package filtering import ( "testing" "time" expr "" "" "" ) func TestParser(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, tt := range []struct { filter string expected *expr.Expr errorContains string }{ { filter: "New York Giants", expected: Sequence(Text("New"), Text("York"), Text("Giants")), }, { filter: "New York Giants OR Yankees", expected: Sequence(Text("New"), Text("York"), Or(Text("Giants"), Text("Yankees"))), }, { filter: "New York (Giants OR Yankees)", expected: Sequence(Text("New"), Text("York"), Or(Text("Giants"), Text("Yankees"))), }, { filter: "a b AND c AND d", expected: And( Sequence(Text("a"), Text("b")), Text("c"), Text("d"), ), }, { filter: "(a b) AND c AND d", expected: And( Sequence(Text("a"), Text("b")), Text("c"), Text("d"), ), }, { filter: "a < 10 OR a >= 100", expected: Or( LessThan(Text("a"), Int(10)), GreaterEquals(Text("a"), Int(100)), ), }, { filter: "a OR b OR c", expected: Or( Text("a"), Text("b"), Text("c"), ), }, { filter: "NOT (a OR b)", expected: Not(Or(Text("a"), Text("b"))), }, { filter: `-file:".java"`, expected: Not(Has(Text("file"), String(".java"))), }, { filter: "-30", expected: Int(-30), }, { filter: "", expected: Equals(Text("package"), Member(Text("com"), "google")), }, { filter: `msg != 'hello'`, expected: NotEquals(Text("msg"), String("hello")), }, { filter: `1 > 0`, expected: GreaterThan(Int(1), Int(0)), }, { filter: `2.5 >= 2.4`, expected: GreaterEquals(Float(2.5), Float(2.4)), }, { filter: `foo >= -2.4`, expected: GreaterEquals(Text("foo"), Float(-2.4)), }, { filter: `foo >= (-2.4)`, expected: GreaterEquals(Text("foo"), Float(-2.4)), }, { filter: `-2.5 >= -2.4`, expected: Not(GreaterEquals(Float(2.5), Float(-2.4))), }, { filter: `yesterday < request.time`, expected: LessThan(Text("yesterday"), Member(Text("request"), "time")), }, { filter: `experiment.rollout <= cohort(request.user)`, expected: LessEquals( Member(Text("experiment"), "rollout"), Function("cohort", Member(Text("request"), "user")), ), }, { filter: `prod`, expected: Text("prod"), }, { filter: `expr.type_map.1.type`, expected: Member(Member(Member(Text("expr"), "type_map"), "1"), "type"), }, { filter: `regex(m.key, '^.*prod.*$')`, expected: Function("regex", Member(Text("m"), "key"), String("^.*prod.*$")), }, { filter: `math.mem('30mb')`, expected: Function("math.mem", String("30mb")), }, { filter: `(msg.endsWith('world') AND retries < 10)`, expected: And( Function("msg.endsWith", String("world")), LessThan(Text("retries"), Int(10)), ), }, { filter: `(endsWith(msg, 'world') AND retries < 10)`, expected: And( Function("endsWith", Text("msg"), String("world")), LessThan(Text("retries"), Int(10)), ), }, { filter: "", expected: Function(""), }, { filter: `timestamp("2012-04-21T11:30:00-04:00")`, expected: Timestamp( time.Date(2012, time.April, 21, 11, 30, 0, 0, time.FixedZone("EST", -4*int(time.Hour.Seconds()))), ), }, { filter: `duration("32s")`, expected: Duration(32 * time.Second), }, { filter: `duration("4h0m0s")`, expected: Duration(4 * time.Hour), }, { filter: ` start_time > timestamp("2006-01-02T15:04:05+07:00") AND (driver = "driver1" OR start_driver = "driver1" OR end_driver = "driver1") `, expected: And( GreaterThan( Text("start_time"), Timestamp( time.Date( 2006, time.January, 2, 15, 4, 5, 0, time.FixedZone("EST", 7*int(time.Hour.Seconds())), ), ), ), Or( Equals(Text("driver"), String("driver1")), Equals(Text("start_driver"), String("driver1")), Equals(Text("end_driver"), String("driver1")), ), ), }, { filter: `annotations:schedule`, expected: Has(Text("annotations"), String("schedule")), }, { filter: `annotations.schedule = "test"`, expected: Equals(Member(Text("annotations"), "schedule"), String("test")), }, { filter: "<", errorContains: "unexpected token <", }, { filter: `(-2.5) >= -2.4`, errorContains: "unexpected token >=", }, { filter: `a = "foo`, errorContains: "unterminated string", }, { filter: "invalid = foo\xa0\x01bar", errorContains: "invalid UTF-8", }, } { tt := tt t.Run(tt.filter, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var parser Parser parser.Init(tt.filter) actual, err := parser.Parse() if tt.errorContains != "" { if actual != nil { t.Log(actual.GetExpr().String()) } assert.ErrorContains(t, err, tt.errorContains) } else { assert.NilError(t, err) assert.DeepEqual( t, tt.expected, actual.GetExpr(), protocmp.Transform(), protocmp.IgnoreFields(&expr.Expr{}, "id"), ) assertUniqueExprIDs(t, actual.GetExpr()) } }) } } func assertUniqueExprIDs(t *testing.T, exp *expr.Expr) { t.Helper() seenIDs := make(map[int64]struct{}) Walk(func(currExpr, _ *expr.Expr) bool { if _, ok := seenIDs[currExpr.GetId()]; ok { t.Fatalf("duplicate expression ID '%d' for expr %v", currExpr.GetId(), currExpr) } seenIDs[currExpr.GetId()] = struct{}{} return true }, exp) }