7 package main
9 import (
10 "context"
11 "fmt"
12 "os"
13 "strings"
15 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson"
16 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive"
17 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo"
18 "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options"
19 )
21 var datakeyopts = map[string]primitive.M{
22 "aws": bson.M{
23 "region": "us-east-1",
24 "key": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0",
25 },
26 "azure": bson.M{
27 "keyVaultEndpoint": "",
28 "keyName": "",
29 },
30 "gcp": bson.M{
31 "projectId": "devprod-drivers",
32 "location": "global",
33 "keyRing": "key-ring-csfle",
34 "keyName": "key-name-csfle",
35 },
36 }
38 func main() {
39 uri := os.Getenv("MONGODB_URI")
40 provider := os.Getenv("PROVIDER")
42 expecterror := os.Getenv("EXPECT_ERROR")
44 datakeyopt, validKmsProvider := datakeyopts[provider]
45 ok := false
46 switch {
47 case uri == "":
48 fmt.Println("ERROR: Please set required MONGODB_URI environment variable.")
49 case provider == "":
50 fmt.Println("ERROR: Please set required PROVIDER environment variable.")
51 case !validKmsProvider:
52 fmt.Println("ERROR: Unsupported PROVIDER value.")
53 default:
54 ok = true
55 }
56 if provider == "azure" {
57 azureKmsKeyName := os.Getenv("AZUREKMS_KEY_NAME")
58 azureKmsKeyVaultEndpoint := os.Getenv("AZUREKMS_KEY_VAULT_ENDPOINT")
59 if azureKmsKeyName == "" {
60 fmt.Println("ERROR: Please set required AZUREKMS_KEY_NAME environment variable.")
61 ok = false
62 }
63 if azureKmsKeyVaultEndpoint == "" {
64 fmt.Println("ERROR: Please set required AZUREKMS_KEY_VAULT_ENDPOINT environment variable.")
65 ok = false
66 }
67 datakeyopts["azure"]["keyName"] = azureKmsKeyName
68 datakeyopts["azure"]["keyVaultEndpoint"] = azureKmsKeyVaultEndpoint
69 }
70 if !ok {
71 providers := make([]string, 0, len(datakeyopts))
72 for p := range datakeyopts {
73 providers = append(providers, p)
74 }
76 fmt.Println("The following environment variables are understood:")
77 fmt.Println("- MONGODB_URI as a MongoDB URI. Example: 'mongodb://localhost:27017'")
78 fmt.Println("- EXPECT_ERROR as an optional expected error substring.")
79 fmt.Println("- PROVIDER as a KMS provider, which supports:", strings.Join(providers, ", "))
80 fmt.Println("- AZUREKMS_KEY_NAME as the Azure key name. Required if PROVIDER=azure.")
81 fmt.Println("- AZUREKMS_KEY_VAULT_ENDPOINT as the Azure key name. Required if PROVIDER=azure.")
82 os.Exit(1)
83 }
85 cOpts := options.Client().ApplyURI(uri)
86 keyVaultClient, err := mongo.Connect(context.Background(), cOpts)
87 if err != nil {
88 panic(fmt.Sprintf("Connect error: %v", err))
89 }
90 defer func() { _ = keyVaultClient.Disconnect(context.Background()) }()
92 kmsProvidersMap := map[string]map[string]interface{}{
93 provider: {},
94 }
95 ceOpts := options.ClientEncryption().SetKmsProviders(kmsProvidersMap).SetKeyVaultNamespace("keyvault.datakeys")
96 ce, err := mongo.NewClientEncryption(keyVaultClient, ceOpts)
97 if err != nil {
98 panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error in NewClientEncryption: %v", err))
99 }
100 dkOpts := options.DataKey().SetMasterKey(datakeyopt)
101 _, err = ce.CreateDataKey(context.Background(), provider, dkOpts)
102 if expecterror == "" {
103 if err != nil {
104 panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected success, but got error in CreateDataKey: %v", err))
105 }
106 } else {
107 if err == nil {
108 panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected error message to contain %q, but got no error", expecterror))
109 }
110 if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), expecterror) {
111 panic(fmt.Sprintf("Expected error message to contain %q, but got %q", expecterror, err.Error()))
112 }
113 }
114 }
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