
Source file src/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/event/monitoring.go

Documentation: go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/event

     1  // Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
     4  // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
     5  // a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     7  package event // import "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/event"
     9  import (
    10  	"context"
    11  	"time"
    13  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson"
    14  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive"
    15  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/address"
    16  	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/description"
    17  )
    19  // CommandStartedEvent represents an event generated when a command is sent to a server.
    20  type CommandStartedEvent struct {
    21  	Command      bson.Raw
    22  	DatabaseName string
    23  	CommandName  string
    24  	RequestID    int64
    25  	ConnectionID string
    26  	// ServerConnectionID contains the connection ID from the server of the operation. If the server does not return
    27  	// this value (e.g. on MDB < 4.2), it is unset. If the server connection ID would cause an int32 overflow, then
    28  	// then this field will be nil.
    29  	//
    30  	// Deprecated: Use ServerConnectionID64.
    31  	ServerConnectionID *int32
    32  	// ServerConnectionID64 contains the connection ID from the server of the operation. If the server does not
    33  	// return this value (e.g. on MDB < 4.2), it is unset.
    34  	ServerConnectionID64 *int64
    35  	// ServiceID contains the ID of the server to which the command was sent if it is running behind a load balancer.
    36  	// Otherwise, it is unset.
    37  	ServiceID *primitive.ObjectID
    38  }
    40  // CommandFinishedEvent represents a generic command finishing.
    41  type CommandFinishedEvent struct {
    42  	// Deprecated: Use Duration instead.
    43  	DurationNanos int64
    44  	Duration      time.Duration
    45  	CommandName   string
    46  	DatabaseName  string
    47  	RequestID     int64
    48  	ConnectionID  string
    49  	// ServerConnectionID contains the connection ID from the server of the operation. If the server does not return
    50  	// this value (e.g. on MDB < 4.2), it is unset.If the server connection ID would cause an int32 overflow, then
    51  	// this field will be nil.
    52  	//
    53  	// Deprecated: Use ServerConnectionID64.
    54  	ServerConnectionID *int32
    55  	// ServerConnectionID64 contains the connection ID from the server of the operation. If the server does not
    56  	// return this value (e.g. on MDB < 4.2), it is unset.
    57  	ServerConnectionID64 *int64
    58  	// ServiceID contains the ID of the server to which the command was sent if it is running behind a load balancer.
    59  	// Otherwise, it is unset.
    60  	ServiceID *primitive.ObjectID
    61  }
    63  // CommandSucceededEvent represents an event generated when a command's execution succeeds.
    64  type CommandSucceededEvent struct {
    65  	CommandFinishedEvent
    66  	Reply bson.Raw
    67  }
    69  // CommandFailedEvent represents an event generated when a command's execution fails.
    70  type CommandFailedEvent struct {
    71  	CommandFinishedEvent
    72  	Failure string
    73  }
    75  // CommandMonitor represents a monitor that is triggered for different events.
    76  type CommandMonitor struct {
    77  	Started   func(context.Context, *CommandStartedEvent)
    78  	Succeeded func(context.Context, *CommandSucceededEvent)
    79  	Failed    func(context.Context, *CommandFailedEvent)
    80  }
    82  // strings for pool command monitoring reasons
    83  const (
    84  	ReasonIdle              = "idle"
    85  	ReasonPoolClosed        = "poolClosed"
    86  	ReasonStale             = "stale"
    87  	ReasonConnectionErrored = "connectionError"
    88  	ReasonTimedOut          = "timeout"
    89  	ReasonError             = "error"
    90  )
    92  // strings for pool command monitoring types
    93  const (
    94  	PoolCreated        = "ConnectionPoolCreated"
    95  	PoolReady          = "ConnectionPoolReady"
    96  	PoolCleared        = "ConnectionPoolCleared"
    97  	PoolClosedEvent    = "ConnectionPoolClosed"
    98  	ConnectionCreated  = "ConnectionCreated"
    99  	ConnectionReady    = "ConnectionReady"
   100  	ConnectionClosed   = "ConnectionClosed"
   101  	GetStarted         = "ConnectionCheckOutStarted"
   102  	GetFailed          = "ConnectionCheckOutFailed"
   103  	GetSucceeded       = "ConnectionCheckedOut"
   104  	ConnectionReturned = "ConnectionCheckedIn"
   105  )
   107  // MonitorPoolOptions contains pool options as formatted in pool events
   108  type MonitorPoolOptions struct {
   109  	MaxPoolSize        uint64 `json:"maxPoolSize"`
   110  	MinPoolSize        uint64 `json:"minPoolSize"`
   111  	WaitQueueTimeoutMS uint64 `json:"maxIdleTimeMS"`
   112  }
   114  // PoolEvent contains all information summarizing a pool event
   115  type PoolEvent struct {
   116  	Type         string              `json:"type"`
   117  	Address      string              `json:"address"`
   118  	ConnectionID uint64              `json:"connectionId"`
   119  	PoolOptions  *MonitorPoolOptions `json:"options"`
   120  	Duration     time.Duration       `json:"duration"`
   121  	Reason       string              `json:"reason"`
   122  	// ServiceID is only set if the Type is PoolCleared and the server is deployed behind a load balancer. This field
   123  	// can be used to distinguish between individual servers in a load balanced deployment.
   124  	ServiceID    *primitive.ObjectID `json:"serviceId"`
   125  	Interruption bool                `json:"interruptInUseConnections"`
   126  	Error        error               `json:"error"`
   127  }
   129  // PoolMonitor is a function that allows the user to gain access to events occurring in the pool
   130  type PoolMonitor struct {
   131  	Event func(*PoolEvent)
   132  }
   134  // ServerDescriptionChangedEvent represents a server description change.
   135  type ServerDescriptionChangedEvent struct {
   136  	Address             address.Address
   137  	TopologyID          primitive.ObjectID // A unique identifier for the topology this server is a part of
   138  	PreviousDescription description.Server
   139  	NewDescription      description.Server
   140  }
   142  // ServerOpeningEvent is an event generated when the server is initialized.
   143  type ServerOpeningEvent struct {
   144  	Address    address.Address
   145  	TopologyID primitive.ObjectID // A unique identifier for the topology this server is a part of
   146  }
   148  // ServerClosedEvent is an event generated when the server is closed.
   149  type ServerClosedEvent struct {
   150  	Address    address.Address
   151  	TopologyID primitive.ObjectID // A unique identifier for the topology this server is a part of
   152  }
   154  // TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent represents a topology description change.
   155  type TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent struct {
   156  	TopologyID          primitive.ObjectID // A unique identifier for the topology this server is a part of
   157  	PreviousDescription description.Topology
   158  	NewDescription      description.Topology
   159  }
   161  // TopologyOpeningEvent is an event generated when the topology is initialized.
   162  type TopologyOpeningEvent struct {
   163  	TopologyID primitive.ObjectID // A unique identifier for the topology this server is a part of
   164  }
   166  // TopologyClosedEvent is an event generated when the topology is closed.
   167  type TopologyClosedEvent struct {
   168  	TopologyID primitive.ObjectID // A unique identifier for the topology this server is a part of
   169  }
   171  // ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent is an event generated when the heartbeat is started.
   172  type ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent struct {
   173  	ConnectionID string // The address this heartbeat was sent to with a unique identifier
   174  	Awaited      bool   // If this heartbeat was awaitable
   175  }
   177  // ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent is an event generated when the heartbeat succeeds.
   178  type ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent struct {
   179  	// Deprecated: Use Duration instead.
   180  	DurationNanos int64
   181  	Duration      time.Duration
   182  	Reply         description.Server
   183  	ConnectionID  string // The address this heartbeat was sent to with a unique identifier
   184  	Awaited       bool   // If this heartbeat was awaitable
   185  }
   187  // ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent is an event generated when the heartbeat fails.
   188  type ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent struct {
   189  	// Deprecated: Use Duration instead.
   190  	DurationNanos int64
   191  	Duration      time.Duration
   192  	Failure       error
   193  	ConnectionID  string // The address this heartbeat was sent to with a unique identifier
   194  	Awaited       bool   // If this heartbeat was awaitable
   195  }
   197  // ServerMonitor represents a monitor that is triggered for different server events. The client
   198  // will monitor changes on the MongoDB deployment it is connected to, and this monitor reports
   199  // the changes in the client's representation of the deployment. The topology represents the
   200  // overall deployment, and heartbeats are sent to individual servers to check their current status.
   201  type ServerMonitor struct {
   202  	ServerDescriptionChanged func(*ServerDescriptionChangedEvent)
   203  	ServerOpening            func(*ServerOpeningEvent)
   204  	ServerClosed             func(*ServerClosedEvent)
   205  	// TopologyDescriptionChanged is called when the topology is locked, so the callback should
   206  	// not attempt any operation that requires server selection on the same client.
   207  	TopologyDescriptionChanged func(*TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent)
   208  	TopologyOpening            func(*TopologyOpeningEvent)
   209  	TopologyClosed             func(*TopologyClosedEvent)
   210  	ServerHeartbeatStarted     func(*ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent)
   211  	ServerHeartbeatSucceeded   func(*ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent)
   212  	ServerHeartbeatFailed      func(*ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent)
   213  }

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