
Source file src/github.com/vishvananda/netlink/conntrack_linux.go

Documentation: github.com/vishvananda/netlink

     1  package netlink
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"encoding/binary"
     6  	"errors"
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"net"
     9  	"time"
    11  	"github.com/vishvananda/netlink/nl"
    12  	"golang.org/x/sys/unix"
    13  )
    15  // ConntrackTableType Conntrack table for the netlink operation
    16  type ConntrackTableType uint8
    18  const (
    19  	// ConntrackTable Conntrack table
    20  	// https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink.h -> #define NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK		 1
    21  	ConntrackTable = 1
    22  	// ConntrackExpectTable Conntrack expect table
    23  	// https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/uapi/linux/netfilter/nfnetlink.h -> #define NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP 2
    24  	ConntrackExpectTable = 2
    25  )
    27  const (
    28  	// backward compatibility with golang 1.6 which does not have io.SeekCurrent
    29  	seekCurrent = 1
    30  )
    32  // InetFamily Family type
    33  type InetFamily uint8
    35  //  -L [table] [options]          List conntrack or expectation table
    36  //  -G [table] parameters         Get conntrack or expectation
    38  //  -I [table] parameters         Create a conntrack or expectation
    39  //  -U [table] parameters         Update a conntrack
    40  //  -E [table] [options]          Show events
    42  //  -C [table]                    Show counter
    43  //  -S                            Show statistics
    45  // ConntrackTableList returns the flow list of a table of a specific family
    46  // conntrack -L [table] [options]          List conntrack or expectation table
    47  func ConntrackTableList(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily) ([]*ConntrackFlow, error) {
    48  	return pkgHandle.ConntrackTableList(table, family)
    49  }
    51  // ConntrackTableFlush flushes all the flows of a specified table
    52  // conntrack -F [table]            Flush table
    53  // The flush operation applies to all the family types
    54  func ConntrackTableFlush(table ConntrackTableType) error {
    55  	return pkgHandle.ConntrackTableFlush(table)
    56  }
    58  // ConntrackCreate creates a new conntrack flow in the desired table
    59  // conntrack -I [table]		Create a conntrack or expectation
    60  func ConntrackCreate(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, flow *ConntrackFlow) error {
    61  	return pkgHandle.ConntrackCreate(table, family, flow)
    62  }
    64  // ConntrackUpdate updates an existing conntrack flow in the desired table using the handle
    65  // conntrack -U [table]		Update a conntrack
    66  func ConntrackUpdate(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, flow *ConntrackFlow) error {
    67  	return pkgHandle.ConntrackUpdate(table, family, flow)
    68  }
    70  // ConntrackDeleteFilter deletes entries on the specified table on the base of the filter
    71  // conntrack -D [table] parameters         Delete conntrack or expectation
    72  //
    73  // Deprecated: use [ConntrackDeleteFilter] instead.
    74  func ConntrackDeleteFilter(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filter CustomConntrackFilter) (uint, error) {
    75  	return pkgHandle.ConntrackDeleteFilters(table, family, filter)
    76  }
    78  // ConntrackDeleteFilters deletes entries on the specified table matching any of the specified filters
    79  // conntrack -D [table] parameters         Delete conntrack or expectation
    80  func ConntrackDeleteFilters(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filters ...CustomConntrackFilter) (uint, error) {
    81  	return pkgHandle.ConntrackDeleteFilters(table, family, filters...)
    82  }
    84  // ConntrackTableList returns the flow list of a table of a specific family using the netlink handle passed
    85  // conntrack -L [table] [options]          List conntrack or expectation table
    86  func (h *Handle) ConntrackTableList(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily) ([]*ConntrackFlow, error) {
    87  	res, err := h.dumpConntrackTable(table, family)
    88  	if err != nil {
    89  		return nil, err
    90  	}
    92  	// Deserialize all the flows
    93  	var result []*ConntrackFlow
    94  	for _, dataRaw := range res {
    95  		result = append(result, parseRawData(dataRaw))
    96  	}
    98  	return result, nil
    99  }
   101  // ConntrackTableFlush flushes all the flows of a specified table using the netlink handle passed
   102  // conntrack -F [table]            Flush table
   103  // The flush operation applies to all the family types
   104  func (h *Handle) ConntrackTableFlush(table ConntrackTableType) error {
   105  	req := h.newConntrackRequest(table, unix.AF_INET, nl.IPCTNL_MSG_CT_DELETE, unix.NLM_F_ACK)
   106  	_, err := req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_NETFILTER, 0)
   107  	return err
   108  }
   110  // ConntrackCreate creates a new conntrack flow in the desired table using the handle
   111  // conntrack -I [table]		Create a conntrack or expectation
   112  func (h *Handle) ConntrackCreate(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, flow *ConntrackFlow) error {
   113  	req := h.newConntrackRequest(table, family, nl.IPCTNL_MSG_CT_NEW, unix.NLM_F_ACK|unix.NLM_F_CREATE)
   114  	attr, err := flow.toNlData()
   115  	if err != nil {
   116  		return err
   117  	}
   119  	for _, a := range attr {
   120  		req.AddData(a)
   121  	}
   123  	_, err = req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_NETFILTER, 0)
   124  	return err
   125  }
   127  // ConntrackUpdate updates an existing conntrack flow in the desired table using the handle
   128  // conntrack -U [table]		Update a conntrack
   129  func (h *Handle) ConntrackUpdate(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, flow *ConntrackFlow) error {
   130  	req := h.newConntrackRequest(table, family, nl.IPCTNL_MSG_CT_NEW, unix.NLM_F_ACK|unix.NLM_F_REPLACE)
   131  	attr, err := flow.toNlData()
   132  	if err != nil {
   133  		return err
   134  	}
   136  	for _, a := range attr {
   137  		req.AddData(a)
   138  	}
   140  	_, err = req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_NETFILTER, 0)
   141  	return err
   142  }
   144  // ConntrackDeleteFilter deletes entries on the specified table on the base of the filter using the netlink handle passed
   145  // conntrack -D [table] parameters         Delete conntrack or expectation
   146  //
   147  // Deprecated: use [Handle.ConntrackDeleteFilters] instead.
   148  func (h *Handle) ConntrackDeleteFilter(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filter CustomConntrackFilter) (uint, error) {
   149  	return h.ConntrackDeleteFilters(table, family, filter)
   150  }
   152  // ConntrackDeleteFilters deletes entries on the specified table matching any of the specified filters using the netlink handle passed
   153  // conntrack -D [table] parameters         Delete conntrack or expectation
   154  func (h *Handle) ConntrackDeleteFilters(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, filters ...CustomConntrackFilter) (uint, error) {
   155  	res, err := h.dumpConntrackTable(table, family)
   156  	if err != nil {
   157  		return 0, err
   158  	}
   160  	var matched uint
   161  	for _, dataRaw := range res {
   162  		flow := parseRawData(dataRaw)
   163  		for _, filter := range filters {
   164  			if match := filter.MatchConntrackFlow(flow); match {
   165  				req2 := h.newConntrackRequest(table, family, nl.IPCTNL_MSG_CT_DELETE, unix.NLM_F_ACK)
   166  				// skip the first 4 byte that are the netfilter header, the newConntrackRequest is adding it already
   167  				req2.AddRawData(dataRaw[4:])
   168  				req2.Execute(unix.NETLINK_NETFILTER, 0)
   169  				matched++
   170  				// flow is already deleted, no need to match on other filters and continue to the next flow.
   171  				break
   172  			}
   173  		}
   174  	}
   176  	return matched, nil
   177  }
   179  func (h *Handle) newConntrackRequest(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily, operation, flags int) *nl.NetlinkRequest {
   180  	// Create the Netlink request object
   181  	req := h.newNetlinkRequest((int(table)<<8)|operation, flags)
   182  	// Add the netfilter header
   183  	msg := &nl.Nfgenmsg{
   184  		NfgenFamily: uint8(family),
   185  		Version:     nl.NFNETLINK_V0,
   186  		ResId:       0,
   187  	}
   188  	req.AddData(msg)
   189  	return req
   190  }
   192  func (h *Handle) dumpConntrackTable(table ConntrackTableType, family InetFamily) ([][]byte, error) {
   193  	req := h.newConntrackRequest(table, family, nl.IPCTNL_MSG_CT_GET, unix.NLM_F_DUMP)
   194  	return req.Execute(unix.NETLINK_NETFILTER, 0)
   195  }
   197  // ProtoInfo wraps an L4-protocol structure - roughly corresponds to the
   198  // __nfct_protoinfo union found in libnetfilter_conntrack/include/internal/object.h.
   199  // Currently, only protocol names, and TCP state is supported.
   200  type ProtoInfo interface {
   201  	Protocol() string
   202  }
   204  // ProtoInfoTCP corresponds to the `tcp` struct of the __nfct_protoinfo union.
   205  // Only TCP state is currently supported.
   206  type ProtoInfoTCP struct {
   207  	State uint8
   208  }
   209  // Protocol returns "tcp".
   210  func (*ProtoInfoTCP) Protocol() string {return "tcp"}
   211  func (p *ProtoInfoTCP) toNlData() ([]*nl.RtAttr, error) {
   212  	ctProtoInfo := nl.NewRtAttr(unix.NLA_F_NESTED | nl.CTA_PROTOINFO, []byte{})
   213  	ctProtoInfoTCP := nl.NewRtAttr(unix.NLA_F_NESTED|nl.CTA_PROTOINFO_TCP, []byte{})
   214  	ctProtoInfoTCPState := nl.NewRtAttr(nl.CTA_PROTOINFO_TCP_STATE, nl.Uint8Attr(p.State))
   215  	ctProtoInfoTCP.AddChild(ctProtoInfoTCPState)
   216  	ctProtoInfo.AddChild(ctProtoInfoTCP)
   218  	return []*nl.RtAttr{ctProtoInfo}, nil
   219  }
   221  // ProtoInfoSCTP only supports the protocol name.
   222  type ProtoInfoSCTP struct {}
   223  // Protocol returns "sctp".
   224  func (*ProtoInfoSCTP) Protocol() string {return "sctp"}
   226  // ProtoInfoDCCP only supports the protocol name.
   227  type ProtoInfoDCCP struct {}
   228  // Protocol returns "dccp".
   229  func (*ProtoInfoDCCP) Protocol() string {return "dccp"}
   231  // The full conntrack flow structure is very complicated and can be found in the file:
   232  // http://git.netfilter.org/libnetfilter_conntrack/tree/include/internal/object.h
   233  // For the time being, the structure below allows to parse and extract the base information of a flow
   234  type IPTuple struct {
   235  	Bytes    uint64
   236  	DstIP    net.IP
   237  	DstPort  uint16
   238  	Packets  uint64
   239  	Protocol uint8
   240  	SrcIP    net.IP
   241  	SrcPort  uint16
   242  }
   244  // toNlData generates the inner fields of a nested tuple netlink datastructure
   245  // does not generate the "nested"-flagged outer message.
   246  func (t *IPTuple) toNlData(family uint8) ([]*nl.RtAttr, error) {
   248  	var srcIPsFlag, dstIPsFlag int
   249  	if family == nl.FAMILY_V4 {
   250  		srcIPsFlag = nl.CTA_IP_V4_SRC
   251  		dstIPsFlag = nl.CTA_IP_V4_DST
   252  	} else if family == nl.FAMILY_V6 {
   253  		srcIPsFlag = nl.CTA_IP_V6_SRC
   254  		dstIPsFlag = nl.CTA_IP_V6_DST
   255  	} else {
   256  		return []*nl.RtAttr{}, fmt.Errorf("couldn't generate netlink message for tuple due to unrecognized FamilyType '%d'", family)
   257  	}
   259  	ctTupleIP := nl.NewRtAttr(unix.NLA_F_NESTED|nl.CTA_TUPLE_IP, nil)
   260  	ctTupleIPSrc := nl.NewRtAttr(srcIPsFlag, t.SrcIP)
   261  	ctTupleIP.AddChild(ctTupleIPSrc)
   262  	ctTupleIPDst := nl.NewRtAttr(dstIPsFlag, t.DstIP)
   263  	ctTupleIP.AddChild(ctTupleIPDst)
   265  	ctTupleProto := nl.NewRtAttr(unix.NLA_F_NESTED|nl.CTA_TUPLE_PROTO, nil)
   266  	ctTupleProtoNum := nl.NewRtAttr(nl.CTA_PROTO_NUM, []byte{t.Protocol})
   267  	ctTupleProto.AddChild(ctTupleProtoNum)
   268  	ctTupleProtoSrcPort := nl.NewRtAttr(nl.CTA_PROTO_SRC_PORT, nl.BEUint16Attr(t.SrcPort))
   269  	ctTupleProto.AddChild(ctTupleProtoSrcPort)
   270  	ctTupleProtoDstPort := nl.NewRtAttr(nl.CTA_PROTO_DST_PORT, nl.BEUint16Attr(t.DstPort))
   271  	ctTupleProto.AddChild(ctTupleProtoDstPort, )
   273  	return []*nl.RtAttr{ctTupleIP, ctTupleProto}, nil
   274  }
   276  type ConntrackFlow struct {
   277  	FamilyType uint8
   278  	Forward    IPTuple
   279  	Reverse    IPTuple
   280  	Mark       uint32
   281  	Zone       uint16
   282  	TimeStart  uint64
   283  	TimeStop   uint64
   284  	TimeOut    uint32
   285  	Labels     []byte
   286  	ProtoInfo  ProtoInfo
   287  }
   289  func (s *ConntrackFlow) String() string {
   290  	// conntrack cmd output:
   291  	// udp      17 src= dst= sport=4001 dport=1234 packets=5 bytes=532 [UNREPLIED] src= dst= sport=1234 dport=4001 packets=10 bytes=1078 mark=0 labels=0x00000000050012ac4202010000000000 zone=100
   292  	//             start=2019-07-26 01:26:21.557800506 +0000 UTC stop=1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC timeout=30(sec)
   293  	start := time.Unix(0, int64(s.TimeStart))
   294  	stop := time.Unix(0, int64(s.TimeStop))
   295  	timeout := int32(s.TimeOut)
   296  	res := fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%d src=%s dst=%s sport=%d dport=%d packets=%d bytes=%d\tsrc=%s dst=%s sport=%d dport=%d packets=%d bytes=%d mark=0x%x ",
   297  		nl.L4ProtoMap[s.Forward.Protocol], s.Forward.Protocol,
   298  		s.Forward.SrcIP.String(), s.Forward.DstIP.String(), s.Forward.SrcPort, s.Forward.DstPort, s.Forward.Packets, s.Forward.Bytes,
   299  		s.Reverse.SrcIP.String(), s.Reverse.DstIP.String(), s.Reverse.SrcPort, s.Reverse.DstPort, s.Reverse.Packets, s.Reverse.Bytes,
   300  		s.Mark)
   301  	if len(s.Labels) > 0 {
   302  		res += fmt.Sprintf("labels=0x%x ", s.Labels)
   303  	}
   304  	if s.Zone != 0 {
   305  		res += fmt.Sprintf("zone=%d ", s.Zone)
   306  	}
   307  	res += fmt.Sprintf("start=%v stop=%v timeout=%d(sec)", start, stop, timeout)
   308  	return res
   309  }
   311  // toNlData generates netlink messages representing the flow.
   312  func (s *ConntrackFlow) toNlData() ([]*nl.RtAttr, error) {
   313  	var payload []*nl.RtAttr
   314  	// The message structure is built as follows:
   315  	//	<len, NLA_F_NESTED|CTA_TUPLE_ORIG>
   316  	//		<len, NLA_F_NESTED|CTA_TUPLE_IP>
   317  	//			<len, [CTA_IP_V4_SRC|CTA_IP_V6_SRC]>
   318  	//			<IP>
   319  	//			<len, [CTA_IP_V4_DST|CTA_IP_V6_DST]>
   320  	//			<IP>
   321  	//		<len, NLA_F_NESTED|nl.CTA_TUPLE_PROTO>
   322  	//			<len, CTA_PROTO_NUM>
   323  	//			<uint8>
   324  	//			<len, CTA_PROTO_SRC_PORT>
   325  	//			<BEuint16>
   326  	//			<len, CTA_PROTO_DST_PORT>
   327  	//			<BEuint16>
   328  	// 	<len, NLA_F_NESTED|CTA_TUPLE_REPLY>
   329  	//		<len, NLA_F_NESTED|CTA_TUPLE_IP>
   330  	//			<len, [CTA_IP_V4_SRC|CTA_IP_V6_SRC]>
   331  	//			<IP>
   332  	//			<len, [CTA_IP_V4_DST|CTA_IP_V6_DST]>
   333  	//			<IP>
   334  	//		<len, NLA_F_NESTED|nl.CTA_TUPLE_PROTO>
   335  	//			<len, CTA_PROTO_NUM>
   336  	//			<uint8>
   337  	//			<len, CTA_PROTO_SRC_PORT>
   338  	//			<BEuint16>
   339  	//			<len, CTA_PROTO_DST_PORT>
   340  	//			<BEuint16>
   341  	//	<len, CTA_STATUS>
   342  	//	<uint64>
   343  	//	<len, CTA_MARK>
   344  	//	<BEuint64>
   345  	//	<len, CTA_TIMEOUT>
   346  	//	<BEuint64>
   347  	//	<len, NLA_F_NESTED|CTA_PROTOINFO>
   349  	// CTA_TUPLE_ORIG
   350  	ctTupleOrig := nl.NewRtAttr(unix.NLA_F_NESTED|nl.CTA_TUPLE_ORIG, nil)
   351  	forwardFlowAttrs, err := s.Forward.toNlData(s.FamilyType)
   352  	if err != nil {
   353  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't generate netlink data for conntrack forward flow: %w", err)
   354  	}
   355  	for _, a := range forwardFlowAttrs {
   356  		ctTupleOrig.AddChild(a)
   357  	}
   359  	// CTA_TUPLE_REPLY
   360  	ctTupleReply := nl.NewRtAttr(unix.NLA_F_NESTED|nl.CTA_TUPLE_REPLY, nil)
   361  	reverseFlowAttrs, err := s.Reverse.toNlData(s.FamilyType)
   362  	if err != nil {
   363  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't generate netlink data for conntrack reverse flow: %w", err)
   364  	}
   365  	for _, a := range reverseFlowAttrs {
   366  		ctTupleReply.AddChild(a)
   367  	}
   369  	ctMark := nl.NewRtAttr(nl.CTA_MARK, nl.BEUint32Attr(s.Mark))
   370  	ctTimeout := nl.NewRtAttr(nl.CTA_TIMEOUT, nl.BEUint32Attr(s.TimeOut))
   372  	payload = append(payload, ctTupleOrig, ctTupleReply, ctMark, ctTimeout)
   374  	if s.ProtoInfo != nil {
   375  		switch p := s.ProtoInfo.(type) {
   376  		case *ProtoInfoTCP:
   377  			attrs, err := p.toNlData()
   378  			if err != nil {
   379  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't generate netlink data for conntrack flow's TCP protoinfo: %w", err)
   380  			}
   381  			payload = append(payload, attrs...)
   382  		default:
   383  			return nil, errors.New("couldn't generate netlink data for conntrack: field 'ProtoInfo' only supports TCP or nil")
   384  		}
   385  	}
   387  	return payload, nil
   388  }
   390  // This method parse the ip tuple structure
   391  // The message structure is the following:
   392  // <len, [CTA_IP_V4_SRC|CTA_IP_V6_SRC], 16 bytes for the IP>
   393  // <len, [CTA_IP_V4_DST|CTA_IP_V6_DST], 16 bytes for the IP>
   394  // <len, NLA_F_NESTED|nl.CTA_TUPLE_PROTO, 1 byte for the protocol, 3 bytes of padding>
   395  // <len, CTA_PROTO_SRC_PORT, 2 bytes for the source port, 2 bytes of padding>
   396  // <len, CTA_PROTO_DST_PORT, 2 bytes for the source port, 2 bytes of padding>
   397  func parseIpTuple(reader *bytes.Reader, tpl *IPTuple) uint8 {
   398  	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
   399  		_, t, _, v := parseNfAttrTLV(reader)
   400  		switch t {
   401  		case nl.CTA_IP_V4_SRC, nl.CTA_IP_V6_SRC:
   402  			tpl.SrcIP = v
   403  		case nl.CTA_IP_V4_DST, nl.CTA_IP_V6_DST:
   404  			tpl.DstIP = v
   405  		}
   406  	}
   407  	// Get total length of nested protocol-specific info.
   408  	_, _, protoInfoTotalLen := parseNfAttrTL(reader)
   409  	_, t, l, v := parseNfAttrTLV(reader)
   410  	// Track the number of bytes read.
   411  	protoInfoBytesRead := uint16(nl.SizeofNfattr) + l
   412  	if t == nl.CTA_PROTO_NUM {
   413  		tpl.Protocol = uint8(v[0])
   414  	}
   415  	// We only parse TCP & UDP headers. Skip the others.
   416  	if tpl.Protocol != unix.IPPROTO_TCP && tpl.Protocol != unix.IPPROTO_UDP {
   417  		// skip the rest
   418  		bytesRemaining := protoInfoTotalLen - protoInfoBytesRead
   419  		reader.Seek(int64(bytesRemaining), seekCurrent)
   420  		return tpl.Protocol
   421  	}
   422  	// Skip 3 bytes of padding
   423  	reader.Seek(3, seekCurrent)
   424  	protoInfoBytesRead += 3
   425  	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
   426  		_, t, _ := parseNfAttrTL(reader)
   427  		protoInfoBytesRead += uint16(nl.SizeofNfattr)
   428  		switch t {
   429  		case nl.CTA_PROTO_SRC_PORT:
   430  			parseBERaw16(reader, &tpl.SrcPort)
   431  			protoInfoBytesRead += 2
   432  		case nl.CTA_PROTO_DST_PORT:
   433  			parseBERaw16(reader, &tpl.DstPort)
   434  			protoInfoBytesRead += 2
   435  		}
   436  		// Skip 2 bytes of padding
   437  		reader.Seek(2, seekCurrent)
   438  		protoInfoBytesRead += 2
   439  	}
   440  	// Skip any remaining/unknown parts of the message
   441  	bytesRemaining := protoInfoTotalLen - protoInfoBytesRead
   442  	reader.Seek(int64(bytesRemaining), seekCurrent)
   444  	return tpl.Protocol
   445  }
   447  func parseNfAttrTLV(r *bytes.Reader) (isNested bool, attrType, len uint16, value []byte) {
   448  	isNested, attrType, len = parseNfAttrTL(r)
   450  	value = make([]byte, len)
   451  	binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, &value)
   452  	return isNested, attrType, len, value
   453  }
   455  func parseNfAttrTL(r *bytes.Reader) (isNested bool, attrType, len uint16) {
   456  	binary.Read(r, nl.NativeEndian(), &len)
   457  	len -= nl.SizeofNfattr
   459  	binary.Read(r, nl.NativeEndian(), &attrType)
   460  	isNested = (attrType & nl.NLA_F_NESTED) == nl.NLA_F_NESTED
   461  	attrType = attrType & (nl.NLA_F_NESTED - 1)
   462  	return isNested, attrType, len
   463  }
   465  // skipNfAttrValue seeks `r` past attr of length `len`.
   466  // Maintains buffer alignment.
   467  // Returns length of the seek performed.
   468  func skipNfAttrValue(r *bytes.Reader, len uint16) uint16 {
   469  	len = (len + nl.NLA_ALIGNTO - 1) & ^(nl.NLA_ALIGNTO - 1)
   470  	r.Seek(int64(len), seekCurrent)
   471  	return len
   472  }
   474  func parseBERaw16(r *bytes.Reader, v *uint16) {
   475  	binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, v)
   476  }
   478  func parseBERaw32(r *bytes.Reader, v *uint32) {
   479  	binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, v)
   480  }
   482  func parseBERaw64(r *bytes.Reader, v *uint64) {
   483  	binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, v)
   484  }
   486  func parseRaw32(r *bytes.Reader, v *uint32) {
   487  	binary.Read(r, nl.NativeEndian(), v)
   488  }
   490  func parseByteAndPacketCounters(r *bytes.Reader) (bytes, packets uint64) {
   491  	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
   492  		switch _, t, _ := parseNfAttrTL(r); t {
   493  		case nl.CTA_COUNTERS_BYTES:
   494  			parseBERaw64(r, &bytes)
   495  		case nl.CTA_COUNTERS_PACKETS:
   496  			parseBERaw64(r, &packets)
   497  		default:
   498  			return
   499  		}
   500  	}
   501  	return
   502  }
   504  // when the flow is alive, only the timestamp_start is returned in structure
   505  func parseTimeStamp(r *bytes.Reader, readSize uint16) (tstart, tstop uint64) {
   506  	var numTimeStamps int
   507  	oneItem := nl.SizeofNfattr + 8 // 4 bytes attr header + 8 bytes timestamp
   508  	if readSize == uint16(oneItem) {
   509  		numTimeStamps = 1
   510  	} else if readSize == 2*uint16(oneItem) {
   511  		numTimeStamps = 2
   512  	} else {
   513  		return
   514  	}
   515  	for i := 0; i < numTimeStamps; i++ {
   516  		switch _, t, _ := parseNfAttrTL(r); t {
   517  		case nl.CTA_TIMESTAMP_START:
   518  			parseBERaw64(r, &tstart)
   519  		case nl.CTA_TIMESTAMP_STOP:
   520  			parseBERaw64(r, &tstop)
   521  		default:
   522  			return
   523  		}
   524  	}
   525  	return
   527  }
   529  func parseProtoInfoTCPState(r *bytes.Reader) (s uint8) {
   530  	binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, &s)
   531  	r.Seek(nl.SizeofNfattr - 1, seekCurrent)
   532  	return s
   533  }
   535  // parseProtoInfoTCP reads the entire nested protoinfo structure, but only parses the state attr.
   536  func parseProtoInfoTCP(r *bytes.Reader, attrLen uint16) (*ProtoInfoTCP) {
   537  	p := new(ProtoInfoTCP)
   538  	bytesRead := 0
   539  	for bytesRead < int(attrLen) {
   540  		_, t, l := parseNfAttrTL(r)
   541  		bytesRead += nl.SizeofNfattr
   543  		switch t {
   544  		case nl.CTA_PROTOINFO_TCP_STATE:
   545  			p.State = parseProtoInfoTCPState(r)
   546  			bytesRead += nl.SizeofNfattr
   547  		default:
   548  			bytesRead += int(skipNfAttrValue(r, l))
   549  		}
   550  	}
   552  	return p
   553  }
   555  func parseProtoInfo(r *bytes.Reader, attrLen uint16) (p ProtoInfo) {
   556  	bytesRead := 0
   557  	for bytesRead < int(attrLen) {
   558  		_, t, l := parseNfAttrTL(r)
   559  		bytesRead += nl.SizeofNfattr
   561  		switch t {
   562  		case nl.CTA_PROTOINFO_TCP:
   563  			p = parseProtoInfoTCP(r, l)
   564  			bytesRead += int(l)
   565  		// No inner fields of DCCP / SCTP currently supported.
   566  		case nl.CTA_PROTOINFO_DCCP:
   567  			p = new(ProtoInfoDCCP)
   568  			skipped := skipNfAttrValue(r, l)
   569  			bytesRead += int(skipped)
   570  		case nl.CTA_PROTOINFO_SCTP:
   571  			p = new(ProtoInfoSCTP)
   572  			skipped := skipNfAttrValue(r, l)
   573  			bytesRead += int(skipped)
   574  		default:
   575  			skipped := skipNfAttrValue(r, l)
   576  			bytesRead += int(skipped)
   577  		}
   578  	}
   580  	return p
   581  }
   583  func parseTimeOut(r *bytes.Reader) (ttimeout uint32) {
   584  	parseBERaw32(r, &ttimeout)
   585  	return
   586  }
   588  func parseConnectionMark(r *bytes.Reader) (mark uint32) {
   589  	parseBERaw32(r, &mark)
   590  	return
   591  }
   593  func parseConnectionLabels(r *bytes.Reader) (label []byte) {
   594  	label = make([]byte, 16) // netfilter defines 128 bit labels value
   595  	binary.Read(r, nl.NativeEndian(), &label)
   596  	return
   597  }
   599  func parseConnectionZone(r *bytes.Reader) (zone uint16) {
   600  	parseBERaw16(r, &zone)
   601  	r.Seek(2, seekCurrent)
   602  	return
   603  }
   605  func parseRawData(data []byte) *ConntrackFlow {
   606  	s := &ConntrackFlow{}
   607  	// First there is the Nfgenmsg header
   608  	// consume only the family field
   609  	reader := bytes.NewReader(data)
   610  	binary.Read(reader, nl.NativeEndian(), &s.FamilyType)
   612  	// skip rest of the Netfilter header
   613  	reader.Seek(3, seekCurrent)
   614  	// The message structure is the following:
   615  	// <len, NLA_F_NESTED|CTA_TUPLE_ORIG> 4 bytes
   616  	// <len, NLA_F_NESTED|CTA_TUPLE_IP> 4 bytes
   617  	// flow information of the forward flow
   618  	// <len, NLA_F_NESTED|CTA_TUPLE_REPLY> 4 bytes
   619  	// <len, NLA_F_NESTED|CTA_TUPLE_IP> 4 bytes
   620  	// flow information of the reverse flow
   621  	for reader.Len() > 0 {
   622  		if nested, t, l := parseNfAttrTL(reader); nested {
   623  			switch t {
   624  			case nl.CTA_TUPLE_ORIG:
   625  				if nested, t, l = parseNfAttrTL(reader); nested && t == nl.CTA_TUPLE_IP {
   626  					parseIpTuple(reader, &s.Forward)
   627  				}
   628  			case nl.CTA_TUPLE_REPLY:
   629  				if nested, t, l = parseNfAttrTL(reader); nested && t == nl.CTA_TUPLE_IP {
   630  					parseIpTuple(reader, &s.Reverse)
   631  				} else {
   632  					// Header not recognized skip it
   633  					skipNfAttrValue(reader, l)
   634  				}
   635  			case nl.CTA_COUNTERS_ORIG:
   636  				s.Forward.Bytes, s.Forward.Packets = parseByteAndPacketCounters(reader)
   637  			case nl.CTA_COUNTERS_REPLY:
   638  				s.Reverse.Bytes, s.Reverse.Packets = parseByteAndPacketCounters(reader)
   639  			case nl.CTA_TIMESTAMP:
   640  				s.TimeStart, s.TimeStop = parseTimeStamp(reader, l)
   641  			case nl.CTA_PROTOINFO:
   642  				s.ProtoInfo = parseProtoInfo(reader, l)
   643  			default:
   644  				skipNfAttrValue(reader, l)
   645  			}
   646  		} else {
   647  			switch t {
   648  			case nl.CTA_MARK:
   649  				s.Mark = parseConnectionMark(reader)
   650  				case nl.CTA_LABELS:
   651  				s.Labels = parseConnectionLabels(reader)
   652  			case nl.CTA_TIMEOUT:
   653  				s.TimeOut = parseTimeOut(reader)
   654  			case nl.CTA_ID, nl.CTA_STATUS, nl.CTA_USE:
   655  				skipNfAttrValue(reader, l)
   656  			case nl.CTA_ZONE:
   657  				s.Zone = parseConnectionZone(reader)
   658  			default:
   659  				skipNfAttrValue(reader, l)
   660  			}
   661  		}
   662  	}
   663  	return s
   664  }
   666  // Conntrack parameters and options:
   667  //   -n, --src-nat ip                      source NAT ip
   668  //   -g, --dst-nat ip                      destination NAT ip
   669  //   -j, --any-nat ip                      source or destination NAT ip
   670  //   -m, --mark mark                       Set mark
   671  //   -c, --secmark secmark                 Set selinux secmark
   672  //   -e, --event-mask eventmask            Event mask, eg. NEW,DESTROY
   673  //   -z, --zero                            Zero counters while listing
   674  //   -o, --output type[,...]               Output format, eg. xml
   675  //   -l, --label label[,...]               conntrack labels
   677  // Common parameters and options:
   678  //   -s, --src, --orig-src ip              Source address from original direction
   679  //   -d, --dst, --orig-dst ip              Destination address from original direction
   680  //   -r, --reply-src ip            Source address from reply direction
   681  //   -q, --reply-dst ip            Destination address from reply direction
   682  //   -p, --protonum proto          Layer 4 Protocol, eg. 'tcp'
   683  //   -f, --family proto            Layer 3 Protocol, eg. 'ipv6'
   684  //   -t, --timeout timeout         Set timeout
   685  //   -u, --status status           Set status, eg. ASSURED
   686  //   -w, --zone value              Set conntrack zone
   687  //   --orig-zone value             Set zone for original direction
   688  //   --reply-zone value            Set zone for reply direction
   689  //   -b, --buffer-size             Netlink socket buffer size
   690  //   --mask-src ip                 Source mask address
   691  //   --mask-dst ip                 Destination mask address
   693  // Layer 4 Protocol common parameters and options:
   694  // TCP, UDP, SCTP, UDPLite and DCCP
   695  //    --sport, --orig-port-src port    Source port in original direction
   696  //    --dport, --orig-port-dst port    Destination port in original direction
   698  // Filter types
   699  type ConntrackFilterType uint8
   701  const (
   702  	ConntrackOrigSrcIP     = iota                // -orig-src ip    Source address from original direction
   703  	ConntrackOrigDstIP                           // -orig-dst ip    Destination address from original direction
   704  	ConntrackReplySrcIP                          // --reply-src ip  Reply Source IP
   705  	ConntrackReplyDstIP                          // --reply-dst ip  Reply Destination IP
   706  	ConntrackReplyAnyIP                          // Match source or destination reply IP
   707  	ConntrackOrigSrcPort                         // --orig-port-src port    Source port in original direction
   708  	ConntrackOrigDstPort                         // --orig-port-dst port    Destination port in original direction
   709  	ConntrackMatchLabels                         // --label label1,label2   Labels used in entry
   710  	ConntrackUnmatchLabels                       // --label label1,label2   Labels not used in entry
   711  	ConntrackNatSrcIP      = ConntrackReplySrcIP // deprecated use instead ConntrackReplySrcIP
   712  	ConntrackNatDstIP      = ConntrackReplyDstIP // deprecated use instead ConntrackReplyDstIP
   713  	ConntrackNatAnyIP      = ConntrackReplyAnyIP // deprecated use instead ConntrackReplyAnyIP
   714  )
   716  type CustomConntrackFilter interface {
   717  	// MatchConntrackFlow applies the filter to the flow and returns true if the flow matches
   718  	// the filter or false otherwise
   719  	MatchConntrackFlow(flow *ConntrackFlow) bool
   720  }
   722  type ConntrackFilter struct {
   723  	ipNetFilter map[ConntrackFilterType]*net.IPNet
   724  	portFilter  map[ConntrackFilterType]uint16
   725  	protoFilter uint8
   726  	labelFilter map[ConntrackFilterType][][]byte
   727  	zoneFilter  *uint16
   728  }
   730  // AddIPNet adds a IP subnet to the conntrack filter
   731  func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddIPNet(tp ConntrackFilterType, ipNet *net.IPNet) error {
   732  	if ipNet == nil {
   733  		return fmt.Errorf("Filter attribute empty")
   734  	}
   735  	if f.ipNetFilter == nil {
   736  		f.ipNetFilter = make(map[ConntrackFilterType]*net.IPNet)
   737  	}
   738  	if _, ok := f.ipNetFilter[tp]; ok {
   739  		return errors.New("Filter attribute already present")
   740  	}
   741  	f.ipNetFilter[tp] = ipNet
   742  	return nil
   743  }
   745  // AddIP adds an IP to the conntrack filter
   746  func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddIP(tp ConntrackFilterType, ip net.IP) error {
   747  	if ip == nil {
   748  		return fmt.Errorf("Filter attribute empty")
   749  	}
   750  	return f.AddIPNet(tp, NewIPNet(ip))
   751  }
   753  // AddPort adds a Port to the conntrack filter if the Layer 4 protocol allows it
   754  func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddPort(tp ConntrackFilterType, port uint16) error {
   755  	switch f.protoFilter {
   756  	// TCP, UDP, DCCP, SCTP, UDPLite
   757  	case 6, 17, 33, 132, 136:
   758  	default:
   759  		return fmt.Errorf("Filter attribute not available without a valid Layer 4 protocol: %d", f.protoFilter)
   760  	}
   762  	if f.portFilter == nil {
   763  		f.portFilter = make(map[ConntrackFilterType]uint16)
   764  	}
   765  	if _, ok := f.portFilter[tp]; ok {
   766  		return errors.New("Filter attribute already present")
   767  	}
   768  	f.portFilter[tp] = port
   769  	return nil
   770  }
   772  // AddProtocol adds the Layer 4 protocol to the conntrack filter
   773  func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddProtocol(proto uint8) error {
   774  	if f.protoFilter != 0 {
   775  		return errors.New("Filter attribute already present")
   776  	}
   777  	f.protoFilter = proto
   778  	return nil
   779  }
   781  // AddLabels adds the provided list (zero or more) of labels to the conntrack filter
   782  // ConntrackFilterType here can be either:
   783  //  1. ConntrackMatchLabels: This matches every flow that has a label value (len(flow.Labels) > 0)
   784  //     against the list of provided labels. If `flow.Labels` contains ALL the provided labels
   785  //     it is considered a match. This can be used when you want to match flows that contain
   786  //     one or more labels.
   787  //  2. ConntrackUnmatchLabels:  This matches every flow that has a label value (len(flow.Labels) > 0)
   788  //     against the list of provided labels. If `flow.Labels` does NOT contain ALL the provided labels
   789  //     it is considered a match. This can be used when you want to match flows that don't contain
   790  //     one or more labels.
   791  func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddLabels(tp ConntrackFilterType, labels [][]byte) error {
   792  	if len(labels) == 0 {
   793  		return errors.New("Invalid length for provided labels")
   794  	}
   795  	if f.labelFilter == nil {
   796  		f.labelFilter = make(map[ConntrackFilterType][][]byte)
   797  	}
   798  	if _, ok := f.labelFilter[tp]; ok {
   799  		return errors.New("Filter attribute already present")
   800  	}
   801  	f.labelFilter[tp] = labels
   802  	return nil
   803  }
   805  // AddZone adds a zone to the conntrack filter
   806  func (f *ConntrackFilter) AddZone(zone uint16) error {
   807  	if f.zoneFilter != nil {
   808  		return errors.New("Filter attribute already present")
   809  	}
   810  	f.zoneFilter = &zone
   811  	return nil
   812  }
   814  // MatchConntrackFlow applies the filter to the flow and returns true if the flow matches the filter
   815  // false otherwise
   816  func (f *ConntrackFilter) MatchConntrackFlow(flow *ConntrackFlow) bool {
   817  	if len(f.ipNetFilter) == 0 && len(f.portFilter) == 0 && f.protoFilter == 0 && len(f.labelFilter) == 0 && f.zoneFilter == nil {
   818  		// empty filter always not match
   819  		return false
   820  	}
   822  	// -p, --protonum proto          Layer 4 Protocol, eg. 'tcp'
   823  	if f.protoFilter != 0 && flow.Forward.Protocol != f.protoFilter {
   824  		// different Layer 4 protocol always not match
   825  		return false
   826  	}
   828  	// Conntrack zone filter
   829  	if f.zoneFilter != nil && *f.zoneFilter != flow.Zone {
   830  		return false
   831  	}
   833  	match := true
   835  	// IP conntrack filter
   836  	if len(f.ipNetFilter) > 0 {
   837  		// -orig-src ip   Source address from original direction
   838  		if elem, found := f.ipNetFilter[ConntrackOrigSrcIP]; found {
   839  			match = match && elem.Contains(flow.Forward.SrcIP)
   840  		}
   842  		// -orig-dst ip   Destination address from original direction
   843  		if elem, found := f.ipNetFilter[ConntrackOrigDstIP]; match && found {
   844  			match = match && elem.Contains(flow.Forward.DstIP)
   845  		}
   847  		// -src-nat ip    Source NAT ip
   848  		if elem, found := f.ipNetFilter[ConntrackReplySrcIP]; match && found {
   849  			match = match && elem.Contains(flow.Reverse.SrcIP)
   850  		}
   852  		// -dst-nat ip    Destination NAT ip
   853  		if elem, found := f.ipNetFilter[ConntrackReplyDstIP]; match && found {
   854  			match = match && elem.Contains(flow.Reverse.DstIP)
   855  		}
   857  		// Match source or destination reply IP
   858  		if elem, found := f.ipNetFilter[ConntrackReplyAnyIP]; match && found {
   859  			match = match && (elem.Contains(flow.Reverse.SrcIP) || elem.Contains(flow.Reverse.DstIP))
   860  		}
   861  	}
   863  	// Layer 4 Port filter
   864  	if len(f.portFilter) > 0 {
   865  		// -orig-port-src port	Source port from original direction
   866  		if elem, found := f.portFilter[ConntrackOrigSrcPort]; match && found {
   867  			match = match && elem == flow.Forward.SrcPort
   868  		}
   870  		// -orig-port-dst port	Destination port from original direction
   871  		if elem, found := f.portFilter[ConntrackOrigDstPort]; match && found {
   872  			match = match && elem == flow.Forward.DstPort
   873  		}
   874  	}
   876  	// Label filter
   877  	if len(f.labelFilter) > 0 {
   878  		if len(flow.Labels) > 0 {
   879  			// --label label1,label2 in conn entry;
   880  			// every label passed should be contained in flow.Labels for a match to be true
   881  			if elem, found := f.labelFilter[ConntrackMatchLabels]; match && found {
   882  				for _, label := range elem {
   883  					match = match && (bytes.Contains(flow.Labels, label))
   884  				}
   885  			}
   886  			// --label label1,label2 in conn entry;
   887  			// every label passed should be not contained in flow.Labels for a match to be true
   888  			if elem, found := f.labelFilter[ConntrackUnmatchLabels]; match && found {
   889  				for _, label := range elem {
   890  					match = match && !(bytes.Contains(flow.Labels, label))
   891  				}
   892  			}
   893  		} else {
   894  			// flow doesn't contain labels, so it doesn't contain or notContain any provided matches
   895  			match = false
   896  		}
   897  	}
   899  	return match
   900  }
   902  var _ CustomConntrackFilter = (*ConntrackFilter)(nil)

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