- name: single arg is known rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- fragment argOnRequiredArg on Dog { doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT) } errors: [] - name: multiple args are known rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- fragment multipleArgs on ComplicatedArgs { multipleReqs(req1: 1, req2: 2) } errors: [] - name: ignores args of unknown fields rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- fragment argOnUnknownField on Dog { unknownField(unknownArg: SIT) } errors: [] - name: multiple args in reverse order are known rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- fragment multipleArgsReverseOrder on ComplicatedArgs { multipleReqs(req2: 2, req1: 1) } errors: [] - name: no args on optional arg rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- fragment noArgOnOptionalArg on Dog { isHousetrained } errors: [] - name: args are known deeply rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- { dog { doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT) } human { pet { ... on Dog { doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: SIT) } } } } errors: [] - name: directive args are known rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- { dog @skip(if: true) } errors: [] - name: undirective args are invalid rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- { dog @skip(unless: true) } errors: - message: Unknown argument "unless" on directive "@skip". locations: - {line: 3, column: 19} - name: misspelled directive args are reported rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- { dog @skip(iff: true) } errors: - message: Unknown argument "iff" on directive "@skip". Did you mean "if"? locations: - {line: 3, column: 19} - name: invalid arg name rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- fragment invalidArgName on Dog { doesKnowCommand(unknown: true) } errors: - message: Unknown argument "unknown" on field "doesKnowCommand" of type "Dog". locations: - {line: 3, column: 25} - name: misspelled arg name is reported rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- fragment invalidArgName on Dog { doesKnowCommand(dogcommand: true) } errors: - message: Unknown argument "dogcommand" on field "doesKnowCommand" of type "Dog". Did you mean "dogCommand"? locations: - {line: 3, column: 25} - name: unknown args amongst known args rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- fragment oneGoodArgOneInvalidArg on Dog { doesKnowCommand(whoknows: 1, dogCommand: SIT, unknown: true) } errors: - message: Unknown argument "whoknows" on field "doesKnowCommand" of type "Dog". locations: - {line: 3, column: 25} - message: Unknown argument "unknown" on field "doesKnowCommand" of type "Dog". locations: - {line: 3, column: 55} - name: unknown args deeply rule: KnownArgumentNames schema: 0 query: |2- { dog { doesKnowCommand(unknown: true) } human { pet { ... on Dog { doesKnowCommand(unknown: true) } } } } errors: - message: Unknown argument "unknown" on field "doesKnowCommand" of type "Dog". locations: - {line: 4, column: 27} - message: Unknown argument "unknown" on field "doesKnowCommand" of type "Dog". locations: - {line: 9, column: 31}