# Code generated by go.einride.tech/sage. DO NOT EDIT. # To learn more, see .sage/main.go and https://github.com/einride/sage. .DEFAULT_GOAL := all cwd := $(dir $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) sagefile := $(abspath $(cwd)/.sage/bin/sagefile) # Setup Go. go := $(shell command -v go 2>/dev/null) export GOWORK ?= off ifndef go SAGE_GO_VERSION ?= 1.20.2 export GOROOT := $(abspath $(cwd)/.sage/tools/go/$(SAGE_GO_VERSION)/go) export PATH := $(PATH):$(GOROOT)/bin go := $(GOROOT)/bin/go os := $(shell uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') arch := $(shell uname -m) ifeq ($(arch),x86_64) arch := amd64 endif $(go): $(info installing Go $(SAGE_GO_VERSION)...) @mkdir -p $(dir $(GOROOT)) @curl -sSL https://go.dev/dl/go$(SAGE_GO_VERSION).$(os)-$(arch).tar.gz | tar xz -C $(dir $(GOROOT)) @touch $(GOROOT)/go.mod @chmod +x $(go) endif .PHONY: $(sagefile) $(sagefile): $(go) @cd .sage && $(go) mod tidy && $(go) run . .PHONY: sage sage: @$(MAKE) $(sagefile) .PHONY: update-sage update-sage: $(go) @cd .sage && $(go) get -d go.einride.tech/sage@latest && $(go) mod tidy && $(go) run . .PHONY: clean-sage clean-sage: @git clean -fdx .sage/tools .sage/bin .sage/build .PHONY: all all: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) All .PHONY: convco-check convco-check: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) ConvcoCheck .PHONY: format-markdown format-markdown: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) FormatMarkdown .PHONY: format-yaml format-yaml: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) FormatYAML .PHONY: git-verify-no-diff git-verify-no-diff: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) GitVerifyNoDiff .PHONY: go-generate go-generate: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) GoGenerate .PHONY: go-lines go-lines: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) GoLines .PHONY: go-lint go-lint: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) GoLint .PHONY: go-lint-fix go-lint-fix: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) GoLintFix .PHONY: go-mod-tidy go-mod-tidy: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) GoModTidy .PHONY: go-test go-test: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) GoTest .PHONY: stringer stringer: $(sagefile) @$(sagefile) Stringer .PHONY: proto proto: $(MAKE) -C proto -f Makefile