
Text file src/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/etc/check_fmt.sh

Documentation: go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/etc

     1#!/usr/bin/env bash
     2# check_fmt
     3# Runs go fmt on all packages in the repo and checks that *_example_test.go files have wrapped lines.
     5gofmt_out="$(go fmt ./...)"
     7if [[ $gofmt_out ]]; then
     8  echo "go fmt check failed for:";
     9  sed -e 's/^/ - /' <<< "$gofmt_out";
    10  exit 1;
    13# Use the "github.com/walle/lll" tool to check that all lines in *_example_test.go files are
    14# wrapped at 80 characters to keep them readable when rendered on https://pkg.go.dev.
    15# Ignore long lines that are comments containing URI-like strings and testable example output
    16# comments like "// Output: ...".
    17# E.g ignored lines:
    18#     // "mongodb://ldap-user:ldap-pwd@localhost:27017/?authMechanism=PLAIN"
    19#     // (https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/authentication-mechanisms-enterprise/#security-auth-ldap).
    20#     // Output: {"myint": {"$numberLong":"1"},"int32": {"$numberLong":"1"},"int64": {"$numberLong":"1"}}
    21lll_out="$(find . -type f -name "*_examples_test.go" | lll -w 4 -l 80 -e '^\s*\/\/(.+:\/\/| Output:)' --files)"
    23if [[ $lll_out ]]; then
    24  echo "lll check failed for:";
    25  sed -e 's/^/ - /' <<< "$lll_out";
    26  exit 1;

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