
Text file src/go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/v3/testdata/confchange_v2_add_single_auto.txt

Documentation: go.etcd.io/etcd/raft/v3/testdata

     1# Run a V2 membership change that adds a single voter in auto mode, which means
     2# that joint consensus is not used but a direct transition into the new config
     3# takes place.
     5# Bootstrap n1.
     6add-nodes 1 voters=(1) index=2
     8INFO 1 switched to configuration voters=(1)
     9INFO 1 became follower at term 0
    10INFO newRaft 1 [peers: [1], term: 0, commit: 2, applied: 2, lastindex: 2, lastterm: 1]
    12campaign 1
    14INFO 1 is starting a new election at term 0
    15INFO 1 became candidate at term 1
    16INFO 1 received MsgVoteResp from 1 at term 1
    17INFO 1 became leader at term 1
    19# Add v2 (with an auto transition).
    20propose-conf-change 1
    25# Pull n2 out of thin air.
    26add-nodes 1
    28INFO 2 switched to configuration voters=()
    29INFO 2 became follower at term 0
    30INFO newRaft 2 [peers: [], term: 0, commit: 0, applied: 0, lastindex: 0, lastterm: 0]
    32# n1 commits the conf change using itself as commit quorum, immediately transitions into
    33# the final config, and catches up n2.
    36> 1 handling Ready
    37  Ready MustSync=true:
    38  Lead:1 State:StateLeader
    39  HardState Term:1 Vote:1 Commit:4
    40  Entries:
    41  1/3 EntryNormal ""
    42  1/4 EntryConfChangeV2 v2
    43  CommittedEntries:
    44  1/3 EntryNormal ""
    45  1/4 EntryConfChangeV2 v2
    46  INFO 1 switched to configuration voters=(1 2)
    47> 1 handling Ready
    48  Ready MustSync=false:
    49  Messages:
    50  1->2 MsgApp Term:1 Log:1/3 Commit:4 Entries:[1/4 EntryConfChangeV2 v2]
    51> 2 receiving messages
    52  1->2 MsgApp Term:1 Log:1/3 Commit:4 Entries:[1/4 EntryConfChangeV2 v2]
    53  INFO 2 [term: 0] received a MsgApp message with higher term from 1 [term: 1]
    54  INFO 2 became follower at term 1
    55  DEBUG 2 [logterm: 0, index: 3] rejected MsgApp [logterm: 1, index: 3] from 1
    56> 2 handling Ready
    57  Ready MustSync=true:
    58  Lead:1 State:StateFollower
    59  HardState Term:1 Commit:0
    60  Messages:
    61  2->1 MsgAppResp Term:1 Log:0/3 Rejected (Hint: 0)
    62> 1 receiving messages
    63  2->1 MsgAppResp Term:1 Log:0/3 Rejected (Hint: 0)
    64  DEBUG 1 received MsgAppResp(rejected, hint: (index 0, term 0)) from 2 for index 3
    65  DEBUG 1 decreased progress of 2 to [StateProbe match=0 next=1]
    66  DEBUG 1 [firstindex: 3, commit: 4] sent snapshot[index: 4, term: 1] to 2 [StateProbe match=0 next=1]
    67  DEBUG 1 paused sending replication messages to 2 [StateSnapshot match=0 next=1 paused pendingSnap=4]
    68> 1 handling Ready
    69  Ready MustSync=false:
    70  Messages:
    71  1->2 MsgSnap Term:1 Log:0/0 Snapshot: Index:4 Term:1 ConfState:Voters:[1 2] VotersOutgoing:[] Learners:[] LearnersNext:[] AutoLeave:false
    72> 2 receiving messages
    73  1->2 MsgSnap Term:1 Log:0/0 Snapshot: Index:4 Term:1 ConfState:Voters:[1 2] VotersOutgoing:[] Learners:[] LearnersNext:[] AutoLeave:false
    74  INFO log [committed=0, applied=0, unstable.offset=1, len(unstable.Entries)=0] starts to restore snapshot [index: 4, term: 1]
    75  INFO 2 switched to configuration voters=(1 2)
    76  INFO 2 [commit: 4, lastindex: 4, lastterm: 1] restored snapshot [index: 4, term: 1]
    77  INFO 2 [commit: 4] restored snapshot [index: 4, term: 1]
    78> 2 handling Ready
    79  Ready MustSync=false:
    80  HardState Term:1 Commit:4
    81  Snapshot Index:4 Term:1 ConfState:Voters:[1 2] VotersOutgoing:[] Learners:[] LearnersNext:[] AutoLeave:false
    82  Messages:
    83  2->1 MsgAppResp Term:1 Log:0/4
    84> 1 receiving messages
    85  2->1 MsgAppResp Term:1 Log:0/4
    86  DEBUG 1 recovered from needing snapshot, resumed sending replication messages to 2 [StateSnapshot match=4 next=5 paused pendingSnap=4]
    87> 1 handling Ready
    88  Ready MustSync=false:
    89  Messages:
    90  1->2 MsgApp Term:1 Log:1/4 Commit:4
    91> 2 receiving messages
    92  1->2 MsgApp Term:1 Log:1/4 Commit:4
    93> 2 handling Ready
    94  Ready MustSync=false:
    95  Messages:
    96  2->1 MsgAppResp Term:1 Log:0/4
    97> 1 receiving messages
    98  2->1 MsgAppResp Term:1 Log:0/4

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