7 package mongo
9 import (
10 "errors"
11 "fmt"
12 "testing"
14 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson"
15 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec"
16 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsontype"
17 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive"
18 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/assert"
19 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/codecutil"
20 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/require"
21 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options"
22 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/bsonx/bsoncore"
23 )
25 func TestEnsureID(t *testing.T) {
26 t.Parallel()
28 oid := primitive.NewObjectID()
30 testCases := []struct {
31 description string
33 doc bsoncore.Document
34 oid primitive.ObjectID
35 want bsoncore.Document
36 wantID interface{}
37 }{
38 {
39 description: "missing _id should be first element",
40 doc: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
41 AppendString("foo", "bar").
42 AppendString("baz", "quix").
43 AppendString("hello", "world").
44 Build(),
45 want: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
46 AppendObjectID("_id", oid).
47 AppendString("foo", "bar").
48 AppendString("baz", "quix").
49 AppendString("hello", "world").
50 Build(),
51 wantID: oid,
52 },
53 {
54 description: "existing ObjectID _id as should remain in place",
55 doc: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
56 AppendString("foo", "bar").
57 AppendObjectID("_id", oid).
58 AppendString("baz", "quix").
59 AppendString("hello", "world").
60 Build(),
61 want: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
62 AppendString("foo", "bar").
63 AppendObjectID("_id", oid).
64 AppendString("baz", "quix").
65 AppendString("hello", "world").
66 Build(),
67 wantID: oid,
68 },
69 {
70 description: "existing float _id as should remain in place",
71 doc: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
72 AppendString("foo", "bar").
73 AppendDouble("_id", 3.14159).
74 AppendString("baz", "quix").
75 AppendString("hello", "world").
76 Build(),
77 want: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
78 AppendString("foo", "bar").
79 AppendDouble("_id", 3.14159).
80 AppendString("baz", "quix").
81 AppendString("hello", "world").
82 Build(),
83 wantID: 3.14159,
84 },
85 {
86 description: "existing float _id as first element should remain first element",
87 doc: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
88 AppendDouble("_id", 3.14159).
89 AppendString("foo", "bar").
90 AppendString("baz", "quix").
91 AppendString("hello", "world").
92 Build(),
93 want: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
94 AppendDouble("_id", 3.14159).
95 AppendString("foo", "bar").
96 AppendString("baz", "quix").
97 AppendString("hello", "world").
98 Build(),
99 wantID: 3.14159,
100 },
101 {
102 description: "existing binary _id as first field should not be overwritten",
103 doc: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
104 AppendBinary("bin", 0, []byte{0, 0, 0}).
105 AppendString("_id", "LongEnoughIdentifier").
106 Build(),
107 want: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
108 AppendBinary("bin", 0, []byte{0, 0, 0}).
109 AppendString("_id", "LongEnoughIdentifier").
110 Build(),
111 wantID: "LongEnoughIdentifier",
112 },
113 }
115 for _, tc := range testCases {
116 tc := tc
118 t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) {
119 t.Parallel()
121 got, gotID, err := ensureID(tc.doc, oid, nil, nil)
122 require.NoError(t, err, "ensureID error")
124 assert.Equal(t, tc.want, got, "expected and actual documents are different")
125 assert.Equal(t, tc.wantID, gotID, "expected and actual IDs are different")
130 if oid, ok := gotID.(primitive.ObjectID); ok {
131 assert.DifferentAddressRanges(t, tc.doc, oid[:])
132 }
133 })
134 }
135 }
137 func TestEnsureID_NilObjectID(t *testing.T) {
138 t.Parallel()
140 doc := bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
141 AppendString("foo", "bar").
142 Build()
144 got, gotIDI, err := ensureID(doc, primitive.NilObjectID, nil, nil)
145 assert.NoError(t, err)
147 gotID, ok := gotIDI.(primitive.ObjectID)
149 assert.True(t, ok)
150 assert.NotEqual(t, primitive.NilObjectID, gotID)
152 want := bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
153 AppendObjectID("_id", gotID).
154 AppendString("foo", "bar").
155 Build()
157 assert.Equal(t, want, got)
158 }
160 func TestMarshalAggregatePipeline(t *testing.T) {
162 index, arr := bsoncore.AppendArrayStart(nil)
163 dindex, arr := bsoncore.AppendDocumentElementStart(arr, "0")
164 arr = bsoncore.AppendInt32Element(arr, "$limit", 12345)
165 arr, _ = bsoncore.AppendDocumentEnd(arr, dindex)
166 arr, _ = bsoncore.AppendArrayEnd(arr, index)
169 index, doc := bsoncore.AppendDocumentStart(nil)
170 doc = bsoncore.AppendInt32Element(doc, "x", 1)
171 doc, _ = bsoncore.AppendDocumentEnd(doc, index)
174 mergeStage := bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
175 StartDocument("$merge").
176 FinishDocument().
177 Build()
178 arrMergeStage := bsoncore.NewArrayBuilder().AppendDocument(mergeStage).Build()
180 fooStage := bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().AppendString("foo", "bar").Build()
181 bazStage := bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().AppendString("baz", "qux").Build()
182 outStage := bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().AppendString("$out", "myColl").Build()
185 arrOutStage := bsoncore.NewArrayBuilder().
186 AppendDocument(fooStage).
187 AppendDocument(bazStage).
188 AppendDocument(outStage).
189 Build()
192 arrMiddleOutStage := bsoncore.NewArrayBuilder().
193 AppendDocument(fooStage).
194 AppendDocument(outStage).
195 AppendDocument(bazStage).
196 Build()
198 testCases := []struct {
199 name string
200 pipeline interface{}
201 arr bson.A
202 hasOutputStage bool
203 err error
204 }{
205 {
206 "Pipeline/error",
207 Pipeline{{{"hello", func() {}}}},
208 nil,
209 false,
210 MarshalError{Value: primitive.D{}, Err: errors.New("no encoder found for func()")},
211 },
212 {
213 "Pipeline/success",
214 Pipeline{{{"hello", "world"}}, {{"pi", 3.14159}}},
215 bson.A{
216 bson.D{{"hello", "world"}},
217 bson.D{{"pi", 3.14159}},
218 },
219 false,
220 nil,
221 },
222 {
223 "bson.A",
224 bson.A{
225 bson.D{{"$limit", 12345}},
226 },
227 bson.A{
228 bson.D{{"$limit", 12345}},
229 },
230 false,
231 nil,
232 },
233 {
234 "[]bson.D",
235 []bson.D{{{"$limit", 12345}}},
236 bson.A{
237 bson.D{{"$limit", 12345}},
238 },
239 false,
240 nil,
241 },
242 {
243 "primitive.A/error",
244 primitive.A{"5"},
245 nil,
246 false,
247 MarshalError{Value: "", Err: errors.New("WriteString can only write while positioned on a Element or Value but is positioned on a TopLevel")},
248 },
249 {
250 "primitive.A/success",
251 primitive.A{bson.D{{"$limit", int32(12345)}}, map[string]interface{}{"$count": "foobar"}},
252 bson.A{
253 bson.D{{"$limit", int(12345)}},
254 bson.D{{"$count", "foobar"}},
255 },
256 false,
257 nil,
258 },
259 {
260 "bson.A/error",
261 bson.A{"5"},
262 nil,
263 false,
264 MarshalError{Value: "", Err: errors.New("WriteString can only write while positioned on a Element or Value but is positioned on a TopLevel")},
265 },
266 {
267 "bson.A/success",
268 bson.A{bson.D{{"$limit", int32(12345)}}, map[string]interface{}{"$count": "foobar"}},
269 bson.A{
270 bson.D{{"$limit", int32(12345)}},
271 bson.D{{"$count", "foobar"}},
272 },
273 false,
274 nil,
275 },
276 {
277 "[]interface{}/error",
278 []interface{}{"5"},
279 nil,
280 false,
281 MarshalError{Value: "", Err: errors.New("WriteString can only write while positioned on a Element or Value but is positioned on a TopLevel")},
282 },
283 {
284 "[]interface{}/success",
285 []interface{}{bson.D{{"$limit", int32(12345)}}, map[string]interface{}{"$count": "foobar"}},
286 bson.A{
287 bson.D{{"$limit", int32(12345)}},
288 bson.D{{"$count", "foobar"}},
289 },
290 false,
291 nil,
292 },
293 {
294 "bsoncodec.ValueMarshaler/MarshalBSONValue error",
295 bvMarsh{err: errors.New("MarshalBSONValue error")},
296 nil,
297 false,
298 errors.New("MarshalBSONValue error"),
299 },
300 {
301 "bsoncodec.ValueMarshaler/not array",
302 bvMarsh{t: bsontype.String},
303 nil,
304 false,
305 fmt.Errorf("ValueMarshaler returned a %v, but was expecting %v", bsontype.String, bsontype.Array),
306 },
307 {
308 "bsoncodec.ValueMarshaler/UnmarshalBSONValue error",
309 bvMarsh{err: errors.New("UnmarshalBSONValue error")},
310 nil,
311 false,
312 errors.New("UnmarshalBSONValue error"),
313 },
314 {
315 "bsoncodec.ValueMarshaler/success",
316 bvMarsh{t: bsontype.Array, data: arr},
317 bson.A{
318 bson.D{{"$limit", int32(12345)}},
319 },
320 false,
321 nil,
322 },
323 {
324 "bsoncodec.ValueMarshaler/success nil",
325 bvMarsh{t: bsontype.Array},
326 nil,
327 false,
328 nil,
329 },
330 {
331 "nil",
332 nil,
333 nil,
334 false,
335 errors.New("can only marshal slices and arrays into aggregation pipelines, but got invalid"),
336 },
337 {
338 "not array or slice",
339 int64(42),
340 nil,
341 false,
342 errors.New("can only marshal slices and arrays into aggregation pipelines, but got int64"),
343 },
344 {
345 "array/error",
346 [1]interface{}{int64(42)},
347 nil,
348 false,
349 MarshalError{Value: int64(0), Err: errors.New("WriteInt64 can only write while positioned on a Element or Value but is positioned on a TopLevel")},
350 },
351 {
352 "array/success",
353 [1]interface{}{primitive.D{{"$limit", int64(12345)}}},
354 bson.A{
355 bson.D{{"$limit", int64(12345)}},
356 },
357 false,
358 nil,
359 },
360 {
361 "slice/error",
362 []interface{}{int64(42)},
363 nil,
364 false,
365 MarshalError{Value: int64(0), Err: errors.New("WriteInt64 can only write while positioned on a Element or Value but is positioned on a TopLevel")},
366 },
367 {
368 "slice/success",
369 []interface{}{primitive.D{{"$limit", int64(12345)}}},
370 bson.A{
371 bson.D{{"$limit", int64(12345)}},
372 },
373 false,
374 nil,
375 },
376 {
377 "hasOutputStage/out",
378 bson.A{
379 bson.D{{"$out", bson.D{
380 {"db", "output-db"},
381 {"coll", "output-collection"},
382 }}},
383 },
384 bson.A{
385 bson.D{{"$out", bson.D{
386 {"db", "output-db"},
387 {"coll", "output-collection"},
388 }}},
389 },
390 true,
391 nil,
392 },
393 {
394 "hasOutputStage/merge",
395 bson.A{
396 bson.D{{"$merge", bson.D{
397 {"into", bson.D{
398 {"db", "output-db"},
399 {"coll", "output-collection"},
400 }},
401 }}},
402 },
403 bson.A{
404 bson.D{{"$merge", bson.D{
405 {"into", bson.D{
406 {"db", "output-db"},
407 {"coll", "output-collection"},
408 }},
409 }}},
410 },
411 true,
412 nil,
413 },
414 {
415 "semantic single document/bson.D",
416 bson.D{{"x", 1}},
417 nil,
418 false,
419 errors.New("primitive.D is not an allowed pipeline type as it represents a single document. Use bson.A or mongo.Pipeline instead"),
420 },
421 {
422 "semantic single document/bson.Raw",
423 bson.Raw(doc),
424 nil,
425 false,
426 errors.New("bson.Raw is not an allowed pipeline type as it represents a single document. Use bson.A or mongo.Pipeline instead"),
427 },
428 {
429 "semantic single document/bsoncore.Document",
430 bsoncore.Document(doc),
431 nil,
432 false,
433 errors.New("bsoncore.Document is not an allowed pipeline type as it represents a single document. Use bson.A or mongo.Pipeline instead"),
434 },
435 {
436 "semantic single document/empty bson.D",
437 bson.D{},
438 bson.A{},
439 false,
440 nil,
441 },
442 {
443 "semantic single document/empty bson.Raw",
444 bson.Raw{},
445 bson.A{},
446 false,
447 nil,
448 },
449 {
450 "semantic single document/empty bsoncore.Document",
451 bsoncore.Document{},
452 bson.A{},
453 false,
454 nil,
455 },
456 {
457 "bsoncore.Array/success",
458 bsoncore.Array(arr),
459 bson.A{
460 bson.D{{"$limit", int32(12345)}},
461 },
462 false,
463 nil,
464 },
465 {
466 "bsoncore.Array/mergeStage",
467 arrMergeStage,
468 bson.A{
469 bson.D{{"$merge", bson.D{}}},
470 },
471 true,
472 nil,
473 },
474 {
475 "bsoncore.Array/outStage",
476 arrOutStage,
477 bson.A{
478 bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}},
479 bson.D{{"baz", "qux"}},
480 bson.D{{"$out", "myColl"}},
481 },
482 true,
483 nil,
484 },
485 {
486 "bsoncore.Array/middleOutStage",
487 arrMiddleOutStage,
488 bson.A{
489 bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}},
490 bson.D{{"$out", "myColl"}},
491 bson.D{{"baz", "qux"}},
492 },
493 false,
494 nil,
495 },
496 }
498 for _, tc := range testCases {
499 t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
500 arr, hasOutputStage, err := marshalAggregatePipeline(tc.pipeline, nil, nil)
501 assert.Equal(t, tc.hasOutputStage, hasOutputStage, "expected hasOutputStage %v, got %v",
502 tc.hasOutputStage, hasOutputStage)
503 if tc.err != nil {
504 assert.NotNil(t, err)
505 assert.EqualError(t, err, tc.err.Error())
506 } else {
507 assert.Nil(t, err)
508 }
510 var expected bsoncore.Document
511 if tc.arr != nil {
512 _, expectedBSON, err := bson.MarshalValue(tc.arr)
513 assert.Nil(t, err, "MarshalValue error: %v", err)
514 expected = bsoncore.Document(expectedBSON)
515 }
516 assert.Equal(t, expected, arr, "expected array %v, got %v", expected, arr)
517 })
518 }
519 }
521 func TestMarshalValue(t *testing.T) {
522 t.Parallel()
524 valueMarshaler := bvMarsh{
525 t: bson.TypeString,
526 data: bsoncore.AppendString(nil, "foo"),
527 }
529 testCases := []struct {
530 name string
531 value interface{}
532 bsonOpts *options.BSONOptions
533 registry *bsoncodec.Registry
534 want bsoncore.Value
535 wantErr error
536 }{
537 {
538 name: "nil document",
539 value: nil,
540 wantErr: codecutil.ErrNilValue,
541 },
542 {
543 name: "value marshaler",
544 value: valueMarshaler,
545 want: bsoncore.Value{
546 Type: valueMarshaler.t,
547 Data: valueMarshaler.data,
548 },
549 },
550 {
551 name: "document",
552 value: bson.D{{Key: "x", Value: int64(1)}},
553 want: bsoncore.Value{
554 Type: bson.TypeEmbeddedDocument,
555 Data: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
556 AppendInt64("x", 1).
557 Build(),
558 },
559 },
560 {
561 name: "custom encode options",
562 value: struct {
563 Int int64
564 NilBytes []byte
565 NilMap map[string]interface{}
566 NilStrings []string
567 ZeroStruct struct{ X int } `bson:"_,omitempty"`
568 StringerMap map[*bson.RawValue]bool
569 BSONField string `json:"jsonField"`
570 }{
571 Int: 1,
572 NilBytes: nil,
573 NilMap: nil,
574 NilStrings: nil,
575 StringerMap: map[*bson.RawValue]bool{{}: true},
576 },
577 bsonOpts: &options.BSONOptions{
578 IntMinSize: true,
579 NilByteSliceAsEmpty: true,
580 NilMapAsEmpty: true,
581 NilSliceAsEmpty: true,
582 OmitZeroStruct: true,
583 StringifyMapKeysWithFmt: true,
584 UseJSONStructTags: true,
585 },
586 want: bsoncore.Value{
587 Type: bson.TypeEmbeddedDocument,
588 Data: bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
589 AppendInt32("int", 1).
590 AppendBinary("nilbytes", 0, []byte{}).
591 AppendDocument("nilmap", bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().Build()).
592 AppendArray("nilstrings", bsoncore.NewArrayBuilder().Build()).
593 AppendDocument("stringermap", bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder().
594 AppendBoolean("", true).
595 Build()).
596 AppendString("jsonField", "").
597 Build(),
598 },
599 },
600 }
601 for _, tc := range testCases {
602 tc := tc
604 t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
605 t.Parallel()
607 got, err := marshalValue(tc.value, tc.bsonOpts, tc.registry)
608 assert.EqualBSON(t, tc.want, got)
609 assert.Equal(t, tc.wantErr, err, "expected and actual error do not match")
610 })
611 }
612 }
614 var _ bsoncodec.ValueMarshaler = bvMarsh{}
616 type bvMarsh struct {
617 t bsontype.Type
618 data []byte
619 err error
620 }
622 func (b bvMarsh) MarshalBSONValue() (bsontype.Type, []byte, error) {
623 return b.t, b.data, b.err
624 }
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