// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2021-present. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain // a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 //go:build cse // +build cse package integration import ( "context" "testing" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsontype" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/event" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/assert" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/internal/integtest" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/integration/mtest" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/bsonx/bsoncore" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver" mcopts "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver/mongocrypt/options" ) // createDataKeyAndEncrypt creates a data key with the alternate name @keyName. // Returns a ciphertext encrypted with the data key as test data. func createDataKeyAndEncrypt(mt *mtest.T, keyName string) primitive.Binary { mt.Helper() kvClientOpts := options.Client(). ApplyURI(mtest.ClusterURI()). SetReadConcern(mtest.MajorityRc). SetWriteConcern(mtest.MajorityWc) integtest.AddTestServerAPIVersion(kvClientOpts) kmsProvidersMap := map[string]map[string]interface{}{ "local": {"key": localMasterKey}, } kvClient, err := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), kvClientOpts) defer kvClient.Disconnect(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "Connect error: %v", err) err = kvClient.Database("keyvault").Collection("datakeys").Drop(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "Drop error: %v", err) ceOpts := options.ClientEncryption(). SetKmsProviders(kmsProvidersMap). SetKeyVaultNamespace("keyvault.datakeys") ce, err := mongo.NewClientEncryption(kvClient, ceOpts) assert.Nil(mt, err, "NewClientEncryption error: %v", err) dkOpts := options.DataKey().SetKeyAltNames([]string{keyName}) _, err = ce.CreateDataKey(context.Background(), "local", dkOpts) assert.Nil(mt, err, "CreateDataKey error: %v", err) in := bson.RawValue{Type: bsontype.String, Value: bsoncore.AppendString(nil, "test")} eOpts := options.Encrypt(). SetAlgorithm("AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random"). SetKeyAltName(keyName) ciphertext, err := ce.Encrypt(context.Background(), in, eOpts) assert.Nil(mt, err, "Encrypt error: %v", err) return ciphertext } func getLsid(mt *mtest.T, doc bson.Raw) bson.Raw { mt.Helper() lsid, err := doc.LookupErr("lsid") assert.Nil(mt, err, "expected lsid in document: %v", doc) lsidDoc, ok := lsid.DocumentOK() assert.True(mt, ok, "expected lsid to be document, but got: %v", lsid) return lsidDoc } func makeMonitor(mt *mtest.T, captured *[]event.CommandStartedEvent) *event.CommandMonitor { mt.Helper() assert.NotNil(mt, captured, "captured is nil") return &event.CommandMonitor{ Started: func(_ context.Context, cse *event.CommandStartedEvent) { assert.NotNil(mt, cse, "expected non-Nil CommandStartedEvent") *captured = append(*captured, *cse) }, } } func TestClientSideEncryptionWithExplicitSessions(t *testing.T) { verifyClientSideEncryptionVarsSet(t) mt := mtest.New(t, mtest.NewOptions().MinServerVersion("4.2").Enterprise(true).CreateClient(false)) kmsProvidersMap := map[string]map[string]interface{}{ "local": {"key": localMasterKey}, } schema := bson.D{ {"bsonType", "object"}, {"properties", bson.D{ {"encryptMe", bson.D{ {"encrypt", bson.D{ {"keyId", "/keyName"}, {"bsonType", "string"}, {"algorithm", "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random"}, }}, }}, }}, } schemaMap := map[string]interface{}{"db.coll": schema} mt.Run("automatic encryption", func(mt *mtest.T) { createDataKeyAndEncrypt(mt, "myKey") aeOpts := options.AutoEncryption(). SetKmsProviders(kmsProvidersMap). SetKeyVaultNamespace("keyvault.datakeys"). SetSchemaMap(schemaMap). SetExtraOptions(getCryptSharedLibExtraOptions()) var capturedEvents []event.CommandStartedEvent clientOpts := options.Client(). ApplyURI(mtest.ClusterURI()). SetReadConcern(mtest.MajorityRc). SetWriteConcern(mtest.MajorityWc). SetAutoEncryptionOptions(aeOpts). SetMonitor(makeMonitor(mt, &capturedEvents)) integtest.AddTestServerAPIVersion(clientOpts) client, err := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), clientOpts) assert.Nil(mt, err, "Connect error: %v", err) defer client.Disconnect(context.Background()) coll := client.Database("db").Collection("coll") err = coll.Drop(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "Drop error: %v", err) session, err := client.StartSession() assert.Nil(mt, err, "StartSession error: %v", err) sessionCtx := mongo.NewSessionContext(context.Background(), session) capturedEvents = make([]event.CommandStartedEvent, 0) _, err = coll.InsertOne(sessionCtx, bson.D{{"encryptMe", "test"}, {"keyName", "myKey"}}) assert.Nil(mt, err, "InsertOne error: %v", err) assert.Equal(mt, len(capturedEvents), 2, "expected 2 events, got %v", len(capturedEvents)) // Assert the first event is a find on the keyvault.datakeys collection. event := capturedEvents[0] assert.Equal(mt, event.CommandName, "find", "expected command find, got %q", event.CommandName) assert.Equal(mt, event.DatabaseName, "keyvault", "expected find on keyvault, got %q", event.DatabaseName) // Assert the find used an implicit session with an lsid != session.ID() lsid := getLsid(mt, event.Command) assert.Nil(mt, err, "lsid not found in %v", event.Command) assert.NotEqual(mt, lsid, session.ID(), "expected different lsid, but got %v", lsid) // Assert the second event is the original insert. event = capturedEvents[1] assert.Equal(mt, event.CommandName, "insert", "expected command insert, got %q", event.CommandName) // Assert the insert used the explicit session. lsid = getLsid(mt, event.Command) assert.Nil(mt, err, "lsid not found on %v", event.Command) assert.Equal(mt, lsid, session.ID(), "expected lsid %v, but got %v", session.ID(), lsid) // Check that encryptMe is encrypted. encryptMe, err := event.Command.LookupErr("documents", "0", "encryptMe") assert.Nil(mt, err, "could not find encryptMe in %v", event.Command) assert.Equal(mt, encryptMe.Type, bson.TypeBinary, "expected Binary, got %v", encryptMe.Type) }) mt.Run("automatic decryption", func(mt *mtest.T) { ciphertext := createDataKeyAndEncrypt(mt, "myKey") aeOpts := options.AutoEncryption(). SetKmsProviders(kmsProvidersMap). SetKeyVaultNamespace("keyvault.datakeys"). SetBypassAutoEncryption(true) var capturedEvents []event.CommandStartedEvent clientOpts := options.Client(). ApplyURI(mtest.ClusterURI()). SetReadConcern(mtest.MajorityRc). SetWriteConcern(mtest.MajorityWc). SetAutoEncryptionOptions(aeOpts). SetMonitor(makeMonitor(mt, &capturedEvents)) integtest.AddTestServerAPIVersion(clientOpts) client, err := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), clientOpts) assert.Nil(mt, err, "Connect error: %v", err) defer client.Disconnect(context.Background()) coll := client.Database("db").Collection("coll") err = coll.Drop(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "Drop error: %v", err) _, err = coll.InsertOne(context.Background(), bson.D{{"encryptMe", ciphertext}}) assert.Nil(mt, err, "InsertOne error: %v", err) session, err := client.StartSession() assert.Nil(mt, err, "StartSession error: %v", err) sessionCtx := mongo.NewSessionContext(context.Background(), session) capturedEvents = make([]event.CommandStartedEvent, 0) res := coll.FindOne(sessionCtx, bson.D{{}}) assert.Nil(mt, res.Err(), "FindOne error: %v", res.Err()) assert.Equal(mt, len(capturedEvents), 2, "expected 2 events, got %v", len(capturedEvents)) // Assert the first event is the original find. event := capturedEvents[0] assert.Equal(mt, event.CommandName, "find", "expected command find, got %q", event.CommandName) assert.Equal(mt, event.DatabaseName, "db", "expected find on db, got %q", event.DatabaseName) // Assert the find used the explicit session lsid := getLsid(mt, event.Command) assert.Nil(mt, err, "lsid not found on %v", event.Command) assert.Equal(mt, lsid, session.ID(), "expected lsid %v, but got %v", session.ID(), lsid) // Assert the second event is the find on the keyvault.datakeys collection. event = capturedEvents[1] assert.Equal(mt, event.CommandName, "find", "expected command find, got %q", event.CommandName) assert.Equal(mt, event.DatabaseName, "keyvault", "expected find on keyvault, got %q", event.DatabaseName) // Assert the find used an implicit session with an lsid != session.ID() lsid = getLsid(mt, event.Command) assert.Nil(mt, err, "lsid not found on %v", event.Command) assert.NotEqual(mt, lsid, session.ID(), "expected different lsid, but got %v", lsid) }) } // customCrypt is a test implementation of the driver.Crypt interface. It keeps track of the number of times its // methods have been called. type customCrypt struct { numEncryptCalls int numDecryptCalls int numCreateDataKeyCalls int numEncryptExplicitCalls int numEncryptExplicitExpressionCalls int numDecryptExplicitCalls int numCloseCalls int numBypassAutoEncryptionCalls int numRewrapDataKeyCalls int } var ( _ driver.Crypt = (*customCrypt)(nil) mySSN = "123456789" ) // Encrypt encrypts the given command. func (c *customCrypt) Encrypt(_ context.Context, _ string, cmd bsoncore.Document) (bsoncore.Document, error) { c.numEncryptCalls++ elems, err := cmd.Elements() if err != nil { return nil, err } encryptedCmd := bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder() for _, elem := range elems { // "encrypt" ssn element as "hidden" if elem.Key() == "ssn" { encryptedCmd = encryptedCmd.AppendString("ssn", "hidden") } else { encryptedCmd = encryptedCmd.AppendValue(elem.Key(), elem.Value()) } } return encryptedCmd.Build(), nil } // Decrypt decrypts the given command response. func (c *customCrypt) Decrypt(_ context.Context, cmdResponse bsoncore.Document) (bsoncore.Document, error) { c.numDecryptCalls++ elems, err := cmdResponse.Elements() if err != nil { return nil, err } decryptedCmdResponse := bsoncore.NewDocumentBuilder() for _, elem := range elems { // "decrypt" ssn element as mySSN if elem.Key() == "ssn" { decryptedCmdResponse = decryptedCmdResponse.AppendString("ssn", mySSN) } else { decryptedCmdResponse = decryptedCmdResponse.AppendValue(elem.Key(), elem.Value()) } } return decryptedCmdResponse.Build(), nil } // CreateDataKey implements the driver.Crypt interface. func (c *customCrypt) CreateDataKey(_ context.Context, _ string, _ *mcopts.DataKeyOptions) (bsoncore.Document, error) { c.numCreateDataKeyCalls++ return nil, nil } // EncryptExplicit implements the driver.Crypt interface. func (c *customCrypt) EncryptExplicit(_ context.Context, _ bsoncore.Value, _ *mcopts.ExplicitEncryptionOptions) (byte, []byte, error) { c.numEncryptExplicitCalls++ return 0, nil, nil } // EncryptExplicit implements the driver.Crypt interface. func (c *customCrypt) EncryptExplicitExpression(_ context.Context, _ bsoncore.Document, _ *mcopts.ExplicitEncryptionOptions) (bsoncore.Document, error) { c.numEncryptExplicitExpressionCalls++ return nil, nil } // DecryptExplicit implements the driver.Crypt interface. func (c *customCrypt) DecryptExplicit(_ context.Context, _ byte, _ []byte) (bsoncore.Value, error) { c.numDecryptExplicitCalls++ return bsoncore.Value{}, nil } // Close implements the driver.Crypt interface. func (c *customCrypt) Close() { c.numCloseCalls++ } // BypassAutoEncryption implements the driver.Crypt interface. func (c *customCrypt) BypassAutoEncryption() bool { c.numBypassAutoEncryptionCalls++ return false } // RewrapDataKey attempts to rewrap the document data keys matching the filter, preparing the re-wrapped documents to // be returned as a slice of bsoncore.Document. func (c *customCrypt) RewrapDataKey(_ context.Context, _ []byte, _ *mcopts.RewrapManyDataKeyOptions) ([]bsoncore.Document, error) { c.numRewrapDataKeyCalls++ return nil, nil } func TestClientSideEncryptionCustomCrypt(t *testing.T) { mt := mtest.New(t, mtest.NewOptions().MinServerVersion("4.2").Enterprise(true).CreateClient(false)) kmsProvidersMap := map[string]map[string]interface{}{ "local": {"key": localMasterKey}, } mt.Run("auto encryption and decryption", func(mt *mtest.T) { aeOpts := options.AutoEncryption(). SetKmsProviders(kmsProvidersMap). SetKeyVaultNamespace("keyvault.datakeys"). SetExtraOptions(getCryptSharedLibExtraOptions()) clientOpts := options.Client(). ApplyURI(mtest.ClusterURI()). SetAutoEncryptionOptions(aeOpts) cc := &customCrypt{} clientOpts.Crypt = cc integtest.AddTestServerAPIVersion(clientOpts) client, err := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), clientOpts) defer client.Disconnect(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "Connect error: %v", err) coll := client.Database("db").Collection("coll") defer func() { _ = coll.Drop(context.Background()) }() doc := bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"ssn", mySSN}} _, err = coll.InsertOne(context.Background(), doc) assert.Nil(mt, err, "InsertOne error: %v", err) res := coll.FindOne(context.Background(), bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}}) assert.Nil(mt, res.Err(), "FindOne error: %v", err) rawRes, err := res.Raw() assert.Nil(mt, err, "Raw error: %v", err) ssn, ok := rawRes.Lookup("ssn").StringValueOK() assert.True(mt, ok, "expected 'ssn' value to be type string, got %T", ssn) assert.Equal(mt, ssn, mySSN, "expected 'ssn' value %q, got %q", mySSN, ssn) // Assert customCrypt methods are called the correct number of times. assert.Equal(mt, cc.numEncryptCalls, 1, "expected 1 call to Encrypt, got %v", cc.numEncryptCalls) assert.Equal(mt, cc.numDecryptCalls, 1, "expected 1 call to Decrypt, got %v", cc.numDecryptCalls) assert.Equal(mt, cc.numCreateDataKeyCalls, 0, "expected 0 calls to CreateDataKey, got %v", cc.numCreateDataKeyCalls) assert.Equal(mt, cc.numEncryptExplicitCalls, 0, "expected 0 calls to EncryptExplicit, got %v", cc.numEncryptExplicitCalls) assert.Equal(mt, cc.numEncryptExplicitExpressionCalls, 0, "expected 0 calls to EncryptExplicitExpression, got %v", cc.numEncryptExplicitExpressionCalls) assert.Equal(mt, cc.numDecryptExplicitCalls, 0, "expected 0 calls to DecryptExplicit, got %v", cc.numDecryptExplicitCalls) assert.Equal(mt, cc.numCloseCalls, 0, "expected 0 calls to Close, got %v", cc.numCloseCalls) assert.Equal(mt, cc.numBypassAutoEncryptionCalls, 2, "expected 2 calls to BypassAutoEncryption, got %v", cc.numBypassAutoEncryptionCalls) }) } func TestFLE2CreateCollection(t *testing.T) { // FLE 2 (aka Queryable Encryption) is not supported on Standalone topology. mtOpts := mtest.NewOptions(). MinServerVersion("7.0"). Enterprise(true). CreateClient(false). Topologies(mtest.ReplicaSet, mtest.Sharded, mtest.LoadBalanced, mtest.ShardedReplicaSet) mt := mtest.New(t, mtOpts) efJSON := ` { "escCollection": "enxcol_.encryptedCollection.esc", "ecocCollection": "enxcol_.encryptedCollection.ecoc", "fields": [ { "path": "firstName", "bsonType": "string", "keyId": { "$binary": { "subType": "04", "base64": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==" } } } ] } ` var efBSON bson.Raw err := bson.UnmarshalExtJSON([]byte(efJSON), true /* canonical */, &efBSON) assert.Nil(mt, err, "UnmarshalExtJSON error: %v", err) // Test the behavior in the specification test fle2-CreateCollection.json: "CreateCollection from encryptedFields.". // The Go driver does not support encryptedFields as an option to Drop. See: GODRIVER-2413. mt.Run("CreateCollection from encryptedFields", func(mt *mtest.T) { // Drop data and state collections to clean up from a prior test run. { err = mt.DB.Collection("enxcol_.encryptedCollection.esc").Drop(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in Drop: %v", err) err = mt.DB.Collection("enxcol_.encryptedCollection.ecoc").Drop(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in Drop: %v", err) err := mt.DB.Collection("coll").Drop(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in Drop: %v", err) } mt.DB.CreateCollection(context.Background(), "coll", options.CreateCollection().SetEncryptedFields(efBSON)) // Check expected collections and index exist. { got, err := mt.DB.ListCollectionNames(context.Background(), bson.D{{"name", "coll"}}) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in ListCollectionNames") assert.Equal(mt, got, []string{"coll"}, "expected ['coll'], got: %v", got) got, err = mt.DB.ListCollectionNames(context.Background(), bson.D{{"name", "enxcol_.encryptedCollection.esc"}}) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in ListCollectionNames") assert.Equal(mt, got, []string{"enxcol_.encryptedCollection.esc"}, "expected ['encryptedCollection.esc'], got: %v", got) got, err = mt.DB.ListCollectionNames(context.Background(), bson.D{{"name", "enxcol_.encryptedCollection.ecoc"}}) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in ListCollectionNames") assert.Equal(mt, got, []string{"enxcol_.encryptedCollection.ecoc"}, "expected ['encryptedCollection.ecoc'], got: %v", got) indexSpecs, err := mt.DB.Collection("coll").Indexes().ListSpecifications(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in Indexes().ListSpecifications: %v", err) assert.Equal(mt, len(indexSpecs), 2, "expected two indexes on 'coll', got: %v", indexSpecs) assert.Equal(mt, indexSpecs[1].Name, "__safeContent___1", "expected second index to be '__safeContent___1', got %v", indexSpecs[1].Name) } }) } func TestFLE2DocsExample(t *testing.T) { // FLE 2 is not supported on Standalone topology. // Only test MongoDB Server 7.0+. MongoDB Server 7.0 introduced a backwards breaking change to the Queryable Encryption (QE) protocol: QEv2. // libmongocrypt is configured to use the QEv2 protocol. mtOpts := mtest.NewOptions(). MinServerVersion("7.0"). Enterprise(true). CreateClient(false). Topologies(mtest.ReplicaSet, mtest.Sharded, mtest.LoadBalanced, mtest.ShardedReplicaSet) mt := mtest.New(t, mtOpts) mt.Run("Auto Encryption", func(mt *mtest.T) { // Drop data from prior test runs. { err := mt.Client.Database("keyvault").Collection("datakeys").Drop(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in Drop: %v", err) err = mt.Client.Database("docsExamples").Drop(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in Drop: %v", err) } kmsProvidersMap := map[string]map[string]interface{}{ "local": {"key": localMasterKey}, } var key1ID primitive.Binary var key2ID primitive.Binary // Create two data keys. { cOpts := options.Client().ApplyURI(mtest.ClusterURI()) integtest.AddTestServerAPIVersion(cOpts) keyVaultClient, err := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), cOpts) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in Connect: %v", err) defer keyVaultClient.Disconnect(context.Background()) ceOpts := options.ClientEncryption().SetKmsProviders(kmsProvidersMap).SetKeyVaultNamespace("keyvault.datakeys") ce, err := mongo.NewClientEncryption(keyVaultClient, ceOpts) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in NewClientEncryption: %v", err) defer ce.Close(context.Background()) key1ID, err = ce.CreateDataKey(context.Background(), "local") assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in CreateDataKey: %v", err) key2ID, err = ce.CreateDataKey(context.Background(), "local") assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in CreateDataKey: %v", err) } // Create an encryptedFieldsMap. encryptedFieldsMap := bson.M{ "docsExamples.encrypted": bson.M{ "fields": []bson.M{ { "path": "encryptedIndexed", "bsonType": "string", "keyId": key1ID, "queries": []bson.M{ { "queryType": "equality", }, }, }, { "path": "encryptedUnindexed", "bsonType": "string", "keyId": key2ID, }, }, }, } // Create an FLE 2 collection. var encryptedColl *mongo.Collection { cOpts := options.Client().ApplyURI(mtest.ClusterURI()) integtest.AddTestServerAPIVersion(cOpts) aeOpts := options.AutoEncryption().SetKmsProviders(kmsProvidersMap).SetKeyVaultNamespace("keyvault.datakeys").SetEncryptedFieldsMap(encryptedFieldsMap).SetExtraOptions(getCryptSharedLibExtraOptions()) cOpts.SetAutoEncryptionOptions(aeOpts) encryptedClient, err := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), cOpts) defer encryptedClient.Disconnect(context.Background()) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in Connect: %v", err) // Create the FLE 2 collection docsExample.encrypted. db := encryptedClient.Database("docsExamples") // Because docsExample.encrypted is in encryptedFieldsMap, it is created with FLE 2 support. err = db.CreateCollection(context.Background(), "encrypted") assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in CreateCollection") encryptedColl = db.Collection("encrypted") } // Auto encrypt an insert and find. { // Encrypt an insert. _, err := encryptedColl.InsertOne(context.Background(), bson.M{ "_id": 1, "encryptedIndexed": "indexedValue", "encryptedUnindexed": "unindexedValue", }) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in InsertOne") // Encrypt a find. res := encryptedColl.FindOne(context.Background(), bson.M{ "encryptedIndexed": "indexedValue", }) assert.Nil(mt, res.Err(), "error in FindOne: %v", res.Err()) var resBSON bson.M err = res.Decode(&resBSON) assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in Decode: %v", err) assert.Equal(mt, resBSON["encryptedIndexed"], "indexedValue", "expected 'indexedValue', got %q", resBSON["encryptedIndexed"]) assert.Equal(mt, resBSON["encryptedUnindexed"], "unindexedValue", "expected 'unindexedValue', got %q", resBSON["encryptedUnindexed"]) } // Find documents without decryption. { unencryptedColl := mt.Client.Database("docsExamples").Collection("encrypted") res := unencryptedColl.FindOne(context.Background(), bson.M{"_id": 1}) assert.Nil(mt, res.Err(), "error in FindOne: %v", res.Err()) resBSON, err := res.Raw() assert.Nil(mt, err, "error in Raw: %v", err) val := resBSON.Lookup("encryptedIndexed") assert.Equal(mt, val.Type, bsontype.Binary, "expected encryptedIndexed to be Binary, got %v", val.Type) val = resBSON.Lookup("encryptedUnindexed") assert.Equal(mt, val.Type, bsontype.Binary, "expected encryptedUnindexed to be Binary, got %v", val.Type) } }) }