// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain // a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 package bson import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "net/url" "reflect" "testing" "time" "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsoncodec" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsonrw" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsonrw/bsonrwtest" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/bsontype" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive" "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/bsonx/bsoncore" ) func bytesFromDoc(doc interface{}) []byte { b, err := Marshal(doc) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Couldn't marshal BSON document: %w", err)) } return b } func compareDecimal128(d1, d2 primitive.Decimal128) bool { d1H, d1L := d1.GetBytes() d2H, d2L := d2.GetBytes() if d1H != d2H { return false } if d1L != d2L { return false } return true } func compareErrors(err1, err2 error) bool { if err1 == nil && err2 == nil { return true } if err1 == nil || err2 == nil { return false } if err1.Error() != err2.Error() { return false } return true } func TestDefaultValueEncoders(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var pc PrimitiveCodecs var wrong = func(string, string) string { return "wrong" } type subtest struct { name string val interface{} ectx *bsoncodec.EncodeContext llvrw *bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter invoke bsonrwtest.Invoked err error } testCases := []struct { name string ve bsoncodec.ValueEncoder subtests []subtest }{ { "RawValueEncodeValue", bsoncodec.ValueEncoderFunc(pc.RawValueEncodeValue), []subtest{ { "wrong type", wrong, nil, nil, bsonrwtest.Nothing, bsoncodec.ValueEncoderError{ Name: "RawValueEncodeValue", Types: []reflect.Type{tRawValue}, Received: reflect.ValueOf(wrong), }, }, { "RawValue/success", RawValue{Type: bsontype.Double, Value: bsoncore.AppendDouble(nil, 3.14159)}, nil, nil, bsonrwtest.WriteDouble, nil, }, { "RawValue Type is zero with non-zero value", RawValue{ Type: 0x00, Value: bsoncore.AppendDouble(nil, 3.14159), }, nil, nil, bsonrwtest.Nothing, fmt.Errorf("the RawValue Type specifies an invalid BSON type: 0x0"), }, { "RawValue Type is invalid", RawValue{ Type: 0x8F, Value: bsoncore.AppendDouble(nil, 3.14159), }, nil, nil, bsonrwtest.Nothing, fmt.Errorf("the RawValue Type specifies an invalid BSON type: 0x8f"), }, }, }, { "RawEncodeValue", bsoncodec.ValueEncoderFunc(pc.RawEncodeValue), []subtest{ { "wrong type", wrong, nil, nil, bsonrwtest.Nothing, bsoncodec.ValueEncoderError{Name: "RawEncodeValue", Types: []reflect.Type{tRaw}, Received: reflect.ValueOf(wrong)}, }, { "WriteDocument Error", Raw{}, nil, &bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter{Err: errors.New("wd error"), ErrAfter: bsonrwtest.WriteDocument}, bsonrwtest.WriteDocument, errors.New("wd error"), }, { "Raw.Elements Error", Raw{0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, nil, &bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter{}, bsonrwtest.WriteDocument, errors.New("length read exceeds number of bytes available. length=5 bytes=255"), }, { "WriteDocumentElement Error", Raw(bytesFromDoc(D{{"foo", nil}})), nil, &bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter{Err: errors.New("wde error"), ErrAfter: bsonrwtest.WriteDocumentElement}, bsonrwtest.WriteDocumentElement, errors.New("wde error"), }, { "encodeValue error", Raw(bytesFromDoc(D{{"foo", nil}})), nil, &bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter{Err: errors.New("ev error"), ErrAfter: bsonrwtest.WriteNull}, bsonrwtest.WriteNull, errors.New("ev error"), }, { "iterator error", Raw{0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 'f', 'o', 'o', 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03}, nil, &bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter{}, bsonrwtest.WriteDocumentElement, errors.New("not enough bytes available to read type. bytes=3 type=double"), }, }, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // Capture the range variable t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, subtest := range tc.subtests { subtest := subtest // Capture the range variable t.Run(subtest.name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var ec bsoncodec.EncodeContext if subtest.ectx != nil { ec = *subtest.ectx } llvrw := new(bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter) if subtest.llvrw != nil { llvrw = subtest.llvrw } llvrw.T = t err := tc.ve.EncodeValue(ec, llvrw, reflect.ValueOf(subtest.val)) if !compareErrors(err, subtest.err) { t.Errorf("Errors do not match. got %v; want %v", err, subtest.err) } invoked := llvrw.Invoked if !cmp.Equal(invoked, subtest.invoke) { t.Errorf("Incorrect method invoked. got %v; want %v", invoked, subtest.invoke) } }) } }) } t.Run("success path", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() oid := primitive.NewObjectID() oids := []primitive.ObjectID{primitive.NewObjectID(), primitive.NewObjectID(), primitive.NewObjectID()} var str = new(string) *str = "bar" now := time.Now().Truncate(time.Millisecond) murl, err := url.Parse("https://mongodb.com/random-url?hello=world") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Error parsing URL: %v", err) t.FailNow() } decimal128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128("1.5e10") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Error parsing decimal128: %v", err) t.FailNow() } testCases := []struct { name string value interface{} b []byte err error }{ { "D to JavaScript", D{{"a", primitive.JavaScript(`function() { var hello = "world"; }`)}}, docToBytes(D{{"a", primitive.JavaScript(`function() { var hello = "world"; }`)}}), nil, }, { "D to Symbol", D{{"a", primitive.Symbol("foobarbaz")}}, docToBytes(D{{"a", primitive.Symbol("foobarbaz")}}), nil, }, { "omitempty map", struct { T map[string]string `bson:",omitempty"` }{ T: map[string]string{}, }, docToBytes(D{}), nil, }, { "omitempty slice", struct { T []struct{} `bson:",omitempty"` }{ T: []struct{}{}, }, docToBytes(D{}), nil, }, { "omitempty string", struct { T string `bson:",omitempty"` }{ T: "", }, docToBytes(D{}), nil, }, { "struct{}", struct { A bool B int32 C int64 D uint16 E uint64 F float64 G string H map[string]string I []byte K [2]string L struct { M string } P Raw Q primitive.ObjectID T []struct{} Y json.Number Z time.Time AA json.Number AB *url.URL AC primitive.Decimal128 AD *time.Time AE testValueMarshaler AF RawValue AG *RawValue AH D AI *D AJ *D }{ A: true, B: 123, C: 456, D: 789, E: 101112, F: 3.14159, G: "Hello, world", H: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, I: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03}, K: [2]string{"baz", "qux"}, L: struct { M string }{ M: "foobar", }, P: Raw{0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, Q: oid, T: nil, Y: json.Number("5"), Z: now, AA: json.Number("10.1"), AB: murl, AC: decimal128, AD: &now, AE: testValueMarshaler{t: TypeString, buf: bsoncore.AppendString(nil, "hello, world")}, AF: RawValue{Type: bsontype.String, Value: bsoncore.AppendString(nil, "hello, raw value")}, AG: &RawValue{Type: bsontype.Double, Value: bsoncore.AppendDouble(nil, 3.14159)}, AH: D{{"foo", "bar"}}, AI: &D{{"pi", 3.14159}}, AJ: nil, }, docToBytes(D{ {"a", true}, {"b", int32(123)}, {"c", int64(456)}, {"d", int32(789)}, {"e", int64(101112)}, {"f", float64(3.14159)}, {"g", "Hello, world"}, {"h", D{{"foo", "bar"}}}, {"i", primitive.Binary{Subtype: 0x00, Data: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03}}}, {"k", A{"baz", "qux"}}, {"l", D{{"m", "foobar"}}}, {"p", D{}}, {"q", oid}, {"t", nil}, {"y", int64(5)}, {"z", primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond))}, {"aa", float64(10.1)}, {"ab", murl.String()}, {"ac", decimal128}, {"ad", primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond))}, {"ae", "hello, world"}, {"af", "hello, raw value"}, {"ag", 3.14159}, {"ah", D{{"foo", "bar"}}}, {"ai", D{{"pi", float64(3.14159)}}}, {"aj", nil}, }), nil, }, { "struct{[]interface{}}", struct { A []bool B []int32 C []int64 D []uint16 E []uint64 F []float64 G []string H []map[string]string I [][]byte K [1][2]string L []struct { M string } N [][]string Q []Raw R []primitive.ObjectID T []struct{} W []map[string]struct{} X []map[string]struct{} Y []map[string]struct{} Z []time.Time AA []json.Number AB []*url.URL AC []primitive.Decimal128 AD []*time.Time AE []testValueMarshaler AF []D AG []*D }{ A: []bool{true}, B: []int32{123}, C: []int64{456}, D: []uint16{789}, E: []uint64{101112}, F: []float64{3.14159}, G: []string{"Hello, world"}, H: []map[string]string{{"foo": "bar"}}, I: [][]byte{{0x01, 0x02, 0x03}}, K: [1][2]string{{"baz", "qux"}}, L: []struct { M string }{ { M: "foobar", }, }, N: [][]string{{"foo", "bar"}}, Q: []Raw{{0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}}, R: oids, T: nil, W: nil, X: []map[string]struct{}{}, // Should be empty BSON Array Y: []map[string]struct{}{{}}, // Should be BSON array with one element, an empty BSON SubDocument Z: []time.Time{now, now}, AA: []json.Number{json.Number("5"), json.Number("10.1")}, AB: []*url.URL{murl}, AC: []primitive.Decimal128{decimal128}, AD: []*time.Time{&now, &now}, AE: []testValueMarshaler{ {t: TypeString, buf: bsoncore.AppendString(nil, "hello")}, {t: TypeString, buf: bsoncore.AppendString(nil, "world")}, }, AF: []D{{{"foo", "bar"}}, {{"hello", "world"}, {"number", 12345}}}, AG: []*D{{{"pi", 3.14159}}, nil}, }, docToBytes(D{ {"a", A{true}}, {"b", A{int32(123)}}, {"c", A{int64(456)}}, {"d", A{int32(789)}}, {"e", A{int64(101112)}}, {"f", A{float64(3.14159)}}, {"g", A{"Hello, world"}}, {"h", A{D{{"foo", "bar"}}}}, {"i", A{primitive.Binary{Subtype: 0x00, Data: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03}}}}, {"k", A{A{"baz", "qux"}}}, {"l", A{D{{"m", "foobar"}}}}, {"n", A{A{"foo", "bar"}}}, {"q", A{D{}}}, {"r", A{oids[0], oids[1], oids[2]}}, {"t", nil}, {"w", nil}, {"x", A{}}, {"y", A{D{}}}, {"z", A{ primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)), primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)), }}, {"aa", A{int64(5), float64(10.10)}}, {"ab", A{murl.String()}}, {"ac", A{decimal128}}, {"ad", A{ primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)), primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)), }}, {"ae", A{"hello", "world"}}, {"af", A{D{{"foo", "bar"}}, D{{"hello", "world"}, {"number", int32(12345)}}}}, {"ag", A{D{{"pi", float64(3.14159)}}, nil}}, }), nil, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { tc := tc // Capture the range variable t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b := make(bsonrw.SliceWriter, 0, 512) vw, err := bsonrw.NewBSONValueWriter(&b) noerr(t, err) enc, err := NewEncoder(vw) noerr(t, err) err = enc.Encode(tc.value) if !errors.Is(err, tc.err) { t.Errorf("Did not receive expected error. got %v; want %v", err, tc.err) } if diff := cmp.Diff([]byte(b), tc.b); diff != "" { t.Errorf("Bytes written differ: (-got +want)\n%s", diff) t.Errorf("Bytes\ngot: %v\nwant:%v\n", b, tc.b) t.Errorf("Readers\ngot: %v\nwant:%v\n", Raw(b), Raw(tc.b)) } }) } }) } func TestDefaultValueDecoders(t *testing.T) { var pc PrimitiveCodecs var wrong = func(string, string) string { return "wrong" } const cansetreflectiontest = "cansetreflectiontest" type subtest struct { name string val interface{} dctx *bsoncodec.DecodeContext llvrw *bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter invoke bsonrwtest.Invoked err error } testCases := []struct { name string vd bsoncodec.ValueDecoder subtests []subtest }{ { "RawValueDecodeValue", bsoncodec.ValueDecoderFunc(pc.RawValueDecodeValue), []subtest{ { "wrong type", wrong, nil, &bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter{}, bsonrwtest.Nothing, bsoncodec.ValueDecoderError{ Name: "RawValueDecodeValue", Types: []reflect.Type{tRawValue}, Received: reflect.ValueOf(wrong), }, }, { "ReadValue Error", RawValue{}, nil, &bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter{ BSONType: bsontype.Binary, Err: errors.New("rb error"), ErrAfter: bsonrwtest.ReadBinary, }, bsonrwtest.ReadBinary, errors.New("rb error"), }, { "RawValue/success", RawValue{Type: bsontype.Binary, Value: bsoncore.AppendBinary(nil, 0xFF, []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03})}, nil, &bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter{ BSONType: bsontype.Binary, Return: bsoncore.Value{ Type: bsontype.Binary, Data: bsoncore.AppendBinary(nil, 0xFF, []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03}), }, }, bsonrwtest.ReadBinary, nil, }, }, }, { "RawDecodeValue", bsoncodec.ValueDecoderFunc(pc.RawDecodeValue), []subtest{ { "wrong type", wrong, nil, &bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter{}, bsonrwtest.Nothing, bsoncodec.ValueDecoderError{Name: "RawDecodeValue", Types: []reflect.Type{tRaw}, Received: reflect.ValueOf(wrong)}, }, { "*Raw is nil", (*Raw)(nil), nil, nil, bsonrwtest.Nothing, bsoncodec.ValueDecoderError{ Name: "RawDecodeValue", Types: []reflect.Type{tRaw}, Received: reflect.ValueOf((*Raw)(nil)), }, }, { "Copy error", Raw{}, nil, &bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter{Err: errors.New("copy error"), ErrAfter: bsonrwtest.ReadDocument}, bsonrwtest.ReadDocument, errors.New("copy error"), }, }, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { for _, rc := range tc.subtests { t.Run(rc.name, func(t *testing.T) { var dc bsoncodec.DecodeContext if rc.dctx != nil { dc = *rc.dctx } llvrw := new(bsonrwtest.ValueReaderWriter) if rc.llvrw != nil { llvrw = rc.llvrw } llvrw.T = t if rc.val == cansetreflectiontest { // We're doing a CanSet reflection test err := tc.vd.DecodeValue(dc, llvrw, reflect.Value{}) if !compareErrors(err, rc.err) { t.Errorf("Errors do not match. got %v; want %v", err, rc.err) } val := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(rc.val)).Elem() err = tc.vd.DecodeValue(dc, llvrw, val) if !compareErrors(err, rc.err) { t.Errorf("Errors do not match. got %v; want %v", err, rc.err) } return } var val reflect.Value if rtype := reflect.TypeOf(rc.val); rtype != nil { val = reflect.New(rtype).Elem() } want := rc.val defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { fmt.Println(t.Name()) panic(err) } }() err := tc.vd.DecodeValue(dc, llvrw, val) if !compareErrors(err, rc.err) { t.Errorf("Errors do not match. got %v; want %v", err, rc.err) } invoked := llvrw.Invoked if !cmp.Equal(invoked, rc.invoke) { t.Errorf("Incorrect method invoked. got %v; want %v", invoked, rc.invoke) } var got interface{} if val.IsValid() && val.CanInterface() { got = val.Interface() } if rc.err == nil && !cmp.Equal(got, want) { t.Errorf("Values do not match. got (%T)%v; want (%T)%v", got, got, want, want) } }) } }) } t.Run("success path", func(t *testing.T) { oid := primitive.NewObjectID() oids := []primitive.ObjectID{primitive.NewObjectID(), primitive.NewObjectID(), primitive.NewObjectID()} var str = new(string) *str = "bar" now := time.Now().Truncate(time.Millisecond) murl, err := url.Parse("https://mongodb.com/random-url?hello=world") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Error parsing URL: %v", err) t.FailNow() } decimal128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128("1.5e10") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Error parsing decimal128: %v", err) t.FailNow() } testCases := []struct { name string value interface{} b []byte err error }{ { "map[string]int", map[string]int32{"foo": 1}, []byte{ 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 'f', 'o', 'o', 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }, nil, }, { "map[string]primitive.ObjectID", map[string]primitive.ObjectID{"foo": oid}, docToBytes(D{{"foo", oid}}), nil, }, { "map[string]Reader", map[string]Raw{"Z": {0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}}, docToBytes(D{{"Z", Raw{0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}}}), nil, }, { "map[string][]int32", map[string][]int32{"Z": {1, 2, 3}}, docToBytes(D{{"Z", A{int32(1), int32(2), int32(3)}}}), nil, }, { "map[string][]primitive.ObjectID", map[string][]primitive.ObjectID{"Z": oids}, docToBytes(D{{"Z", A{oids[0], oids[1], oids[2]}}}), nil, }, { "map[string][]json.Number(int64)", map[string][]json.Number{"Z": {json.Number("5"), json.Number("10")}}, docToBytes(D{{"Z", A{int64(5), int64(10)}}}), nil, }, { "map[string][]json.Number(float64)", map[string][]json.Number{"Z": {json.Number("5"), json.Number("10.1")}}, docToBytes(D{{"Z", A{int64(5), float64(10.1)}}}), nil, }, { "map[string][]*url.URL", map[string][]*url.URL{"Z": {murl}}, docToBytes(D{{"Z", A{murl.String()}}}), nil, }, { "map[string][]primitive.Decimal128", map[string][]primitive.Decimal128{"Z": {decimal128}}, docToBytes(D{{"Z", A{decimal128}}}), nil, }, { "-", struct { A string `bson:"-"` }{ A: "", }, docToBytes(D{}), nil, }, { "omitempty", struct { A string `bson:",omitempty"` }{ A: "", }, docToBytes(D{}), nil, }, { "omitempty, empty time", struct { A time.Time `bson:",omitempty"` }{ A: time.Time{}, }, docToBytes(D{}), nil, }, { "no private fields", noPrivateFields{a: "should be empty"}, docToBytes(D{}), nil, }, { "minsize", struct { A int64 `bson:",minsize"` }{ A: 12345, }, docToBytes(D{{"a", int32(12345)}}), nil, }, { "inline", struct { Foo struct { A int64 `bson:",minsize"` } `bson:",inline"` }{ Foo: struct { A int64 `bson:",minsize"` }{ A: 12345, }, }, docToBytes(D{{"a", int32(12345)}}), nil, }, { "inline map", struct { Foo map[string]string `bson:",inline"` }{ Foo: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, }, docToBytes(D{{"foo", "bar"}}), nil, }, { "alternate name bson:name", struct { A string `bson:"foo"` }{ A: "bar", }, docToBytes(D{{"foo", "bar"}}), nil, }, { "alternate name", struct { A string `bson:"foo"` }{ A: "bar", }, docToBytes(D{{"foo", "bar"}}), nil, }, { "inline, omitempty", struct { A string Foo zeroTest `bson:"omitempty,inline"` }{ A: "bar", Foo: zeroTest{true}, }, docToBytes(D{{"a", "bar"}}), nil, }, { "JavaScript to D", D{{"a", primitive.JavaScript(`function() { var hello = "world"; }`)}}, docToBytes(D{{"a", primitive.JavaScript(`function() { var hello = "world"; }`)}}), nil, }, { "Symbol to D", D{{"a", primitive.Symbol("foobarbaz")}}, docToBytes(D{{"a", primitive.Symbol("foobarbaz")}}), nil, }, { "struct{}", struct { A bool B int32 C int64 D uint16 E uint64 F float64 G string H map[string]string I []byte K [2]string L struct { M string } P Raw Q primitive.ObjectID T []struct{} Y json.Number Z time.Time AA json.Number AB *url.URL AC primitive.Decimal128 AD *time.Time AE *testValueUnmarshaler AF RawValue AG *RawValue AH D AI *D AJ *D }{ A: true, B: 123, C: 456, D: 789, E: 101112, F: 3.14159, G: "Hello, world", H: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, I: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03}, K: [2]string{"baz", "qux"}, L: struct { M string }{ M: "foobar", }, P: Raw{0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, Q: oid, T: nil, Y: json.Number("5"), Z: now, AA: json.Number("10.1"), AB: murl, AC: decimal128, AD: &now, AE: &testValueUnmarshaler{t: bsontype.String, val: bsoncore.AppendString(nil, "hello, world!")}, AF: RawValue{Type: bsontype.Double, Value: bsoncore.AppendDouble(nil, 3.14159)}, AG: &RawValue{Type: bsontype.Binary, Value: bsoncore.AppendBinary(nil, 0xFF, []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03})}, AH: D{{"foo", "bar"}}, AI: &D{{"pi", 3.14159}}, AJ: nil, }, docToBytes(D{ {"a", true}, {"b", int32(123)}, {"c", int64(456)}, {"d", int32(789)}, {"e", int64(101112)}, {"f", float64(3.14159)}, {"g", "Hello, world"}, {"h", D{{"foo", "bar"}}}, {"i", primitive.Binary{Subtype: 0x00, Data: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03}}}, {"k", A{"baz", "qux"}}, {"l", D{{"m", "foobar"}}}, {"p", D{}}, {"q", oid}, {"t", nil}, {"y", int64(5)}, {"z", primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond))}, {"aa", float64(10.1)}, {"ab", murl.String()}, {"ac", decimal128}, {"ad", primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond))}, {"ae", "hello, world!"}, {"af", float64(3.14159)}, {"ag", primitive.Binary{Subtype: 0xFF, Data: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03}}}, {"ah", D{{"foo", "bar"}}}, {"ai", D{{"pi", float64(3.14159)}}}, {"aj", nil}, }), nil, }, { "struct{[]interface{}}", struct { A []bool B []int32 C []int64 D []uint16 E []uint64 F []float64 G []string H []map[string]string I [][]byte K [1][2]string L []struct { M string } N [][]string Q []Raw R []primitive.ObjectID T []struct{} W []map[string]struct{} X []map[string]struct{} Y []map[string]struct{} Z []time.Time AA []json.Number AB []*url.URL AC []primitive.Decimal128 AD []*time.Time AE []*testValueUnmarshaler AF []D AG []*D }{ A: []bool{true}, B: []int32{123}, C: []int64{456}, D: []uint16{789}, E: []uint64{101112}, F: []float64{3.14159}, G: []string{"Hello, world"}, H: []map[string]string{{"foo": "bar"}}, I: [][]byte{{0x01, 0x02, 0x03}}, K: [1][2]string{{"baz", "qux"}}, L: []struct { M string }{ { M: "foobar", }, }, N: [][]string{{"foo", "bar"}}, Q: []Raw{{0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}}, R: oids, T: nil, W: nil, X: []map[string]struct{}{}, // Should be empty BSON Array Y: []map[string]struct{}{{}}, // Should be BSON array with one element, an empty BSON SubDocument Z: []time.Time{now, now}, AA: []json.Number{json.Number("5"), json.Number("10.1")}, AB: []*url.URL{murl}, AC: []primitive.Decimal128{decimal128}, AD: []*time.Time{&now, &now}, AE: []*testValueUnmarshaler{ {t: bsontype.String, val: bsoncore.AppendString(nil, "hello")}, {t: bsontype.String, val: bsoncore.AppendString(nil, "world")}, }, AF: []D{{{"foo", "bar"}}, {{"hello", "world"}, {"number", int64(12345)}}}, AG: []*D{{{"pi", 3.14159}}, nil}, }, docToBytes(D{ {"a", A{true}}, {"b", A{int32(123)}}, {"c", A{int64(456)}}, {"d", A{int32(789)}}, {"e", A{int64(101112)}}, {"f", A{float64(3.14159)}}, {"g", A{"Hello, world"}}, {"h", A{D{{"foo", "bar"}}}}, {"i", A{primitive.Binary{Subtype: 0x00, Data: []byte{0x01, 0x02, 0x03}}}}, {"k", A{A{"baz", "qux"}}}, {"l", A{D{{"m", "foobar"}}}}, {"n", A{A{"foo", "bar"}}}, {"q", A{D{}}}, {"r", A{oids[0], oids[1], oids[2]}}, {"t", nil}, {"w", nil}, {"x", A{}}, {"y", A{D{}}}, {"z", A{ primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)), primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)), }}, {"aa", A{int64(5), float64(10.10)}}, {"ab", A{murl.String()}}, {"ac", A{decimal128}}, {"ad", A{ primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)), primitive.DateTime(now.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)), }}, {"ae", A{"hello", "world"}}, {"af", A{ D{{"foo", "bar"}}, D{{"hello", "world"}, {"number", int64(12345)}}, }}, {"ag", A{D{{"pi", float64(3.14159)}}, nil}}, }), nil, }, } t.Run("Decode", func(t *testing.T) { for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { vr := bsonrw.NewBSONDocumentReader(tc.b) dec, err := NewDecoder(vr) noerr(t, err) gotVal := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(tc.value)) err = dec.Decode(gotVal.Interface()) noerr(t, err) got := gotVal.Elem().Interface() want := tc.value if diff := cmp.Diff( got, want, cmp.Comparer(compareDecimal128), cmp.Comparer(compareNoPrivateFields), cmp.Comparer(compareZeroTest), ); diff != "" { t.Errorf("difference:\n%s", diff) t.Errorf("Values are not equal.\ngot: %#v\nwant:%#v", got, want) } }) } }) }) } type testValueMarshaler struct { t bsontype.Type buf []byte err error } func (tvm testValueMarshaler) MarshalBSONValue() (bsontype.Type, []byte, error) { return tvm.t, tvm.buf, tvm.err } type testValueUnmarshaler struct { t bsontype.Type val []byte err error } func (tvu *testValueUnmarshaler) UnmarshalBSONValue(t bsontype.Type, val []byte) error { tvu.t, tvu.val = t, val return tvu.err } func (tvu testValueUnmarshaler) Equal(tvu2 testValueUnmarshaler) bool { return tvu.t == tvu2.t && bytes.Equal(tvu.val, tvu2.val) } type noPrivateFields struct { a string } func compareNoPrivateFields(npf1, npf2 noPrivateFields) bool { return npf1.a != npf2.a // We don't want these to be equal } type zeroTest struct { reportZero bool } func (z zeroTest) IsZero() bool { return z.reportZero } func compareZeroTest(_, _ zeroTest) bool { return true }