package tests type levenshteincase struct { s string t string icost int dcost int scost int r int } type soundexcase struct { s string t string } type hammingcase struct { a string b string diff int } type jarocase struct { a string b string r float64 } var __jaro_cases = []*jarocase{ {a: "SHACKLEFORD", b: "SHACKELFORD", r: 0.970}, {a: "DUNNINGHAM", b: "CUNNIGHAM", r: 0.896}, {a: "NICHLESON", b: "NICHULSON", r: 0.926}, {a: "JONES", b: "JOHNSON", r: 0.790}, {a: "MASSEY", b: "MASSIE", r: 0.889}, {a: "ABROMS", b: "ABRAMS", r: 0.889}, {a: "HARDIN", b: "MARTINEZ", r: 0.722}, {a: "ITMAN", b: "SMITH", r: 0.467}, {a: "JERALDINE", b: "GERALDINE", r: 0.926}, {a: "MARHTA", b: "MARTHA", r: 0.944}, {a: "MICHELLE", b: "MICHAEL", r: 0.869}, {a: "JULIES", b: "JULIUS", r: 0.889}, {a: "TANYA", b: "TONYA", r: 0.867}, {a: "DWAYNE", b: "DUANE", r: 0.822}, {a: "SEAN", b: "SUSAN", r: 0.783}, {a: "JON", b: "JOHN", r: 0.917}, // {a: "JON", b: "JAN", r: 0.000}, {a: "BROOKHAVEN", b: "BRROKHAVEN", r: 0.933}, {a: "BROOK HALLOW", b: "BROOK HLLW", r: 0.944}, {a: "DECATUR", b: "DECATIR", r: 0.905}, {a: "FITZRUREITER", b: "FITZENREITER", r: 0.856}, {a: "HIGBEE", b: "HIGHEE", r: 0.889}, {a: "HIGBEE", b: "HIGVEE", r: 0.889}, {a: "LACURA", b: "LOCURA", r: 0.889}, {a: "IOWA", b: "IONA", r: 0.833}, // {a: "1ST", b: "IST", r: 0.000}, // Equal strings. {a: "", b: "", r: 1.000}, {a: "A", b: "A", r: 1.000}, {a: "AA", b: "AA", r: 1.000}, {a: "AAA", b: "AAA", r: 1.000}, {a: "AAAA", b: "AAAA", r: 1.000}, {a: "AAAAA", b: "AAAAA", r: 1.000}, {a: "AAAAAA", b: "AAAAAA", r: 1.000}, { a: "Legend of the Galactic Heroes", b: "Legend of the Galactic Heroes", r: 1.000, }, { a: "Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.", b: "Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.", r: 1.000, }, { a: "Pedro de Alcântara João Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocádio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga de Habsburgo-Lorena e Bragança", b: "Pedro de Alcântara João Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocádio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga de Habsburgo-Lorena e Bragança", r: 1.000, }, { a: "Et tu, Brute", b: "Et tu, Brute", r: 1.000, }, // Completely different strings. {a: "", b: "A", r: 0.000}, {a: "", b: "AA", r: 0.000}, {a: "", b: "AAA", r: 0.000}, {a: "", b: "AAAA", r: 0.000}, {a: "", b: "AAAAA", r: 0.000}, {a: "A", b: "", r: 0.000}, {a: "AA", b: "", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAA", b: "", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAAA", b: "", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAAAA", b: "", r: 0.000}, {a: "A", b: "B", r: 0.000}, {a: "AA", b: "BB", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAA", b: "BBB", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAAA", b: "BBBB", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAAAa", b: "BBBBB", r: 0.000}, } var __jaro_winkler_cases = []*jarocase{ {a: "SHACKLEFORD", b: "SHACKELFORD", r: 0.982}, {a: "DUNNINGHAM", b: "CUNNIGHAM", r: 0.896}, {a: "NICHLESON", b: "NICHULSON", r: 0.956}, {a: "JONES", b: "JOHNSON", r: 0.832}, {a: "MASSEY", b: "MASSIE", r: 0.933}, {a: "ABROMS", b: "ABRAMS", r: 0.922}, {a: "HARDIN", b: "MARTINEZ", r: 0.722}, {a: "ITMAN", b: "SMITH", r: 0.467}, {a: "JERALDINE", b: "GERALDINE", r: 0.926}, {a: "MARHTA", b: "MARTHA", r: 0.961}, {a: "MICHELLE", b: "MICHAEL", r: 0.921}, {a: "JULIES", b: "JULIUS", r: 0.933}, {a: "TANYA", b: "TONYA", r: 0.880}, {a: "DWAYNE", b: "DUANE", r: 0.840}, {a: "SEAN", b: "SUSAN", r: 0.805}, {a: "JON", b: "JOHN", r: 0.933}, // {a: "JON", b: "JAN", r: 0.000}, {a: "BROOKHAVEN", b: "BRROKHAVEN", r: 0.947}, {a: "BROOK HALLOW", b: "BROOK HLLW", r: 0.967}, {a: "DECATUR", b: "DECATIR", r: 0.943}, {a: "FITZRUREITER", b: "FITZENREITER", r: 0.913}, {a: "HIGBEE", b: "HIGHEE", r: 0.922}, {a: "HIGBEE", b: "HIGVEE", r: 0.922}, {a: "LACURA", b: "LOCURA", r: 0.900}, {a: "IOWA", b: "IONA", r: 0.867}, // {a: "1ST", b: "IST", r: 0.000}, {a: "w", b: "w", r: 1.000}, // Equal strings. {a: "", b: "", r: 1.000}, {a: "A", b: "A", r: 1.000}, {a: "AA", b: "AA", r: 1.000}, {a: "AAA", b: "AAA", r: 1.000}, {a: "AAAA", b: "AAAA", r: 1.000}, {a: "AAAAA", b: "AAAAA", r: 1.000}, {a: "AAAAAA", b: "AAAAAA", r: 1.000}, { a: "Legend of the Galactic Heroes", b: "Legend of the Galactic Heroes", r: 1.000, }, { a: "Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.", b: "Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.", r: 1.000, }, { a: "Pedro de Alcântara João Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocádio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga de Habsburgo-Lorena e Bragança", b: "Pedro de Alcântara João Carlos Leopoldo Salvador Bibiano Francisco Xavier de Paula Leocádio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga de Habsburgo-Lorena e Bragança", r: 1.000, }, { a: "Et tu, Brute", b: "Et tu, Brute", r: 1.000, }, // Completely different strings. {a: "", b: "A", r: 0.000}, {a: "", b: "AA", r: 0.000}, {a: "", b: "AAA", r: 0.000}, {a: "", b: "AAAA", r: 0.000}, {a: "", b: "AAAAA", r: 0.000}, {a: "A", b: "", r: 0.000}, {a: "AA", b: "", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAA", b: "", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAAA", b: "", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAAAA", b: "", r: 0.000}, {a: "A", b: "B", r: 0.000}, {a: "AA", b: "BB", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAA", b: "BBB", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAAA", b: "BBBB", r: 0.000}, {a: "AAAAa", b: "BBBBB", r: 0.000}, }