# This file defines all the implicitly declared types that are required by the graphql spec. It is implicitly included by calls to LoadSchema "The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1." scalar Int "The `Float` scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by [IEEE 754](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating_point)." scalar Float "The `String`scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text." scalar String "The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`." scalar Boolean """The `ID` scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.""" scalar ID "The @include directive may be provided for fields, fragment spreads, and inline fragments, and allows for conditional inclusion during execution as described by the if argument." directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT "The @skip directive may be provided for fields, fragment spreads, and inline fragments, and allows for conditional exclusion during execution as described by the if argument." directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT "The @deprecated built-in directive is used within the type system definition language to indicate deprecated portions of a GraphQL service's schema, such as deprecated fields on a type, arguments on a field, input fields on an input type, or values of an enum type." directive @deprecated(reason: String = "No longer supported") on FIELD_DEFINITION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION | ENUM_VALUE "The @specifiedBy built-in directive is used within the type system definition language to provide a scalar specification URL for specifying the behavior of custom scalar types." directive @specifiedBy(url: String!) on SCALAR "The @defer directive may be specified on a fragment spread to imply de-prioritization, that causes the fragment to be omitted in the initial response, and delivered as a subsequent response afterward. A query with @defer directive will cause the request to potentially return multiple responses, where non-deferred data is delivered in the initial response and data deferred delivered in a subsequent response. @include and @skip take precedence over @defer." directive @defer(if: Boolean = true, label: String) on FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT type __Schema { description: String types: [__Type!]! queryType: __Type! mutationType: __Type subscriptionType: __Type directives: [__Directive!]! } type __Type { kind: __TypeKind! name: String description: String # must be non-null for OBJECT and INTERFACE, otherwise null. fields(includeDeprecated: Boolean = false): [__Field!] # must be non-null for OBJECT and INTERFACE, otherwise null. interfaces: [__Type!] # must be non-null for INTERFACE and UNION, otherwise null. possibleTypes: [__Type!] # must be non-null for ENUM, otherwise null. enumValues(includeDeprecated: Boolean = false): [__EnumValue!] # must be non-null for INPUT_OBJECT, otherwise null. inputFields: [__InputValue!] # must be non-null for NON_NULL and LIST, otherwise null. ofType: __Type # may be non-null for custom SCALAR, otherwise null. specifiedByURL: String } type __Field { name: String! description: String args: [__InputValue!]! type: __Type! isDeprecated: Boolean! deprecationReason: String } type __InputValue { name: String! description: String type: __Type! defaultValue: String } type __EnumValue { name: String! description: String isDeprecated: Boolean! deprecationReason: String } enum __TypeKind { SCALAR OBJECT INTERFACE UNION ENUM INPUT_OBJECT LIST NON_NULL } type __Directive { name: String! description: String locations: [__DirectiveLocation!]! args: [__InputValue!]! isRepeatable: Boolean! } enum __DirectiveLocation { QUERY MUTATION SUBSCRIPTION FIELD FRAGMENT_DEFINITION FRAGMENT_SPREAD INLINE_FRAGMENT VARIABLE_DEFINITION SCHEMA SCALAR OBJECT FIELD_DEFINITION ARGUMENT_DEFINITION INTERFACE UNION ENUM ENUM_VALUE INPUT_OBJECT INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION }