid adding them in each test // definition. The ConnString should only be recorded if there was no error while parsing. cs, err := connstring.ParseAndValidate(tc.uri) if err == nil { tc.result.cs = cs } // We have to sort string slices in comparison, as Hosts resolved from SRV URIs do not have a set order. stringLess := func(a, b string) bool { return a < b } if diff := cmp.Diff( tc.result, result, cmp.AllowUnexported(ClientOptions{}, readconcern.ReadConcern{}, writeconcern.WriteConcern{}, readpref.ReadPref{}), cmp.Comparer(func(r1, r2 *bsoncodec.Registry) bool { return r1 == r2 }), cmp.Comparer(compareTLSConfig), cmp.Comparer(compareErrors), cmpopts.SortSlices(stringLess), cmpopts.IgnoreFields(connstring.ConnString{}, "SSLClientCertificateKeyPassword"), cmpopts.IgnoreFields(http.Client{}, "Transport"), ); diff != "" { t.Errorf("URI did not apply correctly: (-want +got)\n%s", diff) } }) } }) t.Run("direct connection validation", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("multiple hosts", func(t *testing.T) { expectedErr := errors.New("a direct connection cannot be made if multiple hosts are specified") testCases := []struct { name string opts *ClientOptions }{ {"hosts in URI", Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost,localhost2")}, {"hosts in options", Client().SetHosts([]string{"localhost", "localhost2"})}, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { err := tc.opts.SetDirect(true).Validate() assert.NotNil(t, err, "expected error, got nil") assert.Equal(t, expectedErr.Error(), err.Error(), "expected error %v, got %v", expectedErr, err) }) } }) t.Run("srv", func(t *testing.T) { expectedErr := errors.New("a direct connection cannot be made if an SRV URI is used") // Use a non-SRV URI and manually set the scheme because using an SRV URI would force an SRV lookup. opts := Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017") opts.cs.Scheme = connstring.SchemeMongoDBSRV err := opts.SetDirect(true).Validate() assert.NotNil(t, err, "expected error, got nil") assert.Equal(t, expectedErr.Error(), err.Error(), "expected error %v, got %v", expectedErr, err) }) }) t.Run("loadBalanced validation", func(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string opts *ClientOptions err error }{ {"multiple hosts in URI", Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://foo,bar"), connstring.ErrLoadBalancedWithMultipleHosts}, {"multiple hosts in options", Client().SetHosts([]string{"foo", "bar"}), connstring.ErrLoadBalancedWithMultipleHosts}, {"replica set name", Client().SetReplicaSet("foo"), connstring.ErrLoadBalancedWithReplicaSet}, {"directConnection=true", Client().SetDirect(true), connstring.ErrLoadBalancedWithDirectConnection}, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { // The loadBalanced option should not be validated if it is unset or false. err := tc.opts.Validate() assert.Nil(t, err, "Validate error when loadBalanced is unset: %v", err) tc.opts.SetLoadBalanced(false) err = tc.opts.Validate() assert.Nil(t, err, "Validate error when loadBalanced=false: %v", err) tc.opts.SetLoadBalanced(true) err = tc.opts.Validate() assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err, "expected error %v when loadBalanced=true, got %v", tc.err, err) }) } }) t.Run("minPoolSize validation", func(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string opts *ClientOptions err error }{ { "minPoolSize < maxPoolSize", Client().SetMinPoolSize(128).SetMaxPoolSize(256), nil, }, { "minPoolSize == maxPoolSize", Client().SetMinPoolSize(128).SetMaxPoolSize(128), nil, }, { "minPoolSize > maxPoolSize", Client().SetMinPoolSize(64).SetMaxPoolSize(32), errors.New("minPoolSize must be less than or equal to maxPoolSize, got minPoolSize=64 maxPoolSize=32"), }, { "maxPoolSize == 0", Client().SetMinPoolSize(128).SetMaxPoolSize(0), nil, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { err := tc.opts.Validate() assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err, "expected error %v, got %v", tc.err, err) }) } }) t.Run("srvMaxHosts validation", func(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { name string opts *ClientOptions err error }{ {"replica set name", Client().SetReplicaSet("foo"), connstring.ErrSRVMaxHostsWithReplicaSet}, {"loadBalanced=true", Client().SetLoadBalanced(true), connstring.ErrSRVMaxHostsWithLoadBalanced}, {"loadBalanced=false", Client().SetLoadBalanced(false), nil}, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { err := tc.opts.Validate() assert.Nil(t, err, "Validate error when srvMxaHosts is unset: %v", err) tc.opts.SetSRVMaxHosts(0) err = tc.opts.Validate() assert.Nil(t, err, "Validate error when srvMaxHosts is 0: %v", err) tc.opts.SetSRVMaxHosts(2) err = tc.opts.Validate() assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err, "expected error %v when srvMaxHosts > 0, got %v", tc.err, err) }) } }) t.Run("srvMaxHosts validation", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testCases := []struct { name string opts *ClientOptions err error }{ { name: "valid ServerAPI", opts: Client().SetServerAPIOptions(ServerAPI(ServerAPIVersion1)), err: nil, }, { name: "invalid ServerAPI", opts: Client().SetServerAPIOptions(ServerAPI("nope")), err: errors.New(`api version "nope" not supported; this driver version only supports API version "1"`), }, { name: "invalid ServerAPI with other invalid options", opts: Client().SetServerAPIOptions(ServerAPI("nope")).SetSRVMaxHosts(1).SetReplicaSet("foo"), err: errors.New(`api version "nope" not supported; this driver version only supports API version "1"`), }, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // Capture range variable. t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() err := tc.opts.Validate() assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err, "want error %v, got error %v", tc.err, err) }) } }) t.Run("server monitoring mode validation", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testCases := []struct { name string opts *ClientOptions err error }{ { name: "undefined", opts: Client(), err: nil, }, { name: "auto", opts: Client().SetServerMonitoringMode(ServerMonitoringModeAuto), err: nil, }, { name: "poll", opts: Client().SetServerMonitoringMode(ServerMonitoringModePoll), err: nil, }, { name: "stream", opts: Client().SetServerMonitoringMode(ServerMonitoringModeStream), err: nil, }, { name: "invalid", opts: Client().SetServerMonitoringMode("invalid"), err: errors.New("invalid server monitoring mode: \"invalid\""), }, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // Capture the range variable t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() err := tc.opts.Validate() assert.Equal(t, tc.err, err, "expected error %v, got %v", tc.err, err) }) } }) } func createCertPool(t *testing.T, paths ...string) *x509.CertPool { t.Helper() pool := x509.NewCertPool() for _, path := range paths { pool.AddCert(loadCert(t, path)) } return pool } func loadCert(t *testing.T, file string) *x509.Certificate { t.Helper() data := readFile(t, file) block, _ := pem.Decode(data) cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes) assert.Nil(t, err, "ParseCertificate error for %s: %v", file, err) return cert } func readFile(t *testing.T, path string) []byte { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) assert.Nil(t, err, "ReadFile error for %s: %v", path, err) return data } type testDialer struct { Num int } func (testDialer) DialContext(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error) { return nil, nil } func compareTLSConfig(cfg1, cfg2 *tls.Config) bool { if cfg1 == nil && cfg2 == nil { return true } if cfg1 == nil || cfg2 == nil { return true } if (cfg1.RootCAs == nil && cfg1.RootCAs != nil) || (cfg1.RootCAs != nil && cfg1.RootCAs == nil) { return false } if cfg1.RootCAs != nil { cfg1Subjects := cfg1.RootCAs.Subjects() cfg2Subjects := cfg2.RootCAs.Subjects() if len(cfg1Subjects) != len(cfg2Subjects) { return false } for idx, firstSubject := range cfg1Subjects { if !bytes.Equal(firstSubject, cfg2Subjects[idx]) { return false } } } if len(cfg1.Certificates) != len(cfg2.Certificates) { return false } if cfg1.InsecureSkipVerify != cfg2.InsecureSkipVerify { return false } return true } func compareErrors(err1, err2 error) bool { if err1 == nil && err2 == nil { return true } if err1 == nil || err2 == nil { return false } var ospe1, ospe2 *os.PathError if errors.As(err1, &ospe1) && errors.As(err2, &ospe2) { return ospe1.Op == ospe2.Op && ospe1.Path == ospe2.Path } if err1.Error() != err2.Error() { return false } return true }