syntax = "proto3"; package v3electionpb; import "gogoproto/gogo.proto"; import "etcd/api/etcdserverpb/rpc.proto"; import "etcd/api/mvccpb/kv.proto"; // for grpc-gateway import "google/api/annotations.proto"; option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true; option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true; // The election service exposes client-side election facilities as a gRPC interface. service Election { // Campaign waits to acquire leadership in an election, returning a LeaderKey // representing the leadership if successful. The LeaderKey can then be used // to issue new values on the election, transactionally guard API requests on // leadership still being held, and resign from the election. rpc Campaign(CampaignRequest) returns (CampaignResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v3/election/campaign" body: "*" }; } // Proclaim updates the leader's posted value with a new value. rpc Proclaim(ProclaimRequest) returns (ProclaimResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v3/election/proclaim" body: "*" }; } // Leader returns the current election proclamation, if any. rpc Leader(LeaderRequest) returns (LeaderResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v3/election/leader" body: "*" }; } // Observe streams election proclamations in-order as made by the election's // elected leaders. rpc Observe(LeaderRequest) returns (stream LeaderResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v3/election/observe" body: "*" }; } // Resign releases election leadership so other campaigners may acquire // leadership on the election. rpc Resign(ResignRequest) returns (ResignResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v3/election/resign" body: "*" }; } } message CampaignRequest { // name is the election's identifier for the campaign. bytes name = 1; // lease is the ID of the lease attached to leadership of the election. If the // lease expires or is revoked before resigning leadership, then the // leadership is transferred to the next campaigner, if any. int64 lease = 2; // value is the initial proclaimed value set when the campaigner wins the // election. bytes value = 3; } message CampaignResponse { etcdserverpb.ResponseHeader header = 1; // leader describes the resources used for holding leadereship of the election. LeaderKey leader = 2; } message LeaderKey { // name is the election identifier that correponds to the leadership key. bytes name = 1; // key is an opaque key representing the ownership of the election. If the key // is deleted, then leadership is lost. bytes key = 2; // rev is the creation revision of the key. It can be used to test for ownership // of an election during transactions by testing the key's creation revision // matches rev. int64 rev = 3; // lease is the lease ID of the election leader. int64 lease = 4; } message LeaderRequest { // name is the election identifier for the leadership information. bytes name = 1; } message LeaderResponse { etcdserverpb.ResponseHeader header = 1; // kv is the key-value pair representing the latest leader update. mvccpb.KeyValue kv = 2; } message ResignRequest { // leader is the leadership to relinquish by resignation. LeaderKey leader = 1; } message ResignResponse { etcdserverpb.ResponseHeader header = 1; } message ProclaimRequest { // leader is the leadership hold on the election. LeaderKey leader = 1; // value is an update meant to overwrite the leader's current value. bytes value = 2; } message ProclaimResponse { etcdserverpb.ResponseHeader header = 1; }