
Source file src/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options/clientoptions.go

Documentation: go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options

     1  // Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
     4  // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
     5  // a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     7  package options // import "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options"
     9  import (
    10  	"bytes"
    11  	"context"
    12  	"crypto/tls"
    13  	"crypto/x509"
    14  	"encoding/pem"
    15  	"errors"
    16  	"fmt"
    17  	"io/ioutil"
    18  	"net"
    19  	"net/http"
    20  	"strings"
    21  	"time"
    23  	"github.com/youmark/pkcs8"
    24  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec"
    25  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/event"
    26  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/httputil"
    27  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/readconcern"
    28  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/readpref"
    29  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/writeconcern"
    30  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/tag"
    31  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver"
    32  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver/connstring"
    33  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver/wiremessage"
    34  )
    36  const (
    37  	// ServerMonitoringModeAuto indicates that the client will behave like "poll"
    38  	// mode when running on a FaaS (Function as a Service) platform, or like
    39  	// "stream" mode otherwise. The client detects its execution environment by
    40  	// following the rules for generating the "client.env" handshake metadata field
    41  	// as specified in the MongoDB Handshake specification. This is the default
    42  	// mode.
    43  	ServerMonitoringModeAuto = connstring.ServerMonitoringModeAuto
    45  	// ServerMonitoringModePoll indicates that the client will periodically check
    46  	// the server using a hello or legacy hello command and then sleep for
    47  	// heartbeatFrequencyMS milliseconds before running another check.
    48  	ServerMonitoringModePoll = connstring.ServerMonitoringModePoll
    50  	// ServerMonitoringModeStream indicates that the client will use a streaming
    51  	// protocol when the server supports it. The streaming protocol optimally
    52  	// reduces the time it takes for a client to discover server state changes.
    53  	ServerMonitoringModeStream = connstring.ServerMonitoringModeStream
    54  )
    56  // ContextDialer is an interface that can be implemented by types that can create connections. It should be used to
    57  // provide a custom dialer when configuring a Client.
    58  //
    59  // DialContext should return a connection to the provided address on the given network.
    60  type ContextDialer interface {
    61  	DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
    62  }
    64  // Credential can be used to provide authentication options when configuring a Client.
    65  //
    66  // AuthMechanism: the mechanism to use for authentication. Supported values include "SCRAM-SHA-256", "SCRAM-SHA-1",
    67  // "MONGODB-CR", "PLAIN", "GSSAPI", "MONGODB-X509", and "MONGODB-AWS". This can also be set through the "authMechanism"
    68  // URI option. (e.g. "authMechanism=PLAIN"). For more information, see
    69  // https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/authentication-mechanisms/.
    70  //
    71  // AuthMechanismProperties can be used to specify additional configuration options for certain mechanisms. They can also
    72  // be set through the "authMechanismProperites" URI option
    73  // (e.g. "authMechanismProperties=SERVICE_NAME:service,CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME:true"). Supported properties are:
    74  //
    75  // 1. SERVICE_NAME: The service name to use for GSSAPI authentication. The default is "mongodb".
    76  //
    77  // 2. CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME: If "true", the driver will canonicalize the host name for GSSAPI authentication. The default
    78  // is "false".
    79  //
    80  // 3. SERVICE_REALM: The service realm for GSSAPI authentication.
    81  //
    82  // 4. SERVICE_HOST: The host name to use for GSSAPI authentication. This should be specified if the host name to use for
    83  // authentication is different than the one given for Client construction.
    84  //
    85  // 4. AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: The AWS token for MONGODB-AWS authentication. This is optional and used for authentication with
    86  // temporary credentials.
    87  //
    88  // The SERVICE_HOST and CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME properties must not be used at the same time on Linux and Darwin
    89  // systems.
    90  //
    91  // AuthSource: the name of the database to use for authentication. This defaults to "$external" for MONGODB-X509,
    92  // GSSAPI, and PLAIN and "admin" for all other mechanisms. This can also be set through the "authSource" URI option
    93  // (e.g. "authSource=otherDb").
    94  //
    95  // Username: the username for authentication. This can also be set through the URI as a username:password pair before
    96  // the first @ character. For example, a URI for user "user", password "pwd", and host "localhost:27017" would be
    97  // "mongodb://user:pwd@localhost:27017". This is optional for X509 authentication and will be extracted from the
    98  // client certificate if not specified.
    99  //
   100  // Password: the password for authentication. This must not be specified for X509 and is optional for GSSAPI
   101  // authentication.
   102  //
   103  // PasswordSet: For GSSAPI, this must be true if a password is specified, even if the password is the empty string, and
   104  // false if no password is specified, indicating that the password should be taken from the context of the running
   105  // process. For other mechanisms, this field is ignored.
   106  type Credential struct {
   107  	AuthMechanism           string
   108  	AuthMechanismProperties map[string]string
   109  	AuthSource              string
   110  	Username                string
   111  	Password                string
   112  	PasswordSet             bool
   113  }
   115  // BSONOptions are optional BSON marshaling and unmarshaling behaviors.
   116  type BSONOptions struct {
   117  	// UseJSONStructTags causes the driver to fall back to using the "json"
   118  	// struct tag if a "bson" struct tag is not specified.
   119  	UseJSONStructTags bool
   121  	// ErrorOnInlineDuplicates causes the driver to return an error if there is
   122  	// a duplicate field in the marshaled BSON when the "inline" struct tag
   123  	// option is set.
   124  	ErrorOnInlineDuplicates bool
   126  	// IntMinSize causes the driver to marshal Go integer values (int, int8,
   127  	// int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, or uint64) as the
   128  	// minimum BSON int size (either 32 or 64 bits) that can represent the
   129  	// integer value.
   130  	IntMinSize bool
   132  	// NilMapAsEmpty causes the driver to marshal nil Go maps as empty BSON
   133  	// documents instead of BSON null.
   134  	//
   135  	// Empty BSON documents take up slightly more space than BSON null, but
   136  	// preserve the ability to use document update operations like "$set" that
   137  	// do not work on BSON null.
   138  	NilMapAsEmpty bool
   140  	// NilSliceAsEmpty causes the driver to marshal nil Go slices as empty BSON
   141  	// arrays instead of BSON null.
   142  	//
   143  	// Empty BSON arrays take up slightly more space than BSON null, but
   144  	// preserve the ability to use array update operations like "$push" or
   145  	// "$addToSet" that do not work on BSON null.
   146  	NilSliceAsEmpty bool
   148  	// NilByteSliceAsEmpty causes the driver to marshal nil Go byte slices as
   149  	// empty BSON binary values instead of BSON null.
   150  	NilByteSliceAsEmpty bool
   152  	// OmitZeroStruct causes the driver to consider the zero value for a struct
   153  	// (e.g. MyStruct{}) as empty and omit it from the marshaled BSON when the
   154  	// "omitempty" struct tag option is set.
   155  	OmitZeroStruct bool
   157  	// StringifyMapKeysWithFmt causes the driver to convert Go map keys to BSON
   158  	// document field name strings using fmt.Sprint instead of the default
   159  	// string conversion logic.
   160  	StringifyMapKeysWithFmt bool
   162  	// AllowTruncatingDoubles causes the driver to truncate the fractional part
   163  	// of BSON "double" values when attempting to unmarshal them into a Go
   164  	// integer (int, int8, int16, int32, or int64) struct field. The truncation
   165  	// logic does not apply to BSON "decimal128" values.
   166  	AllowTruncatingDoubles bool
   168  	// BinaryAsSlice causes the driver to unmarshal BSON binary field values
   169  	// that are the "Generic" or "Old" BSON binary subtype as a Go byte slice
   170  	// instead of a primitive.Binary.
   171  	BinaryAsSlice bool
   173  	// DefaultDocumentD causes the driver to always unmarshal documents into the
   174  	// primitive.D type. This behavior is restricted to data typed as
   175  	// "interface{}" or "map[string]interface{}".
   176  	DefaultDocumentD bool
   178  	// DefaultDocumentM causes the driver to always unmarshal documents into the
   179  	// primitive.M type. This behavior is restricted to data typed as
   180  	// "interface{}" or "map[string]interface{}".
   181  	DefaultDocumentM bool
   183  	// UseLocalTimeZone causes the driver to unmarshal time.Time values in the
   184  	// local timezone instead of the UTC timezone.
   185  	UseLocalTimeZone bool
   187  	// ZeroMaps causes the driver to delete any existing values from Go maps in
   188  	// the destination value before unmarshaling BSON documents into them.
   189  	ZeroMaps bool
   191  	// ZeroStructs causes the driver to delete any existing values from Go
   192  	// structs in the destination value before unmarshaling BSON documents into
   193  	// them.
   194  	ZeroStructs bool
   195  }
   197  // ClientOptions contains options to configure a Client instance. Each option can be set through setter functions. See
   198  // documentation for each setter function for an explanation of the option.
   199  type ClientOptions struct {
   200  	AppName                  *string
   201  	Auth                     *Credential
   202  	AutoEncryptionOptions    *AutoEncryptionOptions
   203  	ConnectTimeout           *time.Duration
   204  	Compressors              []string
   205  	Dialer                   ContextDialer
   206  	Direct                   *bool
   207  	DisableOCSPEndpointCheck *bool
   208  	HeartbeatInterval        *time.Duration
   209  	Hosts                    []string
   210  	HTTPClient               *http.Client
   211  	LoadBalanced             *bool
   212  	LocalThreshold           *time.Duration
   213  	LoggerOptions            *LoggerOptions
   214  	MaxConnIdleTime          *time.Duration
   215  	MaxPoolSize              *uint64
   216  	MinPoolSize              *uint64
   217  	MaxConnecting            *uint64
   218  	PoolMonitor              *event.PoolMonitor
   219  	Monitor                  *event.CommandMonitor
   220  	ServerMonitor            *event.ServerMonitor
   221  	ReadConcern              *readconcern.ReadConcern
   222  	ReadPreference           *readpref.ReadPref
   223  	BSONOptions              *BSONOptions
   224  	Registry                 *bsoncodec.Registry
   225  	ReplicaSet               *string
   226  	RetryReads               *bool
   227  	RetryWrites              *bool
   228  	ServerAPIOptions         *ServerAPIOptions
   229  	ServerMonitoringMode     *string
   230  	ServerSelectionTimeout   *time.Duration
   231  	SRVMaxHosts              *int
   232  	SRVServiceName           *string
   233  	Timeout                  *time.Duration
   234  	TLSConfig                *tls.Config
   235  	WriteConcern             *writeconcern.WriteConcern
   236  	ZlibLevel                *int
   237  	ZstdLevel                *int
   239  	err error
   240  	cs  *connstring.ConnString
   242  	// AuthenticateToAnything skips server type checks when deciding if authentication is possible.
   243  	//
   244  	// Deprecated: This option is for internal use only and should not be set. It may be changed or removed in any
   245  	// release.
   246  	AuthenticateToAnything *bool
   248  	// Crypt specifies a custom driver.Crypt to be used to encrypt and decrypt documents. The default is no
   249  	// encryption.
   250  	//
   251  	// Deprecated: This option is for internal use only and should not be set (see GODRIVER-2149). It may be
   252  	// changed or removed in any release.
   253  	Crypt driver.Crypt
   255  	// Deployment specifies a custom deployment to use for the new Client.
   256  	//
   257  	// Deprecated: This option is for internal use only and should not be set. It may be changed or removed in any
   258  	// release.
   259  	Deployment driver.Deployment
   261  	// SocketTimeout specifies the timeout to be used for the Client's socket reads and writes.
   262  	//
   263  	// NOTE(benjirewis): SocketTimeout will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option
   264  	// may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning
   265  	// an error. Setting SocketTimeout and Timeout on a single client will result in undefined behavior.
   266  	SocketTimeout *time.Duration
   267  }
   269  // Client creates a new ClientOptions instance.
   270  func Client() *ClientOptions {
   271  	return &ClientOptions{
   272  		HTTPClient: httputil.DefaultHTTPClient,
   273  	}
   274  }
   276  // Validate validates the client options. This method will return the first error found.
   277  func (c *ClientOptions) Validate() error {
   278  	if c.err != nil {
   279  		return c.err
   280  	}
   281  	c.err = c.validate()
   282  	return c.err
   283  }
   285  func (c *ClientOptions) validate() error {
   286  	// Direct connections cannot be made if multiple hosts are specified or an SRV URI is used.
   287  	if c.Direct != nil && *c.Direct {
   288  		if len(c.Hosts) > 1 {
   289  			return errors.New("a direct connection cannot be made if multiple hosts are specified")
   290  		}
   291  		if c.cs != nil && c.cs.Scheme == connstring.SchemeMongoDBSRV {
   292  			return errors.New("a direct connection cannot be made if an SRV URI is used")
   293  		}
   294  	}
   296  	if c.MaxPoolSize != nil && c.MinPoolSize != nil && *c.MaxPoolSize != 0 && *c.MinPoolSize > *c.MaxPoolSize {
   297  		return fmt.Errorf("minPoolSize must be less than or equal to maxPoolSize, got minPoolSize=%d maxPoolSize=%d", *c.MinPoolSize, *c.MaxPoolSize)
   298  	}
   300  	// verify server API version if ServerAPIOptions are passed in.
   301  	if c.ServerAPIOptions != nil {
   302  		if err := c.ServerAPIOptions.ServerAPIVersion.Validate(); err != nil {
   303  			return err
   304  		}
   305  	}
   307  	// Validation for load-balanced mode.
   308  	if c.LoadBalanced != nil && *c.LoadBalanced {
   309  		if len(c.Hosts) > 1 {
   310  			return connstring.ErrLoadBalancedWithMultipleHosts
   311  		}
   312  		if c.ReplicaSet != nil {
   313  			return connstring.ErrLoadBalancedWithReplicaSet
   314  		}
   315  		if c.Direct != nil && *c.Direct {
   316  			return connstring.ErrLoadBalancedWithDirectConnection
   317  		}
   318  	}
   320  	// Validation for srvMaxHosts.
   321  	if c.SRVMaxHosts != nil && *c.SRVMaxHosts > 0 {
   322  		if c.ReplicaSet != nil {
   323  			return connstring.ErrSRVMaxHostsWithReplicaSet
   324  		}
   325  		if c.LoadBalanced != nil && *c.LoadBalanced {
   326  			return connstring.ErrSRVMaxHostsWithLoadBalanced
   327  		}
   328  	}
   330  	if mode := c.ServerMonitoringMode; mode != nil && !connstring.IsValidServerMonitoringMode(*mode) {
   331  		return fmt.Errorf("invalid server monitoring mode: %q", *mode)
   332  	}
   334  	return nil
   335  }
   337  // GetURI returns the original URI used to configure the ClientOptions instance. If ApplyURI was not called during
   338  // construction, this returns "".
   339  func (c *ClientOptions) GetURI() string {
   340  	if c.cs == nil {
   341  		return ""
   342  	}
   343  	return c.cs.Original
   344  }
   346  // ApplyURI parses the given URI and sets options accordingly. The URI can contain host names, IPv4/IPv6 literals, or
   347  // an SRV record that will be resolved when the Client is created. When using an SRV record, TLS support is
   348  // implicitly enabled. Specify the "tls=false" URI option to override this.
   349  //
   350  // If the connection string contains any options that have previously been set, it will overwrite them. Options that
   351  // correspond to multiple URI parameters, such as WriteConcern, will be completely overwritten if any of the query
   352  // parameters are specified. If an option is set on ClientOptions after this method is called, that option will override
   353  // any option applied via the connection string.
   354  //
   355  // If the URI format is incorrect or there are conflicting options specified in the URI an error will be recorded and
   356  // can be retrieved by calling Validate.
   357  //
   358  // For more information about the URI format, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/connection-string/. See
   359  // mongo.Connect documentation for examples of using URIs for different Client configurations.
   360  func (c *ClientOptions) ApplyURI(uri string) *ClientOptions {
   361  	if c.err != nil {
   362  		return c
   363  	}
   365  	cs, err := connstring.ParseAndValidate(uri)
   366  	if err != nil {
   367  		c.err = err
   368  		return c
   369  	}
   370  	c.cs = cs
   372  	if cs.AppName != "" {
   373  		c.AppName = &cs.AppName
   374  	}
   376  	// Only create a Credential if there is a request for authentication via non-empty credentials in the URI.
   377  	if cs.HasAuthParameters() {
   378  		c.Auth = &Credential{
   379  			AuthMechanism:           cs.AuthMechanism,
   380  			AuthMechanismProperties: cs.AuthMechanismProperties,
   381  			AuthSource:              cs.AuthSource,
   382  			Username:                cs.Username,
   383  			Password:                cs.Password,
   384  			PasswordSet:             cs.PasswordSet,
   385  		}
   386  	}
   388  	if cs.ConnectSet {
   389  		direct := cs.Connect == connstring.SingleConnect
   390  		c.Direct = &direct
   391  	}
   393  	if cs.DirectConnectionSet {
   394  		c.Direct = &cs.DirectConnection
   395  	}
   397  	if cs.ConnectTimeoutSet {
   398  		c.ConnectTimeout = &cs.ConnectTimeout
   399  	}
   401  	if len(cs.Compressors) > 0 {
   402  		c.Compressors = cs.Compressors
   403  		if stringSliceContains(c.Compressors, "zlib") {
   404  			defaultLevel := wiremessage.DefaultZlibLevel
   405  			c.ZlibLevel = &defaultLevel
   406  		}
   407  		if stringSliceContains(c.Compressors, "zstd") {
   408  			defaultLevel := wiremessage.DefaultZstdLevel
   409  			c.ZstdLevel = &defaultLevel
   410  		}
   411  	}
   413  	if cs.HeartbeatIntervalSet {
   414  		c.HeartbeatInterval = &cs.HeartbeatInterval
   415  	}
   417  	c.Hosts = cs.Hosts
   419  	if cs.LoadBalancedSet {
   420  		c.LoadBalanced = &cs.LoadBalanced
   421  	}
   423  	if cs.LocalThresholdSet {
   424  		c.LocalThreshold = &cs.LocalThreshold
   425  	}
   427  	if cs.MaxConnIdleTimeSet {
   428  		c.MaxConnIdleTime = &cs.MaxConnIdleTime
   429  	}
   431  	if cs.MaxPoolSizeSet {
   432  		c.MaxPoolSize = &cs.MaxPoolSize
   433  	}
   435  	if cs.MinPoolSizeSet {
   436  		c.MinPoolSize = &cs.MinPoolSize
   437  	}
   439  	if cs.MaxConnectingSet {
   440  		c.MaxConnecting = &cs.MaxConnecting
   441  	}
   443  	if cs.ReadConcernLevel != "" {
   444  		c.ReadConcern = readconcern.New(readconcern.Level(cs.ReadConcernLevel))
   445  	}
   447  	if cs.ReadPreference != "" || len(cs.ReadPreferenceTagSets) > 0 || cs.MaxStalenessSet {
   448  		opts := make([]readpref.Option, 0, 1)
   450  		tagSets := tag.NewTagSetsFromMaps(cs.ReadPreferenceTagSets)
   451  		if len(tagSets) > 0 {
   452  			opts = append(opts, readpref.WithTagSets(tagSets...))
   453  		}
   455  		if cs.MaxStaleness != 0 {
   456  			opts = append(opts, readpref.WithMaxStaleness(cs.MaxStaleness))
   457  		}
   459  		mode, err := readpref.ModeFromString(cs.ReadPreference)
   460  		if err != nil {
   461  			c.err = err
   462  			return c
   463  		}
   465  		c.ReadPreference, c.err = readpref.New(mode, opts...)
   466  		if c.err != nil {
   467  			return c
   468  		}
   469  	}
   471  	if cs.RetryWritesSet {
   472  		c.RetryWrites = &cs.RetryWrites
   473  	}
   475  	if cs.RetryReadsSet {
   476  		c.RetryReads = &cs.RetryReads
   477  	}
   479  	if cs.ReplicaSet != "" {
   480  		c.ReplicaSet = &cs.ReplicaSet
   481  	}
   483  	if cs.ServerSelectionTimeoutSet {
   484  		c.ServerSelectionTimeout = &cs.ServerSelectionTimeout
   485  	}
   487  	if cs.SocketTimeoutSet {
   488  		c.SocketTimeout = &cs.SocketTimeout
   489  	}
   491  	if cs.SRVMaxHosts != 0 {
   492  		c.SRVMaxHosts = &cs.SRVMaxHosts
   493  	}
   495  	if cs.SRVServiceName != "" {
   496  		c.SRVServiceName = &cs.SRVServiceName
   497  	}
   499  	if cs.SSL {
   500  		tlsConfig := new(tls.Config)
   502  		if cs.SSLCaFileSet {
   503  			c.err = addCACertFromFile(tlsConfig, cs.SSLCaFile)
   504  			if c.err != nil {
   505  				return c
   506  			}
   507  		}
   509  		if cs.SSLInsecure {
   510  			tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true
   511  		}
   513  		var x509Subject string
   514  		var keyPasswd string
   515  		if cs.SSLClientCertificateKeyPasswordSet && cs.SSLClientCertificateKeyPassword != nil {
   516  			keyPasswd = cs.SSLClientCertificateKeyPassword()
   517  		}
   518  		if cs.SSLClientCertificateKeyFileSet {
   519  			x509Subject, err = addClientCertFromConcatenatedFile(tlsConfig, cs.SSLClientCertificateKeyFile, keyPasswd)
   520  		} else if cs.SSLCertificateFileSet || cs.SSLPrivateKeyFileSet {
   521  			x509Subject, err = addClientCertFromSeparateFiles(tlsConfig, cs.SSLCertificateFile,
   522  				cs.SSLPrivateKeyFile, keyPasswd)
   523  		}
   524  		if err != nil {
   525  			c.err = err
   526  			return c
   527  		}
   529  		// If a username wasn't specified fork x509, add one from the certificate.
   530  		if c.Auth != nil && strings.ToLower(c.Auth.AuthMechanism) == "mongodb-x509" &&
   531  			c.Auth.Username == "" {
   533  			// The Go x509 package gives the subject with the pairs in reverse order that we want.
   534  			c.Auth.Username = extractX509UsernameFromSubject(x509Subject)
   535  		}
   537  		c.TLSConfig = tlsConfig
   538  	}
   540  	if cs.JSet || cs.WString != "" || cs.WNumberSet || cs.WTimeoutSet {
   541  		opts := make([]writeconcern.Option, 0, 1)
   543  		if len(cs.WString) > 0 {
   544  			opts = append(opts, writeconcern.WTagSet(cs.WString))
   545  		} else if cs.WNumberSet {
   546  			opts = append(opts, writeconcern.W(cs.WNumber))
   547  		}
   549  		if cs.JSet {
   550  			opts = append(opts, writeconcern.J(cs.J))
   551  		}
   553  		if cs.WTimeoutSet {
   554  			opts = append(opts, writeconcern.WTimeout(cs.WTimeout))
   555  		}
   557  		c.WriteConcern = writeconcern.New(opts...)
   558  	}
   560  	if cs.ZlibLevelSet {
   561  		c.ZlibLevel = &cs.ZlibLevel
   562  	}
   563  	if cs.ZstdLevelSet {
   564  		c.ZstdLevel = &cs.ZstdLevel
   565  	}
   567  	if cs.SSLDisableOCSPEndpointCheckSet {
   568  		c.DisableOCSPEndpointCheck = &cs.SSLDisableOCSPEndpointCheck
   569  	}
   571  	if cs.TimeoutSet {
   572  		c.Timeout = &cs.Timeout
   573  	}
   575  	return c
   576  }
   578  // SetAppName specifies an application name that is sent to the server when creating new connections. It is used by the
   579  // server to log connection and profiling information (e.g. slow query logs). This can also be set through the "appName"
   580  // URI option (e.g "appName=example_application"). The default is empty, meaning no app name will be sent.
   581  func (c *ClientOptions) SetAppName(s string) *ClientOptions {
   582  	c.AppName = &s
   583  	return c
   584  }
   586  // SetAuth specifies a Credential containing options for configuring authentication. See the options.Credential
   587  // documentation for more information about Credential fields. The default is an empty Credential, meaning no
   588  // authentication will be configured.
   589  func (c *ClientOptions) SetAuth(auth Credential) *ClientOptions {
   590  	c.Auth = &auth
   591  	return c
   592  }
   594  // SetCompressors sets the compressors that can be used when communicating with a server. Valid values are:
   595  //
   596  // 1. "snappy" - requires server version >= 3.4
   597  //
   598  // 2. "zlib" - requires server version >= 3.6
   599  //
   600  // 3. "zstd" - requires server version >= 4.2, and driver version >= 1.2.0 with cgo support enabled or driver
   601  // version >= 1.3.0 without cgo.
   602  //
   603  // If this option is specified, the driver will perform a negotiation with the server to determine a common list of
   604  // compressors and will use the first one in that list when performing operations. See
   605  // https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#cmdoption-mongod-networkmessagecompressors for more
   606  // information about configuring compression on the server and the server-side defaults.
   607  //
   608  // This can also be set through the "compressors" URI option (e.g. "compressors=zstd,zlib,snappy"). The default is
   609  // an empty slice, meaning no compression will be enabled.
   610  func (c *ClientOptions) SetCompressors(comps []string) *ClientOptions {
   611  	c.Compressors = comps
   613  	return c
   614  }
   616  // SetConnectTimeout specifies a timeout that is used for creating connections to the server. This can be set through
   617  // ApplyURI with the "connectTimeoutMS" (e.g "connectTimeoutMS=30") option. If set to 0, no timeout will be used. The
   618  // default is 30 seconds.
   619  func (c *ClientOptions) SetConnectTimeout(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
   620  	c.ConnectTimeout = &d
   621  	return c
   622  }
   624  // SetDialer specifies a custom ContextDialer to be used to create new connections to the server. This method overrides
   625  // the default net.Dialer, so dialer options such as Timeout, KeepAlive, Resolver, etc can be set.
   626  // See https://golang.org/pkg/net/#Dialer for more information about the net.Dialer type.
   627  func (c *ClientOptions) SetDialer(d ContextDialer) *ClientOptions {
   628  	c.Dialer = d
   629  	return c
   630  }
   632  // SetDirect specifies whether or not a direct connect should be made. If set to true, the driver will only connect to
   633  // the host provided in the URI and will not discover other hosts in the cluster. This can also be set through the
   634  // "directConnection" URI option. This option cannot be set to true if multiple hosts are specified, either through
   635  // ApplyURI or SetHosts, or an SRV URI is used.
   636  //
   637  // As of driver version 1.4, the "connect" URI option has been deprecated and replaced with "directConnection". The
   638  // "connect" URI option has two values:
   639  //
   640  // 1. "connect=direct" for direct connections. This corresponds to "directConnection=true".
   641  //
   642  // 2. "connect=automatic" for automatic discovery. This corresponds to "directConnection=false"
   643  //
   644  // If the "connect" and "directConnection" URI options are both specified in the connection string, their values must
   645  // not conflict. Direct connections are not valid if multiple hosts are specified or an SRV URI is used. The default
   646  // value for this option is false.
   647  func (c *ClientOptions) SetDirect(b bool) *ClientOptions {
   648  	c.Direct = &b
   649  	return c
   650  }
   652  // SetHeartbeatInterval specifies the amount of time to wait between periodic background server checks. This can also be
   653  // set through the "heartbeatIntervalMS" URI option (e.g. "heartbeatIntervalMS=10000"). The default is 10 seconds.
   654  func (c *ClientOptions) SetHeartbeatInterval(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
   655  	c.HeartbeatInterval = &d
   656  	return c
   657  }
   659  // SetHosts specifies a list of host names or IP addresses for servers in a cluster. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are
   660  // supported. IPv6 literals must be enclosed in '[]' following RFC-2732 syntax.
   661  //
   662  // Hosts can also be specified as a comma-separated list in a URI. For example, to include "localhost:27017" and
   663  // "localhost:27018", a URI could be "mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018". The default is ["localhost:27017"]
   664  func (c *ClientOptions) SetHosts(s []string) *ClientOptions {
   665  	c.Hosts = s
   666  	return c
   667  }
   669  // SetLoadBalanced specifies whether or not the MongoDB deployment is hosted behind a load balancer. This can also be
   670  // set through the "loadBalanced" URI option. The driver will error during Client configuration if this option is set
   671  // to true and one of the following conditions are met:
   672  //
   673  // 1. Multiple hosts are specified, either via the ApplyURI or SetHosts methods. This includes the case where an SRV
   674  // URI is used and the SRV record resolves to multiple hostnames.
   675  // 2. A replica set name is specified, either via the URI or the SetReplicaSet method.
   676  // 3. The options specify whether or not a direct connection should be made, either via the URI or the SetDirect method.
   677  //
   678  // The default value is false.
   679  func (c *ClientOptions) SetLoadBalanced(lb bool) *ClientOptions {
   680  	c.LoadBalanced = &lb
   681  	return c
   682  }
   684  // SetLocalThreshold specifies the width of the 'latency window': when choosing between multiple suitable servers for an
   685  // operation, this is the acceptable non-negative delta between shortest and longest average round-trip times. A server
   686  // within the latency window is selected randomly. This can also be set through the "localThresholdMS" URI option (e.g.
   687  // "localThresholdMS=15000"). The default is 15 milliseconds.
   688  func (c *ClientOptions) SetLocalThreshold(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
   689  	c.LocalThreshold = &d
   690  	return c
   691  }
   693  // SetLoggerOptions specifies a LoggerOptions containing options for
   694  // configuring a logger.
   695  func (c *ClientOptions) SetLoggerOptions(opts *LoggerOptions) *ClientOptions {
   696  	c.LoggerOptions = opts
   698  	return c
   699  }
   701  // SetMaxConnIdleTime specifies the maximum amount of time that a connection will remain idle in a connection pool
   702  // before it is removed from the pool and closed. This can also be set through the "maxIdleTimeMS" URI option (e.g.
   703  // "maxIdleTimeMS=10000"). The default is 0, meaning a connection can remain unused indefinitely.
   704  func (c *ClientOptions) SetMaxConnIdleTime(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
   705  	c.MaxConnIdleTime = &d
   706  	return c
   707  }
   709  // SetMaxPoolSize specifies that maximum number of connections allowed in the driver's connection pool to each server.
   710  // Requests to a server will block if this maximum is reached. This can also be set through the "maxPoolSize" URI option
   711  // (e.g. "maxPoolSize=100"). If this is 0, maximum connection pool size is not limited. The default is 100.
   712  func (c *ClientOptions) SetMaxPoolSize(u uint64) *ClientOptions {
   713  	c.MaxPoolSize = &u
   714  	return c
   715  }
   717  // SetMinPoolSize specifies the minimum number of connections allowed in the driver's connection pool to each server. If
   718  // this is non-zero, each server's pool will be maintained in the background to ensure that the size does not fall below
   719  // the minimum. This can also be set through the "minPoolSize" URI option (e.g. "minPoolSize=100"). The default is 0.
   720  func (c *ClientOptions) SetMinPoolSize(u uint64) *ClientOptions {
   721  	c.MinPoolSize = &u
   722  	return c
   723  }
   725  // SetMaxConnecting specifies the maximum number of connections a connection pool may establish simultaneously. This can
   726  // also be set through the "maxConnecting" URI option (e.g. "maxConnecting=2"). If this is 0, the default is used. The
   727  // default is 2. Values greater than 100 are not recommended.
   728  func (c *ClientOptions) SetMaxConnecting(u uint64) *ClientOptions {
   729  	c.MaxConnecting = &u
   730  	return c
   731  }
   733  // SetPoolMonitor specifies a PoolMonitor to receive connection pool events. See the event.PoolMonitor documentation
   734  // for more information about the structure of the monitor and events that can be received.
   735  func (c *ClientOptions) SetPoolMonitor(m *event.PoolMonitor) *ClientOptions {
   736  	c.PoolMonitor = m
   737  	return c
   738  }
   740  // SetMonitor specifies a CommandMonitor to receive command events. See the event.CommandMonitor documentation for more
   741  // information about the structure of the monitor and events that can be received.
   742  func (c *ClientOptions) SetMonitor(m *event.CommandMonitor) *ClientOptions {
   743  	c.Monitor = m
   744  	return c
   745  }
   747  // SetServerMonitor specifies an SDAM monitor used to monitor SDAM events.
   748  func (c *ClientOptions) SetServerMonitor(m *event.ServerMonitor) *ClientOptions {
   749  	c.ServerMonitor = m
   750  	return c
   751  }
   753  // SetReadConcern specifies the read concern to use for read operations. A read concern level can also be set through
   754  // the "readConcernLevel" URI option (e.g. "readConcernLevel=majority"). The default is nil, meaning the server will use
   755  // its configured default.
   756  func (c *ClientOptions) SetReadConcern(rc *readconcern.ReadConcern) *ClientOptions {
   757  	c.ReadConcern = rc
   759  	return c
   760  }
   762  // SetReadPreference specifies the read preference to use for read operations. This can also be set through the
   763  // following URI options:
   764  //
   765  // 1. "readPreference" - Specify the read preference mode (e.g. "readPreference=primary").
   766  //
   767  // 2. "readPreferenceTags": Specify one or more read preference tags
   768  // (e.g. "readPreferenceTags=region:south,datacenter:A").
   769  //
   770  // 3. "maxStalenessSeconds" (or "maxStaleness"): Specify a maximum replication lag for reads from secondaries in a
   771  // replica set (e.g. "maxStalenessSeconds=10").
   772  //
   773  // The default is readpref.Primary(). See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#read-preference for
   774  // more information about read preferences.
   775  func (c *ClientOptions) SetReadPreference(rp *readpref.ReadPref) *ClientOptions {
   776  	c.ReadPreference = rp
   778  	return c
   779  }
   781  // SetBSONOptions configures optional BSON marshaling and unmarshaling behavior.
   782  func (c *ClientOptions) SetBSONOptions(opts *BSONOptions) *ClientOptions {
   783  	c.BSONOptions = opts
   784  	return c
   785  }
   787  // SetRegistry specifies the BSON registry to use for BSON marshalling/unmarshalling operations. The default is
   788  // bson.DefaultRegistry.
   789  func (c *ClientOptions) SetRegistry(registry *bsoncodec.Registry) *ClientOptions {
   790  	c.Registry = registry
   791  	return c
   792  }
   794  // SetReplicaSet specifies the replica set name for the cluster. If specified, the cluster will be treated as a replica
   795  // set and the driver will automatically discover all servers in the set, starting with the nodes specified through
   796  // ApplyURI or SetHosts. All nodes in the replica set must have the same replica set name, or they will not be
   797  // considered as part of the set by the Client. This can also be set through the "replicaSet" URI option (e.g.
   798  // "replicaSet=replset"). The default is empty.
   799  func (c *ClientOptions) SetReplicaSet(s string) *ClientOptions {
   800  	c.ReplicaSet = &s
   801  	return c
   802  }
   804  // SetRetryWrites specifies whether supported write operations should be retried once on certain errors, such as network
   805  // errors.
   806  //
   807  // Supported operations are InsertOne, UpdateOne, ReplaceOne, DeleteOne, FindOneAndDelete, FindOneAndReplace,
   808  // FindOneAndDelete, InsertMany, and BulkWrite. Note that BulkWrite requests must not include UpdateManyModel or
   809  // DeleteManyModel instances to be considered retryable. Unacknowledged writes will not be retried, even if this option
   810  // is set to true.
   811  //
   812  // This option requires server version >= 3.6 and a replica set or sharded cluster and will be ignored for any other
   813  // cluster type. This can also be set through the "retryWrites" URI option (e.g. "retryWrites=true"). The default is
   814  // true.
   815  func (c *ClientOptions) SetRetryWrites(b bool) *ClientOptions {
   816  	c.RetryWrites = &b
   818  	return c
   819  }
   821  // SetRetryReads specifies whether supported read operations should be retried once on certain errors, such as network
   822  // errors.
   823  //
   824  // Supported operations are Find, FindOne, Aggregate without a $out stage, Distinct, CountDocuments,
   825  // EstimatedDocumentCount, Watch (for Client, Database, and Collection), ListCollections, and ListDatabases. Note that
   826  // operations run through RunCommand are not retried.
   827  //
   828  // This option requires server version >= 3.6 and driver version >= 1.1.0. The default is true.
   829  func (c *ClientOptions) SetRetryReads(b bool) *ClientOptions {
   830  	c.RetryReads = &b
   831  	return c
   832  }
   834  // SetServerSelectionTimeout specifies how long the driver will wait to find an available, suitable server to execute an
   835  // operation. This can also be set through the "serverSelectionTimeoutMS" URI option (e.g.
   836  // "serverSelectionTimeoutMS=30000"). The default value is 30 seconds.
   837  func (c *ClientOptions) SetServerSelectionTimeout(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
   838  	c.ServerSelectionTimeout = &d
   839  	return c
   840  }
   842  // SetSocketTimeout specifies how long the driver will wait for a socket read or write to return before returning a
   843  // network error. This can also be set through the "socketTimeoutMS" URI option (e.g. "socketTimeoutMS=1000"). The
   844  // default value is 0, meaning no timeout is used and socket operations can block indefinitely.
   845  //
   846  // NOTE(benjirewis): SocketTimeout will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used
   847  // in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. Setting
   848  // SocketTimeout and Timeout on a single client will result in undefined behavior.
   849  func (c *ClientOptions) SetSocketTimeout(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
   850  	c.SocketTimeout = &d
   851  	return c
   852  }
   854  // SetTimeout specifies the amount of time that a single operation run on this Client can execute before returning an error.
   855  // The deadline of any operation run through the Client will be honored above any Timeout set on the Client; Timeout will only
   856  // be honored if there is no deadline on the operation Context. Timeout can also be set through the "timeoutMS" URI option
   857  // (e.g. "timeoutMS=1000"). The default value is nil, meaning operations do not inherit a timeout from the Client.
   858  //
   859  // If any Timeout is set (even 0) on the Client, the values of MaxTime on operation options, TransactionOptions.MaxCommitTime and
   860  // SessionOptions.DefaultMaxCommitTime will be ignored. Setting Timeout and SocketTimeout or WriteConcern.wTimeout will result
   861  // in undefined behavior.
   862  //
   863  // NOTE(benjirewis): SetTimeout represents unstable, provisional API. The behavior of the driver when a Timeout is specified is
   864  // subject to change.
   865  func (c *ClientOptions) SetTimeout(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions {
   866  	c.Timeout = &d
   867  	return c
   868  }
   870  // SetTLSConfig specifies a tls.Config instance to use use to configure TLS on all connections created to the cluster.
   871  // This can also be set through the following URI options:
   872  //
   873  // 1. "tls" (or "ssl"): Specify if TLS should be used (e.g. "tls=true").
   874  //
   875  // 2. Either "tlsCertificateKeyFile" (or "sslClientCertificateKeyFile") or a combination of "tlsCertificateFile" and
   876  // "tlsPrivateKeyFile". The "tlsCertificateKeyFile" option specifies a path to the client certificate and private key,
   877  // which must be concatenated into one file. The "tlsCertificateFile" and "tlsPrivateKey" combination specifies separate
   878  // paths to the client certificate and private key, respectively. Note that if "tlsCertificateKeyFile" is used, the
   879  // other two options must not be specified. Only the subject name of the first certificate is honored as the username
   880  // for X509 auth in a file with multiple certs.
   881  //
   882  // 3. "tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword" (or "sslClientCertificateKeyPassword"): Specify the password to decrypt the client
   883  // private key file (e.g. "tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword=password").
   884  //
   885  // 4. "tlsCaFile" (or "sslCertificateAuthorityFile"): Specify the path to a single or bundle of certificate authorities
   886  // to be considered trusted when making a TLS connection (e.g. "tlsCaFile=/path/to/caFile").
   887  //
   888  // 5. "tlsInsecure" (or "sslInsecure"): Specifies whether or not certificates and hostnames received from the server
   889  // should be validated. If true (e.g. "tlsInsecure=true"), the TLS library will accept any certificate presented by the
   890  // server and any host name in that certificate. Note that setting this to true makes TLS susceptible to
   891  // man-in-the-middle attacks and should only be done for testing.
   892  //
   893  // The default is nil, meaning no TLS will be enabled.
   894  func (c *ClientOptions) SetTLSConfig(cfg *tls.Config) *ClientOptions {
   895  	c.TLSConfig = cfg
   896  	return c
   897  }
   899  // SetHTTPClient specifies the http.Client to be used for any HTTP requests.
   900  //
   901  // This should only be used to set custom HTTP client configurations. By default, the connection will use an httputil.DefaultHTTPClient.
   902  func (c *ClientOptions) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ClientOptions {
   903  	c.HTTPClient = client
   904  	return c
   905  }
   907  // SetWriteConcern specifies the write concern to use to for write operations. This can also be set through the following
   908  // URI options:
   909  //
   910  // 1. "w": Specify the number of nodes in the cluster that must acknowledge write operations before the operation
   911  // returns or "majority" to specify that a majority of the nodes must acknowledge writes. This can either be an integer
   912  // (e.g. "w=10") or the string "majority" (e.g. "w=majority").
   913  //
   914  // 2. "wTimeoutMS": Specify how long write operations should wait for the correct number of nodes to acknowledge the
   915  // operation (e.g. "wTimeoutMS=1000").
   916  //
   917  // 3. "journal": Specifies whether or not write operations should be written to an on-disk journal on the server before
   918  // returning (e.g. "journal=true").
   919  //
   920  // The default is nil, meaning the server will use its configured default.
   921  func (c *ClientOptions) SetWriteConcern(wc *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *ClientOptions {
   922  	c.WriteConcern = wc
   924  	return c
   925  }
   927  // SetZlibLevel specifies the level for the zlib compressor. This option is ignored if zlib is not specified as a
   928  // compressor through ApplyURI or SetCompressors. Supported values are -1 through 9, inclusive. -1 tells the zlib
   929  // library to use its default, 0 means no compression, 1 means best speed, and 9 means best compression.
   930  // This can also be set through the "zlibCompressionLevel" URI option (e.g. "zlibCompressionLevel=-1"). Defaults to -1.
   931  func (c *ClientOptions) SetZlibLevel(level int) *ClientOptions {
   932  	c.ZlibLevel = &level
   934  	return c
   935  }
   937  // SetZstdLevel sets the level for the zstd compressor. This option is ignored if zstd is not specified as a compressor
   938  // through ApplyURI or SetCompressors. Supported values are 1 through 20, inclusive. 1 means best speed and 20 means
   939  // best compression. This can also be set through the "zstdCompressionLevel" URI option. Defaults to 6.
   940  func (c *ClientOptions) SetZstdLevel(level int) *ClientOptions {
   941  	c.ZstdLevel = &level
   942  	return c
   943  }
   945  // SetAutoEncryptionOptions specifies an AutoEncryptionOptions instance to automatically encrypt and decrypt commands
   946  // and their results. See the options.AutoEncryptionOptions documentation for more information about the supported
   947  // options.
   948  func (c *ClientOptions) SetAutoEncryptionOptions(opts *AutoEncryptionOptions) *ClientOptions {
   949  	c.AutoEncryptionOptions = opts
   950  	return c
   951  }
   953  // SetDisableOCSPEndpointCheck specifies whether or not the driver should reach out to OCSP responders to verify the
   954  // certificate status for certificates presented by the server that contain a list of OCSP responders.
   955  //
   956  // If set to true, the driver will verify the status of the certificate using a response stapled by the server, if there
   957  // is one, but will not send an HTTP request to any responders if there is no staple. In this case, the driver will
   958  // continue the connection even though the certificate status is not known.
   959  //
   960  // This can also be set through the tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck URI option. Both this URI option and tlsInsecure must
   961  // not be set at the same time and will error if they are. The default value is false.
   962  func (c *ClientOptions) SetDisableOCSPEndpointCheck(disableCheck bool) *ClientOptions {
   963  	c.DisableOCSPEndpointCheck = &disableCheck
   964  	return c
   965  }
   967  // SetServerAPIOptions specifies a ServerAPIOptions instance used to configure the API version sent to the server
   968  // when running commands. See the options.ServerAPIOptions documentation for more information about the supported
   969  // options.
   970  func (c *ClientOptions) SetServerAPIOptions(opts *ServerAPIOptions) *ClientOptions {
   971  	c.ServerAPIOptions = opts
   972  	return c
   973  }
   975  // SetServerMonitoringMode specifies the server monitoring protocol to use. See
   976  // the helper constants ServerMonitoringModeAuto, ServerMonitoringModePoll, and
   977  // ServerMonitoringModeStream for more information about valid server
   978  // monitoring modes.
   979  func (c *ClientOptions) SetServerMonitoringMode(mode string) *ClientOptions {
   980  	c.ServerMonitoringMode = &mode
   982  	return c
   983  }
   985  // SetSRVMaxHosts specifies the maximum number of SRV results to randomly select during polling. To limit the number
   986  // of hosts selected in SRV discovery, this function must be called before ApplyURI. This can also be set through
   987  // the "srvMaxHosts" URI option.
   988  func (c *ClientOptions) SetSRVMaxHosts(srvMaxHosts int) *ClientOptions {
   989  	c.SRVMaxHosts = &srvMaxHosts
   990  	return c
   991  }
   993  // SetSRVServiceName specifies a custom SRV service name to use in SRV polling. To use a custom SRV service name
   994  // in SRV discovery, this function must be called before ApplyURI. This can also be set through the "srvServiceName"
   995  // URI option.
   996  func (c *ClientOptions) SetSRVServiceName(srvName string) *ClientOptions {
   997  	c.SRVServiceName = &srvName
   998  	return c
   999  }
  1001  // MergeClientOptions combines the given *ClientOptions into a single *ClientOptions in a last one wins fashion.
  1002  // The specified options are merged with the existing options on the client, with the specified options taking
  1003  // precedence.
  1004  //
  1005  // Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a
  1006  // single options struct instead.
  1007  func MergeClientOptions(opts ...*ClientOptions) *ClientOptions {
  1008  	c := Client()
  1010  	for _, opt := range opts {
  1011  		if opt == nil {
  1012  			continue
  1013  		}
  1015  		if opt.Dialer != nil {
  1016  			c.Dialer = opt.Dialer
  1017  		}
  1018  		if opt.AppName != nil {
  1019  			c.AppName = opt.AppName
  1020  		}
  1021  		if opt.Auth != nil {
  1022  			c.Auth = opt.Auth
  1023  		}
  1024  		if opt.AuthenticateToAnything != nil {
  1025  			c.AuthenticateToAnything = opt.AuthenticateToAnything
  1026  		}
  1027  		if opt.Compressors != nil {
  1028  			c.Compressors = opt.Compressors
  1029  		}
  1030  		if opt.ConnectTimeout != nil {
  1031  			c.ConnectTimeout = opt.ConnectTimeout
  1032  		}
  1033  		if opt.Crypt != nil {
  1034  			c.Crypt = opt.Crypt
  1035  		}
  1036  		if opt.HeartbeatInterval != nil {
  1037  			c.HeartbeatInterval = opt.HeartbeatInterval
  1038  		}
  1039  		if len(opt.Hosts) > 0 {
  1040  			c.Hosts = opt.Hosts
  1041  		}
  1042  		if opt.HTTPClient != nil {
  1043  			c.HTTPClient = opt.HTTPClient
  1044  		}
  1045  		if opt.LoadBalanced != nil {
  1046  			c.LoadBalanced = opt.LoadBalanced
  1047  		}
  1048  		if opt.LocalThreshold != nil {
  1049  			c.LocalThreshold = opt.LocalThreshold
  1050  		}
  1051  		if opt.MaxConnIdleTime != nil {
  1052  			c.MaxConnIdleTime = opt.MaxConnIdleTime
  1053  		}
  1054  		if opt.MaxPoolSize != nil {
  1055  			c.MaxPoolSize = opt.MaxPoolSize
  1056  		}
  1057  		if opt.MinPoolSize != nil {
  1058  			c.MinPoolSize = opt.MinPoolSize
  1059  		}
  1060  		if opt.MaxConnecting != nil {
  1061  			c.MaxConnecting = opt.MaxConnecting
  1062  		}
  1063  		if opt.PoolMonitor != nil {
  1064  			c.PoolMonitor = opt.PoolMonitor
  1065  		}
  1066  		if opt.Monitor != nil {
  1067  			c.Monitor = opt.Monitor
  1068  		}
  1069  		if opt.ServerAPIOptions != nil {
  1070  			c.ServerAPIOptions = opt.ServerAPIOptions
  1071  		}
  1072  		if opt.ServerMonitor != nil {
  1073  			c.ServerMonitor = opt.ServerMonitor
  1074  		}
  1075  		if opt.ReadConcern != nil {
  1076  			c.ReadConcern = opt.ReadConcern
  1077  		}
  1078  		if opt.ReadPreference != nil {
  1079  			c.ReadPreference = opt.ReadPreference
  1080  		}
  1081  		if opt.BSONOptions != nil {
  1082  			c.BSONOptions = opt.BSONOptions
  1083  		}
  1084  		if opt.Registry != nil {
  1085  			c.Registry = opt.Registry
  1086  		}
  1087  		if opt.ReplicaSet != nil {
  1088  			c.ReplicaSet = opt.ReplicaSet
  1089  		}
  1090  		if opt.RetryWrites != nil {
  1091  			c.RetryWrites = opt.RetryWrites
  1092  		}
  1093  		if opt.RetryReads != nil {
  1094  			c.RetryReads = opt.RetryReads
  1095  		}
  1096  		if opt.ServerSelectionTimeout != nil {
  1097  			c.ServerSelectionTimeout = opt.ServerSelectionTimeout
  1098  		}
  1099  		if opt.Direct != nil {
  1100  			c.Direct = opt.Direct
  1101  		}
  1102  		if opt.SocketTimeout != nil {
  1103  			c.SocketTimeout = opt.SocketTimeout
  1104  		}
  1105  		if opt.SRVMaxHosts != nil {
  1106  			c.SRVMaxHosts = opt.SRVMaxHosts
  1107  		}
  1108  		if opt.SRVServiceName != nil {
  1109  			c.SRVServiceName = opt.SRVServiceName
  1110  		}
  1111  		if opt.Timeout != nil {
  1112  			c.Timeout = opt.Timeout
  1113  		}
  1114  		if opt.TLSConfig != nil {
  1115  			c.TLSConfig = opt.TLSConfig
  1116  		}
  1117  		if opt.WriteConcern != nil {
  1118  			c.WriteConcern = opt.WriteConcern
  1119  		}
  1120  		if opt.ZlibLevel != nil {
  1121  			c.ZlibLevel = opt.ZlibLevel
  1122  		}
  1123  		if opt.ZstdLevel != nil {
  1124  			c.ZstdLevel = opt.ZstdLevel
  1125  		}
  1126  		if opt.AutoEncryptionOptions != nil {
  1127  			c.AutoEncryptionOptions = opt.AutoEncryptionOptions
  1128  		}
  1129  		if opt.Deployment != nil {
  1130  			c.Deployment = opt.Deployment
  1131  		}
  1132  		if opt.DisableOCSPEndpointCheck != nil {
  1133  			c.DisableOCSPEndpointCheck = opt.DisableOCSPEndpointCheck
  1134  		}
  1135  		if opt.err != nil {
  1136  			c.err = opt.err
  1137  		}
  1138  		if opt.cs != nil {
  1139  			c.cs = opt.cs
  1140  		}
  1141  		if opt.LoggerOptions != nil {
  1142  			c.LoggerOptions = opt.LoggerOptions
  1143  		}
  1144  		if opt.ServerMonitoringMode != nil {
  1145  			c.ServerMonitoringMode = opt.ServerMonitoringMode
  1146  		}
  1147  	}
  1149  	return c
  1150  }
  1152  // addCACertFromFile adds a root CA certificate to the configuration given a path
  1153  // to the containing file.
  1154  func addCACertFromFile(cfg *tls.Config, file string) error {
  1155  	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
  1156  	if err != nil {
  1157  		return err
  1158  	}
  1160  	if cfg.RootCAs == nil {
  1161  		cfg.RootCAs = x509.NewCertPool()
  1162  	}
  1163  	if !cfg.RootCAs.AppendCertsFromPEM(data) {
  1164  		return errors.New("the specified CA file does not contain any valid certificates")
  1165  	}
  1167  	return nil
  1168  }
  1170  func addClientCertFromSeparateFiles(cfg *tls.Config, keyFile, certFile, keyPassword string) (string, error) {
  1171  	keyData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keyFile)
  1172  	if err != nil {
  1173  		return "", err
  1174  	}
  1175  	certData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(certFile)
  1176  	if err != nil {
  1177  		return "", err
  1178  	}
  1180  	data := make([]byte, 0, len(keyData)+len(certData)+1)
  1181  	data = append(data, keyData...)
  1182  	data = append(data, '\n')
  1183  	data = append(data, certData...)
  1184  	return addClientCertFromBytes(cfg, data, keyPassword)
  1185  }
  1187  func addClientCertFromConcatenatedFile(cfg *tls.Config, certKeyFile, keyPassword string) (string, error) {
  1188  	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(certKeyFile)
  1189  	if err != nil {
  1190  		return "", err
  1191  	}
  1193  	return addClientCertFromBytes(cfg, data, keyPassword)
  1194  }
  1196  // addClientCertFromBytes adds client certificates to the configuration given a path to the
  1197  // containing file and returns the subject name in the first certificate.
  1198  func addClientCertFromBytes(cfg *tls.Config, data []byte, keyPasswd string) (string, error) {
  1199  	var currentBlock *pem.Block
  1200  	var certDecodedBlock []byte
  1201  	var certBlocks, keyBlocks [][]byte
  1203  	remaining := data
  1204  	start := 0
  1205  	for {
  1206  		currentBlock, remaining = pem.Decode(remaining)
  1207  		if currentBlock == nil {
  1208  			break
  1209  		}
  1211  		if currentBlock.Type == "CERTIFICATE" {
  1212  			certBlock := data[start : len(data)-len(remaining)]
  1213  			certBlocks = append(certBlocks, certBlock)
  1214  			// Assign the certDecodedBlock when it is never set,
  1215  			// so only the first certificate is honored in a file with multiple certs.
  1216  			if certDecodedBlock == nil {
  1217  				certDecodedBlock = currentBlock.Bytes
  1218  			}
  1219  			start += len(certBlock)
  1220  		} else if strings.HasSuffix(currentBlock.Type, "PRIVATE KEY") {
  1221  			isEncrypted := x509.IsEncryptedPEMBlock(currentBlock) || strings.Contains(currentBlock.Type, "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY")
  1222  			if isEncrypted {
  1223  				if keyPasswd == "" {
  1224  					return "", fmt.Errorf("no password provided to decrypt private key")
  1225  				}
  1227  				var keyBytes []byte
  1228  				var err error
  1229  				// Process the X.509-encrypted or PKCS-encrypted PEM block.
  1230  				if x509.IsEncryptedPEMBlock(currentBlock) {
  1231  					// Only covers encrypted PEM data with a DEK-Info header.
  1232  					keyBytes, err = x509.DecryptPEMBlock(currentBlock, []byte(keyPasswd))
  1233  					if err != nil {
  1234  						return "", err
  1235  					}
  1236  				} else if strings.Contains(currentBlock.Type, "ENCRYPTED") {
  1237  					// The pkcs8 package only handles the PKCS #5 v2.0 scheme.
  1238  					decrypted, err := pkcs8.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(currentBlock.Bytes, []byte(keyPasswd))
  1239  					if err != nil {
  1240  						return "", err
  1241  					}
  1242  					keyBytes, err = x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(decrypted)
  1243  					if err != nil {
  1244  						return "", err
  1245  					}
  1246  				}
  1247  				var encoded bytes.Buffer
  1248  				pem.Encode(&encoded, &pem.Block{Type: currentBlock.Type, Bytes: keyBytes})
  1249  				keyBlock := encoded.Bytes()
  1250  				keyBlocks = append(keyBlocks, keyBlock)
  1251  				start = len(data) - len(remaining)
  1252  			} else {
  1253  				keyBlock := data[start : len(data)-len(remaining)]
  1254  				keyBlocks = append(keyBlocks, keyBlock)
  1255  				start += len(keyBlock)
  1256  			}
  1257  		}
  1258  	}
  1259  	if len(certBlocks) == 0 {
  1260  		return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to find CERTIFICATE")
  1261  	}
  1262  	if len(keyBlocks) == 0 {
  1263  		return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to find PRIVATE KEY")
  1264  	}
  1266  	cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(bytes.Join(certBlocks, []byte("\n")), bytes.Join(keyBlocks, []byte("\n")))
  1267  	if err != nil {
  1268  		return "", err
  1269  	}
  1271  	cfg.Certificates = append(cfg.Certificates, cert)
  1273  	// The documentation for the tls.X509KeyPair indicates that the Leaf certificate is not
  1274  	// retained.
  1275  	crt, err := x509.ParseCertificate(certDecodedBlock)
  1276  	if err != nil {
  1277  		return "", err
  1278  	}
  1280  	return crt.Subject.String(), nil
  1281  }
  1283  func stringSliceContains(source []string, target string) bool {
  1284  	for _, str := range source {
  1285  		if str == target {
  1286  			return true
  1287  		}
  1288  	}
  1289  	return false
  1290  }
  1292  // create a username for x509 authentication from an x509 certificate subject.
  1293  func extractX509UsernameFromSubject(subject string) string {
  1294  	// the Go x509 package gives the subject with the pairs in the reverse order from what we want.
  1295  	pairs := strings.Split(subject, ",")
  1296  	for left, right := 0, len(pairs)-1; left < right; left, right = left+1, right-1 {
  1297  		pairs[left], pairs[right] = pairs[right], pairs[left]
  1298  	}
  1300  	return strings.Join(pairs, ",")
  1301  }

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