// Copied from https://github.com/stretchr/testify/blob/1333b5d3bda8cf5aedcf3e1aaa95cac28aaab892/assert/assertion_format.go // Copyright 2020 Mat Ryer, Tyler Bunnell and all contributors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in // the THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES file. package assert import ( time "time" ) // Containsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map contains the // specified substring or element. // // assert.Containsf(t, "Hello World", "World", "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.Containsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "World", "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.Containsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Hello", "error message %s", "formatted") func Containsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return Contains(t, s, contains, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // ElementsMatchf asserts that the specified listA(array, slice...) is equal to specified // listB(array, slice...) ignoring the order of the elements. If there are duplicate elements, // the number of appearances of each of them in both lists should match. // // assert.ElementsMatchf(t, [1, 3, 2, 3], [1, 3, 3, 2], "error message %s", "formatted") func ElementsMatchf(t TestingT, listA interface{}, listB interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return ElementsMatch(t, listA, listB, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Equalf asserts that two objects are equal. // // assert.Equalf(t, 123, 123, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). Function equality // cannot be determined and will always fail. func Equalf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return Equal(t, expected, actual, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // EqualErrorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that it is equal to the provided error. // // actualObj, err := SomeFunction() // assert.EqualErrorf(t, err, expectedErrorString, "error message %s", "formatted") func EqualErrorf(t TestingT, theError error, errString string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return EqualError(t, theError, errString, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // EqualValuesf asserts that two objects are equal or convertible to the same types // and equal. // // assert.EqualValuesf(t, uint32(123), int32(123), "error message %s", "formatted") func EqualValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return EqualValues(t, expected, actual, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Errorf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`). // // actualObj, err := SomeFunction() // if assert.Errorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") { // assert.Equal(t, expectedErrorf, err) // } func Errorf(t TestingT, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return Error(t, err, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // ErrorContainsf asserts that a function returned an error (i.e. not `nil`) // and that the error contains the specified substring. // // actualObj, err := SomeFunction() // assert.ErrorContainsf(t, err, expectedErrorSubString, "error message %s", "formatted") func ErrorContainsf(t TestingT, theError error, contains string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return ErrorContains(t, theError, contains, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Eventuallyf asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time, // periodically checking target function each tick. // // assert.Eventuallyf(t, func() bool { return true; }, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, "error message %s", "formatted") func Eventuallyf(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return Eventually(t, condition, waitFor, tick, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Failf reports a failure through func Failf(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return Fail(t, failureMessage, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // FailNowf fails test func FailNowf(t TestingT, failureMessage string, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return FailNow(t, failureMessage, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Falsef asserts that the specified value is false. // // assert.Falsef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") func Falsef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return False(t, value, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Greaterf asserts that the first element is greater than the second // // assert.Greaterf(t, 2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.Greaterf(t, float64(2), float64(1), "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.Greaterf(t, "b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") func Greaterf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return Greater(t, e1, e2, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // GreaterOrEqualf asserts that the first element is greater than or equal to the second // // assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, 2, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, 2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, "b", "a", "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.GreaterOrEqualf(t, "b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func GreaterOrEqualf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return GreaterOrEqual(t, e1, e2, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // InDeltaf asserts that the two numerals are within delta of each other. // // assert.InDeltaf(t, math.Pi, 22/7.0, 0.01, "error message %s", "formatted") func InDeltaf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, delta float64, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return InDelta(t, expected, actual, delta, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // IsTypef asserts that the specified objects are of the same type. func IsTypef(t TestingT, expectedType interface{}, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return IsType(t, expectedType, object, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Lenf asserts that the specified object has specific length. // Lenf also fails if the object has a type that len() not accept. // // assert.Lenf(t, mySlice, 3, "error message %s", "formatted") func Lenf(t TestingT, object interface{}, length int, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return Len(t, object, length, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Lessf asserts that the first element is less than the second // // assert.Lessf(t, 1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.Lessf(t, float64(1), float64(2), "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.Lessf(t, "a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func Lessf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return Less(t, e1, e2, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // LessOrEqualf asserts that the first element is less than or equal to the second // // assert.LessOrEqualf(t, 1, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.LessOrEqualf(t, 2, 2, "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.LessOrEqualf(t, "a", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.LessOrEqualf(t, "b", "b", "error message %s", "formatted") func LessOrEqualf(t TestingT, e1 interface{}, e2 interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return LessOrEqual(t, e1, e2, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Negativef asserts that the specified element is negative // // assert.Negativef(t, -1, "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.Negativef(t, -1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") func Negativef(t TestingT, e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return Negative(t, e, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Nilf asserts that the specified object is nil. // // assert.Nilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") func Nilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return Nil(t, object, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // NoErrorf asserts that a function returned no error (i.e. `nil`). // // actualObj, err := SomeFunction() // if assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") { // assert.Equal(t, expectedObj, actualObj) // } func NoErrorf(t TestingT, err error, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return NoError(t, err, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // NotContainsf asserts that the specified string, list(array, slice...) or map does NOT contain the // specified substring or element. // // assert.NotContainsf(t, "Hello World", "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.NotContainsf(t, ["Hello", "World"], "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.NotContainsf(t, {"Hello": "World"}, "Earth", "error message %s", "formatted") func NotContainsf(t TestingT, s interface{}, contains interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return NotContains(t, s, contains, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // NotEqualf asserts that the specified values are NOT equal. // // assert.NotEqualf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") // // Pointer variable equality is determined based on the equality of the // referenced values (as opposed to the memory addresses). func NotEqualf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return NotEqual(t, expected, actual, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // NotEqualValuesf asserts that two objects are not equal even when converted to the same type // // assert.NotEqualValuesf(t, obj1, obj2, "error message %s", "formatted") func NotEqualValuesf(t TestingT, expected interface{}, actual interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return NotEqualValues(t, expected, actual, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // NotNilf asserts that the specified object is not nil. // // assert.NotNilf(t, err, "error message %s", "formatted") func NotNilf(t TestingT, object interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return NotNil(t, object, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Positivef asserts that the specified element is positive // // assert.Positivef(t, 1, "error message %s", "formatted") // assert.Positivef(t, 1.23, "error message %s", "formatted") func Positivef(t TestingT, e interface{}, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return Positive(t, e, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // Truef asserts that the specified value is true. // // assert.Truef(t, myBool, "error message %s", "formatted") func Truef(t TestingT, value bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return True(t, value, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) } // WithinDurationf asserts that the two times are within duration delta of each other. // // assert.WithinDurationf(t, time.Now(), time.Now(), 10*time.Second, "error message %s", "formatted") func WithinDurationf(t TestingT, expected time.Time, actual time.Time, delta time.Duration, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool { if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok { h.Helper() } return WithinDuration(t, expected, actual, delta, append([]interface{}{msg}, args...)...) }