- name: with only operation rule: ExecutableDefinitions schema: 0 query: |2- query Foo { dog { name } } errors: [] - name: with operation and fragment rule: ExecutableDefinitions schema: 0 query: |2- query Foo { dog { name ...Frag } } fragment Frag on Dog { name } errors: [] - name: with type definition rule: ExecutableDefinitions schema: 0 query: |2- query Foo { dog { name } } type Cow { name: String } extend type Dog { color: String } errors: - message: The Cow definition is not executable. locations: - {line: 8, column: 7} - message: The Dog definition is not executable. locations: - {line: 12, column: 7} - name: with schema definition rule: ExecutableDefinitions schema: 0 query: |2- schema { query: Query } type Query { test: String } extend schema @directive errors: - message: The schema definition is not executable. locations: - {line: 2, column: 7} - message: The Query definition is not executable. locations: - {line: 6, column: 7} - message: The schema definition is not executable. locations: - {line: 10, column: 7}